Immortal Lord (Immortal Protectors Book 4)

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Immortal Lord (Immortal Protectors Book 4) Page 4

by H. M. McQueen

  “Hey girl. We’re looking for some action.” One of them called out. “You game for a good time?” She ignored them, not in the mood for their antics.

  When one of them stepped in front of her, blocking her path, she almost cursed out loud.

  A demon.

  Usually she could distinguish demons on sight. She’d not detected him. Had he somehow camouflaged his appearance? Either that or she was getting sloppy.

  Mentally she inventoried her weapons, two daggers, in the back pocket of her cross body bag. Her Glock tucked in the small of her back. Bullets didn’t kill demons, but they’d hurt like hell, both going in and exiting.

  The demon moved toward her, his eyes narrowed. “Bitch, you killed my brother.” His slow smile sent an icy path down her spine.

  She cursed inwardly at her lack of preparedness. Usually primed and vigilant, she never left her car without a blade in hand. Today she’d been distracted, thinking about Fallon. Her mind was not where it should have been. Otherwise, she might have picked up on the fact that they were demons, before getting out of the car.


  Tonia glared at the demon, not wanting him to know she was aware of the fact she was in deep shit. “Funny I don’t remember anyone as ugly as you. You sure I killed your brother?” She shrugged as if unconcerned. “Besides if I killed the demon, it was in self-defense. Or to save a life.”

  “Don’t lie bitch,” he spat out and took another step closer. “We are all brothers.” He swept his arm toward the other demons. “You go out hunting for us. I followed you here the other night after you met with that Protector, you led me back here.”

  Tonia tensed and looked over her shoulder to track the demons behind her and then she faced the demon in front of her. It would be costly not to know where each one stood.

  He smirked at the other two who moved in. “I brought my friends. We’re going to have us a party, maybe an all-nighter.” The demons laughed.

  Like hell.

  She lowered her head and coughed, in a fluid motion she unsheathed the daggers, holding one in each hand. “Good news. Just so happens I’m in the mood to party.” With narrowed eyes she ground out the next words. “Bring it.”

  The demons were fast, they seemed to flash in and out, mostly shoving or punching her. They didn’t try to hurt her, not much anyway.

  The message came through loud and clear. The demons didn’t plan to kill her right away. It didn’t take much to figure out what they planned to do once she was incapacitated.

  When she sliced through one of the leader’s arms, the large demon hissed and tried to slap her. Her reflexes sharp, she avoided the hit, but lost her balance when another demon shoved her from behind.

  Tonia turned and stabbed the one closest to her in the middle of his chest. He snarled and threw her an angry look as he fell forward landing face first onto the pavement. He didn’t evaporate, which meant he wasn’t dead. Damn it—missed his heart.

  The one who’d approached her first let out an angry growl and charged.

  Tonia leapt away, landing softly on the balls of her feet only to lunge again when another demon swung at her.

  Her breathing became labored as she dodged hit after hit. A hard punch from behind hurt and pissed her off. She turned and sliced across the demon’s chest, satisfied when he fell backward and evaporated.

  The kill cost her.

  She drew from the adrenaline fed by fear and rushed to the side, but not fast enough to avoid the next blow. She stumbled when a fist hit her in the stomach. Slashing in the air blindly, she barely kept from falling. A sharp pain ripped through her side.

  She’d been stabbed.

  The demon laughed and wagged his eyebrows at her. “Gotcha.”

  His glee was short lived when she kicked him in the balls and stabbed him in the shoulder. He staggered backward.

  Not waiting for him to recover, and spotting that the one on the ground was already getting up, she sprinted to her townhouse, barely making it inside before one of them slammed against the other side of the door. The door groaned when he kicked at it. Several more solid hits and in spite of her specially designed thick door, he’d be inside. But then the kicking stopped.

  “We’ll be back for you bitch,” he called, his voice muffled by the thick wood.

  Footsteps moved away.

  She wondered why they left.

