The Princess's Valentine

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The Princess's Valentine Page 4

by KT Grant

  Glasses and chairs started flying, and shouts and screams filled the air. Chelsey faced Reiner, who jumped up and pulled a knife from a sheath on his back. They circled one another and she cursed when she spotted her gun under the table.

  “Now I’ll give you a new scar on your left cheek to match the ugly one on your right,” Reiner snarled and thrust his knife at her face.

  Chelsey jerked back and landed against the table. As Reiner came at her, she lifted up her legs and kicked him in the chest. He stumbled, dropping the knife as she sprung at him and grabbed his hair, giving it a hard yank.

  Reiner shouted for help and she punched him in the gut. He landed back on a table and she reached for the knife he dropped. She grabbed him by the front of his shirt and stuck the sharp edge of the blade under his chin.

  “I should cut up your pretty face. But since I’m a reasonable woman and care too much about my wife’s feelings, I’m going to let you live, you low down, dirty dog. But I’m taking this for all the trouble you caused me.” She took the wad of bills from his jacket and slipped into her bag.

  “You should kill me because I’ll get my retribution, Dread. You’ll always be looking over your shoulder in fear.”

  “You don’t know me very well. I’m always looking over my shoulder, but never in fear.” She finally released him and waited for him to make his next move. He didn’t disappoint, and rushed toward her. Her fist shot out and she caught him under the jaw. She then gave him a punch in the side and once in the stomach. He stumbled back and his head hit the edge of the table. He fell to the floor and didn’t move.

  She knelt down to check if he was still breathing. He was, although the side of his head was covered in blood. She gave his cheek a slap and stood. When someone touched her back, she swung around, ready to fight.

  “Chelsey, it’s Martin.”

  She shook her head and viewed her friend. He didn’t look any the worse for wear, unlike herself, with bruised knuckles and shortness of breath.

  “You look like shite,” Martin shouted over the rabble and ducked when a pitcher flew at his head.

  “It’s been some time since I’ve been in a good fight.” Adrenaline rushed through her. “I’m in a much better mood than before. Why don’t we go back to your house and let me talk to Daisy now that you know the truth.”

  “Sorry, the answer is still no.”

  Chelsey flexed her fist, the need to hit something else. She rose up on her toes to ask Martin why he still refused her, when a flying chair smashed him upside the head. He folded to the ground.

  “Martin!” she shouted and as she knelt down next to him, Reggie and two other members of her former crew appeared at her side.

  “Captain! We have to go. The sheriff and his men are right outside the front door,” Reggie said. “We can leave through the back before they catch on.”

  “Good idea. Let’s grab Martin. If I’m thrown into jail, Daisy will never forgive me,” Chelsey said and looked around the room. People still fought without any indication of stopping.

  Reggie, along with brothers, Rogan and Giles, grabbed Martin by the arms. Chelsey shoved people out the way as they made their escape. When they were safely outside, they hurried over to a group of horses. The men lay Martin over one. Chelsey checked him over, wincing over the cut on his head and the large bump forming near his ear. She felt like crying. Martin was hurt because of her!

  “Let’s take Martin to Doc Stepp. I don’t trust the infirmary right now, especially since most of the crowd at Moff’s will be there getting fixed up,” she recommended. She’d make certain Martin was taken care of and then deal with the aftermath of her actions.

  “Good idea, Cap,” Reggie said and climbed on his horse, holding Martin close. “Come on, lads, to Doc Stepp we go!”

  Chelsey climbed up behind Rogan, the slimmer and shorter of the two brothers, and they galloped away. The tropical wind whipped over her face and her eyes grew damp. Her stomach was riddled in knots. Now, due to her anger, she had a whole new slew of problems and the outcome was more uncertain.

  Chapter Seven

  Chelsey stared out the window. The sounds of the nighttime creatures rose up in a harmony. Usually those noises lulled her into a sense of tranquility, but now wasn’t the case. She turned and waited for Doc Stepp to finish his examination of Martin. She trusted him to give his patients the best possible care, like he’d done so many years for the crew who once sailed under her mentor and uncle, when he was their captain.

