Designed by Desire

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Designed by Desire Page 13

by Pamela Yaye

  But that was Paris.

  Things were markedly different in New York, and although Collin ached to have her back in his arms, he wouldn’t cross the line. Having sex with the knockout designer again would only cloud his judgment. Keeping his hands to himself—and off Brianna’s curvy, mouthwatering body—was a challenge, easily the hardest thing he’d ever done.

  Brianna Hamilton was unlike any woman he’d ever met. She had a crazy-sexy figure and a pair of legs that would make a Rocketeer jealous, but that’s not what Collin liked most about her. She possessed a great deal of compassion for others and treated everyone from the cabbie to the bus boy with kindness and respect. And these days he felt closer to her than ever. If not for Brianna he’d have no one to talk to at the end of his day.

  The thought troubled him, making him realize just how lonely he had been. His parents were vacationing in the south of France and had been so busy bouncing from one black-tie event to the next he’d only seen them once during his recent trip abroad. That was no surprise. He’d never been close to his parents, and he never would be. Charles and Margo Childs didn’t care about anyone but themselves—and their wealthy, high-profile friends, of course—and Collin had learned at a very young age that the only person he could depend on was his brother.

  Collin coughed, but the lump that formed in the back of his throat remained. He used to be able to count on Cameron, but these days he never heard from him. Ever. Not a call, not a text, not an email. Nothing.

  The waiter returned, filled their glasses with water and hurried back to the kitchen.

  “Brianna, I’m worried about you.” Collin pushed aside his plate and leaned forward in his seat, prepared to get to the bottom of things. Right here, right now. “You haven’t said more than a few words all night, and you haven’t eaten anything. That’s very unlike you. You usually clean your plate and mine.”

  Collin smiled good-naturedly, hoping she would, too, but her face was blank, which increased his growing sense of dread.

  “It’s nothing. I just have a lot on my mind.”

  “Are you upset about the picture of us in the Post?”

  “Why would I be upset?” A frown marred her delicate features. “It was just a kiss. It didn’t mean anything.”

  Her words came as a shock. Picking up his glass, Collin choked down a mouthful of wine, hoping the liquid would alleviate the tightness in his throat. “I know things are crazy for you right now, and you’re worried about your sister, but I want you to know I’m here for you, Brianna. You mean a lot to me.”

  “Does Evangeline mean a lot to you, too?”

  Cocking his head to the side, he studied her closely. He saw her narrowed eyes and stiff posture and wondered what he’d done to make Brianna think he was interested in the French pop star with the lewd mouth, especially after he’d already explained his business relationship with Evangeline to Brianna. But before Collin could even think of what to say to smooth things over between them, she spoke.

  “My family is concerned about us seeing each other.”

  “Why?” Collin questioned.

  “They’re worried about another scandal hitting the papers, and my younger brother, Daniel, is convinced you’re going to play me.”

  Perplexed, Collin frowned and shook his head. “But I’ve never met your brother. What makes him think I’d ever hurt you?”

  “He saw pictures of you in the French tabloids. He thinks it’s just a matter of time before you drop me and move on to the next girl.”

  “That’s not going to happen. I value our relationship far too much to ever let anyone come between us. You’re the only woman I’ve been out with since my divorce, and—”

  “You went with Evangeline to Gargilesse after I said I couldn’t go with you. There are pictures of you with her in Paris Weekly and a half dozen other magazines.”

  It was a statement, not a question, and for the first time in Collin’s life he was tempted to run to the nearest newsstand and buy a stack of tabloids. “It wasn’t like that,” he argued, raising his voice to be heard above the noise in the dining room. “I ran into Evangeline at the festival and she insisted we have dinner.”

  Brianna laughed, but it lacked warmth. “And you just couldn’t say no—is that it?”

  “You don’t know Evangeline.” Releasing a deep sigh, he searched for the right words. He had to make Brianna understand the unwelcome predicament he’d found himself in, but how?

  “Do you have feelings for her?”

