The One Night Stand

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The One Night Stand Page 2

by Elizabeth Hayley

  Jace rolled his eyes. “When I propose, there’s no one else I’d rather have stand up there with me than you and Ben.”

  “Where’s Aly going to stand?”

  Picking up a stack of Post-Its, Jace threw them at Gabe. “Can you just let me be serious for a moment?”

  If Gabe were being honest, he wasn’t sure he could. It was either make a joke or cry like a sap. And since Jace wasn’t likely to ever let him live the second one down, joking it would have to be. But as he looked at the sincerity in Jace’s eyes, he couldn’t keep it going.

  “I’d be honored,” Gabe said softly, all hint of laughter gone from his voice. The two men kept their eyes locked on one another for a heavy moment. Their gaze said what their mouths couldn’t: how important their friendship was to each of them, how much they depended on one another, how they were more like brothers than buddies.

  And then Jace nodded once and stood, effectively breaking their silent conversation. He stretched. “And maybe one day, you’ll stop being a player and settle down so I can return the favor.”

  Gabe felt his face twist up. “Nah, man. Not me. I’m not the settling down type.”

  “That’s what me and Ben said too,” Jace said with a sly grin.

  “Yeah, but you guys snagged the last two great girls on the planet. I’m shit out of luck.” Gabe smiled, but there was truth hidden in the jest. Gabe had dated—and fucked—his way through most of the greater Philadelphia area, and he’d yet to find anyone he felt he could go the distance with. Well, there was one, but that had been years ago in college, and Rachel hadn’t given Gabe the chance to show her he was more than the player everyone claimed he was.

  Though he couldn’t say he blamed her. Gabe knew he was an acquired taste. He tended to be a little too much for the kind of girls someone would want to wife up. So he’d decided a long time ago that the single life suited him better. And he was okay with it. Really. He was.

  “You’ll see. It’ll happen when you least expect it.”

  Since Gabe was never expecting it, using Jace’s logic should’ve had Gabe married off by now, but he kept that thought to himself. “Whatever, Love Guru. Stop distracting me and go to practice. I’ve got big money on you winning the Super Bowl.”

  Jace winked as he walked toward the door. “Easiest money you’ve ever made, buddy.”

  “It better be,” Gabe called after him as he left the office. Taking a minute to stare at the mountain of paperwork around him, Gabe sighed. When he’d left baseball, he thought his most grueling days were behind him. He’d never been more wrong.

  Chapter Three

  Gabe looked up at the scoreboard and gripped Ben’s arm. “Holy fuck. He’s going to do it. He’s really going to win the fucking Super Bowl.”

  Jace’s teammates formed the Victory Formation as Jace took a knee with forty seconds left on the clock. His team, the Commanders, had just intercepted the ball at their own fifteen-yard-line from the Memphis Wolverines, who had been driving down the field like their asses were on fire. The Commanders were only up by three, so the interception had been a crucial play by the defense. Now all Jace had to do was kneel until the clock ran out.

  Gabe couldn’t believe it. His best friend was winning a goddamn Super Bowl. The atmosphere in the stadium was electric, and it pulsed through Gabe with every beat of his heart. This was the part of competing he missed. These moments that were few and far between but served to justify every sacrifice he’d ever made.

  Jace kneeled for a final time, and Gabe launched himself at Ben who clutched him in return. “Aren’t you glad you told your coach to fuck off so you could be here?” Gabe asked Ben.

  Ben laughed and pulled away from Gabe slightly, though they kept their arms around one another’s shoulders. “Hell yeah.”

  Ben hadn’t really told his coach to fuck off, but he had told him in no uncertain terms that he was going to Texas to see his best friend play in the Super Bowl no matter the consequence. Ben’s coach told him that as long as he was present at the game the next day—and played as if he hadn’t jetted off to Texas the day before-—he wouldn’t hold it against Ben. Which was why Ben and his girlfriend Ryan were flying back to Denver at four AM the next morning. But the truth was less fun, so Gabe was going to stick with his version of the story.

