Lucas (Must Love Danger Book 5)

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Lucas (Must Love Danger Book 5) Page 3

by Emily Jane Trent

  The cook served appetizers and drinks on the terrace. Nina settled into one of the lounge chairs. Her dark hair was cut in a bob, and her brown eyes shimmered with gold and bronze shadow. She was the mother of three children, and exuded happiness that was enviable.

  For a while, they talked about Nina’s family. Her husband worked for a tech company. The kids were growing up fast, going through different stages. Whenever Haylee had the chance, she took Evan to play with them.

  Nina shared a few funny tales about her kids, then said, “You texted that you hired a new bodyguard. Was that Tyler’s idea?”

  “How did you guess?” Haylee told her about the stalker. “I suppose it can’t hurt to be cautious.”

  “It sounds like the stalker is more than a little obsessed,” Nina said. “I can see listening to your songs a lot or hanging a few posters of you on the wall. But sending that many packages and sending floods of messages is unbelievable.”

  “My security screens all of that,” Haylee said. “But Tyler thinks that the stalker could try to intimidate me, even resort to threats or violence to scare me.”

  “I suppose not everyone knows how to handle their admiration in a healthy way.”

  “Especially if they have some kind of disorder,” Haylee said.

  “Your bodyguard better know what he’s doing.”

  Haylee told her about Lucas and how she had met him. “He seems competent, and he was in the Navy.”

  “He was a SEAL?”

  Haylee nodded.

  “He must be a hunk,” Nina said.

  Haylee smiled. “Yes, I’d have to be blind not to notice, but he is very professional.” The instant she said it, she knew it sounded lame. She wasn’t kidding anyone. Lucas was lust-worthy, and it might not be such a good idea to have temptation dangled in front of her.

  She couldn’t forget Lucas, with his copper eyes and how his gaze penetrated straight to her soul. He had matured but still had short-cropped brown hair with blond streaks, and short scruff on the chin—an alluring masculine look.

  After her friend went home, Haylee went to bed, but she didn’t fall asleep quickly. Her thoughts drifted to Lucas and about how understanding he had been. When she talked about her divorce and her son’s issues, he seemed to care.

  Yet it was his job to ensure her safety. Lucas had told her that her life and background were looked at for security reasons. That didn’t mean that Lucas was interested in her romantically. And even if he was, Haylee had no business giving in to the attraction.

  She needed to focus on her goal to get through the tour in one piece and return to her son. But that didn’t stop her from looking, and Lucas was definitely eye candy. She wouldn’t mind his constant presence so much, but she would have to make an effort to restrain her desire. Lucas was an acquaintance from her past and her bodyguard—but no more.


  Lucas took on his bodyguard role and worked with Haylee’s security. The flight to Chicago went smoothly and was a unique experience for him. Gone were the days when Haylee strolled through the airport unencumbered, like she had so long ago.

  Her private jet managed to accommodate Haylee’s personal staff, including her assistant, the tour crew, and her security team. During the flight, Lucas wasn’t far from her, but didn’t have a chance to talk privately. And there would be less chance after their arrival.

  The concert venue had been checked out in advance, and any safety issues handled. Haylee was performing at Ravinia in Highland Park, one of the oldest outdoor music festivals. The stage faced sweeping lawns, where attendees brought picnics to enjoy while listening to live music.

  The outdoor location presented challenges, but the team’s advance planning was intended to prevent any mishaps. Lucas texted Hawke with an update, and was glad to know he had the team’s support. As more information became available, their investigation to identify the stalker would proceed.

  Haylee was staying at the Hilton, and Lucas took the room adjoining hers. There was a connecting door, since he needed to get to her fast in the event of a crisis. As assignments went, guarding Haylee was a pleasure.

  But Lucas stayed alert, without allowing his attention to shift to the beauty of his surroundings. Such a distraction could lure him into complacency. Although he was in close proximity to Haylee, it wasn’t as though they were on a date.

  Haylee dined with her assistant, while security—including hotel security—hovered and observed. It was a bit of a circus, making Lucas wish he could sweep Haylee away to a discreet location for a relaxed meal. Although Haylee appeared enthusiastic about the upcoming performance, she surely felt the pressure.

