A Desperado's Bride (Book Fourteen of the Brides of the West)

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A Desperado's Bride (Book Fourteen of the Brides of the West) Page 10

by Rita Hestand

  "I can see a lot now. And I'm glad you tried to talk me out of going after him. It made me decide to wait and see. I'm glad I did."

  Seeing the transformation in him, she couldn't help but be glad for him. "You're right of course, I could have told you, but I know how you are. And given the circumstances, it was up to you to either get revenge or try to understand him. You wouldn't believe me anyway."

  "Probably not," He grinned. "I am a little hard headed aren't I?"

  "A little?" she turned her nose up.

  "All right, a lot. He's turned that place into a showplace. But it wasn't until I saw his wife…Noah went in to see her, I followed."

  "She's been sick the past two years. It's killing her, slowly and I think him too." Jen remarked. "He sure loves that woman. Once they got together, he never had eyes for anyone else. Unlike some."

  Those words stung him. She still hadn't learned to trust him, but he did understand it.

  "Since he married her he's been dedicating his life to making her happy. Even now, he buys her things that will make her day more pleasant. But we all know it won't last. I just hope he'll keep her in mind the rest of his life and not go back to the way he was."

  "I'll admit to you I had a lot of wrong impressions about him. I thought he wanted you, too."

  Jen colored, "Me? Why on earth would you think that?"

  "Because you spoke of him with such respect. And it's easy to assume things that aren't true, isn't it?"

  She did look up at him now. She shrugged his comment away. "He just wanted to try to keep me out of the saloon, that's all. At thirteen he knew I'd grow up way too fast. I guess deep down he always had a decent streak about him."

  "So why didn't you let him help you?" Jace moved a little closer.

  "I'm hard headed too, Jace." She smiled finally for the first time in days. It was like seeing a rainbow for the first time after a heavy rain.

  "I didn't want that kind of life. But there weren't many choices. Hank Hardin wasn't married back then and if he'd have helped me, people would have talked about him and me the same anyway. After I began working in the saloon, it didn't matter, everyone talked about me. And it would have ruined two lives. He wanted to help, but it just didn't feel right to me. Taking money from a man. People in small towns talk, I didn't want someone being ruined because they simply wanted to help me and no one would have understood his helping."

  He nodded, staring.

  "I got my independence from my father."

  He snickered. "I guess you did."

  "They wanted me to go to one of those orphanages, like I told you. But I had a friend as a kid, who came from one. We were good friends back then. The good people of the orphanage beat him black and blue, sometimes he was so sore, he couldn't even lean back in a chair. They finally starved him to death. He told me that was no place to live. I believed it when I saw his body. I swore to him on his death bed that I would never let them take me to one of those places. I tried to work for people around town, but it wouldn't even cover a roof over my head much less food in my stomach. Before I went to work in the saloon, I nearly starved to death myself."

  "God, I wish I'd have known. I wish you'd have written me…"

  "Where Jace, Mexico?" she frowned. "I had no right to ask anything of you, either."

  "I'd have come got you."

  "Oh yeah, wouldn't that have been fine, riding with desperado's in Mexico at thirteen. What happened to me happens to a lot of girls, just like me. I whored. I closed my eyes and let them take me, but all the while, I dreamed too. I never totally lost the dream. I guess I would have dried up and died if I had."

  "Jen…" he came closer.

  "Very few want that kind of life Jace. Men are always quick to judge women like that. But how many would listen to why they began working in a saloon, how many would care? Women are forced into that kind of life. Most of them at least. You don't chose it, it choses you. But very few men have any idea."

  He came closer. She moved away.

  "Jen, don't move away from me." His voice was low, soft, like a caress.

  She swallowed the lump in her throat. "Look, it's best we keep our distance for a while…"

  "Best for who?" He asked, his eyes glittering into hers.

  "Both of us." she shrieked.

  "All right Jen." His eyes looked beyond to her soul, searching for something. He wanted to tell her, it was on the tip of his tongue.

