In the Wreckage: (M/M Sci-Fi Military Romance) (Metahuman Files Book 1)

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In the Wreckage: (M/M Sci-Fi Military Romance) (Metahuman Files Book 1) Page 4

by Hailey Turner

  The other man snorted. “Sounds like your day was as shitty as mine.”

  “I didn’t come here for conversation.”

  “The way you look, you might’ve done better to hit the gym, or hell, I don’t know, a shooting range.”

  Jamie looked back over at the man, not bothering to hide his irritation. Truth be told, he had thought about hitting up the reinforced training level at the MDF headquarters to spar with anyone willing, but hadn’t cared for the idea of driving back there. Sitting in a car with his thoughts in traffic when he could be somewhere else with alcohol wasn’t appealing.

  “I’m not in the mood to talk,” he said.

  “Yeah, I can see that.”

  The man took a long drink of his beer and Jamie couldn’t help but watch the way the other man’s throat moved as he swallowed. He idly noted a few freckles scattered across pale skin before he wrenched his gaze back up to the man’s face. Jamie wasn’t the least bit surprised to see him smirking around the rim of his beer bottle.

  “If you’re not leaving, then I am,” Jamie said as he stood up, not in the mood for small talk, nor any talk, not with the earlier dinner conversation still eating away at his brain.

  The other man put his beer bottle down and tilted his head back in order to look Jamie in the eye. “Probably not the best idea. Driving while pissed off usually results in a shittier mood and possible road rage homicide.”

  “I didn’t ask for your opinion.”

  “Yeah, well, you get it anyway. Besides”—he leaned forward and slid his hand over the bar, coming away with Jamie’s drink—“I think you’re in the mood to fight or fuck, but no reason why you can’t do both at the same time. I’m up for it if you are.”

  Jamie watched as he downed the rest of the whiskey in one long, burning swallow, before setting the empty glass down. Jamie kept watching as the other man used his thumb to swipe the sheen of whiskey off his full bottom lip after he finished. Jamie tried very hard not to think about how that mouth would look wrapped around his cock.

  He failed. Spectacularly.

  “Really?” Jamie couldn’t help but ask, pitching his voice a little deeper.

  The man dropped his hand to his knee, leaning forward a tiny bit. “If you don’t want to fuck me, then say so. I’ll find someone else willing to fuck me so hard I forget my name, but honestly? I think you might be the best person for the job.”

  “You like it hard?”

  “I like it to hurt.”

  “Hurting someone doesn’t get me off,” Jamie said quietly. Not like anyone was paying them any attention, what with the way he’d been throwing off do not fuck with me vibes all night.

  The other man slid off the bar stool and onto the balls of his feet, the motion rocking his body up against Jamie’s without apology and with a wicked little smirk curving that plush mouth. When he spoke, his warm breath ghosted over Jamie’s ear. “Which begs the question of what gets you off, hmm?”

  Jamie gripped the other man’s hip with one hand, mindful of the pressure he put into the hold, and thought about shoving him away. He didn’t, because if he was honest with himself, Jamie really liked what he saw.

  “Let’s find out. My name’s Jamie.” Moving his head enough so he could look the shorter man in the eye, Jamie ordered him to “Tell me yours.”

  That smirk stretched into a smile, but Jamie didn’t miss the way his pupils dilated, the green of his irises shrinking to a thin ring. “Kyle. And trust me when I say you won’t hurt me.”

  Kyle pressed a filthy, whiskey-laced kiss to Jamie’s mouth. A frisson of something hot and hungry coursed down Jamie’s spine, pooling in his gut and making his cock twitch in his expensive suit pants. Jamie slid his hand beneath Kyle’s shirt just enough until he felt skin, digging his fingers into warm flesh harder than he normally would. Kyle didn’t flinch, merely sucked in a nearly soundless breath and leaned into Jamie’s touch.

  “We’re leaving,” Jamie said, voice gone a little rough around the edges.

  Kyle let Jamie turn him around and push him through the crowded bar. “About damn time.”

