Designed by Desire

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Designed by Desire Page 3

by Pamela Yaye

  “Is that a promise?” The question was out of Brianna’s mouth before she could stop it.

  “I won’t do anything you don’t want me to.”

  Brianna hid a cheeky smile and swallowed the provocative quip on the tip of her tongue. She’d never been one to act on impulse, and she always did exactly what was expected of her. But she’d realized something about herself after Bailey’s kidnapping. Deep down, she longed for more—more spontaneity, more thrills. Life had never felt so precious, so valuable, and tonight Brianna wanted to do something wild and completely out of character.

  So, why not do Collin? she thought. Spending the rest of her night cooped up in her hotel suite sketching designs didn’t appeal to her, but dancing in a Paris nightclub with a hot, dreamy brother sure did.

  “We’ll go check out Le Baron, and if you’re not feeling it, we’ll leave.”

  Brianna liked the sound of that and how good it felt to have Collin’s hand on the small of her back as she rose from her stool. But when she saw Evangeline sashay into Bar 8 with her enormous entourage, Brianna felt the smile slide off her face. The French pop star looked like a vixen, and she moved like one, too. In her sheer, neon-pink mini-dress, she’d fit in perfectly at a hoochie-mama convention, but there was no disputing her beauty. Evangeline was a ten—one of the most desirable women in the world and every man’s type. Brianna noticed the staff scurrying around the bar, grabbing menus, pulling up chairs and draping tables with crisp, white tablecloths.

  Paying her no mind, Evangeline bumped Brianna aside with her hips and pressed herself flat against Collin’s back. His smile vanished and the look on his face said “Busted.” Evangeline lowered her mouth to his ear and purred like a kitten with a bowl of warm milk.

  “Look, Collin, now you have a very eager dance partner.” Brianna opened her purse, took a hundred euros out of her wallet and tossed it down on the counter to pay her tab and Collin’s. The stunned expression on his face gave Brianna an odd sense of satisfaction. She’d one-upped him, and that felt damn good. “Enjoy the rest of your night,” she said, faking a smile.

  Evangeline stroked Collin’s chest with one hand and waved absently with the other. “Don’t worry, mon cherie—we will.”

  “Brianna, hold up,” Collin said. “Wait! Don’t go!”

  His pleas fell on deaf ears. Without another word, Brianna strode out of Bar 8 and into the lobby of the Mandarin Oriental Hotel. Sorry she’d wasted her time with Collin, she chided herself for spending the past three hours laughing and flirting with another woman’s man. Contrary to what he’d told her, it was obvious he was screwing Evangeline and that everything he’d told her about his relationship with the pop star was a lie. Collin was a player, a man who got off on seducing women, and Brianna was glad she’d found out the truth about him before it was too late.

  Before she did something stupid like sleep with him.

  Collin was a jerk, a guy with no conscience, and Brianna hoped to God she never saw his lying, cheating face again.

  But long after Brianna boarded the private elevator and returned to her suite, the guy at the bar with the soulful voice and the dreamy, deep-brown eyes was still heavy on her mind.

  Chapter 3

  “Bonjour, Monsieur Childs,” greeted the silver-haired hotel manager standing at the reception desk. “You’re looking hale and hearty this morning and, might I add, quite sharp in that tan sports coat.”

  Collin returned the manager’s smile. Leaning forward, he stole a quick glance over his shoulder. No one was standing behind him, and the female clerks at the front desk were busy with customers, but Collin still lowered his voice to a whisper. “I met a young woman at Bar 8 last night, and I’d like to know if she’s staying here at Mandarin Oriental.”

  The manager gasped and shook his head. Seconds passed before he spoke, and when he did his tone was filled with alarm. “Monsieur Childs, I’m afraid I simply cannot disclose that information. It’s against hotel policy.” He wore a wry smile that made him look decades younger. “But I don’t have to tell you that. Childs International Hotels is one of the most celebrated hotels in the world, and the Childs Corporation prides itself on providing world-class service and discretion.”