  At the end of the evening, Lucas escorted Haylee to her suite and checked security. He didn’t make any assumptions, so looked in the closets, the bathroom, and even under the bed. It wouldn’t be the first time a fan had sneaked into a celebrity’s room, but he wasn’t about to allow that on his watch.

  “Can you stay for a few minutes?” Haylee said. “I want to call my brother and make sure Evan is okay. And I’d like to talk a little. It’s been a hectic day.”

  Lucas took a seat by the fireplace, and Haylee paced by the window while she spoke to Tyler. The drapes were closed; otherwise, Lucas would have moved Haylee away from the window. It might be his military experience kicking in, but he envisioned a sniper getting a shot at her.

  After the call, Haylee sat on the sofa and hugged a pillow. “I’m exhausted, and this is only the first stop.”

  “Could you have cancelled the tour?”

  “I have contracts,” Haylee said. “There is a lot of money involved. I want to maintain the relationship with my sponsors and supporters. If it was only for me, I might walk away.”

  “But you have your son to think of.”

  “You’re starting to get to know me,” Haylee said. “I’ll be fine as soon as I’m on stage. The adrenaline surge when I’m in front of an audience gives me an amazing high. I could sing all night, even though I wouldn’t be able to get out of bed the next morning.”

  Lucas laughed with her. “That’s probably why entertainers resort to drugs and alcohol.”

  “I did too, early on,” Haylee said. “My brother helped me see that was a mistake. If I had continued, I might not have been able to stop at all. The whole cycle is very addictive. The drugs, the stage, the fans; it’s a vicious trap.”

  “Only if you let it control you,” Lucas said, admiring her strength.

  “I get the impression that you really understand,” Haylee said. “I guess you’ve experienced plenty. I’m sure whatever you did overseas was tough.” Then she stretched and yawned. “I guess it’s getting late.”

  Lucas stood then said, “I better go, so you can get some sleep.” He went to his suite, closing the door behind him. Then he stretched out on the bed, imagining Haylee in his arms. In the privacy of his room, he admitted his overpowering desire. Yet when he was around Haylee, he wouldn’t allow emotion to cloud his judgment.


  The next morning at breakfast, Haylee called Evan, and her expression revealed her love for her son. Lucas had guessed who she was talking before being told. Evan was one lucky kid. The rest of the morning was busy. There was a lot involved in preparing for the concert.

  The open-air pavilion was nestled in a wooded area of the park. Security was stationed strategically, and the stage was set up. Haylee’s crew went to work getting things arranged. There were separate crews for audio, video, and lighting.

  The backline staff tended to the instruments, amplifiers, and any personal effects of the musicians. By the time Lucas arrived with Haylee, the rear of the stage was filled with the band’s gear and toolboxes. A place was set up along the side to tune and maintain instruments.

  It was quite a production and would be repeated at each concert location. Haylee didn’t have to deal with any of that. Jeffrey was a competent tour manager and handled all of it. It was enough for Haylee to get into costume and prepa
re for her appearance on stage.

  Haylee was dressed in a shimmery rose-colored dress, fitted to her figure with thin straps that were merely a tease. Strings of gold chains adorned her neck, matched with glittery earrings. She wore a lot of makeup, more than Lucas had seen up close before—but she looked good for the cameras.

  Lucas coordinated with security, then took his place at the side of the stage. He kept his eyes on the crowd but saw no signs of trouble. The fans were lively but not aggressive. And they clearly adored Haylee. She engaged with the audience, telling stories or jokes between songs.

  If Lucas hadn’t been in love before, he surely was then. It was an honor to watch Haylee’s live performance; she was stunning. Once the lights went up, she moved to center stage, charming the audience and melting their hearts with her songs.

  It was a good start to the tour. Haylee performed beautifully and returned to the stage for two encores. There was no sign of a stalker, and the concert proceeded safely. Lucas was relieved to have made it through the first hurdle.