  Then hearing other voices she relaxed. “Hey what’s going on?” It sounded like her neighbors and their annoying yappy terriers made an appearance. Obviously the demons attracted attention because someone honked a horn and a man’s voice called out again. “You guys all right?”

  Doubled over, she applied pressure to her side, and staggered to the bathroom, locking the door just to be safe.

  She gulped in air and pressed her lips tight. The wound hurt like hell. Bright red blood seeped through her fingers. Gingerly, she tore her shirt open and inspected the gash. No guts had leaked out, that was a plus. The cut looked to be quite deep, although it was hard to tell how far in it went, with so much blood pouring out.

  Her side pulsed and she blinked away tears. Tonia grabbed for the nearest towel and pushed it against the wound while she dug in the bathroom cabinet for a roll of gauze. Once she located it, with shaking fingers, tore the package open and grit her teeth. She shoved gauze into the wound and cried out at the piercing pain. Finally she took the bleeding towel and once again held it against the throbbing injury in hopes the bleeding would slow.

  The room began to spin and she slumped onto the wall beside the toilet. With small gulps of air, Tonia waited for the shifting to stop.

  She needed help. Her hand shook so much it was almost impossible to drag the cell phone from her bag. She considered calling Douglas, but her partner would ask too many questions. Besides, she didn’t want to drag him into this ugly world. He had a wife and children. Demons would relish that type of a target too much.

  In spite of the fogginess, she went over several scenarios. Nine-One-One meant her department would be notified. Same if she alerted her neighbor.

  Another dizzy spell hit. She leaned forward resting her forehead on the sink’s edge. If she didn’t call and get help soon, she’d pass out and lose the opportunity.

  There was no doubt in her mind the demons would return, maybe bring more with them. Yes, they’d be back once they were assured the neighbors were not looking out the windows any longer.

  Her eyes misted as she stared at the phone for a long while. Who could she call? Why didn’t she have a plan?

  If Alex were alive, he’d be the first one she’d call. He would not hesitate to protect her. Die for her.

  She took a deep breath.

  It hurt so badly.

  Oh God Alex, I need you.

  Not sure why, she dialed Inferno and asked for Sebastian. Hopefully he’d contact the only person that could be of assistance.

  Either that or he’d come over and finish what the others started.

  Chapter Four

  Fallon leaned on a short brick wall and bit into an apple. The crisp sweetness engulfed his mouth. It brought back thoughts of entire days spent laying about eating apples fresh from his family’s orchard. Days of leisure, the life of a Lord. What a waste of time it seemed now. How long had it been since he’d been able to relax?

  Lately, not at all. The damn humming of his body, a constant reminder of the threat inside. Fallon took a deep breath and relished the fact that tonight he felt calmer than he had in days. Couldn’t take it for granted, though. The urges would return—perhaps even stronger. At the moment, keeping the sinister anger at bay was a constant process.

  So far, the evening proved to be a quiet one, no demon attacks, the streets practically deserted. He wondered if some type of sporting event or another thing kept people indoors tonight. He shrugged and tossed the apple core aiming to hit a trashcan half a block away.

  Hearing the thump, he held his arms up. “Score.”

  “Bored Br
it?” Kieran walked up with a relaxed stride, with his arms loose at his sides his partner gave the impression of being at ease. But Fallon knew better, the Scot was far from it, the man scrutinized the area constantly. Night vision sharp by the glow emanating from his eyes.

  Fallon shook his head. “Nope, not at all. It’s good to have a quiet night. Getting some thinking time in.”

  Kieran’s eyes narrowed at him. “Are you all right?”

  Lips pressed together, he blew out air through his nostrils. “I’m fine, stop looking at me like I’m some sort of science experiment.”

  Uncertainty flickered across his partner’s face. “Sorry. It’s that, well, Julian wants us to keep an eye on you. It’s strange, haven’t seen you this relaxed in a while. It’s good.”

  “Yeah, I was just thinking that,” he conceded.

  His cell phone vibrated, and Fallon pulled it out and read the display.

