Awakened By The Shadow King (Captive 0f Shadows Book 3)

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Awakened By The Shadow King (Captive 0f Shadows Book 3) Page 2

by Bailey Dark

  There is a rush of heat that blows up my arms and over my skin as I stand, and I wonder if he is forcing it over me, or if the feeling comes naturally. Leading me around the long table and toward the fireplace, he releases my hand and I pull my fingers together, resting them in front of me. My eyes dance with the flames, watching the way the shadows of the room cling to the curves of his taut sides and firm curves of his thighs. Instinctively my hands move up to my stomach, pressing against it in an attempt to slow my laboring breath.

  “Come,” he says, sitting down on the large fur rug laying in front of the fireplace. “Sit with me.”

  My background of long and tedious lessons on etiquette attempt to scream profanities at me, but I swat them from my mind, reaching out and taking his outstretched hand as I demurely sit down next to him. I straighten the billows of my skirts around me and run my hands over the soft fur beneath my legs.

  The servant returns, placing a silver tray on the floor in front of us. He uncorks the bottle of wine and pours two glasses, handing the first to Kane for approval, and then the other to me. I smile at the servant even though I know his eyes will never meet mine. Kane smacks his full lips and looks over at me, his eyes darker than before. “Now, about your childhood.”

  I nervously divert my eyes to the flames, sipping my wine. “There isn’t much to mention about my childhood.”

  Kane stares at me for a moment before reaching up and running the back of his fingers down my arm. “Please, Briar. I wish to learn more about you.”

  The sincerity in his voice startles me for a moment and I can feel a pulsing sense of calm coming over me. It is surely his doing, but I don’t mind, the anxiety was beginning to take me over. I don’t want that to ruin the small bit of time we are getting to spend together. Kane’s kindness is only given in scraps of affection, so when he offers it freely…

  With my newfound calming sensation slowing the beating of my heart and a reciprocating want for him to know me more, I begin to speak. “As you know, I have my sisters who took up the majority of my free time, at least at first. My sisters and I were close when we were children, but things changed after a while.”

  Kane is watching me closely as I speak as if his interest is true. “And what did you do every day?”

  My brow lifts and falls as I look into the fire, picturing what my life used to be. “Well, from sunrise until very late hours of the night we were expected to attend lessons on etiquette and decorum. Unlike my sisters, I was forced to learn how to fight and tutors kept me awake for long hours to teach me about the underworld. My preparations were…unique in nature.”

  Kane wrinkles his nose and reaches over, pouring himself another glass of wine and then tops mine off. “That doesn’t sound like the life I expected of a princess. Where are the stories of parties, gallant suitors, and royal drama?”

  I let a laugh escape, feeling at ease enough to be true in nature. “I’m not sure, but if you find that out, I would love to know. It seems I missed my invitation to such adventurous events.”

  Boy, whatever he is doing to me through his tepid touch, it’s opening up that sass in me that I never dare to reveal to him. He is seeming to enjoy it though, his affections continuing. “What about your family, your friends? What were they like?”

  My shoulders shrug as I drink a bit faster. “I rarely ever saw my family, so I made friends with the servants. My family disapproved, but I felt so alone that it didn’t matter to me anymore. After my mother…” My throat closes up, disabling my ability to speak as pain lances through my chest. I lift my glass to my lips with trembling hands, hoping that Kane doesn’t notice. But he does. Kane notices everything.

  “It is alright to feel the sadness radiating from you,” he whispers, his face growing closer to mine. “It is natural to feel that way about someone so close to you, or so I’ve been told.”

  I lower the glass from my lips and turn toward him, staring deeply into his eyes. His comfort is hitting me deep, dampening the pain and turning my cringing knotted stomach to something more settling, more heated. My lips part just slightly and I can feel his breath against my skin. I long for his lips once again. To feel the radiating passion of his kiss, to feel my entirety lift from the ground beneath me and send me swirling through the wild winds of lust.