  Collin winced. He felt like a kid who’d just been scolded by his teacher, and when the hotel manager shot him a pointed look, Collin stared down at his Italian loafers. What he was asking the hotel manager to do was not only unethical, but also completely out of character.

  He didn’t pursue females—he didn’t need to. Women were constantly throwing themselves at him, always ready, willing and eager to dive into his bed and his bank account. It was easy for Collin to sniff out a gold digger, and the attractive fashion designer he’d spent hours talking to last night at Bar 8 certainly didn’t fit the bill. That’s why he didn’t mind breaking a rule or two, or three, to track her down.

  “I’m not asking you for Brianna’s suite number, or even her last name, so technically you’re not breaking the rules,” he said with a dismissive shrug of his shoulders. “Just think of this as a favor to a trustworthy guest who’ll forever be indebted to you for your kindness.”

  Collin knew he was laying it on thicker than molasses, but he’d made up his mind last night, while watching the French national team crush Spain in the World Cup qualifying match, that he wasn’t leaving Paris without finding Brianna. And the first stop on his list was the front desk of the Mandarin Oriental Hotel.

  “Sir, I’m not trying to rush you,” Collin said, “but it’s imperative I speak to her today and I’m pressed for time.”

  The hotel manager opened his mouth, then closed it. He stood there quietly, drumming his fingers on the desk, a pensive expression on his narrow face. “I’m sorry, Monsieur Childs. I just can’t do it. My conscience won’t let me.”

  Collin opened his wallet, took out two hundred euros and slid it discreetly toward the hotel manager. “How does your conscience feel now?”

  “Much better, Monsieur Childs. Thank you.” Swiftly pocketing the money, he returned his attention to his computer screen, a hint of a smile on his thin lips. “Just give me a moment.”

  Collin pumped a fist in the air, nearly spilling his espresso, then remembered who he was and where he was and dropped his hand to his side. “I appreciate it, sir.”

  “I trust that you will keep this information to yourself and use complete discretion when approaching this guest.” He spoke softly, as if he was confessing his deepest and darkest secret. “There is a woman named Brianna staying in one of our seventh-floor suites, but she’s due to check out at noon.”

  “Damn, that’s what I was afraid of.”

  “Is there anything else I can do for you, Monsieur Childs?”

  Collin shook his head. “Thanks again for your help.”

  Swiping a copy of Le Monde off the front desk, Collin tucked it under his arm and walked into the sunlit waiting area. The space was filled with suede couches, towering stone sculptures and leafy potted plants. Collin sat down on a black lacquer chair, opened his newspaper and reclined comfortably in his seat. From where he was sitting, he had a clear, unrestricted view of the main floor.

  Perfect. He’d read the paper and keep his eye out for Brianna. They had some unfinished business to discuss before she left town, and this time Collin wasn’t letting her get away.

  An hour later, Collin was restless and tired of waiting. To pass the time, he’d read the local newspaper, a business magazine and even a couple of trashy tabloids. He didn’t care about the Oscar-winning actress who’d been shipped off to rehab by her family or the soccer superstar who just had his latest run-in with the law; he wanted to talk to Brianna about what she thought she saw last night and repay her for covering his enormous bar tab.

  Collin downed the rest of his espresso in one quick gulp. He was starving, hungrier t
han a kid at fat camp, but worried that if he left to grab a bite he’d miss Brianna.

  The elevator pinged and a group of tourists—along with Brianna—flooded the lobby. Collin saw her instantly. She was hard to miss. For a fashion designer, her fitted, off-the-shoulder sweater, jeans and heeled boots were simple, but with her face of an angel and curves for days, Brianna garnered the attention of everyone on the main floor, men and women alike.

  Irresistible was the word that came to mind as Collin watched her stroll past the waiting area. Her steps were confident, her posture gracefully refined. Her eyes were striking, and those curves made him drool like a dog with a bone.

