TANK_Forsaken Riders MC Romance

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TANK_Forsaken Riders MC Romance Page 5

by Samantha Leal

  She nodded and smiled and then she began to walk toward the front door of the garage.

  “Your pop’s out,” he said as she walked past him. “He said he’d be back in about ten minutes.”

  “Oh,” she said as she stopped in her tracks and looked back at him over her shoulder. “Did he say where he was going? He knew I was coming down.”

  Tank shook his head, his dark eyes drinking her all in and never leaving hers for a moment.

  She felt the little hairs on the back of her neck tingle.

  “I’ll wait inside,” she said, trying not to stammer. And then she turned her back on him again and kept on walking.

  When she reached the small office at the back of the building, she sank down in the dusty old office chair and breathed out. Her heart was racing and she felt nervous, afraid, and turned on all at once.

  She fanned her face with her hand and reached for her bag. She reached deep inside and pulled out her cell phone and thought about calling her dad, but she stopped herself when she thought about it properly.

  Tank had said he was on his way back.

  What was the point in harassing him?

  So instead, she opened up her text messages and began to write one to Kiara.

  J: Hey, hey ?? I feel like we haven’t spoken in forever and suddenly it’s like I have loads to tell you. Debrief and wine required. Can you make it over tonight? Xxx

  She hit send and then she leaned back further in the chair and closed her eyes. By talking to Kiara about it, she knew she was making her crush a reality, but if she didn’t go into it at great detail, then she felt as if she was going to go insane.

  It wasn’t long before her phone buzzed and she had a reply.

  K: Sounds like the perfect suggestion to me doll! I’ll be there for seven-thirty! Love ya xxx

  Jessica felt a smile spread out across her face and she held her phone up to her chin. Her and Kiara had been friends for such a long time, that they knew each other’s lives inside out, but it still didn’t mean she was any less nervous about admitting to the fact that not only was she falling for a man who was a lot older than her… but he was also the father of two, working for her own dad… and a motherfucking biker!

  “Ridiculous,” she said aloud as she shook her head in disbelief.

  “What is?” her father’s voice bellowed from behind her as he burst into the room and slammed a stack of paperwork down on the desk beside her.

  “Jesus!” she gasped as she held her hand to her heart. “You scared me!”

  “Well, maybe you shouldn’t sit alone in my office talking to yourself,” her pop mused. “You always were such a daydreamer.”

  “I’m not a daydreamer, I’m an analyzer, these things take time and a lot of concentration,” Jess said with sass and she smiled and cocked her head to the side.

  “Well, technically, today, you’re my accountant,” her pop said. “So, scooch on over and let me sit next to you. We have a long afternoon ahead.”

  “Yes, Sir,” she said with a mock salute as she slid the chair a foot further to the left and she wiggled the mouse on the ancient PC to bring it back to life.

  “You really need to update your technology, Dad,” she said as she tried to control her smile.

  “What’s wrong with this old thing?” he smiled, knowing he was about to be given an eye roll of epic proportions.

  She smirked and shook her head and then she found her way to the accounts folder on the desktop that looked like it hadn’t been touched since the last time she had been there.

  “Right,” she said. “Let’s get started. I have plans tonight so I want to be out of here by five at the latest.”

  Her pop smiled at her and saluted her back.

  “Yes, sir,” he joked.

  By the time the clock struck four thirty, Jess was almost fully done with what her pop had needed from her that day. She had helped him file all his expenses and catalogue them all on their accounting system. She had worked through their incomings and outgoings, and she hadn’t been disappointed, either, with some of the revelations.

  She had been doing her dad’s accounts for some time now, and this had been the first time she had ever been alerted to something that looked out of place. A large payment from an unknown source had gone into their account a week before.

  “So, are you going to tell me about it then, Dad?” she asked as she looked up at him and waited for his reaction.

  “If you’re referring to that payment, then no… because it’s business, and although you’re a part of this place, I don’t want to be answering to anyone.”

  His words were harsher than his tone and Jess crossed her arms over her chest.

  “Is it from the biker’s, Dad?” she asked him as she tapped her foot. She didn’t know why but the thought of The Forsaken Riders somehow being involved in her father’s business terrified her.

  He looked back at her and smiled.

  “You’ve never questioned anything on the books until today. Is that because Tank is here?”

  She realized he was right. So many payments came and went in and out of the account and she had never really thought anything of that until now. She felt her face flush red and she tried to back her way out of the conversation.

  “It doesn’t matter,” she said. “You’re right, this is your business, not mine.”

  Her pop came up to her and put his hands on her shoulders.

  “Everything I do is above board, Jessica, you know that,” he smiled. “I’m a stand-up citizen of this town, and this country.”

  She nodded and felt a wave of relief wash over her.

  “I know you are, and I’m sorry,” she said. “I just didn’t know, with the arrival of Tank, if things would suddenly start nosediving into criminal activity.”

  Her dad snorted with laughter and shook his head.

  “You always did have a wild imagination,” he said.

  Jess shrugged and tried not to let him see the look in her eyes that may give her away. She felt anxious and as if she wanted to grill him about Tank and everything he knew about him, but she could tell that it wouldn’t go down well.