  Gabe glanced across the box they were in to look at Aly, who was whooping and hollering like a madwoman. She was decked out in full Commander gear and seemed to think that Jace would be able to hear her if she yelled loudly enough.

  Laughing, Gabe turned back to Ben, who was hugging Ryan to him. They were so cute it was sickening. “Get a room,” he said because… well, what else would he say?

  Ben flipped him off and went right back to cuddling.

  “Why didn’t you bring my lesbian best friend?” Gabe asked. “Then I would’ve had someone to make fun of you two with.” Gabe was referring to Ryan’s best friend, Camille, who Gabe adored, mostly because she was fun to argue with.

  “We asked her, but then she heard you were coming,” Ryan said with a shrug.

  “That is a damn lie,” Gabe argued. “She loves me. She’s about two more months from going straight for me, you just watch.”

  Ryan and Ben burst out laughing, which made Gabe smile. In all honesty, he’d never met a woman more immune to his charms than Camille—and that included other lesbians. He could usually get anyone to at least flirt with him. But Camille had shut him down immediately upon meeting him. It was refreshing for Gabe to have someone be so utterly unimpressed by him.

  “You two sound like you doubt me. I’ll prove it,” Gabe said as he pulled his phone out of his back pocket and sent Camille a text.

  I’m at the game with Ben and Ryan, and they don’t believe you’d have sex with me. Tell them how madly in love with me you are.

  Gabe said what he was typing out loud so Ben and Ryan would know what it said, and then pressed send. A reply came back almost instantly.

  Who is this?

  Ben read it over Gabe’s shoulder, and then collapsed into hysterics with Ryan.

  Playing hard to get I see, Gabe typed. I’m into that.

  You’re into anything with a pulse.

  Gabe laughed. So you DO know who this is.

  Stop trying to sext with me and call me when you get back to Philly. I have some manual labor for you to do.

  Gabe knew that was Camille-speak for asking him to hang out when he got back to the city. Done, he replied. But I have one last question for you.


  Your vibrator is named Gabe, isn’t it?

  Goodbye, Gabriel.

  Gabe chuckled and pocketed his phone. He turned his attention to the chaos on the field. The Wolverines had finally left the field, and the league officials were starting to prepare for the presentation of the Vince Lombardi Trophy.

  “You guys are lame for skipping out on the after party,” Gabe said to Ben and Ryan.

  “I told you we’d stop by for an hour or so,” Ben said, sounding exasperated, probably because this was the eightieth time Gabe had razzed him about this.

  Gabe looked at Ryan. “He used to be fun. You changed him.” She’d actually changed him in all the best possible ways, but Gabe would keep that part to himself. And since Ryan chuckled in response, she clearly knew he was just giving her a hard time.

  “I was never that much fun,” Ben interjected.

  “That’s a very sad statement,” Gabe said. “But also very true. Who’s going to babysit me? And get Aly when it’s time to pump my stomach?”

  “Guess you’ll just have to be a big boy and not get out of hand,” Ben answered.

  “Being a big boy is overrated.” As soon as the words were out of his mouth, Gabe knew he’d let them sound too honest.

  Ben’s eyes softened and he looked like he wanted to ask about it, but Gabe knew he couldn’t. Not with Ryan there. The Players’ Club was a secret all members vowed to keep—even from loved ones. Gabe wasn’t sure how the g
uys managed to keep it from the women in their lives. He figured it would be hard not being able to be honest about something like that. But the rules were in place for a reason, and it was a system that had been working for a long time. It wasn’t going to change on his watch.

  Time for a subject change. “Besides, I’m already big in all the ways that matter.” Gabe winked at them, causing Ben to shake his head and Ryan to roll her eyes.

  After that, the ceremony started. Jace won the MVP Award, which caused Aly to start bawling like a deranged baby. Gabe went over and slid an arm around her. “Our boy did good, didn’t he?”

  Aly rested her head on his shoulder. “He really did.” They stood like that for the rest of the celebration—both of them reveling in seeing one of the people they loved most in the world fulfill one of his dreams.


