Welcome to Superhero School

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Welcome to Superhero School Page 1

by Gracie Dix


  Also by Gracie Dix

  Journey to Superhero School

  An Oliver and Jessica Prequel to

  The Vork ChroniclesTM


  Book One of





  TOAST INDUSTRIES. 14643 Dallas Parkway, Suite 1050, Dallas, TX 75254.

  WELCOME TO SUPERHERO SCHOOL. Copyright © 2020 by Gracie Dix. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner or medium whatsoever without written permission from Gracie Dix at the address above, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews.

  This book is not sponsored by nor affiliated with Marvel Comics or DC Comics.

  Cover by Biserka Design

  Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data has been applied for.

  ISBN 978-1-7345106-1-4


  I dedicate this book to literally everyone—

  no matter who you are, no matter what you look like.

  Sometimes your biggest flaw can be your greatest asset. Don’t ever hide who you are! Let your Super Powers shine and let the world see who you want to be. Keep fighting for what’s right, keep loving others as you would yourself, and keep your brave face on! Most importantly, keep your friends and family close to you and never let them go.

  Main Characters and Their Super Powers

  (In Order of Appearance)


  Oliver (Fletcher). Eighth-grader. Analytical and Processing Intelligence, Flight, Super Intelligence, Super Sensing, Wind.

  Jessica “Jess” (Fletcher). Seventh-grader. Force Field, Mind Reading, Scar Reading, Super Sensing, Super Speed, Wind.

  Teddy (Baird). Eighth-grader. Earth Magic, Teleportation, Super Speed.

  Darla (Madison). Seventh-grader. Finger Laser, Fire, Invisibility, Super Heat.

  Ondrea (Kendal). Freshman. Healing, Levitation/Molecular Kinesis, Telekinesis, Mind Reading, Super Speed, Super Strength.

  Francis (Heat). Freshman. Heat Vision, Super Hearing, Super Vision.

  Will (Brookes). Freshman. Heat Vision, Ice Powers, Invisibility, Super Strength, Super Stretch, Water.

  Rachel (Fletcher). Seventh-grader, when human. Morphing.

  Nick (Gator). Freshman. Dark Powers, Energizer, Energy Transference Power, Friendly Killing, Healing, Power Steal, Sensing, Super Intelligence, Super Strength, Vocal Manipulation.

  Spencer (Knight). Freshman. Dark Magic, Super Sense, Visions.

  Avery (Kendal). Eighth-grader. Dragon Abilities, Fire.

  Jason (Mackenzie). Eighth-grader. Fire, Super Intelligence, Water.

  Mason (Mackenzie). Eighth-grader. Earth, Wind.

  Luke (Dowry). Sophomore. Dark Magic, Marking, Super Strength.


  Samantha (Macintosh). Hair Whip.

  Lady Caldria. Master Healer.

  Damian (Fletcher). Dark Magic, Fire Power, Hypnosis, Shadow Power.

  The Boss. Dark Whip, Hypnotic Powers.