  Doc Stepp removed the stethoscope from Martin’s chest and fixed the bandage around is head. Loud snores came from his mouth.

  She smiled softly and her shoulders finally relaxed. “I guess Martin snoring is a good sign.”

  “So it seems. He’ll live, but will have one hell of a headache.” Doc Stepp walked around the bed and motioned her to accompany him from the room. They walked down the hall to his office.

  “How long will he be out for?” she asked.

  “Until morning. I’ll have one of my staff check on him throughout the night just to be safe,” Doc Stepp said, and crossed his arms as he leaned back against the desk. Chelsey faced the older man, waiting for him to interrogate her. From the look on his face he was none too happy with her.

  “Reggie gave me the condensed version of what occurred. I expected better of you now that you decided to give up your pirating ways.”

  “I did also, but that blasted Reiner played me for a fool. I couldn’t let him get away with it.”

  Doc Stepp didn’t agree with her as she expected him to. He rubbed his chin and shook his head in disapproval. “It’s a good thing many of the residents here respected your uncle. He helped most of them start over again. Because of your family connection, I don’t think the sheriff will be after your head for what you did—”

  “I may have overreacted, but it’s not like Moff’s never had a roaring fight before. I plan on paying—”

  “Chelsey, you can’t throw money someone’s way and expect to make it all better. Your generosity, much like your Uncle’s, has endeared the people here, but there will come a time when they’ll say enough is enough. I don’t think you want it to come down to that.”

  Chelsey scraped the sole of her boot against the floor and gave Doc Stepp a half nod.

  “I recommend you disappear for a few days. Aren’t you going to surprise Daisy tomorrow with your new ship? Why don’t you take it out for a sail for a day or two? By the time you return, things should be back to normal.”

  “Um, that was my plan, even before my…issue with Reiner and what happened at the tavern, but Daisy isn’t too thrilled with me right now. She won’t go with me, especially after she hears what happened. The only way is to kidnap her and force her on the ship,” Chelsey muttered the last statement, knowing in this case she might not have a choice but to do exactly that.

  * * * *

  Chelsey and the three men with her slipped out of a cropping of bushes and trees and scanned the area. All were dressed in dark clothes, while she was in black—her typical wear from when she was once a pirate. She decided not to wear a mask to hide her identity as she used to when at sea. But she did carry a pistol on her just in case. She never thought she’d wear such clothes or carry such a weapon again. But since she was going to storm a house and kidnap a woman who didn’t have much tenderness for her at the moment, she felt the need to play the part. She made certain her pistol was empty of bullets and would only be used to cajole Daisy in to doing what she wanted.

  Captain C.W. Dread had returned with a small number of her motley crew, who, when she told them what she was planning, didn’t try to talk her out of it. They went to their homes and got dressed appropriately while she hastened to hers to quickly bathe and get changed.

  She glanced down at her pocket watch, the moonlight allowing her to see the time. It was shortly after midnight and the two siblings were abed. She expected Thomas to wait up for Martin to return, but Martin had told him he was going
into town with her to help her calm down. He probably thought they were still drinking.

  Thomas would be in for a nice surprise. He’d probably be out of sorts with her much like his sister was when he found out what happened to Martin. What they were going to do to him in order to get Daisy to go with her…

  She’d have much to make amends for when this was all said and done.

  “Cap, we’re ready when you are.”

  She nodded at Reggie and gave Rogan and Giles her attention. “Rogan, you and your bother will sneak into Mister Thomas’s bedroom and tie him up, but not too rough. I only want him incapacitated until I can grab Daisy and get her to the ship. The kitchen staff arrives right before dawn. One of you will then deliver a message about Martin’s whereabouts so Thomas has one less person to worry about. Do you both understand?”

  “Yes ma’am,” they said in unison.

  “Good, good.” Chelsey gave Reggie’s shoulder a pat. “You’re with me. I’ll need you to help me with Daisy. She’s quite the fighter when she gets going but I can trust you to handle her with care.” She swallowed and winced as acid rose in her throat. Her stomach had been queasy ever since she decided to do this crazy thing. Daisy would be spitting mad. She just had to get her on the ship away from all other influences so they could be alone and speak their minds without any interruptions. And if Daisy still refused to listen to her, she would resort to seduction.