  My eyelids begin to soften and my breath catches just as the fire within the mantle sparks loudly, sending embers floating down onto the rug. I gasp, pushing back as Kane leaps forward, patting the smoking fur with his hands. The connection is broken, and part of me fears it is lost to the other world of violence and deceit that lurks just beyond the heavy wooden doors of Kane’s private dwellings.

  Chapter 2


  “I’m disappointed in you, Briar. Despite your skills as a fighter, you are clearly someone who is terribly uncoordinated,” I tease, still smiling despite myself as I bump my shoulder against her.

  The pull between us intensifies, just as it has all night, and the redness of her lips is suddenly too much to resist. I lean closer and smell the wine on her breath. It is my second chance, and I feel as if the heat and intensity between us will bring me to my primal place.

  Briar arches toward me for a second, her body perfectly curved. I can imagine my hands placed right at the base of her back, holding her body beneath me. But just as my hand slides forward, she pulls away before our lips can connect.

  “I should go to bed,” she whispers.

  There is a tenderness but a caution in her voice. I know she still despises me for the threat I made to her father; the threat to break her down and use her for my own cruelty, to ruin her. I had hoped that she would realize that they were words meant to hurt him, not statements of true intent. I am not so good at making amends, it’s not something I do on a regular basis. But I feel as though I need her kiss more than the air in my lungs, and without her trust, I fear I will never feel the softness of her lips again. I flutter between making her my property and giving her everything she desires. My fangs itch with a soul-deep yearning to bite and mark her as my own.

  Briar stands and fixes her skirts. She glances down at me as I struggle to my feet, the pain in my side nearly unbearable. Before I can reach my height, she turns and begins walking toward the door. I attempt to follow, but she presses her hand to my chest.

  “Tonight was lovely, Kane. I hope our future is filled with more just like this.” Her smile is rehearsed, just the same as I had seen it a hundred times since we met.

  There’s a sadness I don’t quite understand dancing in the pit of my heart. She slips through the door, leaving me in the center of the room with a dumbfounded look on my face.

  I send the tray and empty bottle of wine away with the servants and reluctantly retire to my sleeping quarters. The scent of Briar’s perfume and that subtle hint of vanilla still clings to my shirt. I strip everything off and crawl beneath the covers. With a deep breath, I call forth my power and pull the darkness into my body to heal my wounds. Shadow wraps around me with its icy embrace until the pain bleeds out of my tired limbs. If not for that, I would lay awake thinking of Briar but the exhaustion slams into me without mercy. With the relief of my pain, a much deeper sleep than I am accustomed to sends me spiraling off into the dream world.

  The persistent knock on the door the following morning is followed by Willem’s face hovering over me. I blink open my eyes and scowl, not wanting to wake just yet. “Last thing I wanted to wake up to was your beat up mug.”

  The reaper scuffs at my failed attempt at humor and crosses his arms over his chest. He taps his foot impatiently against the floor of my room as I tear myself from the rejuvenating sanctity of my bed and put on some clothes. “You know, sometimes I think you forget that I’m your king.”

  “I don’t forget, I just don’t prioritize your rank over our friendship. Unlike you.” Willem feigns offense and trails along behind me as we return to the office.

  “Planning for this trip won’t happen unless I can move
you to sit and decide exactly what path is best,” Willem defiantly says as I take a seat behind my desk. “We are facing a long and arduous journey, only made worse by the fact that we have to look after a mortal the entire way. If it were just us…”

  “It’s not,” I pointedly say, cutting him off. “There is no use in fighting over that fact. You know just as well as I do that we need her. Briar is vital to our plans.”

  For the past few days, we’ve overlooked the proposed details for our trek through the underworld countless times.

  Willem stares at me for a couple of moments, gauging my anger, knowing when he has pushed too far. He clears his throat and looks down at the map strewn across my desk. Pointing at one of the many options of routes, his eyes shift up toward mine. “We could cut through the mountains to shorten the distance. Not only will it benefit us, but it will make the trek all the less stressful for the mortal. I know that is one of your concerns.”