  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1. In Which There Is A Fire

  Chapter 2. In Which The Twins Receive Twin Surprises

  Chapter 3. In Which Oliver Receives A Mission

  Chapter 4. In Which The Love Birds Receive A Mission

  Chapter 5. In Which Darla Says Something Nice

  Chapter 6. In Which Oliver And Jessica Share An Alternate Reality

  Chapter 7. In Which Will and Jessica Make a Special Appearance

  Chapter 8. In Which Snowball Goes Through Puberty

  Chapter 9. In Which There Are Two Sticky Situations

  Chapter 10. In Which Pet-Sitting Becomes Difficult

  Chapter 11. In Which This Could Be A Good Place For A Fire Trap

  Chapter 12. In Which There Is A Fire Trap And A Man

  Chapter 13. In Which Rachel Is Leashed And Help Arrives

  Chapter 14. In Which There Are Two Losing Fights And An Experiment

  Chapter 15. In Which A Mourner Remembers And Then Disappears

  Chapter 16. In Which A Boy Is Healed And Power Is Exchanged

  Chapter 17. In Which Nick Is Taken And A Girl Is Discovered

  Chapter 18. In Which An Unsuspecting Guardian Appears

  Chapter 19. In Which New Twins Get Exciting News

  Chapter 20. In Which There Has Been A Vortex Still

  Chapter 21. In Which A Dare Is Made That Saves Lives

  Chapter 22. In Which The Boss Is A Nuisance

  Chapter 23. In Which Damian Indirectly Challenges Avery

  Chapter 24. In Which Luke Is Resilient And Stubborn

  Chapter 25. In Which There Are Many Breakdowns

  Chapter 26. In Which Spencer Decides To Be Helpful

  Chapter 27. In Which Oliver Reflects

  Chapter 28. In Which Wanderers Make a Discovery

  Chapter 29. In Which The Gang Comes Back Together

  Chapter 30. In Which Spencer Makes a Sacrifice

  Chapter 31. In Which Will Yells And Oliver Excels

  Chapter 32. In Which Mason Makes A Transformation

  Chapter 33. In Which Oliver Gives A Final Speech

  Chapter 34. In Which A New Journey Will Soon Begin


  In Which There Is A Fire

  Wheeeee!” Oliver Fletcher shouted joyously as he zoomed about his classroom.

  “Just because this is a Superhero School doesn’t mean you can Fly around the classroom like a misbehaving animal!” Mrs. Mel snapped. “Now sit down, Oliver!”

  Jessica Fletcher knew that whenever Mrs. Mel got even the least bit upset, she would Flare Up—her entire body lighting up like a Christmas tree, but with fire instead of lights. This time, though, Mrs. Mel was furious. Jessica didn’t want her twin brother to get in trouble in his first month at Superhero School.

  She and Oliver had always known they had Super Powers, but they hadn’t known there was a special school for kids like them. When their mother received the phone call inviting them to join the school, they were shocked and excited. They had no idea what to expect.

  They couldn’t have anticipated how many different Super Powers were represented by the kids. They hadn’t even known there were four categories of Super Powers: Earth, Water, Fire, Air. Oliver, since he was flying around the classroom, was obviously in the Air category. Jessica was, too. They figured that since they were twins, they must have twin Super Powers.

  Before coming to this school, they had never known anyone else with Super Powers, and always had to keep their abilities a secret. Now that they were surrounded by Superheroes, they finally felt free to be themselves.

  They’d even made some friends with Super Powers. Before they came to this school, they had read books about Superheroes and seen movies and television shows, and they had assumed all Superheroes were good. But at school, they found out there could be “superheroes” who were not really headed in the best direction.

  Most of the teachers at the school are really good at their jobs and are great with the kids. In fact, since the school only hires Superhero School alumni, the teachers all have Super Powers, and some of them had been dreaming about teaching at the school their whole lives. But Jessica had also discovered that some of the teachers don’t even like kids, and some are unhappy because their own lives hadn’t worked out how they’d hoped.

  “Oliver, please do what she asks of you for once,” Jessica pleaded. “Please!” She really hoped he would listen to her, at least this time.

  “Fine, I don’t care anyway. I mean, come on, sue me,” Oliver replied sarcastically as he floated d
own and sat firmly in his seat.

  “Okay,” Oliver thought, “I really do care. Seriously, though, did Mrs. Mel have to flare up? This is the first time I’ve acted up since the beginning of the year. Why did Jessica have to say that, anyway? Don’t get me wrong, I love her and all. I just don’t get why she has to be so bossy!”

  “After that vile and unnecessary interruption, let’s get back to the lesson,” Mrs. Mel said.

  All of a sudden, the fire alarm blasted everyone’s ears. It was so noisy, they could barely hear the announcement stating that one of the Flamies (a Fire-type Superhero) had just set the school on fire for the tenth time since the start of the year. Mrs. Mel began to Flare Up again, but Peggy calmly escorted the teacher out of the room and into the busy hall. The whole class Flew, Floated, Super-Sped, Teleported, and Speed-Walked out of the classroom in a chaotic fashion.

  “Jessica!” Oliver called, hoping to hear the sound of her voice calling back. He didn’t. “Uh-oh,” he mumbled. Oliver always tried to look out for Jessica, even when he was incredibly upset with her.

  “Yo, man, what’s up? I’ve gotten pretty used to these procedures,” a deep, familiar voice rasped from behind him.

  “Oh, hey, Teddy!” Oliver responded loudly, trying to be heard above the overwhelming noise that echoed in the halls. “Hey, man. Never mind that! Have you seen my sister?” He was worried and starting to smell the black, nauseating smoke from the gymnasium.