  Instead, she kicked at the ground with the tip of her shoe and started to collect her things.

  As they left the office and headed back out toward the front of the car shop, Jessica could hear the sound of children’s voices and her heart instinctively skipped a beat.

  “Well, well, well,” her pop said happily as they stepped out of the darkness of the garage and into the harsh daylight.

  Tank was leaning back against one of the bikes with a smile on his face and his arms crossed over his chest, two children were running around in front of him. A boy and girl who were so incredibly adorable it made her stop in her tracks and smile too.

  “Well, what are you doing here kiddos?” her dad asked as he bent down and ruffled them on the head. “Is everything okay, Tank?” He looked up at Tank who’s smile was slowly fading.

  “I know, Rich,” he said with a shrug of his shoulders. “But there was nothing I could do.”

  “Oh, I don’t mind,” he said as he smiled back at the two kids. “I just didn’t know if something was wrong?”

  “Just their nursery closing early on me for a training day,” he said with a roll of his eyes. “You would think they’d tell the parents before they shut up shop.”

  He clicked his teeth and ran a hand through his hair to ruffle it. Jess could see the frustration coursing through him and it made him even sexier. His anger was like a bigger magnet, pulling her to him and making him want to know so much more.

  “This is Ella and Jacob,” Tank said as he wiped his dirty hands on a rag and threw it down across the seat of one of the bikes. “My pride and joy.”

  Jess found herself stepping closer and smiling toward them.

  “Hi guys,” she grinned as they both looked up at her.

  They both had his eyes, that was for certain. The same dark brown that was both engulfing
and intimidating. They smiled back shyly, and Jess couldn’t believe how cute they both were. Ella was clearly the youngest and she was dainty and girly in the most adorable way. She looked like a little princess. And Jacob was a little older, but still a small child. He was dark and brooding like his father, but Jess could tell by the way he spoke and moved that he had a fun streak and she was unbelievably intrigued by them both.

  “That’s terrible,” she said in response to Tank’s statement. “What time were they supposed to be there until?”

  “Six,” he said as he sighed and looked out across the parking lot. “I’m sorry Rich, but there’s not a whole lot I can do. Sometimes things come up, you know?”

  Jessica looked down at the two children and then at her father who had so much work flowing through the place it looked as if he would never get anything finished.

  “Do you not have anyone else in town who can help you?” Jess asked him genuinely. “I mean, if not, I would love to watch them for you?”

  Tank’s eyes immediately shot up to hers and when they locked in on her, she felt her heart skip another beat.

  His mouth twitched into a smile, but it was as if he forced himself to shut it down.

  “That’s really kind of you, Jess,” he said as he shook his head. “But no. I can’t, I just…”

  He trailed off and then turned his back on her and her father and he began to pack up his tools into a case and slammed it shut. Jess looked toward her dad with a pleading look in her eyes and her dad breathed in and sighed.

  “There’s no reason they can’t be around here for a while,” her pop said. “We close in a little over an hour. Why doesn’t Jessica keep them occupied and out of harm’s way while we finish up for the day?”

  Tank seemed to be considering it for a moment and then he looked back to Jess and then down at the kids.

  The little girl and little boy were holding hands and looking hopeful.

  “I’d like that, Daddy,” Ella said. “She seems nice. I like her sneakers. And her hair.”

  Jess found herself smiling and she shrugged as if she couldn’t argue with that assessment.

  Tank stayed silent for a moment, but then his cold and hard exterior cracked and he too began to smile and laugh. His eyes glinted so brightly they could have lit up a room, and Jess felt herself going weak at the knees.

  “Are you sure?” he asked as he looked deep into Jess’s eyes.

  “Of course, I am,” she smiled. “I haven’t got anything on.”

  She knew she was telling a white lie, but she could see how much her father wanted to keep Tank on board, and it was clear that there was much more to his story than met the eye. You could see how protective he was over his children, it was endearing but it was also heartbreaking. It made her afraid for what may have happened to them before.

  Was their past as muddied as it seemed?

  She hoped not.

  She smiled at him and he looked back to the kids who were grinning from ear to ear.

  “I mean, we could walk just around the corner and get ice cream for us all… If we’re allowed, of course?” she smiled as she cocked her head to the side.

  “I couldn’t think of anything better,” her dad said as he dipped his hand into his back pocket and pulled out a couple of notes and shoved them into Jessica’s hand. “On me. Go on kids, don’t come back until we all have one.”

  Jess raised her eyebrows at Tank and smiled, and she could see a look in his eyes that she both wanted to run to, and away from.

  He looked as if he was about to ruin her in every way imaginable.

  She swallowed and tried to look away. She didn’t want her father to see what was passing between them.

  “Come on then, kids,” she smiled as she took hold of each of their hands and started to walk with them toward the border of Main Street. “And don’t worry,” she smiled. “I am the best babysitter in town.”

  Tank took a deep breath. And it appeared to pain him to let them wander off, but at the same time, it was as if he knew he had to.

  “Don’t be long,” he called after them.

  And as Jess looked back over her shoulder, she saw her pop walk over to him and place a protective hand on his shoulder.