  Gabe was on his third gin and tonic and feeling pretty good. Despite owning a club, he didn’t tend to drink much, so alcohol typically hit him pretty quickly. Ben and Ryan had left about an hour ago, after he’d guilted them into staying an hour longer than they’d intended. He’d lost track of Jace and had been roaming around the packed club that was hosting the after-party looking for someone to get into trouble with ever since.

  He saw Jace at the bar and headed that way. But as he rounded a pillar, he bumped into someone, causing his drink to slosh onto his shirt. His peripheral vision registered that he’d bumped into a woman as he pulled his now-wet shirt away from his body. “I’m so sorry,” he began. “I wasn’t looking…” Gabe glanced up and saw a petite brunette standing in front of him. A slow grin started to spread across her face as his eyes connected with her green ones. “Rachel?” he asked. “Holy shit, how are you?”

  They both moved in for a hug instantly. “I’m good,” Rachel said. “I should’ve known you’d be here. You and Jace always were inseparable. Where’s the third Stooge?”

  Gabe was gobsmacked. “He left a little while ago. He’s lame,” he said absently. “I can’t believe you’re here. Why are you here?”

  Rachel laughed the laugh he’d always loved hearing. He hadn’t seen her since they graduated college, but it felt as though no time had passed. She could have very well been standing in front of him in her cap and gown, wishing him luck in the Majors. “You know how I love my sports,” she said with a wink.

  And he did. They’d met when she’d asked to interview him for her sports journalism class. Well, actually, she’d asked to interview Jace, which had caused Gabe to rant for an hour about how football got all the attention. Jace had told him that if it was that big a deal to him, Gabe could go in his place. Since Gabe couldn’t back out after he’d made such a big thing out of it, he’d gone. And met Rachel. Who’d been severely disappointed to see him—a fact he’d easily overlooked because Rachel Adler was the most gorgeous creature Gabe had ever seen. He’d asked her out every day for a month after that until she finally agreed. But they’d been close to graduating, their whole lives ahead of them, and not in a place to try to make something out of it.

  “So, what have you been up to? Are you a famous journalist now?” Gabe asked.

  Rachel laughed. “Not so much famous. I freelance mostly. Nothing special, but I enjoy the freedom.” She tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and averted her gaze from him for a second before looking back and smiling again. “And you had quite the career. Exactly like you said you would when we met.”

  “And you thought I was being arrogant. I told you I was going to be hot shit.”

  “That you did,” she replied with a chuckle.

  She looked around again, and Gabe could sense that she probably wasn’t going to hang around. To hell with that. “Can I get you a drink?”

  Glancing down at her glass, she sloshed the ice cubes around before draining the rest of the liquid. “Sure.”

  Gabe smiled and put his hand on her lower back as they walked toward the bar. Jace was still there, and Gabe put his hand on the back of Jace’s neck and squeezed.

  “There he is,” Jace said as he pulled Gabe into an awkward one-armed hug. He was bleary-eyed and smiling like he just won… well, the Super Bowl.

  Clapping Jace on the back, Gabe extricated himself from his friend, who looked over Gabe’s shoulder where he clearly saw Rachel. His head tilted as if he was trying to figure out if he knew her or not.

  “Jace, you remember Rachel, don’t you? From college?”

  Jace’s grin grew. “Oh, yeah,” he said in a way that let Gabe know his drunk-ass friend was about to embarrass him. “I remember Rachel.”

  Rachel smiled politely at Jace. “Good to see you again. And congratulations.”

  “Thanks. It’s fucking crazy.”

  Laughing, Rachel replied, “I bet.”

  “Where’s your keeper?” Gabe asked Jace.

  “She’s upstairs in VIP waiting…” Jace’s eyes widened. “Oh shit. She’s waiting for me. I gotta go. Nice seeing you again, Rachel.”

  “You too,” Rachel called after him as Jace weaved haphazardly through the crowd.

  “What can I get ya?” Gabe asked as he waved to the bartender.

  Rachel set her glass down on the bar. “I’m going to switch to a cosmo.”

  “How Sex and the City of you.”

  Raising an eyebrow, Rachel replied, “How metrosexual of you.”

  “I love those broads.” Gabe gave the bartender their order, and then turned back to Rachel.