  “No, of course not.” Collin shook his head. “As I told you in Paris, my brother signed Evangeline to be the face of Childs International Hotels, but I’m the one saddled with the enormous task of keeping her happy. I didn’t want to ruffle her feathers, so I agreed to have dinner with her.”

  “Oh, so that’s why you went back to her hotel room that night.”

  “She was drunk, so I helped her inside. That’s it.”

  Collin expected Brianna to look relieved, but instead she looked ashamed. “I feel stupid for even bringing this up,” she said in a quiet voice. “We’re just...friends. You don’t have to explain yourself to me.”

  “But I want to.” Collin took her hand and held it tight. He was conflicted and so confused inside. He wanted to tell Brianna the truth—about the pain of his divorce and how he’d drowned his sorrows in booze, women and gambling—but feared she wouldn’t understand.

  What if I tell Brianna the truth and she leaves me? What would I do then?

  Collin wiped the thought from his mind. He couldn’t bear losing Brianna. Not now. Not when they were closer than ever. That’s why he could never, ever tell her the truth about Evangeline. She wouldn’t understand, and he couldn’t take the risk of her walking out of his life forever.

  Collin watched Brianna, curious to know what she was thinking. Did she believe him? Did she actually think he’d play her? Was her family going to try and keep them apart? He couldn’t take his eyes off her, couldn’t look away no matter how hard he tried.

  Brianna stared out the window, fingering the ends of her shoulder-length hair, seemingly in another world. Collin had no intention of ever bringing Brianna back to Midtown’s, but the view of downtown New York was breathtaking. Almost as breathtaking as Brianna herself.

  “Don’t overthink things between us, okay?” he said, giving her hand a light squeeze.

  “I’m trying not to, but sometimes...” Brianna paused for a moment. “Sometimes things are confusing. One minute we’re sitting in a restaurant, making plans to see a movie, and the next thing I know we’re kissing.”

  “I know, Brianna, and that’s my fault. I crossed the line last night, and I’m sorry.” Collin wanted to confess how much she meant to him, but he didn’t want to scare Brianna off, and admitting he’d fallen hard for her would probably send the fashion designer running for the hills. And the truth was he was scared, too. Terrified, actually. His ex-wife had destroyed his faith in relationships, but since meeting Brianna he was less cynical, less bitter and angry at the world.

  A cell phone rang, and when Collin heard the opening bar of Renegade’s latest hit, “Dime Piece,” coming from Brianna’s purse, he cracked up. She never ceased to amaze him, and more often than not, she did something to leave him speechless. It boggled his mind that she liked listening to rap, playing poker and watching sports. She never sweated the small stuff, didn’t take herself too seriously and aspired to be at the top of her field. She had a successful career and her own money, but what impressed him most about Brianna was how dedicated she was to her family. He just couldn’t get enough of her. Collin wanted to know everything there was to know about her, and no one was going to stop him from seeing her—not even her family.

  “I’m so sorry,” she gushed, her tone apologetic. “I forgot to switch my phone to vibrate.”

  “No w
orries. It happens to the best of us.”

  Brianna took her BlackBerry out of her purse, glanced at the screen and let out a squeal. A smile exploded onto her face, so bright and luminous Collin felt like he was staring directly at the sun. “It’s my sister!”

  Collin nodded his head. “Take as long as you need.”

  Because I’m not going anywhere.

  * * *

  “Hey, Bailey, what’s up?”

  Brianna was so thrilled to finally hear from her sister she felt like breaking out in song. “How are things going?”

  “Okay, I guess.”

  “Just okay?” Brianna frowned. “Are you sure? You don’t sound like yourself.”

  “It’s nothing, really...”

  Gripping the receiver, her heart beating loud and fast, she sucked in a quick breath. Panic churned violently in her stomach, and she was shaking so hard her knees were banging against the table. She felt a hand on her back, which instantly calmed her, and sent Collin a grateful smile. “Bailey, what happened? Talk to me. I want to know what’s going on.”

  After what felt like an eternity, her sister spoke.

