Immortal Lord (Immortal Protectors Book 4)

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Immortal Lord (Immortal Protectors Book 4) Page 10

by H. M. McQueen

  Fallon’s hips arched into her hand. He was precariously close to coming right in her hand.

  Rolling, he pinned her under him and slid his hands up her legs to cup her bottom. She wore nothing under the shirt. “You play dirty,” his voice was husky.

  “Umhmm,” Tonia wrapped her legs around him and with a primal growl he plunged in.

  Finally. Fallon’s weight over her made everything disappear. Desperation, anxiety and confusion were replaced by pleasure in the knowledge of each other’s bodies. Tonia raked her nails down Fallon’s broad back and cupped his butt to bring him deeper into her.

  His hips began to piston forward and back, each movement of his delicious body raking her across coals of heated anticipation. “You’re incredible,” Fallon spoke the husky words against the corner of her mouth. “Give in to me, come with me.”

  Tonia lifted her hips meeting his thrusts, her hands traveling up and down his back, her fingernails digging into his taut skin. “Yes.”

  His mouth traveled to her neck, his tongue tracing a pattern at the junction of her shoulder. The attention to the precise spot sent shivers down her body.

  “You feel so damn good,” his throaty voice fell over her like a satin sheet, and she pulled his face to her and took his mouth. She suckled his lips and traced them with her tongue. The entire time, he didn’t stop moving, sliding in and out of her heated center in fluid motions.

  When her mouth moved to his throat he moaned and pulled her hips up and pushed deeper into her. The friction of his length moving within was more than she could withstand and Tonia couldn’t stop the scream when she went over the edge.

  She floated downwards while Fallon continued his climb. His mouth found hers and she opened when he pressed, his insistent tongue and body demanding everything from her.

  The movements of his hips became erratic and he murmured soft words that didn’t make much sense as he neared climax. She reached down, her hands cupping his taut backside urging him to completion. “Come baby, come on.”

  Fallon growled loudly and spilled into her, his entire body shaking in release. The thrusting of his hips finally stopped and he fell over her fully spent.

  She enjoyed the feeling of his solid weight. Kissing his wet temple and jaw, Tonia closed her eyes. Her mate. At this moment everything seemed well. Of course, they still had to talk.

  Fallon held her in a tight embrace for a few moments. When he lifted his face, his violet eyes met hers seeming to search for something. Could a man be anymore handsome?

  “More,” she demanded wiggling under him.

  “More?” He asked, eyebrows rose. “Turn onto your stomach.”

  She did as he bid and moaned when he positioned himself behind her and lifted her bottom. Holding her hips in place, he guided into her.

  “Ahhh,” Tonia shouted and pushed back into him, taking him in fully. Fallon reached around, his fingers finding her core. His swift movements made her buck into his hand. “Oh God,” she cried out.

  He began to thrust into her, the sound of their bodies colliding, flesh against flesh battling with the sounds of their moans.

  Fallon pulled her upright, and continued moving in and out of her, his hips moving with precise movements that threatened to send her into the abyss too soon. When he began to nuzzle her throat, she lifted her arms and placed them around his head and turned her face to the side, to allow him more access. He nipped at her skin and she reveled in the closeness of the moment.

  Then he bit her.

  The shock of his incisors breaking her skin was instantly overshadowed by the strongest orgasm she’d ever had. Flutters of spasms trailed up and down her body and she cried out when blackness threatened to take over. Stars flew past her closed eyelids and she came over and again while he held her in place, the entire time pumping hard and fast, until she was sure she’d pass out from the onslaught of overwhelming sensations.

  When he came this time, the erratic movements took her over a final edge.

  Pulling his teeth from her neck, he licked the wound and both fell onto the bed, battling for breath.

  Her pliant body did not respond to her brain’s order to move away from him. She’d never experienced anything like this and as much as she tried, anger refused to take hold. “Why did you bite me?”

  “It’s part of bonding. I had to do it.” His concerned gaze flickered to her neck.