  “Sorry, wish I had,” Teddy replied thoughtfully. “Have you tried Flying? That might help,” he pointed out.

  “If I do, I’ll get in trouble for sure this time,” Oliver stated sadly.

  “Oh, my gosh, dude, this is your sister we’re talking about here. Show some love! Show her that you love her enough to break a rule.”

  “You do make a good point, Cupid,” he retorted. “Where’s your bow and where are you wings?”

  “Well, bye,” Teddy mumbled quickly.

  “Wait, sorry! I’m stressing out! Please come back!” Oliver begged. But Teddy was already gone.

  Amidst the chaos and commotion, Oliver suddenly felt even worse because he had upset his friend. Teddy had been the first person he and Jessica had met at Superhero School, and he had quickly become their best friend.

  Oliver pushed off the ground, scanning the panicked crowd for his beloved sister. He made a rough landing next to one of his sister’s closest friends, Darla.

  “Watch it, bird brain,” she sneered. “You almost knocked me over!”

  “Sorry,” he said. Did Darla really have to be so snippy, even now? “Hey, listen, have you seen Jessica? I am well past worried about her. Please tell me if you’ve seen her!”

  “Whatever. I’ll tell you because you’re nice. I think she said she was going to the bathroom or something.”

  “WHAT IS WRONG WITH HER?” Oliver raged. “WOULDN’T SHE HAVE ENOUGH COMMON SENSE TO WAIT!” He Flew off at the speed of light toward the Girls’ bathroom. Once he got there, he pounded on the door until his hand hurt.

  “HEY, you almost done in there?” he asked sarcastically.

  “Oliver? What are you doing here?” Jessica asked through the door. She was astounded and shocked he was still there. “You should be out of the school.”

  “You should be, too!” he yelled. “Please, Jess. I can smell the ash and smoke in the air! Come on!”

  Yes, the smoke was making his nostrils burn and his eyes sting and water. He could no longer hear any other kids in the hall. It was just the two of them. Alone. All of a sudden, he heard a crash and a shriek coming from the bathroom!

  “That’s it! You decent?” he asked. He had to admit, he was exasperated. “JESS?”

  Oliver didn’t hear a sound. He decided to take the risk, and he threw the door to the Girls’ bathroom wide open. But as soon as he entered, he almost passed out from the scent of ash, smoke, and stale air. He rushed around the corner as soon as he recovered to find poor Jessica putting all her strength into her Force Field. She didn’t know he was there yet, and he didn’t want her to know because that would distract her.

  Oliver Flew up to the concrete roof that was about to fall on his sister, and with all the strength he had, he began lifting the ceiling away from her.

  “Go!” Oliver managed to choke out, grunting from the strain on his weak arms. He could see stars, black splotches, blue splotches, and red.


  Jessica sprinted out of the bathroom and Super-Sped down the long, burning hallway to the front door.

  “MY BROTHER NEEDS HELP! PLEASE, HELP,” Jessica screamed. “Please. He’s in the Girls’ bathroom,” she said more weakly. The strain and reality of the situation finally slammed her right in the chest. Her brother could be dead! And if he weren’t dead already, then he soon would be. She passed out cold.


  Three minutes later, Oliver was beginning to lose what little strength he had left, as he desperately tried to inch out from underneath the gigantic piece of concrete before it crushed him. He suddenly heard a faint voice. It sounded distant, as if Oliver were in outer space.

  Oliver felt the weight lift off him and he felt himself falling. But he wasn’t just falling down; he was falling prey to the deep, black darkness.


  As soon as Teddy heard Jessica, he couldn’t suppress the urge to help. He and his girlfriend, Ondrea, Teleported to the hall in front of the Girls’ bathroom.

  “So, we might as well figure it out when we get inside,” Teddy said very quickly.

  “Sure thing,” Ondrea whispered anxiously.

  “One, two, three!” Teddy counted and in they went. Instantly, Teddy saw Oliver shifting out from underneath burning-hot concrete.

  “Whoa!” Teddy yelled.

  “I got this!” Ondrea insisted. She Levitated the ceiling chunk off of Oliver, and Teddy raced forward to catch him before he slammed his head on the stone floor.