  “Who is it?” Kieran asked. Protectors were not allowed calls during duty, not even on silent. Normally, a cell phone’s vibration was enough to be picked up by a demon’s sharp ears. But being such a dull evening, Kieran didn’t make that point to Fallon.

  “Hello Sebastian,” Fallon answered.

  Sebastian’s deep voice boomed into his ear. “Your friend Tonia called. Said she doesn’t have your phone number. Wants me to tell you she’s in trouble. Demons were at her place. I would have gone over to assist, but she refused to give me her address.”

  Not bothering to say anything to his partner, Fallon began running toward his car. The pounding of Kieran’s boots right behind him matched his hard heartbeats.

  “Thank you. I’m heading there now. Please text me her number,” Fallon told Sebastian.

  “Who’s Tonia?” Kieran asked barely able to close the door of Fallon’s car when he peeled off.

  “A friend.”

  “What is she?”

  “A human female.”


  “And what?”

  “Do you want to play fucking twenty questions or tell me the story?” Kieran snapped and then gripped the dash as they careened around a corner.

  “I caught her killing a demon once.”

  “What the hell?”

  “Shut up and listen.”

  “A couple of times actually,” Fallon continued. “She won’t listen to me, when I tried to convince her to stop. I told her she’d end up dead, but her reply was that she expects to die that way. Something about that’s what she was meant to do. Kill demons. Has the ability to see them.”

  “You didn’t report it,” Kieran stated, no accusation in his voice. “Fuck!” he yelled when Fallon ran a red light barely missing being hit by a truck. “If we’re dead we can’t help her.”

  Pulling up in Tonia’s neighborhood, they sat in the car and surveyed the area. With their enhanced night vision, the brightly lit street and parking wasn’t necessarily helpful. A red truck pulled in and parked, Fallon hesitated in exiting the vehicle.

  “Demons,” Kieran stated quietly when four males got out of the vehicle. “Low levels from what I can tell.”

  “It’s too bright for a fight, we’ll attract attention,” Fallon replied, itching to get to Tonia. “How about we let our presence be known and see what happens?”

  They exited the vehicle and rounded it, talking in low voices and acting as if they didn’t see the demons that stopped in their tracks and watched. Obviously recognizing them as Protectors, the demons looked at each other not sure what to do.

  Kieran walked to a tree and shoved his hands in his pockets. He glanced back toward the demons, and spoke loudly. “So hey what about that game tonight, I hate that we missed it.”

  Game? What the hell is he talking about? Fallon shrugged. “I don’t watch that sport.”

  His partner picked up on his ignorance of American sports and cocked an eyebrow. “Really? Do you even know which sport’s play-offs were on tonight?”

  “I don’t give a shit,” Fallon replied as he watched the low-levels get in the car and pull out of the parking lot, heading away. “Let’s go.”

  Fallon sprinted to Tonia’s door. Palm on the front door, Fallon concentrated. A series of clicks sounded and the door opened easily when he turned the knob. The Protectors hurried through the modernly decorated home, and didn’t stop until they found her slouched over, in the bathroom, a bloody towel clutched at her side.

  When she lifted her head, her unfocused eyes stood out from her deathly pale face. “Y—you made it.”

  Shocking pallor meant one thing…lots of blood leaking. Fallon rushed to her and without a word picked her up and raced back outside to his car.

  “You’re not taking her to a hospital are you?”

  Fallon shook his head. Tonia was dying. Her breathing barely noticeable. Unsure he could even speak he kept moving.

  “I’ll call Roderick,” Kieran told him, referring to one of the Atlanta Protectors who also happened to be a doctor. “I’ll ask him to meet us at your house, it’s the closest.”

  “Tell him to hurry, her heartbeat is very weak. She’s lost a lot of blood.”

  Oh God, let her make it.

  Chapter Five

  Kieran drove while Fallon held a passed out Tonia on his lap. He leaned his cheek against her cold face willing strength into her. She did not respond.

  “Drive faster,” he said through gritted teeth to Kieran, who glanced at him but did not speed up.

  “We can’t afford the time if we get the police’s attention. It’s best not to get pulled over right now.”

  He was right of course.