  On the way back, Lucas sat next to Haylee in the limo, and one of her security guards sat facing them. He took a call then frowned. “Yeah, got it. Okay, I’ll let her know.”

  Lucas had a bad feeling about this. “What is it?”

  “There was a break-in.”

  “Where?” Haylee said, the color draining from her face.

  “It was at your estate,” the guard said. “Some idiot got onto the property and threw a brick through your window. The alarm went off and the police got there quickly. The cameras show a guy wearing all black, including a ski mask. That makes it tough to identify the intruder. Except for one thing…”

  “What is that?” Lucas said.

  “There was an envelope tied to the brick,” the guard said. “Inside was a letter to Haylee. The dude claims romantic involvement, that you’ve been lovers—and he signed it Your Destiny.”

  “He broke into my home?” Haylee said, stunned. “He could have harmed me, or hurt Evan.”

  For a minute, no one said anything. The implication was clear. The stalker knew where Haylee lived. It was a damn good thing that Haylee had been away, and that Evan was safely with her brother. Lucas dreaded to think what might have happened if they had been home.

  Chapter 4

  The incident at Haylee’s home made the news. Either the police or one of her staff leaked the story, and it created quite a sensation. Within the hour, a photo of the broken window went viral, along with the message that was attached to the brick.

  The letter was secure in the hands of Haylee’s security. But that didn’t stop the public from embellishing the rumor that she had been lovers with her stalker. Without seeing the letter, much was assumed. Haylee’s connection with her aggressor wasn’t a risqué story from her past, as social media posts claimed. She didn’t even know who the guy was. But there was no way to stop the gossip once it got started.

  It was awful to have her home broken into, and the public reaction wasn’t helping. Lucas decided that being rich and famous came with perks, but there was a dark side to it all. While a star’s lavish vacation in an exotic locale or walking the red carpet at events created envy, a celebrity had to deal with determined and sometimes disturbed super fans.

  Once they got back to the hotel, Lucas met with the security team while Haylee went to her suite. At the suggestion of her assistant, she was planning to soak in the tub and then get a massage. Amy seemed to be as much a friend as an assistant, and, to her credit, was a calming influence.

  Lucas texted Hawke, who had already seen the reports. The stalker had threatened Haylee, but also the safety of her son. Guards would be set up at Tyler’s home. Since he was the one who had hired Black Swan, he would most likely be cooperative about additional measures to tighten security.

  After Haylee had a chance to recover, Lucas went to check on her. She had changed into leggings and a t-shirt, looking delectable. Her long hair was in a ponytail, showing off her fine bone structure and big brown eyes. She looked more relaxed than she had earlier.

  “Do you need to be alone?” Lucas said.

  “No, I’d rather have company,” Haylee said. “I should be used to this sort of thing, but I’m not.”

  Lucas sat across from her and watched her sip tea.

  “I’d have something stronger, but we fly to New York tomorrow,” Haylee said. “I don’t have the luxury of blocking out the world.”

  “You’ve been amazing,” Lucas said. “I don’t know how you deal with all of this, but I hope that I can help.”

  “It’s good to know that I’m not alone,” Haylee said. “Stalkers are one of the scariest things about fame. It has happened before, but this guy has me rattled. It’s probably because he is insinuating some pretty personal things.”

  “I’m seeing this up close for the first time,” Lucas said. “I’ve heard people say that celebrities choose to live their lives publicly. But no one deserves to feel threatened.”

  “Many women in my profession are harassed by stalkers,” Haylee said. “It’s not uncommon for things to take a scary turn that requires a restraining order.”

  “If we knew who this guy was, I’d slap him with a restraining order so fast his head would spin.”

  Haylee’s phone vibrated, so she picked it up. Then she set it on the coffee table and put the call on speaker. “I hope you’re calling to see if I’m okay, Ryan.”

  It was Haylee’s ex, and she didn’t seem pleased to hear from him.

  “I saw the story,” Ryan said. “Is my son safe?”

  “You are unbelievable,” Haylee said. “You couldn’t care less whether some idiot grabbed me.”