  Her words were like little darts hitting his heart. God he wanted her. In so many ways. He wanted to tell her what he was doing, but he wouldn't put her in danger. He had a gut feeling there was some real danger in what he was thinking of doing. And Noah had Kate figured out, she was a viper. But he was going to cut her fangs.

  "Jen, I got something I have to do, when it's over, we've got to talk…Promise me."

  She stared at him with her heart, and nodded. "Then you best get on with it."

  He stood there staring, admiring, wanting, and then he turned and walked off. It was hard walking away. Harder still not telling her.

  He had to get this done, before he lost Jen.

  When Noah woke and had a cup of coffee, Jace came to sit at the table while he drank it. "You know, Kate Williams wanted you to come over and gentle a horse for her. Are you going?"

  Noah's expression was tight. He too was feeling the strain and the mere mention of Kate's name brought Jen's attention around and Noah's slow brewing anger.

  "I hadn't thought about it, but I guess we could go."

  Jace nodded.

  But just as they were leaving, they were interrupted by a small party of Indians.

  Arrows flew all over the cabin and Jace and Noah scrambled for the protection of the cabin.

  Jen had gotten the rifles out and was loading them as they came inside.

  She handed them both one and readied one for herself. Noah opened the shutters at the windows and began firing.

  "How many you figure?" Jace asked him.

  "Looks about a dozen."

  "That's what I counted." Jace nodded. "Jen stay low, honey."

  Jen glanced at him and smirked. "Can't do that and shoot."

  He smiled at her, "Be careful."

  She nodded. "I'm gonna try for the back window."

  One Indian had a rifle and put several bullets in the kitchen knocking some cups off the cupboard.

  One had a torch and threw it on the roof.

  "I gotta go get that…" Jace hollered.

  "You'll be killed." Noah shouted.

  "Better than burning to death," Jace smiled and scrambled out the back.

  Noah heard the ruckus on the roof and saw the torch fall to the ground. But there was a scuffle up there too, he heard it.

  Jen called from the bedroom. "The roofs on fire."

  "I know. Jace went to put it out." Noah called to her.

  "Jace…but he'll be killed!"

  "No I won't." Jace smiled at her as he came back inside. "I got the fire out, but there'll be some smoke so put a bandana around your mouth, sweetheart." He told her.

  She nodded and went back to the bedroom.

  "They are all around us." Jace told Noah.

  "Great. Well, at least we got plenty of ammunition." Noah motioned for the bottom cupboard.

  Jace went to get more and one of the renegades came through the back door.

  He jumped Jace. Jace took a wild swing at him, finally managing a flew blows and shaking the knife from the Indian's hand. They rolled and scuffled for the longest on the floor, but as soon as the Indian had the advantage he stood up over Jace and was about to deliver the final blow when Jen shot him dead. He landed on top of Jace, the knife barely missing his ear.

  She went to him and helped pull the Indian off him. "Are you all right?"

  He smiled up at her, "I'm fine honey, thanks."

  She ran back to the bedroom without a word.

  It was dark before they quit and for some reason went away. The cabin was filled with smoke and N
oah opened all the doors and windows.

  When they went to check on a silent Jen, they figured out why quick enough. She'd been hit with an arrow. Silent tears streamed down her face.

  Jace's eyes widened. "Jen, why didn't you holler?"

  "Too scared…I guess." She smiled weakly as she sank to the floor.

  "I gotta get this out. I'll have to cut this end off and pull it through, it's gonna hurt like hell."

  One tear fell but she nodded, "Go on, do it."

  Noah handed her a belt, "Bite on it, honey."

  Jen bit and Jace cut the end off at her back then jerked the arrow out of her shoulder.

  Jen collapsed on the bed in a ball of pure pain.

  Noah knew how to doctor her and bound her shoulder up. "You rest now."

  Jace and Noah went outside to check the damage once they were sure Jen was going to be all right.

  "Well, they killed a couple of chickens, burnt the roof half off. But we're alive and we can fix it." Noah declared.