  Her soft breathing reassured him, but only a little.

  Less then fifteen minutes later, they pulled into the mansion’s circular drive. Kieran pulled to a stop in front of the house and ran around the car to open the door for him.

  The front door of the house opened almost immediately, both Wendy and Roderick ran out to meet them.

  Fallon got out of the car with the still unconscious Tonia in his arms and sped toward the doorway. They all hurried inside after him.

  Everyone rushed to a fully furnished clinic in the basement of his large mansion. Fallon laid Tonia on a bed and hovered over her for only a moment before Roderick’s large hand pushed him back. “Step back, let me get a look at her.”

  At over six foot six, the huge Spartan towered over Tonia making her look small and frail. The silver haired male began to work immediately, asking Fallon to hand him different items as Kieran pulled Wendy out of the room.

  The Fae would faint at the sight of blood and they didn’t need another problem on their hands at this point.

  “Is she going to be all right?” Fallon asked Roderick.

  “She needs blood.”

  “Fine take mine,” Fallon began to roll the sleeve up his arm.

  Roderick shook his head. “I’m not sure it’s a good idea to give her immortal’s blood. It’s against the rules. It will, in all probability, change her. Believe me, I know from experience that unless you have feelings for her, it’s a terrible idea. You could end up a bonded man.” The Spartan glanced over his shoulder when Wendy burst back into the room.

  “I can give her my blood, cover my face or something so I can’t see or smell it.” Wendy told them while attempting to hold her breath and cover her eyes.

  Kieran grabbed her. Wendy shrieked and slapped him away. “Stop Kit! I can do this, I can help.” She reached Roderick and tugged at his sleeve. “Well?”

  “Your blood is too strong for a human,” Roderick told her, taking Tonia’s pulse. “Fae blood is not an option.”

  “Damn it,” Wendy replied, and swayed.

  Kieran picked her up and carried her out of the room.

  “Take mine for chrissakes. We don’t have any other options do we?” Fallon kept an eye on Tonia to ensure she still breathed. “There aren’t any humans in the house.”

  “What about your butler? Hector right?” Roderick asked.

He’s gone home, to Spain, on vacation. And, I’m not sure he’s human,” Fallon told him, not expanding.

  Roderick gave him an exasperated look. “Looks like we don’t have many options then.”

  Wendy appeared at the doorway again, Kieran behind her glowering. She gave Fallon a wide-eyed look. “If you give her your blood, there’s a chance she’ll be immortal right? She’s wearing a crucifix. I don’t think she’ll be happy to come out of this and find out she’s immortal. She’s going to freak out.”

  Wrinkling his brow, Fallon frowned at Wendy, becoming exasperated. “Just because we’re immortal doesn’t mean we’re soulless,” he snapped louder than he’d meant to. “We’re wasting time on this conversation. I think she’d rather be immortal than dead.”

  He gave Roderick a pointed look. “Now let’s get to it, I will explain everything to her when she wakes. Let’s not waste any more time.”

  An hour later, Fallon remained hooked up to an IV. He willed his blood to flow faster. It seemed to take forever for the blood to fill each bag.

  Wendy neared and took his free hand in her two small ones. Her large sorrow-filled eyes met his. “I know you’re not soulless, I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings Fallon. My point was that she might not understand. We didn’t have a choice in what we are, our destiny chosen upon our birth. I hate making that choice for her. I’m truly sorry if I hurt you in any way.”

  Fallon raised her hands to his lips and kissed the back of each one. Wendy was a kind loving soul and he couldn’t stand to see the upset look on her face. “Don’t worry about it Wendy. Now please leave, I think the bag is full and we’ll have to uncover it.

  When Roderick took the last filled bag of blood and hooked it into Tonia’s IV line, Fallon moved to the bedside and held her limp hand trying to warm it with his. He watched as drop-by-drop of his blood went into her body.

  Roderick had already sewn the injury on her side together and wrapped her waist with thick clean bandages. With a sheet over her, tucked tightly under her arms and eyes closed, she looked like a beautiful angel in repose.


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