forks, 269–70
Forum of Constantine, Constantinople, 99– 100, 357, 434, 440–2
Forum of the Ox
map, VIII
Forum of Theodosius, 357
map, VIII
Fourth Crusade. see Crusades
France. see also Frankish people; French people
author in, 310
folktales, 251, 253, 257
Holy Roman Empire, 245
Kingdom, 365–6, 389
Frankish people, XII, 42, 74, 120, 174, 241, 244–5, 256, 269, 453
Crusaders, XI–XIII, 290–2, 295, 329–33, 336, 342, 349, 351–2, 357, 365, 420
fratricide, 380
Frederick Barbarossa, 430
French language, 149, 254
French people, 141–2, 362
French Revolution, 212
From Russia with Love (film), 143
Fu-Lin (Constantinople), 14
Fulk of Neuilly, 330
Gabriel (Jibrīl), 187
Galata, 275, 342–3, 368, 403, 408, 410, 436
Bridge, 198, 285
map, VIII
Tower of, 128, 284, 343, 368, 413
Galatia, 113
Galerius, 29, 31–5, 42, 358
Galicia, 317
Galilee, 61, 174
Galla Placidia, 67, 71, 73
Gallipoli, 135, 370
Gaochang (China), 301
garum, 198–9, 264, 293
Gate of the Rhegium, 374
Gate of the Wooden Circus (kerkoporta), 217, 426, 428
gates. see sea walls, Constantinople; Theodosian Walls
Gaul, 33–4, 42, 57, 72, 74
Gautier, Théophile, 362
gays. see homosexuality
Gelimer, 111–13
Genesis (Book), 185, 191
Genghis Khan, 67, 302, 368
Gennadius, 394, 396, 417, 436
Genoese, 284, 315, 320, 328, 367–8, 403, 406, 408–9, 411, 426–7, 436, 448
George (Jirjah), 178
George of Pisidia, 177–8
Georgians, 174
Germanicaea (Maras), 222
Crusaders, 292
history, 172, 297
Holy Roman Empire, 245, 262, 268, 270, 430
Huns and, 69
language, 232
Normans and, 288
relations with Constantinople, 337, 389, 413, 444
tribes, 4, 68, 114, 137, 423
Gezi Park, 94
Ghassanids, 125, 141, 173
ghazi soldiers, 368–9, 398, 400
Gibbon, Edward, 20, 154, 182, 449
Gibraltar, straits of, 218
Gilles, Pierre, 141–3
Giustiniani Longo, Giovanni, 403, 406, 414–15, 423–5, 427
gladiators, 38–40
Gobi Desert, 139
atheism, 181–2
Byzantine people, XII–XIII, 98, 125, 129, 156– 7, 166, 183, 221, 226–7, 238, 247, 287, 305
Christian theology, 43–4, 46–7, 61, 74, 165, 185–6, 214–15, 236, 269, 296
Crusaders, 326, 331, 339, 348–9, 355
Emperors and, 19, 25, 30, 40–1, 43, 45, 82–3, 94, 204, 208, 217–18, 230, 371, 387, 415
Muslim (see Allah)
Old Testament, 109, 185, 191–4, 205
Orthodox Church, 445–7
Roman Empire and, 14, 161, 178–9, 373, 394, 396, 418, 421–2, 433, 441, 450
Slavs and, 15–16, 247
Turks and, 8, 146, 415, 434–5
Vikings and, 277
Gog and Magog, 6–7, 214– 18, 296
Golden Gate (Porta Aurea), 64, 167, 223, 353, 355, 363–4, 367, 373, 430
map, VIII
Golden Horn
Arab attacks, 225
chain, 275, 343, 404, 407, 410–11, 414
crossing, 98
Crusaders & Venetians, 342–3, 347, 349, 358
defences, 63–4, 128
fish, 64, 197
harbour, 54
Italians, 17, 367–8, 403–4
map, VIII
modern Istanbul, 23, 284, 361, 375, 385
Ottoman siege (1453), 403–4, 407, 409–11, 427, 434
Vikings, 275
Golgotha, 7, 50, 218
Gorgon, 143–4
Gospels, 100, 417
Goths, 112, 114–23, 131, 133. see also Ostrogoths; Visigoths
Grand Bazaar, 437
‘Grand Turk’ (Sultan), 373
Grant, John, 414
Great Arch of Khusrau, 155
Great Helmsman (Mao Zedong), 45, 136
Great Khagan, 89
Great Khan (Yelü Dashi), 300
Great Palace, Constantinople
architecture, 54, 77, 232–6
cistern, 143
Crusaders, 340, 351, 366