  “I went to the hotel gift shop to buy a few things, and an American guy recognized me. I told him I wasn’t in the mood for pictures, but he just wouldn’t take no for an answer. If not for hotel security, he’d still be following me around the resort.”

  “Oh, no, sweetie, that sounds awful. He didn’t touch you, did he?”

  “No, no, it wasn’t like that. Being recognized just spooked me,” she confessed. “I’m fine. Really. I feel stupid for calling. I shouldn’t have bothered you—”

  “Bailey, don’t be ridiculous. I’m glad you called. I miss you. We all do.”

  “I miss you guys, too.”

  Sadness consumed Brianna, overwhelmed her. She heard the despair in her sister’s voice and wished she could comfort her.

  “I’m tired of being in St. Thomas. I want to come home.”

  “Now’s not the right time.” Glancing around the dining room, she lowered her voice to a whisper and shielded her mouth with her hand. “Returning to New York right now could be dangerous. The police still haven’t caught your attacker. Be patient. You’ll be home soon enough.”

  A long, terse silence plagued the line.

  “I’m going to turn in,” Bailey said. “I’ll talk to you soon.”

  Brianna glanced at her wristwatch. “But it’s only eight o’clock there.”

  “It’s been a long day. I’m tired.”

  “I’ll call you first thing in the morning, okay?”

  “You don’t have to. I’m fine. Really.”

  “I know, but I have to fill you in on all of the juicy office gossip,” she joked, hoping to make her sister laugh. “You won’t believe the shenanigans Nelson’s been up to!”

  Bailey did laugh, and the sound warmed Brianna’s heart. These moments were precious, too few and far between, and as they said their goodbyes Brianna wondered if and when her sister would be whole again.

  I wish she wasn’t so far away. I wish there was something I could do to help her.

  “I have friends in St. Thomas who wouldn’t mind checking up on your sister.”

  The sound of Collin’s deep, sexy voice broke into Brianna’s thoughts, and although she was touched by his offer, she knew she couldn’t accept it.

  “Collin, that’s very sweet of you to offer, but no thanks,” she said, sliding her cell phone back into her purse. “I don’t want to do anything to upset Bailey, and a stranger showing up at her door would spook her.”

  “You should go to St. Thomas. I bet seeing you would lift her spirits.”

  “My parents would never go for it.”

  “Why do you need their permission to go visit your sister? If my brother needed me, I’d be there, no questions asked. Hell, the CIA wouldn’t be able to keep me away!”

  His words troubled her conscience. Collin was right. Bang on. She didn’t need anyone’s permission to go see Bailey, not even from her parents.

  “Have you ever been to St. Thomas?”

  “No, why? Do you want to take me?” The quip left Brianna’s mouth before she could stop it, and the expression on Collin’s face was surprised and amused. Flirting with him gave her a rush, a dizzying shot of adrenaline that caused her body to tingle and throb in places she wished he’d stroke and kiss and lick with his dexterous tongue.

  As Brianna sat there, all hot and bothered, Collin’s quiet, heartfelt plea rose in her thoughts. Don’t overthink things, okay? Let’s just enjoy each other’s company and see what happens, he’d implored. Brianna liked the sound of that, and from now on, that’s exactly what she was going to do. She was going to quit fighting her feelings and let nature take its course. Because the more she fretted about their relationship, the more stressed out she was, and Brianna didn’t want to ruin the good thing they had going. And now that she knew for sure that Evangeline wasn’t a threat, Brianna didn’t feel guilty about wanting to spend all of her free time with Collin.

  “I’d love to whisk you away for a romantic weekend getaway.”

  “Then what are you waiting for?”

  “We can fly out on my private jet this weekend.” Collin spoke in the smoothest of voices. His gaze was glued to her mouth and blazing with a red-hot heat. “I’ve gotten quite good at outwitting the press, and if we leave at daybreak no one will get wind of your visit. I’ll be there to make sure you stay safe and to show you a good time.”

