Let's Do A Thing! (Victor Shmud, Total Expert #1)

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Let's Do A Thing! (Victor Shmud, Total Expert #1) Page 3

by Jim Benton

started to choke on the smoke.

  Huge sections of the ship were breaking

  away, and the Groogling crew ran in all

  directions. Some began preparing to aban-

  don ship.

  “What are you coloring?” Victor asked.

  “A duck. Like your duck.”

  “It’s a chicken,” Victor said firmly, and

  he picked up Dumpylumps.

  “I have to go, Patti.” He signed off, and

  hung up.

  He stroked Dumpylumps’s tiny head.

  “We’re in a pretty bad situation,

  Dumpylumps,” Victor said, and Dumpy-

  lumps nodded sadly.

  “It’s over for us, you know,” Victor said

  as he hugged Dumpylumps fiercely. “I love

  you, Dumpylumps.”

  Dumpylumps jumped up on the control

  panel and shook his butt at Victor.

  “That’s not a very nice thing to do,”

  Victor said.

  Dumpylumps picked up Patti’s phone

  and waved it at him.

  “Like the game! Of course!” Victor said,

  grabbing Dumpylumps.

  Victor pounded Dumpylumps’s butt on

  the control panel.

  “If it worked in the game, it will

  work here!”

  Dumpylumps’s butt feathers flew as

  the Groogling ship whirled around and

  began firing at the Frappletonian ship.

  Like a skilled surgeon, Victor managed

  to shoot off only their guns, leaving the

  Frappletonians alive but unable to fire back.

  He turned and spoke to Captain Grulf.

  “The Frappletonians are helpless, sir.”

  “Attack them!” Sergeant Skulgo shouted.

  “Now! While they’re at our mercy.”



  do that,” Victor said. “Or you

  could do something like we were discuss-

  ing earlier. You could explain the situation

  to them. Tell them that you could destroy

  them, but that you would rather have


  “But how can we forget everything

  they’ve done to us?” Sergeant Skulgo hissed.

  “You can forget


  . I forget stuff

  all the time. Nobody can remember every-

  thing,” Victor said, happily poking him in

  the belly. “Just add all the stuff to the list of

  other things you’ve forgotten.”

  “Maybe it is time to forget,” Captain

  Grulf said. “Yes. We’ll try that, Victor,

  and this time, Sergeant Skulgo, DON’T







  Mrs. Nozzleburp looked up at the sky as she

  listened nervously to Victor on her phone.

  “I think we’re just about done here, so I

  should be back any minute,” he told her.

  “Hey, just for fun, put my boots out on

  the playground and I’ll try to beam right

  into them.”

  “Victor, I know that you’re not really in

  space, but I need you to return to class

  immediately. I’m really quite worried.”

  “I am in space. I can prove it,” he said.

  “Wait, I’ll send you a picture to prove it.”

  A photo came through on Mrs.

  Nozzleburp’s phone. It was a picture of


  “Did you get the picture I sent?” Victor


  “It’s just a picture of your bird.”

  “Yeah, but it’s a picture of him in space.”

  Captain Grulf put his big alien hands on

  Victor’s shoulders.

  “I have some great news,” he said.

  “Is it somebody’s birthday?” Victor asked

  hopefully. “We’re getting cupcakes, right?”

  “No. We communicated with the

  Frappletonians. We explained everything,

  and we’ve all agreed to just forget the

  past and work toward peace.”

  “That’s great,” Victor said. “But you

  know, we could still ask around. There are

  a lot of crew members on this ship. It’s

  probably somebody’s birthday.”

  “We could not have done this without

  you, Victor.”

  “That’s very nice of you to say, sir. I did

  have some help from this butt.”

  He held Dumpylumps up to the cap-

  tain’s face.

  “Yes, we’re all very grateful to that butt

  as well.”

  They all saluted Dumpylumps right in

  the butt.

  “But here’s the thing. If something like

  this comes up again, we’re going to need

  you here. We’ve decided to make you a per-

  manent crew member.”

  “That sounds pretty good,” Victor said.

  “As long as I can do it from home, and not

  during school or on the weekends. Also,

  after school isn’t so good for me. And I’m

  pretty busy in the summer.”

  Dumpylumps pulled out a calendar.

  “Schedule something with my chicken

  here. We can make something work, I’m


  He winked at the captain.