Emperors, 16, 54, 78, 84, 114, 135, 152, 157, 243, 246, 259, 262, 264, 316, 321, 323
map, VIII
Nika Riots, 99, 103
Persians, 156
Turks, 435, 444
women, 66, 73, 239–40, 287
Great Schism (1054) & reunion (1452), XIX, 320, 338, 346, 348, 356–7, 382, 392–6, 402, 417–18, 422, 436, 445
Great Whore of Babylon, 216
Greece, XIX, 246–7, 277, 288–9, 315
Greek fire, XII, 225–9
Greek language, XIV–XV, 5, 22, 37, 137, 183, 271, 287, 395, 432, 436, 445–6, 448
official language of empire (610), XVIII, 137
Greek Orthodox Church, 51
in ancient Roman Empire (before 330 AD), 21, 42, 178
Byzantium founded (657 BC), XVII
in Constantinople (330-1453), 54, 277, 383, 445
culture, 4, 11, 59, 70, 79, 196, 198, 212, 283, 447
in Istanbul, 147–51, 451
mythology, 108, 143, 236, 440
Turks and, 383, 423
Greens (faction), 80–1, 98–9, 101–3, 128, 153, 156
Gregory of Palamas, 447
Gregory (Patriarch), 381
Grey Wolves, 96–7
Guiscard, Bohemond, 289, 292, 294–5
Guiscard, Robert, 288
gunpowder, 402, 415
Gur-khan, 300
Gurani, Ahmed, 378
Gylo (demon), 309
Hadrian (Emperor), 53
Hadrian’s Wall, 33, 429
Hagar, 190, 192, 194
Hagarenes (Mhaggráyé), 190
Hagia Irene (church), 99
map, VIII
Hagia Sophia (church)
map, VIII
seraphim, 108–10
Hagia Sophia (church): timeline
construction (532-537), XIV, XVIII, 13–16, 77–8, 99, 104–10, 137, 201, 240, 247
reconstruction (558), 105
Heraclius (610-641), 162, 167
Justinian II (685-711), 203
Leo III (717-741), 223
Nicephorus II (963-969), 264, 267–8
Isaac II (1185-1204), 322–4
Fourth Crusade (1200-1204), 326–7, 340, 352, 356, 359
Roman Empire restored (1261-1453), 367, 382, 386, 393, 395–6, 418, 422, 433–6
reconsecrated as mosque (1453), 436
modern Istanbul, 9, 62, 77, 141–2, 144–5, 232, 271
Halfdan (Varangian Guard), 271
Halil Pasha (vizier), 377, 379, 383–4, 397, 436
Hammurabi, 87
Han dynasty (China), 256
Hannibal, 21, 172
Harald Sigurdsson (Hardrada), 273–6, 343
Harun al-Rashid (Caliph), 245
Heavenly City, 214
Hebrew language, 108, 205
Hebrews, 186, 191. see also Judaism
Heira, 167, 177
Helena, St (d. 327), 27–8, 49–50, 53, 55
Helias, 211
Helios (god), 196
Hellespont, 224
Henry IV (King of Germany), 288
us (Emperor, r. 610-641)
Greek language, XVIII
reign, XVIII, 24, 145, 156–8, 161–2, 167, 179, 232, 364
successors & reputation, 172, 195, 201, 204, 211, 223, 286
wars with Persians & Arabs, XVIII, 157–9, 162–7, 170–7, 190
Heraclonus, 195
Herodotus, 447
Herrin, Judith, 73
Herulian mercenaries, 93, 102
hesychasm, 445–7
Hichens, Robert, 106–7
Hieromyax. see Yarmouk Hilderic, 111
Andronicus, 324
Bardanes, 219
Belisarius, 113–14, 122
Constantine VI, 243
construction (203), XVII
Crusaders, 357–8
factions (see partisans)
iconoclasts, 238
improvement by
Constantine, 54
Justinian II, 203, 209
Liutprand, 17–18
Manuel, 321
map, VIII
modern Istanbul, 78, 283, 324
Nika Riots, 99–103, 118, 123
as stadium, 11, 19, 60, 105, 111
Hispania. see Spain
Arabs, 228, 230
author’s interest, 1–2, 19–21, 23
Crusaders, 356
Islam, 171, 186, 278
Romans, XIII, 21–3, 80, 182–3, 200, 210–12, 221–3, 239, 247, 282, 286–7, 321, 436, 446
Hitler, Adolf, 172
Hodegetria (icon), 309, 416–17
Monastery of (map), VIII
Holy Apostles (church), 56, 134–5, 241, 268
map, VIII
Holy Cross, 7