  Jace nodded but seem preoccupied. "I can't believe she took an arrow and didn't even scream. And she shot that Indian, he would have had me, if she hadn't."

  "She's a pretty good Indian fighter, isn't she?" Noah chuckled.

  "She's good any way you look at her, Noah." Jace smiled.

  "Glad you are paying attention." Noah winked at him.

  "Noah, I know you don't understand what's going on, but in time I'll tell you both. All I ask is that you try to trust me. And I know that's asking a lot. I know how it looks, but things are not always as they seem. Just try to trust me a little longer."

  "I can do that pretty easy, but…it's gonna take a powerful lot for her."

  "I know that. But if she hadn't of cared, she wouldn't have saved me just now."

  "That's true, but how do you feel about her?"

  "Maybe someday I can sit down and talk to you about that." Jace smiled.

  "Make it soon, son. For your sake."

  While Jace and Noah did repairs the next day, Jen cooked the chickens and made use of them. Her arm was sore, but she managed.

  Jace had to chop down a couple of trees and make a thatching for the roof until they could get more supplies, but by nightfall the next day the roof was repaired.

  "Wonder what got them so stirred up." Jace asked that night at the supper table.

  "Yeah, I been wonderin' that myself. And why are they messin' with a small place like this. Kate's got more than I, more horses, more things to steal. Usually it's something they are needin' is why they raid. I don't have no grudge going with them. They are renegades off the reservation, but I don't have no dealings with them." Noah explained.

  "One of them had a rifle too." Jace added.

  "I saw that." Noah nodded. "That means someone is supplying them guns. A white person."

  "Who would do such a thing?" Jen asked.

  "I don't know, but I hope we find out." Noah told her.

  "How's the arm?" Jace asked her.

  "Sore, but mending fine." She said not looking directly at him.

  "You shouldn't have been up fixing supper." He told her.

  "We gotta eat. And it's my job around here." She added. "But as soon as I do the dishes, I'll go lay down a while."

  "We'll do the dishes," Noah cackled.

  "Oh but…."

  "No but's. You rest up." Jace instructed.

  She sighed. "Yes daddy," she stuck her tongue out.

  "And I'm sure not your daddy," he winked.

  Noah chuckled. "You can't win arguing with him, you might as well go rest."

  Her shoulder ached fiercely but for nothing would she tell them. She got up and went to her room to lay down.

  Jace watched her. He'd never known a braver young woman.

  Chapter Twelve

  When Jace and Noah headed over to the Williams spread Jace was shocked at how much like Hardin's place it was. It was as if someone had copied the man's ideas.

  Kate spotted them immediately and greeted them in front of the barn. She wore pants today, but her shirt was unbuttoned showing plenty of cleavage. Jace wondered if she always dressed like that. She knew she was beautiful and she flaunted it.

  "Noah, Jace, I'm so glad to see you."

  Noah squinted from the early sun. "Where's that stallion you were talking about?"

  "Oh, come along I'll show you." She took both their arms and led them out to the back corral. A tall white stallion stood majestically looking out at the lone prairie from the edge of the corral. He must have been eighteen hands high. He reared his head and stared at them.

  "Man's he's a beauty," Jace whispered under his breath.

  Noah wanted to see him up close, so he went inside the arena.

  "See what you can do with him, he's been broke, Noah. But he's not gentled at all. He's a nervous one. Do you think you can settle him down?" Kate called to him. "I certainly want to ride him if I can."

  Noah waved at her. "I'll do my best."

  Kate turned all her attention on Jace now. "Glad you decided to come with him." Her voice purred.

  The way she veiled her lashes at him and smiled made Jace nervous. He'd been seduced before, by her. It wasn't hard to figure what she wanted, but how would he handle it?

  "That's one fine stallion. Where did you get it?"

  "My husband bought it for me a couple of months ago. He's from one of the best horse ranches in Kentucky."

  "Fine animal." Jace smiled at her now.

  "Why don't I show you around the place while Noah gets acquainted with Willow?"

  "Willow?" He asked with surprise.