  “Now let’s beam me back to the play-

  ground. Look for my boots and try to beam

  me right into them.”

  Captain Grulf snorted.

  “First, that thing is a duck. And second,

  you don’t have a choice in the matter,” he

  said. “You are now a full-time member of

  this crew. You’re never going back to Earth,

  and that’s final. We need you here.”

  Victor was upset. He didn’t mind being

  the battle expert on an interspace alien

  ship; in fact, he had planned to do that later

  on that month anyway. He just didn’t like

  the idea that he wouldn’t be able to do other

  things as well.

  “Things are what I like best,” Victor

  murmured to Dumpylumps, who tried to

  remember all the things they had done just

  that week.

  Victor frowned and secretly sent a text

  to Patti.

  Please send me picture of Nozzleburp,

  it said.



  Victor sat at the control panel and watched

  Earth get farther and farther away.

  “I’ve thought about it, Captain Grulf,

  and I’ve decided that I’m looking forward

  to spending the rest of my horrible life as

  a prisoner on this busted-up and nasty

  alien ship.”

  “I’m glad to hear that, Victor. You may

  come to love this nasty ship.”

  “I’m just sad that I’ll never get to see my

  beautiful Nozzleburp again.” Victor sniffed.

  “What a lovely name,” Captain Grulf

  said. “Is she your mother?”

  “My wife,” Victor said sadly. “And she’s

  the most beautiful woman on Earth.”

  He showed Captain Grulf the picture

  of Mrs. Nozzleburp that Patti had just

  texted him.

  Captain Grulf’s red eyes bulged and his

  mouth fell open.

  “Hot bananas,” he
whispered. “She’s

  gorgeous. From her woolly head to her

  majestically flapping elbow meat.”

  “Yes, she is,” Victor said. “I made her

  that way.”

  “She’s a robot?” Captain Grulf asked.

  Sergeant Skulgo and the other crew mem-

  bers handed the phone around to look at

  the picture.

  “No, she’s real. I said that I made her

  because I’m a beauty expert. It’s just one of

  the things I do. I can do it for anybody.”

  Captain Grulf stroked his chin and

  leaned in close to Victor.

  “Listen, Victor,” he whispered. “I’ve

  always felt that I could use a little help in

  the looks department. Do you think you

  could make me a bit more handsome?”

  “I could,” Victor said. “But the kind of

  good looks I can give you could cause a prob-

  lem on the ship. The whole crew would be

  jealous. It’s a bad idea. We shouldn’t do it.”

  Captain Grulf frowned.

  “Wait. I have an idea,” Victor said.

  “What if you made us all beautiful? Then

  nobody would be jealous!”

  He turned to his crew.

  “How about it, guys? Do you all

  want to be beautiful? Beautiful like the


  They all cheered and began making very

  beautiful poses.

  Victor quietly placed one more call home

  and talked to Patti.

  “I need you to do a thing,” he told her.



  Captain Grulf, Sergeant Skulgo, and the

  rest of the Grooglings sat patiently and

  waited for Victor to begin. They clapped

  their gross hands in excitement.

  “Please prepare yourself to be magnifi-

  cent,” he told them, and Dumpylumps held

  up a little sign to make sure they didn’t


  “I will now apply my top-secret beauty

  treatment. It will make you unbelievably

  gorgeous and would probably also be pretty

  good on a sandwich, if one of you brought

  a sandwich.”

  Victor moved quickly down the line,

  sprinkling the substance on them the way

  he had used it on Mr. Plumporski.

  “It tingles,” one of them said.

  “Interesting,” Victor said. “It has the

  same effect on janitor heads.”

  “It’s working,” Captain Grulf shouted,

  and his antennae started to curl. And then

  his eyebrows, and then his whiskers.

  “We’re beautiful!” Sergeant Skulgo

  cheered, and they all admired one another’s


  “Nice work,” Captain Grulf said. “You’re

  a great addition to the crew, and



  .” He

  stopped talking mid-sentence.

  The other aliens clutched their antennae

  and started to whimper.

  “It’s not stopping!”

  “We’re curling too much!”

  “It hurts!” they yelled.

  “Victor! Make it stop!” Captain Grulf

  cried. He fell to the ground and rolled

  around in pain.

  “I can’t,” Victor said. “The only stuff that

  will reverse this is on Earth, and you said

  we could never go back there. Sorry.”

  “Just go back!” Captain Grulf said.