  “Is it a Protector thing?

  “Yes, that is another reason I tried to avoid having sex with you. Not sure you’d allow it.” Fallon rolled to his side, placing an arm under his head, his other one across her waist. “I wanted to talk and explain it to you before we made love.”

  Touching her neck, she felt two small bumps, it didn’t hurt, but she wondered if she had the mother of all hickies. “Probably best that I didn’t know. Not sure what to think right now. I should probably be supremely pissed.” When he cast his eyes down, she reached for his hand.

  “I understand.” His grip tightened slightly, “I want more than a physical relationship with you. I want a real marriage. But…” the hoarseness in his voice puzzled her.


  “We have to discuss what is happening to me.”

  This was going to be bad. “Can it wait for a little while?” she asked and laid her head on his chest. Not wanting to break the intimacy of the moment, the warmth of his embrace.

  “As long as you want,” he replied and kissed the top of her hair.

  How bad could it be? Probably the wrong question to ask from the way things in her life were going of late.

  Chapter Fourteen

  The white stucco of his large country estate contrasted sharply with the darkness of the night. Barely any moonlight filtered through the cloudy sky, yet Gerard could feel the full moon approaching. Standing before the lair’s entrance, he hesitated and studied the shadows surrounding the home. Guards roamed the grounds although there was very little need for security or sentries here. It gave them a sense of purpose, something to do.

  If he required protection, it was from the one already inside. The battle for leadership a constant part of his life, although lately, the threat loomed stronger than ever.

  In a few days he’d take possession of the Protector’s body. It didn’t matter where Fallon Trent hid, when the moment was right, he’d shed his current weakened body and take the stronger immortal’s. Within weeks, he’d completely purge the current man’s being, and the possession would be absolute. His lips curved as his personal guards flanked him. Always present, their loyalty beyond question. He’d ensured it by tying a lifeline with them. Simply put, if he died, within minutes they died along with him.

  Deciding to retire to his quarters and remain there until going to wherever Trent would be the day after tomorrow, Gerard went inside.

  Once in the entryway, he moved with complete authority. In the dimness of the main room, several human followers scurried away when Gerard stepped through the doorway. Reclining or sitting in many of the scattered loungers and chaises, those that remained in the room lay with low level demons and followed his movements, with barely concealed apprehension. Stupid piss-ants, they were his to do with as he wished.

  There voluntarily, most of the humans were addicted to the ecstasy brought on by a demon feeding from them. They held little value, except as a food source for him and his lower-level demons. Stepping to the nearest recliner, he grabbed a female by the hair and yanked her up, turning her head, his incisors snapped down. A soft whimper escaped as he bit into her neck, she didn’t struggle but instead went limp. When he began to feed, the female came to life, writhing under his grasp, moaning as she went into a sensual trance. As quickly as he grabbed her, he released the human, shoving her away. The woman stumbled only a few inches before looking back at him. Her sexual excitement angered him. “Go away,” he snapped and she scurried away.

  “Do something,” he instructed a demon who sat nearby, sharing a plush overstuffed chair with a young
human female. “I’m bored and need entertainment. Have the guards bring the succubus and a human male to my quarters.” He growled when the demon left the room, not hurrying as much as he’d like. They were not afraid of him anymore, maybe he’d become too lax as of late, and too preoccupied with his waning powers to pay full attention to the goings on.

  Before entering his rooms, he became aware someone waited for him inside. Damn it. No peace for the evil. Taking a moment, he wrapped in a protective barrier and conjured several wards around himself.

  Closing his eyes, he centered all the energy within and strengthened it. If the occasion called for it, his powers were now condensed to a lethal level.

  “I am not in the mood for company,” Gerard told Carlo, as he stepped through into the office portion of the large area. The high-level, stood by his desk, looking down at a paper. “Nor do I like anyone going through my things.”