  “Which one’s your favorite?” she asked.

  “Charlotte,” he replied instantly.


  “Of course. Small, pretty, and brunette with a great smile? What’s not to like?” He smiled broadly at her, which made her roll her eyes.

  “Still a flirt, I see.”

  “You know it. But to be honest, you’re way hotter than her.”

  “Yeah? I love compliments. Keep ‘em coming,” she said as she took the drink the bartender delivered. “Thanks,” she said to Gabe.

  “My pleasure.”

  She leaned against the bar and took a sip of her drink. “So, let’s get back to me being hotter than Kristin Davis.”

  “Is that her real name?”

  “Yup. I’m surprised you even knew her name on the show.”

  Gabe swallowed some gin and tonic. “To be honest, Ben’s girlfriend had the show on in the room while we were waiting to leave for the game, so it was fresh in my mind.”

  She laughed. “Well now I’m way less impressed.”

  Shrugging, Gabe said, “That’s okay. I’m impressive in lots of other ways.”

  The night progressed that way: with the two of them laughing and catching up. And more drinking. A lot more. At one point, Gabe and Rachel were in the middle of the dance floor having a retro dance-move battle. Despite Gabe doing his best Running Man, Rachel’s Sprinkler was a crowd favorite. They stumbled off the floor laughing hysterically.

  They ended up against a wall so they could catch their breath. Suddenly, Gabe didn’t feel like laughing anymore. He watched Rachel—-the way her eyes sparkled from the strobe lights, the way the corners of her eyes crinkled, and the way she ran her fingers through her straight, chestnut-colored hair.

  She locked eyes with him, and her smile faded slowly. It was replaced by a heavy-lidded seriousness Gabe hoped like hell he wasn’t misreading.

  He leaned toward her slowly, giving her time to back away if she wanted. But she didn’t. And when their lips met, it was all Gabe could do to keep himself from pushing her against the wall and pinning her there with his body.

  Rachel parted her lips, and Gabe wasted no time letting his tongue sweep into her mouth. He placed a hand on her cheek to hold her steady as he lost himself in the sensation of kissing the girl he’d always sworn he’d fallen for even though his friends said he was crazy. He hadn’t known Rachel for long in college, but there had always been something about her. He was happy to discover there still was.

  Eventually, he pulled away just en
ough to whisper against her lips. “Want to come back to my hotel?” He cringed when the words were out, sure that she’d say no. Especially since it had come out more like a proposition than he’d meant for it to.

  But she surprised him by saying, “Yes,” before returning her lips to his.

  Gabe almost said to hell with his room, he’d have her anywhere there was space and a little bit of privacy, but he managed to maintain control of himself. He did need to be sure she was on the same page though. Which is why, before following through with it, he asked, “Are you sure? I mean, I don’t want to alcohol to be the reason you’re making a bad decision.”

  Looking like she was about to laugh, Rachel pulled back further from him. “And sleeping with you is a bad decision?”

  “Well, no. Yes. I mean, you might think it is. Later… when you’ve had time to—”



  “Take me to your hotel.”

  “Okay then,” Gabe replied, sounding just as relieved as he was eager. And if his voice didn’t convey his excitement, the fact that he was walking toward the front doors at a pace that would be considered a brisk jog for some people probably did.


  Once alone in the elevator, Gabe’s hands were on Rachel, sliding over her smooth skin and squeezing the meat of her ass before backing her against the mirrored wall. She moaned into his neck when he ground his erection into her. The rest of the journey back to his room was a blur as his mind was too focused on what Rachel looked like without clothes on. It wasn’t even close to the first time he’d pictured that, but he’d finally get to see her for real this time.

  Once they were inside, Gabe pulled off Rachel’s shirt, his hands slipping up her stomach and over her thin bra. Christ, her tits were more perfect than he’d even thought possible.

  “What?” Rachel pulled back with a soft laugh and looked at him in the dim light. It didn’t take him long to realize why.

  “I said that out loud, didn’t I?”

  She gave him an amused smile and nodded. “Mm-hmm.”

  “Sorry. I’ve just…”


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