  Brianna schooled her features to remain impassive, as if traveling to the Caribbean on a private jet was no biggie, but inside she was screaming like a kid on a carnival ride. She was excited to see Bailey, finally, after all these weeks, and she couldn’t believe Collin was taking her to St. Thomas.

  Brianna realized then what a truly remarkable person Collin Childs was. His kindness and generosity blew her mind and proved that there were still great guys out there. His ex must’ve been crazier than a homeless woman singing show tunes on the subway because Collin is an incredible man.

  Collin clasped her hand and helped Brianna to her feet.

  “Where are we going now? We just got here.”

  “If I tell you, it won’t be a surprise, now will it?”

  Brianna rolled her eyes to the ceiling, but she loved their playful banter. “What’s with you and surprises?”

  “I’m trying to impress you. How am I doing?”

  I was impressed the first time you kissed me. Everything else has been icing on the cake.

  Brianna smiled and said, “You’re doing great, and I’m really looking forward to St. Thomas this weekend. I have a feeling it’s going to be a weekend you’ll never forget.”

  Collin cocked an eyebrow. “Are you flirting with me?”


  “Good, then, after the game, we’re having a nightcap at my place.”

  Licking her lips, her body throbbing with hunger and desire, Brianna gazed at him, oblivious to the other diners around them. “I’d love nothing more.”

  Chapter 14

  An hour later, Collin and Brianna were sitting courtside in Madison Square Garden cheering on New York. The sold-out crowd, dressed in orange-and-blue T-shirts and jerseys, waved signs, noisemakers and towels adorned with the home team’s logo. The air was charged with fevered excitement.

  The smell of beer and roasted cashews caused Collin’s stomach to grumble. He considered making a quick trip to the concession stand, but when he spotted a tall, muscled gentleman making eyes at Brianna he changed his mind. No way he was leaving her alone with him. The guy looked like a player, like the kind of man who bedded women by the hundreds, and Collin didn’t want the stranger anywhere near his girl.

  My girl, he repeated, draping an arm cas
ually over the back of Brianna’s chair. Has a nice ring to it, and I could definitely see her on my arm...and back in my bed. A grin found his lips. The truth was he wanted more from Brianna than just friendship. She was compassionate, trustworthy, easy to talk to and had a heart of gold. Not like his ex. But what did he expect from a New York socialite born with a silver spoon in her mouth? His ex-wife had screwed him over royally, and every time Collin remembered her lies and deception he felt like punching a hole in the wall. But losing his cool wouldn’t do him any good. He didn’t want to scare Brianna off, and going postal in Madison Square Garden during a game would definitely bring the paparazzi running.

  “Wow, New York is on fire tonight! Miami doesn’t stand a chance....”

  Collin saw Brianna’s lips moving and heard her sultry voice, but he didn’t understand a word she said. He was too busy appraising her gorgeous profile—her striking eyes, her beaming, radiant smile and the lush, thick curls tumbling around her pretty face. He was so desperate to caress her smooth, soft flesh he wanted to wrap her up in his arms and kiss her right then and there. Hell, these days it was all he could think about. But he wouldn’t. Not here. Madison Square Garden was filled with celebrities and there were more photographers than Miami fans.

  “Go! Go! Go! Come on, you can do it....”

  Brianna was up on her feet waving her towel wildly in the air, and Collin stood. He didn’t know the score and surprisingly didn’t care to. Whenever Brianna was around nothing else mattered. Not even his beloved basketball team.

  Feeling his cell phone vibrate inside his jacket pocket, he took it out and punched in his password. He had five new text messages, and they were all from Evangeline. Releasing a troubled sigh, he deleted the messages and slid his BlackBerry back in his pocket. His brother, not Collin, had signed Evangeline to be the face of Childs International Resorts and he was getting tired of catering to her every whim. Thankfully, by the time she arrived in New York on Friday for her photo shoot, he’d be long gone. He’d be with Brianna in St. Thomas, soaking up the hot sun. This trip couldn’t have come at a better time, he thought, wearing a wry smile. There’s nothing better than spending a weekend in paradise with a gorgeous woman.


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