  Carlo ignored him, taking his time raising his pale grey eyes to him. “I didn’t know we’re to be visited by several Masters in a few days.” The high-level regarded him curiously. At over six foot two, Carlo presented no small undertaking, the wide-shouldered demon, with the body of a linebacker, exuded pure power.

  When he’d first sired Carlo, he’d planned on the demon becoming his most trusted confidant, the closest thing to a son a demon could have. But demons were a disloyal lot and true to his blood, Carlo only did what came naturally. Given the opportunity, he’d kill his sire, no regrets and no second thoughts.

  Gerard stalked to his desk, and snatched the paper from Carlo’s hand. “Like I said, I don’t like anyone going through my private things.” Catching movement, he turned to his sitting area. Gia lay on the black couch. Nude except for a throw across her hips she stretched lazily and smiled at him. “What is she doing out of the cage?” he asked through gritted teeth.

  “She’s mine. I won’t have her caged up.”

  A weak spot, the succubus mattered to Carlo. Gerard glanced at Gia, who in turn now watched them with interest.

  “How long did you expect to keep your little secret Gerard?” Carlo asked, his eyes narrowed, his stance tense, expectant.

  How much did he know? “You had her spy on me,” Gerard told him, keeping his eyes trained on Carlo’s hands. “She spends most of her nights at Inferno causing trouble, what secret would she tell you? That I like to dance?”

  “Don’t take me for a fool Gerard,” Carlo told him, a muscle on the side of his face jumping. “You’re feeding from humans, more and more every day.”

  “I don’t have to explain my actions to you. Do you wish to challenge me?”

  Carlo didn’t reply. He regarded Gerard for a long moment. He seemed to be waiting for Gerard to strike first. Normally he would, he was not a patient person, but any extra emotion would drain power. Instead, sensing the guards approaching, he waited for the door to open.

  The guards entered with another succubus in tow, and a human male, who shrunk back when Gia jumped up hissing at seeing another sex demon in the room.

  Carlo lifted a brow and motioned for Gia to stay back. “Am I interrupting a feeding or actual entertainment?”

  It was better to remain passive. No doubt Carlo would challenge him, but the longer he could put it off, the closer he’d be to having his new body and enough power to defeat the arrogant high-level that assumed him an easy target. “Our conversation is not over Carlo. But I’ll let it go for now. Would you like to stay and watch?”

  Moving cautiously, not giving his back, Carlo moved to the chair that Gia vacated, the succubus moved with him, her eyes trained on the other one, a brunette who hissed back.

  “I’ll do the human, get rid of her now,” Gia demanded, not caring that she was standing stark naked in the middle of a room full of people. “Get her out of here now,” she screamed, her fingernails growing to claws. When the other succubus began snarling, her claws outstretched, the guards dragged her out. Succubae could be rather destructive when going at each other and they moved too fast to be entertaining.

  Gerard sat back and watched as the succubus calmed and zeroed in on the human male. Entranced by her spell of pheromones, the male was already sporting a raging hard-on.

  The succubus circled the male, like a lioness after her prey, and although the scent of fear emanated from the muscular male, the smell of desire was stronger.

  An hour later, Gerard lay on his extra large bed with Gia straddling him, while Carlo took the human male at foot of the bed. The sounds of their lovemaking filled the room. Closing his eyes while enjoying Gia’s ministrations, he threw his head back and growled. It was then that he realized the huge mistake.

  A major slip-up to allow oneself to relax amongst the enemy he realized, when the dagger pierced his chest.

  Not waiting for a second plunge of the blade, he flashed away straight to the prestigious housing area of Atlanta near where he sensed Fallon Trent. He used up too much of his precious power and had a hard time forming fully.

  Chapter Fifteen

  A soft snore startled her. Who slept in her bed? Tonia sat straight up and blinked, attempting to adjust her eyes. Fallon shifted in his sleep, turned away from the light streaming in from the window and faced her. The fact that so much light streamed into the room surprised her. Since he worked nights, she expected Fallon’s curtains to keep the room totally dark while he slept during the day. She studied his handsome face. Fallon was fast asleep, didn’t seem bothered by the brightness at all.