  “Cap? Should we go?” Reggie gave her arm a soft shake and she blinked, coming out of her musings.

  “Right. Gentleman, cover your faces and be very quiet. The windows are open. We don’t want to announce our arrival too soon.”

  The three men all nodded and covered the lower part of their faces with bandanas. Chelsey led the way, darting to the front of the house and landing up against the side. She waved her cohorts over and they carefully climbed up onto the half-finished porch. Thankfully the wood didn’t creak, and when she touched the doorknob, it turned and the door opened.

  She hadn’t expected the door to be locked; most people on the island didn’t lock up their houses. But after tonight, she wouldn’t be surprised if a few started. She walked quietly into the foyer and her men followed on her heels. They were silent as mice as she pointed them to the stairs. Rogan and Giles went first, taking each step slowly. The wood barely creaked as they walked, and when they reached the second landing, they turned left and snuck down the hall.

  When they disappeared from sight, Chelsey scurried up the stairs with Reggie behind her. She cocked her ear and listened for any sounds of a struggle coming from Thomas’s bedroom. There was complete silence.

  She arrived at the second bedroom where Daisy slept. Taking a deep breath, she opened the door. Lying in the bed and facing the window Daisy slept dressed only in a chemise.

  Sweat covered Chelsey’s forehead as she walked toward the bed. The floorboards creaked and she stopped, biting down on her lip. Daisy moaned and shifted onto her back. Her arm landed over her head and her nipple peeked out from under her lace.

  She glanced behind to check if Reggie was ogling her wife. Instead, he sifted through the bag he held, taking out two scarves.

  Cracking her head from side to side to release the tension in her shoulders, she sat down on the bed and leaned over her sleeping wife. “Princess,” she whispered, her mouth close enough to Daisy’s to kiss.

  Daisy didn’t awaken and Chelsey whispered her name this time. She pushed aside the strands of Daisy’s hair sticking to her cheeks and pressed a kiss to her lips. Daisy moaned, her arms coming around and tugging her across her body.

  “Chelsey?” Daisy asked in a drowsy whisper and she opened her eyes, giving her a sleepy smile when she broke off the kiss.

  Chelsey kissed Daisy again, wishing she could undress and make love to her all night long.

  Daisy opened her mouth to receive her tongue, but then inhaled and moved back. Her palms landed on Chelsey’s chest and she frowned. “This isn’t a dream. What in the world is going on?”

  Chelsey sat back and started to speak when Daisy released a short yelp, grabbed the sheet and jumped out of the bed.

  “What is he-he do-doing here?” Daisy pointed a finger in Reggie’s direction as she held up the sheet to cover her half naked body.

  “Reggie is here to help me in case you won’t come of your own accord.”

  “Whatever is going on? Is this some sort of joke? Where’s Martin?”

  “Martin is indisposed. I’ll explain later, but we need to leave now. I have a nice surprise waiting for you.”

  “I’m not going anywhere with you. I’m still very angry! You and your friend here can leave and I’ll call for you when I’m ready to talk.”

  “Sorry princess, we’re playing by my rules for a change.” Chelsey crossed her arms and gave Daisy a stony stare.

  “Thomas!” Daisy screeched.

  Chelsey winced. “Call for your brother all you want. My other mates are making certain he doesn’t interrupt us.”

  Daisy gave her an incredulous look. “Have you lost your mind? And why are you dressed all in black with a pistol at your hip?”

  “Like I said a moment ago, I’ll explain everything, but you have to come with me.” Chelsey took a step closer. “Your beloved wife Chelsey has left and Captain C.W. Dread has risen again to take her place.”

  “I don’t know what you drank tonight, but clearly the alcohol has gone to your head. Enough with this silliness. I’ve had the most exhausting day and want to be left alone.” Daisy pointed at the open door. “Leave now before I grow even more annoyed than I already am with you.”