  I should have taken Brianna dancing last night instead of sitting in the lounge, listening to Evangeline whine about being snubbed by the Hiltons, Collin thought. Evangeline and Brianna both had flawless brown skin and were roughly the same height, but that’s where the similarities between the two women ended. Evangeline shouted, and Brianna spoke in a soft, soothing voice; Evangeline wanted to gossip, and Brianna liked to talk about her family. That’s what made the designer stand out and what piqued his interest. Brianna was unlike anyone he’d ever met, and Collin was curious to know more about her.

  Starting right now.

  Collin didn’t move. Timing was everything, and although Brianna walked through the lobby looking like a model in her own right, Collin didn’t jump to his feet and chase her down. He wanted to talk to her, but he didn’t want to look as desperate as the middle-aged business man nipping at her heels. He’d wait for the perfect moment to approach her.

  Collin got his chance ten minutes later. Brianna walked out of the hotel gift shop carrying one shopping bag too many and paused beside the antique desk, just steps away from where he was sitting. He then stood, strode out of the waiting area and sidled up beside her. “Hello, Brianna. You’re looking especially beautiful this morning.”

  Brianna turned around, realized it was him and took off across the lobby. She was marching as stiffly as a soldier and wearing the requisite scowl to match.

  To catch her, Collin had to break into a jog. “If I knew you were going to make me run, I would’ve worn my cross-trainers,” he joked, falling into step beside her. “Slow down, Brianna. Power walking isn’t really my thing. I’ve got bad knees!”

  “You said you traveled a lot for work, but I had no idea you were a comedian,” she said, her tone rich with sarcasm. “Now, if you’ll excuse me, I really have to go.”

  Collin slid in front of her, thwarting her escape and earning himself another icy glare.

  “What are you doing?”

  “Trying to talk to you.”

  “Where’s Evangeline? Upstairs keeping the bed warm while you grab brekkie?”

  “I have no idea where she is, but I’d guess at her mansion nursing one hell of a hangover.”

  Brianna raised an eyebrow, a dubious expression on her face.

  “After you stormed out of the bar, Evangeline and her posse started doing body shots, and since that’s not my speed, I bounced.”

  He broke into a grin intended to make her smile. When she did, he felt victorious and Collin knew he was making progress. “I’m glad I listened to you and bet on France. They played an incredible game last night!”

  Her eyes brightened. “I told you Spain didn’t stand a chance.”

  “Thanks to you, I won big, and to show my appreciation I’d like to take you to lunch.”

  Brianna glanced at her gold wristwatch bracelet and shook her head. “I have to be at the airport by three, and I still have some packing to do.”

  “Take a later flight or, better yet, leave tomorrow morning after we’ve had brekkie.”

  A smirk lit the corner of her lips. “And why would I do that?”

  “Because I want to celebrate my winnings with you.”

  “Your pop-star girlfriend is going to have a fit when she finds out.”

  “There’s no special woman in my life,” he told her, wishing she’d believe him.

  “You and Evangeline looked awfully cozy last night.”

  “Like I said, she’s doing the new print ad for my company. That’s it.”

  Brianna shrugged a shoulder. “You don’t have to explain anything to me. I’m just a girl you met at the hotel bar. It doesn’t matter what I think.”

  “It does to me.” He took a step forward, close enough to smell her intoxicating floral perfume. “I don’t want you to think I’m a player, Brianna. Let me take you out. Then you’ll see what a great guy I am.”

  “And the humility award goes to...”

  Collin gave a hearty laugh. “I’m just speaking the truth.”

  “What do you have in mind?”

  “I can’t tell you,” he said, winking at her. “It’s a surprise.”

  Brianna pursed her lips as if she were skeptical about him and his whole plan, but her eyes gave her away. They were bright and luminous and shining with amusement.

  “I’m keeping my plans under wraps, but I will say this,” Collin said, knowing he had her right where he wanted her. “I’m going to show you a side of Paris you’ve never seen before, and you’re going to love every minute of it.”