  She couldn’t hear what they were saying, or what was passing between them. But she knew that if it was coming from her dad, then it would be some ultimate words of fatherly wisdom.


  The ice creams were big and a multitude of colors. They had chosen exotic flavors like blueberry coconut and rainbow swirl, and they had walked back to the garage with big grins on their faces as Jacob carried his own and Jessica’s, and Jess carried the ones for her father and Tank. Ella slurped away happily on her own and when they turned the corner to head back to Durrett’s, her father was already rubbing his hands together in anticipation.

  “Now look at those!” he bellowed as he stepped toward them and collected one from Jess.

  She turned to Tank and he looked into her eyes. She smiled shyly and passed him the tub, full of mint choc chip and a drizzle of raspberry sauce.

  “I hope that’s okay,” she said, trying not to let herself blush. “Jacob and Ella said it’s your favorite.”

  Tank smiled and nodded his head as he thanked her and dug in the little spoon.

  “They would be right,” he winked as he caught her eye again.

  She felt her entire body tremble. His wink had been cocky and confident, but it had made her react. She liked it. It was sexy and intriguing.

  “Come on then guys, let’s leave the men to it,” Jess said as she put her hand on their shoulders and steered them toward the office. “We’ll just be inside.”

  She could feel Tank’s eyes on her as she walked away and her heart was pounding. He made her so nervous, it was almost addictive.

  In the office, the kids jumped up onto some of the dusty old chairs and ate their ice cream in silence. They were so happy and content with them that Jess almost didn’t want to interrupt their flow or spoil the moment, but at the same time, her curiosity was getting the better of her and she wanted to know more about them all.

  “It’s so nice to meet you guys,” she said gently as she looked across to them. “And your dad, he seems like a great guy.”

  “He is,” Jacob said in-between spoonfuls. “He’s the best dad there is.”

  It warmed Jessica’s heart to hear it, and she knew she was smiling from ear to ear.

  “Daddy says that we have to always look after each other,” Ella suddenly spoke up. “He says that’s what makes us a family.”

  Jess looked across at the little girl and at all her innocence. She truly was a delight and she couldn’t believe how intelligent and confident she was, it was lovely to see.

  “He’s right,” Jess smiled. “Families do look after each other, that’s the best thing about them.”

  Ella nodded her head as she spooned in some more of her rainbow swirl, the colors all now mixing together to look a dirty shade of turquoise and purple.

  “Where do you guys live?” Jess asked as she sat down next to them on the floor and looked up to them in their seats.

  “We have a house on the other side of Main Street,” Jacob answered. “It’s big and old.”

  “It creaks at night,” Ella said as she momentarily looked scared. “It has a wooden staircase.”

  “Wow,” Jess smiled. “That sounds like a pretty cool house to me.”

  “It is,” Jacob nodded. “I like it anyway, but Ella says it’s scary.”

  “It is scary, Jacob,” Ella said with exasperation. “It’s old and there could be a ghost.”

  “There isn’t a ghost,” Jacob said with an eye roll.

  Ella pouted and dipped her spoon into her tub to scoop up some more ice cream and she shrugged her shoulders.

  “Hey, guys,” Tank said as he walked through the garage and in toward the office. “I’m all done.”

  “Aww!” Ella said as she got to her feet and stomped
a little on the ground. “But I like it here, I want to stay.”

  “Mr. Durrett is closing up now,” he said as he ruffled her hair. “And I’m sure Jessica has plenty of things she needs to get done too.”

  His eyes traveled up to hers from her waist onwards. As he looked at her she felt her nipples stiffen.

  What was this man doing to her?

  He smiled at her warmly, and she got to her feet.

  “It’s been a pleasure,” she smiled. “And honestly, if you ever need any help… you know where I am.”

  Tank settled his gaze on her again as he put his hands on his kids shoulders and smiled.

  “Thank you,” he said genuinely. “I really appreciate that.”

  He turned and the three of them moved toward the doorway. Ella and Jacob both looked back over their shoulders and waved with wide smiles.

  “Bye, Jess,” Ella grinned. “Thank you for taking us for ice cream! Let’s do it again tomorrow!”

  Tank looked back over his shoulder and smiled too, and Jess felt so warm inside, it was hard to believe she too had just eaten something so frozen and cold.

  She watched them leave and wander out the main big sliding door at the front of the garage and she finally let herself breathe. She was so worked up and excited, and she couldn’t wait to get home and for Kiara to come over and tell her everything.

  “That was kind of you,” her pop said as he appeared in the doorway. “For offering to look after the children.”

  “It was my absolute pleasure,” she said as she threw her empty ice cream tub into the trash. “They’re great kids.”

  “I don’t think he has it easy,” her pop said with a look of concern. “He may be overcommitted, but he said he needs the extra money to help put away for the kids’ futures.”

  Jessica felt her heart melt all over again.

  “But he’s a Forsaken Rider,” she said. “Isn’t he?”

  Her pop smiled and nodded his head.

  “That doesn’t mean he’s rolling in dough, though, does it? And with two little mouths to feed and keep safe, well, I guess he is just glad of another steady income.”


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