  It took mere minutes for Jamie to guide Kyle back to his car in the garage tower down the street. Jamie smirked a little at Kyle’s low whistle when he spotted the Bentley.

  “You’ve got good taste,” Kyle said in an appreciative voice before he climbed inside and got comfortable. “Where are you taking me?”

  Jamie started the car. “Somewhere nice.”

  He drove them to the Ritz-Carlton because he never brought any of his one-night stands home to his condo in the West End, and like hell was he going to a place that paid by the hour. One night at the Ritz cost a cool three grand for a junior suite on one of the lower levels with a view over the inner courtyard that Jamie promptly ignored once they entered the space. All his attention was focused on Kyle’s determined hands undoing Jamie’s belt.

  Jamie hooked a hand over Kyle’s neck, pulling him in for a hot kiss that was all teeth and tongue, wet and messy, a battle for control that Jamie handily won because there was something to be said about being a control freak. Biting down on Kyle’s bottom lip, Jamie slid his hand up Kyle’s skull, burying his fingers in his hair just long enough for him to get a satisfying grip on it and then yank. He let go of Kyle’s lip and kissed his way over a sharp jaw line to a tautly arched throat.

  “Impatient much?” Jamie asked as he pressed his teeth against Kyle’s pulse.

  “To get your dick in my mouth? Hell yeah,” Kyle groaned.

  Jamie used his other hand to bat Kyle’s hands away from his belt, undo the buckle, and rip it free of his belt loops. He tossed it away without looking to see where it landed, too intent on shoving Kyle to his knees to care about anything else.

  “Show me.”

  Kyle looked up at him from beneath dark lashes and licked his lips, pink tongue flicking out in a quick, kittenish motion. Jamie loosened his grip on Kyle’s hair and smoothed it away from his face before leaning back against the wall and arching an eyebrow. “Well? Weren’t you in a hurry?”

  “Fuck you,” Kyle retorted, but there wasn’t any hesitation in the way he slid his hands up Jamie’s muscular thighs.

  Jamie widened his stance as Kyle’s nimble fingers undid the clasp and zipper of his suit pants. He hooked his fingers over Jamie’s underwear, sliding it down over his half-hard cock. At six feet two, Jamie was well-proportioned and built with sculpted muscle courtesy of a life spent in the military. His cock was long and thick, a fact nearly every man he’d ever taken to bed had loved about him, almost as much as they’d loved the extra zeroes in his credit account.

  Kyle didn’t know who or what he was, which was fine by Jamie, who still knew Kyle liked what he saw, judging by the way he licked his lips. Kyle leaned forward and sucked the purpling head of Jamie’s cock into his mouth and ran his tongue over the underside of the shaft, rubbing against the thick vein and cluster of nerves there. Jamie groaned at the feel of hot, slick heat enveloping him as Kyle slowly swallowed him down to the root without stopping. He felt it when his cock hit the back of Kyle’s throat and kept sliding down into that wet warmth, throat swallowing around his thickening length.

  Kyle looked up at him, mouth stretched wide around Jamie’s cock, and smirked with his eyes right before he sucked. Jamie swore, hips snapping forward involuntarily, feeling Kyle’s head jerk with the motion against his hand. Kyle’s hands dug into Jamie’s thighs and before Jamie could even think to apologize, Kyle pulled off him and dragged his tongue up the side of Jamie’s cock, breathing hard.

  “S’okay, I like it rough,” he said, only a little breathless as he angled his head and sucked one of Jamie’s balls into his mouth and carefully rolled it over his tongue.

  There was rough and then there was rough, and Jamie struggled to find two brain cells to rub together while Kyle moved his attention to the other side of Jamie’s cock and balls, one of his hands fumbling at the clasp of his own jeans.

��I said I don’t want to hurt you,” Jamie managed to get out.

  Kyle fisted Jamie’s cock at the base and nosed back up to the tip, licking at the sticky precum beaded up in the slit. “You won’t. But you’re wound a little tight and I can help with that.”