  Crossing my arms, I shake my head. “Not with Briar with us. The creatures that dwell there are likely to sense her mortality. I can’t shield her scent the entire journey or else I’ll be too drained to fight, if that’s what it comes to. I used a lot of strength to heal my wounds and I’m still restoring my depleted energy. And let’s face it, you can’t take on those creatures on your own, nor do I foresee you going out of your way to protect Briar at all cost.”

  Willem takes a seat across from me at the desk, his mood softening just a bit. “The outcome of our plan is just as important to me as it is to you. If that means protecting her then I will do it.” His eyes shift over me, and I can feel his mind probing me, wondering where I hurt and what can be done. “The Nephilim really did a number on you, didn’t it?”

  “I can handle it.” I shrug, but the pain from before is still sharp despite the healing that commenced during the night.

  “You’re handling it a lot better than the situation between you and Briar. I thought you would have fixed it by now,” Willem says accusingly. “Just tell her it was a misunderstanding and let her know that we need to be careful while traveling through the mountains. If she’s smart, then she’ll obey and not behave like a petulant child.”

  His tone is back to defiant, and it is starting to scratch at my nerves. “We need to get Drogaem’s crown as quickly as possible, but not by sacrificing our only hope of opening Archech. No mountain path. Find another way.”

  It’s obvious his concerning tone from before is nothing but a feeble attempt to calm my own irritation. Willem pounds his fist on the desk and his nostrils flare, eyes snapping with anger. “We’ve been arguing this for days. We’re closer than we’ve ever been to getting the crown, but have barely made any progress.” The reaper stands and begins to pace across the floor. His mouth is pinched into a frown. He stops and points toward the door. “Right now, she’s useless and weak. You’ll have to train her on the way there. No need to travel all that way just to watch her fail.”

  Running my tongue over my fangs and folding my hands in front of me, I nod. “You’re right.”

  “I know,” the reaper huffs, almost curious as to why I am agreeing with him. “The incompetence of your bride is astounding even to me.”

  Something coils in my gut, a warning or perhaps just paranoia, but it’s unsettling, nonetheless. Willem never particularly enjoyed the presence of mortals but his dislike for Briar seems to go beyond his normal disdain. There isn’t a moment he isn’t looking for a reason to shine a negative light on her.

  “I meant you’re right about training her,” I hiss. “When Briar first came here, you tried your hardest to intimidate her, but you were also protective out of loyalty to me. Now it’s like you don’t care whether she survives this journey or not.”

  Willem sighs heavily. “Our lives have been dictated by the whims of mortals for too long. I’m tired. They beg for favors and use us, all while pretending to be obedient servants. They treat us like tools to use whenever they please. How long am I supposed to sit by and ignore these facts? After they have done everything to destroy the power behind what we are? I won’t wait for that. And I won’t feign concern for their kind just to look like an obedient servant. You know that’s not who I am.”

  I hold my tongue fully aware that Willem’s words reflect my own thoughts at times. He is right when it comes to mortals acting ungrateful, and showing that they are generally distrustful creatures. Only Briar seems to be the exception to the rule.

  My eyes shift down toward the desk and I purse my lips. “I haven’t told her why she’s coming along. She doesn’t know how important she really is.”

  “Why?” His look is one of irritation and confusion.

  “I don’t know how she’ll react,” I admit. “Briar is already angry with me. If she finds out the truth, she might think I’m only using her for her power.”

  Willem lifts his brow nonchalantly. “Aren’t you?”

  “I’m not sure anymore.” The honesty of my confession is startling.

  I shake my head and pinch the bridge of my nose, trying to find some semblance of calm in the storm of Briar’s emotions. The soul bond grows stronger with each day and I fear it might be my undoing. If it comes down to choosing Briar’s life or the crown...

  I shove those thoughts out of my mind and stand up to leave. Willem watches me closely. I can feel his eyes burning into me. The fate of my realm and every soul in it rests in the hands of my young bride.

  Just the thought of it pulls me toward her. My feet move faster than my own thoughts. I make my way through the halls, following the beat of her heart and the smell of her oils. The door to my mother’s secluded garden opens as I approach. I’m struck by the image of wild, dark waves that draw my eye toward the expansion of pale flesh. The still waters of the pool reflects her dazed expression.