  “Huh?” Oliver groaned, refusing to completely black out. He started moving and looked up to see Teddy’s concerned face staring down at him.

  “Are you okay, Oliver?” asked a girl’s voice.

  “Jessica?” Oliver wondered.

  “No,” Teddy’s voice said. “That would be my beautiful girlfriend, Ondrea.”

  “Oh, hey, Ondrea. I am . . . well . . . I’ve been better,” Oliver said. “Is Jess okay?” He choked, all of a sudden having a coughing fit.

  “Jessica passed out. But she’ll be okay, and so will you,” Ondrea said. “By the way, that was very impressive! You don’t even have Super Strength as one of your Powers!”

  “Let the poor dude rest, Ondrea. He’s a hero,” Teddy said.

  “I don’t feel like a hero,” Oliver gasped weakly as he went into another coughing fit. Then everything went dark.


  In Which The Twins Receive Twin Surprises

  Oliver woke up in the Superhero infirmary one week after Jessica did. Jessica was so excited to see him awake that she practically killed him with hugs. Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher were there pulling Jessica off him, only to start hugging him themselves even more.

  Oliver and Jessica knew they were so lucky to have such supportive parents. Even though Mr. sand Mrs. Fletcher didn’t have Super Powers themselves, they were so proud of their twins and always encouraged them. They were especially happy the kids were at Superhero Prep now and could finally really be themselves.

  Oliver sat up with the help of the same rough hands that had held him three perilous weeks earlier in the burning school: Teddy’s. He carefully opened his eyes to see Darla, Jess, Ondrea, Teddy, the doctor, and his parents. He felt groggy from too much sleep—but wondered to himself if that even made any sense—and was surprised to see that he was wearing a cast.

  “What’s with the broken leg?” he asked finally.

  “Funny story, actually . . .” Darla joked.

  Mrs. Fletcher interrupted and said, “Your father accidentally dropped you down eight fl
ights of stairs.”

  “How is that funny?” complained Oliver.

  “Exactly, Darla!” Ondrea exclaimed.

  “I was just kidding!” Darla said. “You know, trying to brighten the mood. But fine, bird brain and nerd brain, I’ll stop!” She threw her hands up in frustration. “Why do people have to be so picky?” she wondered. “All I wanted to do was put a light on in the dark, but noooo!”

  “Hey that’s not a great way to put light in the dark, Darla,” Ondrea murmured using her Mind-Reading Powers. “Besides, we need to do what’s best for Oliver to help him.”

  “Can’t I just Fly or something?” Oliver asked curiously.

  “Well, you could, but how would you possibly be able to push off the ground to start your flight?” the doctor inquired.

  “Meh, I’ll cross that bridge when I get to it,” Oliver said with a shrug.

  “Oliver, be polite,” Mrs. Fletcher ordered.

  “No, no, no! It’s quite all right,” the doctor argued. He hadn’t meant for his words to sound so harsh and quick. He saw that an argument was about to start between the boy and his mother, so he wanted to stop it.

  Three days later, Oliver, Jessica, and their parents were driving home in their navy-colored Mercedes when Jessica wondered aloud, “Did anyone die in the fire?”

  Oliver thought about the question. “I heard Peggy died in the fire, but not from the reason you’re thinking about,” he answered sadly. He took the loud silence as an invitation to keep going. “Apparently, Mrs. Mel accidentally caught her ablaze when Peggy tripped over rubble and fell against Mrs. Mel while she was Flared-Up.” Teddy had texted him that news the previous day. They were all silent the rest of the way home.


  Once they were home, Jessica ran upstairs to find the family dog, Snowball, waiting in front of Oliver’s closed door. She picked him up and started stroking him softly. Jessica walked briskly to her bedroom, opened the door, closed it, and then locked it behind her.

  When she turned, she found something lying on the pillow of her green bed. Filled with curiosity, she stepped cautiously toward it and put Snowball on the carpet beneath her. There, on her pillow, was a picture. The picture showed Peggy just one moment before she tripped and burned. Jessica studied it carefully, wanting to discuss it with Oliver. But she thought better of it. She wanted Oliver to rest. It had been a busy day, and she was very tired. Jessica took the picture and put it in the drawer of her nightstand. Then she drifted into a deep, peaceful sleep.


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