  Jamie cupped Kyle’s jaw, sliding his thumb into Kyle’s open mouth and hooking it around the corner to stretch his lips. “You’ll tell me if I hurt you.”

  Kyle followed the motion of Jamie’s hand, sucking at Jamie’s thumb while he rubbed his cheek against Jamie’s cock. Jamie pulled his thumb free and gripped Kyle’s hair again, giving him a careful little shake. “Do you understand?”

  The smile Kyle gave him was wicked, his gaze heavy-lidded. “Yes, sir.”

  It was a good thing Jamie had long ago stopped thinking of that phrase in the realm of any sexual context, because hearing those words fall from Kyle’s reddened mouth would make almost any man get hard. Jamie was no exception. He tugged Kyle forward, moaning when Kyle didn’t fight him in the least and swallowed him down again, following Jamie’s carefully guided pressure until Kyle was once again deep-throating his cock.

  Jamie kept one hand tangled in Kyle’s hair and used his other to press against Kyle’s cheek and feel the shape of his cock there when he angled Kyle’s head just right.

  “Fuck, yes,” Jamie breathed before rocking forward into that sinfully hot mouth.

  Kyle squeezed his eyes shut, the fingers of one hand gripping Jamie’s trouser leg so tight the wrinkles would be inevitable. He didn’t fight Jamie as Jamie rolled his hips, grinding his cock into Kyle’s mouth, his nose buried in Jamie’s groin and short-trimmed blond pubes. Jamie pulled back, nearly all the way out, the tip of his cock resting in the soft circle of Kyle’s lips. Kyle was breathing raggedly around him, as if he hadn’t bothered to regulate his air intake, the corners of his eyes already wet.

  “I’m going to fuck your mouth,” Jamie said in a low voice, mouth salivating at the picture Kyle made on his knees, legs spread, one hand fisting his own cock with surprisingly measured strokes. “And I won’t stop until I come.”

  Kyle moaned agreement around Jamie’s cock, tonguing at the slit, and Jamie hissed at the sensation it sent sparking up his spine. He didn’t bother with guiding Kyle this time, simply shoved his cock further into that willing mouth, keeping a firm grip on Kyle’s hair as he did so. Kyle made a choked-off noise of pleasure that had Jamie gritting his teeth into a smile as he fucked his cock deeper into Kyle’s mouth, head angled at just the right degree to slide easily down his throat.

  “Yeah, like that,” Jamie grunted as Kyle worked to keep his jaw loose and mouth opened wide, taking each thrust with a short, greedy gasp as he worked to breathe through the motion of Jamie face-fucking him. The corners of his eyes stayed wet, damp lashes clumping together as he stared up at Jamie with a lust-filled gaze.

  After the day he’d had—the fight in Chicago, the losing battle with the director, the argument with his father—Jamie was on a short enough fuse that pleasure was more than enough to light it. He lasted longer than he thought he would, but Kyle’s mouth and tongue pulled his orgasm out of him with a greedy willingness to be used, which Jamie was incapable of fighting against. Jamie felt his balls tighten, felt the heavy warmth at the base of his spine that exploded out of him in a rough series of thrusts that had him grinding hard against Kyle’s face as he came. He pulled out almost all the way before he was done, stroking the last strands of cum out of his cock and watching it pool on Kyle’s tongue, dripping over his lips in glistening, sticky-white strands.

  Kyle gasped for breath, lips swollen red, eyes half-closed and wet. Jamie sucked in a lungful of air and let it out slowly as he pulled his cock completely out of Kyle’s mouth, watching as Kyle slowly swallowed his mouthful of cum. He looked wrecked in a way that was unmistakable, hair a mess from Jamie’s hands, mouth absolutely ruined by Jamie’s cock. Kyle’s hand had stilled on his now-limp cock, fingers sticky with cum, his wrinkled button-down shirt stained from it in places. Jamie leaned down and easily hauled Kyle to his feet, licking into Kyle’s mouth until he could taste himself.