  Relaxed in repose, he presented the picture of a sleeping prince. His long lashes fanned down on his cheekbones, his sensual mouth pursed as if ready for a kiss, an errant lock tumbled across his forehead finishing the gorgeous rendering.

  She lay back, careful not to jostle the bed too much. Her gaze traveled down from his lips to the masculine planes of his chest, the light feathering of hair begging for her touch. Instead she trailed it with her eyes, following the path down the middle of his ripped stomach to his…

  “Do you like what you see?”

  Her face heated at his hoarse words and she erased any expression, ensuring her eyes were flat when they met his. Noting the sleepy smile and his drowsy barely open eyes, she lost any façade of toughness and leaned over to kiss his lips.

  “You’re an incredibly beautiful man,” she told him, surprised to see him blush. A perplexing male, surely he’d been complimented many times.

  He stretched and then wrapped his arms around her. “Men are not supposed to be beautiful. Women are that. You are that.”

  “Okay then, you are incredibly handsome.” she purred into his ear.

  “Mmmm,” his hand slid to her shoulders, but instead of pulling her to him, Fallon pushed her back. “We didn’t get to talk.” True. They’d done many things since the day before, made love, went down to the empty kitchen to forage for food before losing control and rushing back upstairs to the bed, to make love again and then finally falling asleep.

  She glanced at the clock on the nightstand. “It’s early yet, we’ve got all day before you leave.”

  He nodded, frowning pensively. “Tonia. You loved your late husband very much,” he began. At seeing her wide-eyed look, he explained, “I have strong sensory mind reading abilities.”

  “You—you’ve been reading my thoughts, all this time?”

  Pulling her face up to his, he kissed her on the lips. “Please listen, I will explain.” When she nodded, he exhaled. “I do not read thoughts regularly, as a matter of fact, I prefer not to. Too much like being a peeping Tom. So no, I have not been reading your thoughts.” His brows bunched. “People think some crazy things at times and it can make one have a bad opinion of someone just because of it.”

  “Okay, I believe you.”

  Fallon relaxed visibly. “What I started to say is that I don’t aspire to replace your deceased husband, but I do hope you will grow to care for me.”

  Tonia swallowed. “I do have feelings for you Fallon. I care for you a great deal. But
I’m still trying to digest all this. Tell me what did you want to talk about?

  He looked up to the ceiling as if collecting his thoughts. “Today Julian will return. He’ll probably have to repeat what he did to me last time. It’s necessary. I’ve been targeted for possession.”

  “What?” He released her when she pushed farther away and sat up, anxiety coursing through her. “What’s going to happen to you?”

  Meeting her gaze for a moment, his brow furrowed, his eyes reflected desperation. “I hope nothing. That Julian will block it until the Protectors and I find the demon and kill him. A Master demon.”

  “What if you fail?”

  “Then I will demand they kill me.”

  A myriad of emotions tumbled through her head and Tonia wasn’t sure which was the stronger, shock or anger. Not at him, but at the situation. Fallon watched her without speaking and then pulled her back into an embrace. She didn’t love him, but they’d bonded and she already felt protective of him. How long would it last? What about this whole mating thing?

  “Surely there is something we can do,” Tonia told him, and took his face in her hands. “We can’t just lie around here, literally.”

  Fallon went to wrap his arms around her again, but she wiggled out of his embrace. “We have to go and find this demon and kill him.”

  The man had the nerve to smile. “So you want to keep me around huh?”

  “This is serious.” She frowned. “You could die.”

  He wrapped his arms around her. “I can die any day, crossing the street, get hit by a bus or a cement truck.”

  “You wouldn’t die if a bus hit you,” she told him, giving him a sharp look.

  “That’s true.” He kissed the soft skin at her shoulder, and got up from the bed heading towards the bathroom. Turning to her he held out a hand. “Care to join me? We should shower before speaking with Julian. He’s downstairs.”


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