  “You sound like you’re all right,” Ryan said. “I just want to be sure that you didn’t put my son at risk.”

  “His name is Evan, in case you forgot,” Haylee said. “And he is fine. How dare you accuse me of not taking care of him.”

  “If it wasn’t for your narcissistic need to be adored by the public, Evan would have a normal life like other boys.”

  “So, let me get this straight,” Haylee said. “You seized this opportunity to berate me and accuse me of being a bad mother—when you haven’t seen your son more than a couple of times since the day he was born?”

  “You always take everything so personally,” Ryan said. “No wonder we couldn’t get along. Just make sure that you don’t screw up. If anything happens to Evan, I’ll hold you responsible.”

  The call ended and Haylee grabbed the phone then threw it against the sofa cushions. “It’s always my fault. The failed marriage, that Evan is ill, and anything else he can think of.”

  Lucas was enraged but managed to keep his cool, for Haylee’s sake. He had nearly scooped the phone off the table and smashed it against the wall. The last thing she needed on a day like today was a call from her ex-husband, who was clearly an ass.

  “It’s not your fault,” Lucas said. “None of it is.” He wanted to wrap his arms around Haylee and tell her what a good person she was. He wished he could do more to make her feel better.

  “Ryan has a lot of nerve,” Haylee said. “He is mad at me, when he wasn’t there for his son ever.”

  “He has no right to point the finger at you.” Lucas moved to the sofa and sat next to Haylee. “Forget about him. Ryan is trash, and what he says doesn’t mean a thing. You’re a wonderful mother and willing to sacrifice for your son.”

  Haylee’s eyes grew moist and she rubbed her temple. “I shouldn’t let him get to me like that, but…”

  Lucas took her hand. To hell with propriety—Haylee needed consoling. “If I had my way, Ryan wouldn’t speak to you again, period. He doesn’t deserve your attention, and he isn’t good enough to walk on the same ground that you do.”

  Haylee was quiet for a moment, then she squeezed Lucas’s hand and smiled. “You have a way of making me feel good. It’s the way you look at me—even that first time we met. Somehow after talking with you, I felt like
I could face Los Angeles and that I had what it took.”

  “You did then,” Lucas said. “And you do now. You just have to stop listening to idiots.”

  Haylee laughed, which was music to his ears. Lucas wanted to hang out, but if he stayed any longer, he would kiss her. It was all he could do to resist. But she had a concert to perform in New York, and Lucas was supposed to be guarding her, not seducing her.


  After Lucas left, Haylee slumped against the sofa and stared at the door. She had the urge to go after him, yet she didn’t know what that would accomplish. It wouldn’t be good to appear needy, although that was exactly how she felt. It should be enough of a comfort to have her bodyguard in the adjoining room.

  Haylee was safe for the night, but that wasn’t all she wanted. It would be so much better to have Lucas beside her. He wasn’t just a bodyguard; he was a friend. And it was easy to imagine that he could be more. When Lucas held her hand, Haylee had been tempted to throw caution to the wind.

  That was Haylee’s way, because she had led an indulgent lifestyle. She didn’t have difficulty attracting men. The problem was finding a man who was good for her, a man she cared about. Lucas was different than the others. Maybe it was because he wasn’t from her world.

  But Haylee didn’t think that mattered. Lucas was warm and understanding, plus sexy as hell. He was the whole package, yet he wasn’t hers. And he wasn’t the type of guy to sleep with and then move on. Lucas was special, and Haylee had to admit that she was beginning to care about him.

  Emotional involvement was dangerous, and Haylee had to get a grip before she messed up the relationship. Lucas wouldn’t look at her the same way if he knew her past, her issues, and all the mistakes she had made. He deserved better, and she had to face that.

  Before going to bed, Haylee sent a text to Tyler. She had already texted her brother several times, and had spoken to Evan. But she couldn’t go to sleep until she checked one more time.

  The response came quickly. She shouldn’t worry. Security at her brother’s home was tight. Meri was taking good care of Evan, and while Haylee was on tour, Tyler would be at home much of the time. Despite the reassurances, it was tempting to quit the tour, but others counted on her.


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