  "Yes, it's very fitting the horse should have my name as he'll be mine." She smiled curling her arm in his. When he loosened her hold, she grabbed his hand. He squeezed it and smiled.

  They began walking off and Jace called to Noah, "Be back directly, Noah."

  Noah turned to look at him and had a real frown on his face now. He knew he had plenty of explaining to do, but if this was going to work, he had to go through with his idea.

  "Your husband doesn't mind you escorting men around the place?" Jace asked her with a flirtatious glance.

  "Of course not, you're a guest. Besides, it's me that runs this place." She purred, her eyes capturing his. "Naturally, I want you to feel welcome." She stared into his eyes now. "You do feel welcome, don't you?"

  He snickered.

  They walked forever until they went into one of the older barns, just the two of them. There was no one around, the barn didn't look very used. "Now," she pulled on his arm. "Want to tell me why you really came?" She asked in a sultry voice standing just in front of him.

  Another button came undone at her breast and he got an eyeful. She didn't button it.

  "I wanted to see you again," He admitted as his eyes captured hers, then went lower.

  "Well," she breathed in deeply so that her shirt strained presenting her beautiful cleavage and the curve of her breasts to him. "You certainly are direct aren't you?"

  "No use beating around the bush, I got the idea you wanted to see me again too." He reached to touch her cheek, then let his hand slip to the front of her shirt, where his finger outlined the edge of her breasts, brushing lightly over her bosom. She didn't complain. He knew she wouldn't

  "Do you like what you see?"

  "Very much. What man wouldn't?"

  She breathed in deeper, purposely.

  She leaned against a stall and her breasts were very exposed to him, she looked down and smiled. She stared seductively at him, licking her lips and breathing rather heavily. "I enjoyed you touching me like that. You're bold and I like that. I like you Jace. Why don't you come to work for me, there could be a lot of fringe benefits if you did?" She moved toward him now, not shy about her intention.

  "What's in it for me if I do?" He asked looking down into her beautiful face and then at her swelling breasts.

  "This," she reached up to grab the back of his neck and pull him down to her waiting lips. The kiss w
as hot, and she wasn't shy about letting him have his leave. His arms wrapped around her small waist and moved upward. She let out a soft moan, letting him know she enjoyed it.

  When they came up for air, she was panting and blushing. "You certainly know how to do that well…"

  "Among other things," He smiled. "Your husband won't mind?"

  She backed up for a minute, looking down at the ground, she pushed the toe of her boot into the soft hay. "My husband is an invalid, we haven't…in years!" She explained. "One finds love where they have to." She sighed.


  "Well, love-making."

  "I don't move in that quickly, Mrs. Williams."

  "Kate!" she purred again.

  "Kate." He smiled at her.

  "You certainly weren't shy about the kiss nor the way you look at me." She smiled like the fat cat getting his milk. "And don't tell me you didn't enjoy every minute of it. I've been kissed many times. I certainly know when a man is enjoying himself. Your eyes undress me, your hands itch for more, and your kiss leaves little to my imagination."

  "Why not, you weren't shy about letting me." He smiled.

  She moved around him, her eyes going over every inch of him. "Don't think you're the Romeo of the year. I've had a lot of cowboys want me." She informed him lifting her hair from her neck, it was hot outside and she was sweating. He saw a trickle of sweat roll down between her ample breasts.

  He swooped her up in his arms and began nibbling the beautiful curve of her neck, she threw back her head and allowed him every privilege. As she did her shirt came open even more. He could see the curve of her breasts now, and that she wore nothing beneath that shirt. He drew breath. She was lovely. He kept kissing her into an almost submission. His lips going down the to curve of her breast where his nose nestled against her there. She sighed aloud. "And you aren't the only lady I've kissed."

  "I can tell that, too. And I'm glad. I don't like amateurs." She laughed.

  His eyes devoured her.

  "What are you really after?" She posed herself provocatively against the gait now, lifting her tight pants over the railing. His head crooked as though he were watching her every move.


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