  “No can do, princess,” Chelsey said in a drawl and lifted up her hand at Reggie. He gave her the scarves. “Now we can do this the easy way. You walk out with me without any problems, or I gag you, tie you up and carry you off to where my ship is waiting to take us on an extended holiday.”

  Daisy lifted her chin. “You wouldn’t dare gag and tie me. Why do you have to resort to such dramatics to get your way?”

  “It’s who I am. You knew who you were taking on when you promised yourself to me, to spend all the days of your life by my side—”

  Daisy’s hand shot out. “I don’t have a ring to prove this oath and I sure as hell didn’t promise to stand by someone who would allow men to kiss them and fondle their backside while I stay at home. You-you can go the devil!”

  Chelsey flinched from the harsh tone in Daisy’s voice. She’d come this far and wouldn’t be deferred.

  “It’s going to be the hard way then?” Chelsey walked over to Daisy and pursued her until she backed herself in the corner.

  Daisy screamed, using her nails to scratch Chelsey’s face. But in the end, Chelsey got the upper hand and Daisy lost the fight. She lay on the bed with her wrists tied together and her mouth gagged. Her eyes were wet with angry tears and when Chelsey tried to tie her hair back, Daisy turned her head away and closed her eyes.

  “I’m sorry,” Chelsey said and brushed her hand down Daisy’s head. Daisy didn’t acknowledge her.

  When Reggie picked Daisy up like she was fragile glass, she stared straight ahead. Chelsey found Daisy’s robe and draped it over her.

  Her stomach twisted in even more knots as they walked outside and over to their horses. And when Chelsey sat on her horse and Reggie placed Daisy in front of her, she wrapped her arms around her precious bundle and proceeded to tell Daisy the events of earlier in the evening that led to her taking such drastic action.

  Daisy didn’t give her any indication she heard or cared.

  Chapter Eight

  Daisy grunted as Reggie lifted her over his shoulder as he climbed up the side of the ship. She was shaking, not in fear, but with indignation over the lengths her wife had taken to get her on this new ship she knew absolutely nothing about. She would have continued to give Chelsey the evil eye, as she heard it described from a few locals on the island. But since her hair fell over her face and her head hung down over Reggie’s
back, there wasn’t much she could do with her eyes other than close them and wait. But the moment she could, she would stare at Chelsey with such anger! And when her gag was removed, she’d give Chelsey a talking down the likes the former pirate had never heard before.

  She bounced against Reggie as he climbed on the deck, keeping a tight hold on her and making certain her robe kept her covered. Why Chelsey couldn’t have at least dressed her in a nightgown was beyond her. When Chelsey kidnapped her the first time, she’d been wearing a beautiful ball gown. Now her unmentionables were flapping in the wind, so to speak.

  Hands brushed her hair away. She lifted her head up and glared. Chelsey squatted down to her level, tying her hair back with a ribbon. Why couldn’t Chelsey have done that before she was hauled around like a sack of potatoes?

  She glowered and said a few choice words against her gag. Chelsey didn’t react, although her eyes darted across her face, a sign she had to come to know as nervousness. The only other time she had seen her in such a way was when her deranged ex-fiancé, coincidentally Chelsey biggest enemy, had threatened to rape her.

  Chelsey rose to her feet and Daisy dropped her head back down to stop the crick in her neck from reforming.

  “Reggie, take Daisy to my cabin. You can untie her there and make sure she’s comfortable.”

  Reggie rumbled out a reply and started walking. Daisy grabbed hold of the back of his shirt and held on as he descended into the belly of the ship. He opened a door and his footsteps became muffled from walking across a rug of some sort. He stopped and dipped forward, catching her by the back of her neck and head as he sat her on the bed.

  She gave him the same evil stare she’d given Chelsey, but he either didn’t notice or ignored it. While he untied her wrists, the ship lurched to one side and then the other.

  When her bonds came away, she rotated her wrists, surprised there was no bruising and tugged down the scarf from her mouth, taking in deep breaths. Reggie walked over to a table and poured a glass of clear liquid from a pitcher and bought it over to her.


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