  Sensing my presence and turning to greet me, Briar loses her footing. I sprint toward her, wrapping my arms around her waist, feeling the supple flesh of her thighs press against me. She gasps and instinctively leans into my touch.

  Her eyes widen when the engorged flesh of my manhood brushes her leg through the fabric of my trousers. “I…I just wanted to see the sanctuary one last time before we leave.”

  She speaks in a quiet whisper, not moving an inch. Just that teasing touch, so innocent in nature, sets my blood aflame. Briar’s fingers curl against my shoulders, rippling my shirt as the tiny prickles of her nails score my skin in the sweetest way. Her pink tongue darts out to wet her lips and I wish to taste her. Spit dampens her plush mouth, luring me closer like a siren’s call.

  Her eyes are closed and her supple cheeks thinning as my name whispers across her lips. “Kane…”

  I breath in her warm air and growl low in my chest. She shivers as my calloused hands grip the generous curve of her hips. She feels so right, so perfect within my arms. My mind imagines the passion erupting right here at the base of the trickling pool of water, our bodies intertwining against the stone of the fountain. I can almost hear the sounds of her ecstasy echoing through the garden. I know I need to release her, but my own primal needs are latching on, and I fear without reprieve I will have what I want.

  Chapter 3


  I wait for the fear that once held me hostage to steal my courage again, but it never comes.

  Heat crawls up my neck and settles from the tips of my ears to the high points of my cheeks. The muscles of Kane’s arms flex, reminding me that this is a creature that could tear me to pieces in one fell swoop. And yet I’m not afraid, at least not how I was before. He is ice where I am fire. He is the darkness that surrounds me even as I reach for the light. Black consumes the whites of his eyes and I lose myself in his stare.

  This time it is me who steals the kiss, helpless to deny myself the pleasure any longer. Like a moth to flame, I am drawn to him in a way that is beyond my control. But I don’t want that control. I submit to that alien feeling inside of me that wants to be a willing victim of Kane’s passion. His lips sear me t
o the marrow of my bones and I let him. I gasp and feel the sweep of his tongue as it dips inside the moist cavern of my mouth.

  Hands grip my flesh in a bruising hold and the thought of being marked by him sends a thrill rushing through my body. Wetness trickles from my core as Kane traps his erection between my thighs. He hisses through his teeth and pulls away from the kiss to suck and nibble at the side of my neck. I want his bite...the thought is both frightening and appealing, but I can’t deny that it was mine.

  Mine. The word roars inside of my head, but it’s not my voice that I hear. It’s Kane’s. His deep rumble reverberates in my head like a scream echoing through a cavern. My attempts to shake it away only make it louder, diving deep into the very pit of my being, intertwining with my own lust and desire until I cannot tell what is foreign and what is mine.

  Kane ruts against me as my hands scramble for purchase. I drag my nails down his back, listening to the dangerously erotic sounds that escape him. I am the one that can reduce him to this. Kane’s hands hoist me up. He slams my back against the brick and I thank him with a startled moan. I don’t care that I hate him or that he hurt me in this moment. I just never want him to stop touching me. My legs wrap around his narrow hips as his fingers stray toward the place I need him most, but as he grows closer, I reach down and grab his hands, pulling my head away, shaking it wildly.

  “Wait,” I manage to get out through breathless gasps. “Wait.”

  Kane sets me on my feet and steps back. I feel as though I am lost in a cloud of lust and desperation. I put my hand to my head and try to clear the fog all around me. The deepness of need and want are so strong, but these are not my feelings. These are not my emotions or my attachments. There is a very stark difference in what is pulsing through me and how I felt just moments before he entered the sanctuary.

  I am angry with Kane even though I might not hate him as much as I want to. There are still so many secrets between us. I can’t trust him. I won’t trust him. I’m tired of being vulnerable while Kane, Willem, Aiden, and the other creatures of this world seem immortal. They underestimate me and that’s the only advantage I have.


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