Holy Land, XIX, 49, 53, 182, 274, 290, 293, 295, 297, 300, 318, 329–34, 338, 341, 346, 349, 356, 371. see also Palestine
Holy Nails, 50
Holy Roman Church. see Roman Catholic Church
Holy Roman Empire, XIX, 244–5, 262, 268, 270, 453
Holy Sepulchre (Church, Jerusalem), 50–3, 159, 171, 182
Holy Spirit, 13. see also Holy Trinity
Holy Trinity, 43–4, 189, 393
Holy Warriors. see Crusades
Homer, 446–7
homosexuality, 87, 95, 236, 379
Honoria (Princess), XVIII, 66–7, 71–4
Hormazd, 155
Hugh (bishop of Jabala), 297
Hugh of St Pol, 332–3
Huizinga, Johan, XIII Hungary, 67, 296, 317, 334, 370, 384, 401
Huns, 66–74, 80, 91, 93, 133–4, 204, 296, 304
Hypatius, 100–3, 123
Iceland, 14, 272, 304, 452
icons, 12, 156, 162, 164–5, 235–41, 309–10, 347, 352, 354, 416–17, 450–1
iconoclasm, XIX, 237–41
Ildico, 73
Illyria, 27, 335
Immortals, 90–1, 93
Immovable Ladder (Church of the Holy Sepulchre, Jerusalem), 51–3
imperator. see Emperors
Imperial Gate, 106, 422
Imperial Palace. see Great Palace, Constantinople
India, 12, 107, 138, 167–8, 231, 298–302, 448
Indian Ocean, 448
Indonesia, 212
Indus River, 212
Inger (Viking warrior), 256
Innocent III (Pope), XIX, 329–30, 333, 335–9
innovation, 451
Iran, 46, 88–9, 176, 189. see also Persians
Iraq, 88, 155, 174, 176, 189. see also Mesopotamia
Ireland, 23, 314, 450
Irene (Empress), 239–46
Irene of Chrysobalanton, St. (the Floating Nun), XIII, 305–8
Irregulars, 423–4
Isaac, 193–4
Isaac II Angelus (Emperor, r. 1185-1195, 1203-1204), 322–3, 337, 339, 345–6
Isaiah, Book of, 108–9
Isauria, 222
Ishmael & Ishmaelites, 191–5, 213, 217, 426
Isidore of Kiev (Cardinal), 395–6
Isidore of Miletus, 104–5
ISIS (2014), 227
Isis (Egyptian god), 87
Islam. see also Arabs; Shi’ites; Sunni Islam
Australia, 313
Central Asia, 302
Constantinople and, 3, 6–9, 22, 217–18, 220–2, 224–31, 367–71, 382, 416, 426–8, 446
Crusades, 289–92, 297, 319, 329–31, 334, 339, 346, 356–7, 367
images, 141, 146, 237
infidels, 397
Istanbul, 106, 108, 145–6, 180, 384, 391–2, 451
Jerusalem, 181
Khazars, 205–6
origins & expansion, XVIII, 137, 171, 177–9, 186–90, 213, 218–31, 259, 279
Orthodox Church and, 452
People of the Cave, 62
Romans and, 260, 394, 399
Slavs and, 15
Turks and, 296, 378, 380, 415, 418, 424, 435–6
Islamists, 95, 97
Israel, 51
Israelites. see Jews
Istanbul (1453-). see also Constantinople
map, 431
modern, XIV, 22, 60, 94–6, 442
named (1453), XX, 8, 26, 431, 436–7, 442
nineteenth century, 362
population, 180
Yeribeti, 141–4
Italian language, 448
Italy. see also Florence;
Genoese; Milan;
Naples; Pisa; Ravenna; Rome; Sardinia; Sicily; Turin; Tuscany; Venice; Verona
timeline, XVII–XVIII
ancient Roman Empire (before 395), 21, 34–6, 53
Empire of the West (395-476), 72–5
Crusader period (1095-1261), 297, 300, 315, 332–3, 359
modern, 248
relations with Constantinople (after 476), 17, 78, 114–23, 131–3, 137, 151–2, 195, 202, 245, 262–3, 268–70, 278, 288, 320, 371, 396, 403–4, 407, 409, 427, 432, 444
Renaissance, 447–8
Iustinianus. see Justinian
Ivan III (Grand Prince of Moscow), 443–4
Izmit. see Nicomedia
Iznik. see Nicaea
Jabal al-Nour, Mount, 187
Jabala, 297
Jacobin terror (France), 212
Jaffa, 329
James of Vitry, 330
Janissaries, 380, 397–400, 405–6, 423–9, 433–4
Japan, 448
Jean d’Arras, 256
Jerome, St, 74
Arabs, 171, 190