  “Go now!”

  Victor put on the turn signal and steered

  the ship around and headed back toward


  “Hurry! We’re becoming too beautiful!”



  Patti heard a loud screech, like the sound

  a school bus makes when it puts on the

  brakes. She looked out at the playground

  and saw the huge alien ship hovering over

  the ground.

  The door opened and Victor waved.

  “Is it okay to leave this ship here for a

  minute?” he shouted.

  Mrs. Nozzleburp wobbled out to the


  “Victor! Come out of there!” she yelled.

  “Okay, but I have to get these guys

  out first.”

  Victor operated the controls and began

  shaking the ship up and down until the

  weeping Grooglings spilled out onto

  the ground.

  He then tossed Dumpylumps out of

  the ship and climbed down carefully onto

  Sergeant Skulgo’s face.

  “Patti, did you bring my equipment?” he


  “I did,” she said, and handed him Mr.

  Plumporski’s filthy mop.

  “I always felt that I’d be pretty good with

  this thing,” he said, and he dunked it in the

  mop bucket.

  Victor carefully applied the mop to their

  faces and washed off some of the beauty


  “I’m leaving just enough on for you to

  keep these flattering waves,” Victor said.

  “You guys really applied too much. You

  shouldn’t have used so much.”

  He turned to Dumpylumps.

  “I thought I told you we needed a warn-

  ing label on the bottle. You’re fired.”

  Dumpylumps immediately fainted.

  “Oh, get up,” Victor said. “You’re rehired.

  But I’m not going to pay you as much.”

  Dumpylumps thought for a moment,

  and realized that he had never been paid in

  the first place.




  Victor walked into his bedroom, followed

  by Dumpylumps.

  “I guess we managed to do a thing

  today,” Victor said. “And if you can do one

  of those every day, I think you’re doing

  all right.”

  Dumpylumps nodded and put what was

  left of the beauty treatment up onto Victor’s

  Special Shelf of Things.

  “Remember to put a warning label on

  that. Put that on your to-do list. First, learn

  to write, then second, make that label,”

  Victor instructed.

  “It was a good idea that Patti had, mak-

  ing the Grooglings promise to keep peace

  with the Frappletonians,” Victor said. “She

  told them that I could reactivate those

  beautiful curls by remote. I can’t, of course,

  but they don’t know that.”

  Dumpylumps tried to give a thumbs-up,

  but he wasn’t sure he even had a thumb.

  “And I was glad that Mrs. Nozzleburp

  didn’t agree to marry the captain. One day,

  when I’m old enough, I plan to marry that

  big beautiful doll myself.”

  Dumpylumps imagined what he would

  like to wear to the wedding.

  Victor checked to see if his mustache

  had grown yet. He planned to propose to

  Mrs. Nozzleburp the moment it came in.

  “Patti was a big help today,” Victor said.

  “I’m thinking about giving her a permanent

  position on the rock.”

  Dumpylumps spun around and eyed him

  angrily. He did NOT want Patti to have a

  permanent position on their rock.

  He threw his little notebook angrily to

  the floor and stood in the corner.

  “Patti thought you should have this,”

  Victor said.

  Dumpylumps was mad, but couldn’t

  resist turning his head slightly to see.

  Victor opened a box and showed it to

  him. It was a rock.

  “This will go right next to mine,” he said.

  “Look. Patti painted something on it.”


  DUCK, and she had taped the picture she

  had drawn of him next to it.

  His very own rock.

  “I know what you’re thinking. I told her

  over and over that you’re a chicken, but

  she insisted that this is exactly what it

  should say.”

  Dumpylumps hugged Victor, and the

  two of them looked out the window.

  A broken laser cannon that Victor had

  shot off the Frappletonian ship had fallen

  to Earth and landed right on his front lawn,

  where it smoldered and sparked.

  “I always thought that would be a good

  spot for a thing,” he said.

  Dumpylumps nodded, and took a seat

  on his own personal rock. He picked up his

  little notebook and pretended to write some-

  thing down.

  Victor looked at him and grinned.

  “Good week so far, Mr. Dumpylumps,”

  he said. “Let’s take a look at my calendar

  so you can tell me if

  I have a thing

  scheduled for





  Jim Benton

  is an author and artist,

  and the creator of many licensed properties. You may know

  some of the other things he’s made, like It’s Happy Bunny,


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