  * * *

  Brianna stood in the middle of the lobby, hanging on to every word that came out of Collin’s sexy mouth. This was what every woman secretly wanted—to be swept off her feet by a handsome, dashing man who smelled like heaven and looked divine. Collin was offering thrills and adventure, and Brianna had never wanted anything more.

  This was her chance to step out of the box.

  To do something wild and spontaneous.

  The thought made her body flush with heat and sent a shiver rippling down her spine. Her life consisted of board meetings, consultations and dress fittings, and even though Brianna loved being a fashion designer, she was itching for new, exciting experiences. For the kind of fun her family members were having.

  Her brother Kyle and his fiancée, Zoe, were always jetting off somewhere and were so madly and desperately in love they practically wore matching outfits. And then there was her cousin, Harper, and his wife, Azure. The newlyweds were pregnant with their first child, and every time Brianna spoke to Harper he was planning something grand for his wife. They couldn’t stand to be apart and often worked from home so they could be together. Brianna couldn’t imagine loving someone so much she’d blow off work. She was stunned by how much her brother and cousin adored their partners.

  So why not throw caution to the wind and do something wild and spontaneous for once?

  It was another warm, sunny afternoon in Paris, perfect weather for strolling around downtown or enjoying a coffee at a sidewalk café. Last night she’d let all those glasses of pinot grigio go to her head and was actually entertaining thoughts of inviting him back to her suite, but this morning Brianna was as sober as the First Lady. She knew Paris like the back of her hand, and if things went south on their date, she could always hop into a cab and come back to the hotel.

  Should I or shouldn’t I? she wondered, doubt suddenly creeping in.

  “Are you going to let me take you for lunch, or do I have to get down on my hands and knees and beg like Jodeci?”

  His chuckle tickled her ears—and the space between her legs. Brianna was shocked when her lips parted and the word yes sprung out of her mouth. Just like that, she’d agreed to spend the day with Collin. To her surprise, she was anxious to know what he had in store for her.

  “I think we need to set up some ground rules first,” Brianna said.

  “Ground rules?”

  “I don’t want us to exchange last names or phone numbers or make promises we can’t keep.”

  “I understand.”

  They shared a smile.

  “I’m going to the front desk to make some arran
gements,” Collin said, taking her hand and giving it a light squeeze. “Don’t move.”

  “I won’t.”

  He dropped a kiss on her cheek and scooped her shopping bags up off the floor. “I’ll see to it that your things get delivered to your room.”

  “Thanks, Collin.”

  When he strode off, Brianna whipped her BlackBerry out of her purse and called her mother. It went straight to voice mail, so she called her brother. Thankfully, Kyle answered on the first ring.

  She’d only been in Paris for a week, but he greeted her as if he hadn’t spoken to her in months. They’d always been close, but the attack on Bailey last month at Lincoln Center had brought them even closer together.

  “Congratulations, sis. Everyone’s buzzing about our show and it’s obvious all your hard work these past few weeks has really paid off,” he said, his tone rich with pride. “RHD is featured on dozens of websites, and I’ve been fielding nonstop calls for interviews and TV appearances.”

  “I know. I’m so excited about the response to our spring line. We made the society pages in all the local newspapers here.”

  “That’s awesome. Can’t wait to hear more about it when you get in tonight.”

  Brianna paused, waiting for the right words to come. When they didn’t, she simply blurted out, “I’m going to stay in Paris for a few more days.”

  “Really? Why?”

  Because I met a guy I clicked with, and I want to spend the weekend with him.

  Brianna knew the truth wouldn’t go over well with her brother, and in light of everything that had happened to Bailey, she didn’t want to give him reason to worry. “Things have been insane ever since Bailey’s attack, and now that Fashion Week is over, I could really use a few days to recharge.”

  “You’re certainly right about things being crazy around here,” he confessed, releasing a deep sigh. “Last night, a loudmouth reporter approached me outside Nobu, and if not for Zoe dragging me away from him, I would’ve given the jerk a good old-fashioned beat down.”


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