Christians, 158–9, 186, 190
Church of the Holy Sepulchre, 50–3, 159, 171, 182
Crusaders, 290–1, 295, 297, 318, 329–31, 333, 335–6, 356–7
Dome of the Rock, 182
Jews, 15, 158, 186, 190
Persians, 158–9, 162
Roman Empire, 7, 159, 162, 170–2, 176, 274, 277, 371
Temple, 113–14, 176
Via Dolorosa, 171
Jesus Christ
Constantine and, 26–7
Constantinople and, 213–16, 220–1
Crusades, 330–1
emperors and, 19
icons & images, 12, 165, 236–7, 309–10, 416–17
Islam and, 186, 189
Jerusalem, 50–1
Judaism and, 136
monogram, 36–7
prayer, 445
Prester John, 297–8
relics, 12, 50–1, 56, 366
Roman Empire, 61, 159, 161, 218, 382, 441
Second Coming, 19, 179, 216–17, 433
theology, 43–7, 81, 299
Jews. see also Judaism
Arabs and, 195–6
Constantinople, 113–14
culture, 23
Islam and, 178, 237, 379, 436
Jerusalem, 114, 158, 171, 176, 190
Khazars, 205
laws, 87
Naples, 115
persecutions, 156, 291
Persians and, 89, 158–9, 162
Jibrīl (Gabriel), 187
jihad, 189, 220, 379�
��80, 420
Jirjah (George), 278
John, Prester, 296–302
John I Tzimisces (Emperor, r. 969-976), 261, 265–9
John II Comnenus (Emperor, r. 1118-1143), 287, 321, 324
John V Paleologus (Emperor, r. 1341-1376, 1379-90, 1390-1391), 369–70, 381
John VIII Paleologus (Emperor, r.1425-1448), 372
John Cantacuzenus (co-Emperor), 369–70
John Comnenus (co-Emperor, r. 1183-1183), 317
John Ducas, 281–2
John (King of England), 332
John (lieutenant), 117–20
John Lydus, 83–4
John of Cappadocia, 85–6, 99, 103, 111, 124
John of Ephesus, 128–9
John of Patmos, 214, 216
John (papal legate), 320
John Paul II (Pope), 96
John Scylitzes (historian), 282
John the Cappadocian. see John of Cappadocia
Jordan River, 274
Jovian (Emperor), 60
Judaism, 15, 113–14, 186–7, 205–6. see also Jews
Julian the Apostate (Emperor), 59–60
Julius Caesar, 22, 57–9, 113
Jupiter (god), 5, 21, 30, 45, 74
Justice and Development Party (AKP), 97
Justin I (Emperor, d. 527), 78–80, 82
Justin II (Emperor, r. 562-578), 151–2
Justinian I (Emperor, r. 527-562)
cistern, 9, 141–4
codification of laws, 85–7
construction of Hagia
Sophia (532-537), XVIII, 78, 104–10, 145, 396
history of reign, XIII, XVIII, 24, 76, 78–90, 94, 110–25, 130–5, 137–40, 232–4, 240
Nika Riots (532), XVIII, 78, 98–103
plague (541-542), XVIII, 78, 125–30
successors & reputation, 151–2, 154, 201, 203, 206, 245, 371–2
Justinian II Rhinotmetus, ‘the Slit-Nose’ (Emperor, r. 685-695, 705-711), XIV, XVIII, 201–4, 206–12, 219, 222
Justinianopolis, 201
Kaaba, 189
Kadıköy. see Chalcedon
Kaiser (title), 443
Karaköy, 284–5
Karnak (Egypt), 60
Kavadh (Shahanshah), 88–90, 110
kaymak, 147–50
Kennedy Caddesi, 233
kerkoporta (Gate of the Wooden Circus), 217, 426, 428
Khadija, 187
Khagan of Doros (Busir), 206–7, 210
Khagan of the Avars, 165
Khagan of the Bulgars (Tervel), 208–10, 224, 229
Khagan of the Khazars, 205–7
Khalid ibn al-Walid, 174–5, 178
Khavad-Shiroe, 166
Khazaria, 204–8, 210
Khazars, 204–7, 256
Khusrau I (Shahanshah, r. 531-579), 110–11, 114, 120, 123–4, 130, 152–3
Khusrau II (Shahanshah, r. 590, 591-628), 153–66, 171
Khwarezmian empire, 302
Kiev, 15–16, 247, 272–3
Kim Jong-Il, 136
Konon. see Leo III the Isaurian (Emperor)
Koran. see Qur’an
Köse Dagh, 368
Kotrigur Huns, 133–4
Krakatoa, 125
Kristallnacht, 212
Kurds, 95–7
Ghost Empire Page 43