  “Rough enough for you?” Jamie couldn’t help asking.

  He was rewarded with a challenging smirk and wandering hands that started to undo his tie. “I think you can do better than that.”

  Jamie snorted, sliding both hands down the back of Kyle’s pants to squeeze his ass, unsurprised to find him going commando. He stroked his fingers into the cleft of his ass, feeling Kyle shiver against him as he maneuvered them over to the king-sized bed.

  “That a challenge?”

  “Whatever you need it to be.”

  Jamie slid his mouth over the side of Kyle’s neck and sank his teeth into the skin there, sucking hard until the space under his tongue became blood warm. Kyle arched against the pressure, his deft fingers soon having undone all the buttons on both their shirts.

  “What do you like?” Kyle asked. Jamie made a questioning noise in the back of his throat, to which Kyle clarified, “Fucking. What do you like?”

  Jamie took his teeth out of Kyle’s skin and dragged his tongue up to his ear. He slid his thigh between Kyle’s legs and pressed upward at the same time he pulled Kyle against him. Kyle hissed as Jamie rubbed his thigh against Kyle’s sensitive and spent cock.

  “I like getting my partners off until they don’t know which way is up before taking my turn,” Jamie murmured, biting down on Kyle’s ear lobe.

  He’d learned that his durability translated to the bedroom, with a refractory period half the length of everyone else’s now. Jamie could already feel the twitching in his cock that signified its interest again in the body pressed against his. Kyle wasn’t quite there yet, but Jamie had hours yet to get him there, over and over again as was his preference. Jamie got off on being in control of someone else’s pleasure, of being the one they begged for more from.

  “Yeah?” Kyle rasped, voice still rough from sucking cock like a goddamn pro.

  “Yeah,” Jamie said, and promptly started to divest them of their clothes.

  Kyle toed off his sneakers and kicked them away. Jamie dragged Kyle’s jeans down those long legs, mouthing at his flaccid cock and keeping Kyle where he wanted him when he hissed at the first drag of Jamie’s tongue over the sensitive tip. “Fuck.”

  “Not yet, but we’ll get there,” Jamie promised before pulling away.

  Kyle was built lean with wiry muscles that belied his strength as he hauled Jamie onto the bed with him. Jamie let him, not inclined to fight against the curious hands that traced his own body while he learned Kyle’s. No tattoos, no scars, no anything marring the expanse of pale skin from head to toe save for a scattering of freckles. Kyle’s grip was sure and firm, with no calluses of any sort on any finger as they eagerly mapped out Jamie’s body. He only smirked when Jamie pried his hands off Jamie’s cock and pressed them against the mattress.

  “Stay put,” Jamie ordered.

  He climbed off the bed and padded naked into the bathroom, digging through the basket containing a slew of toiletries on the marble counter. He picked up one of the bottles of discreetly labeled lube and carried it with him back to the hotel room. He wasn’t surprised in the least to see Kyle hadn’t stayed put and instead used those few seconds of Jamie’s absence to shove the duvet off the bed and stack the pillows so he could lounge against them, one hand absently stroking his cock.

  “You always choose such fancy hotels to get off in?” Kyle asked.

  “I don’t take random strangers home, if that’s what you’re wondering,” Jamie replied, going for honesty, because even with one-night stands he preferred what truth he could give over all the other lies he lived with.

  “Not that I don’t appreciate the actual cotton sheets, I just don’t wanna pay for them. There was a cheaper hotel near the bar we could’ve gone to.”

  Jamie shook his head as he crawled in between Kyle’s legs, leaning down to steal a kiss Kyle had no qualms about
giving up. “I’m not fucking you on bargain-priced sheets.”

  “You’re not fucking me right now to begin with. So what’s your point?”

  Jamie pinched the inside of his thigh, listening to Kyle swear as he jerked away from the touch before pressing back into Jamie’s fingers. Jamie soothed the reddened skin with measured strokes of his hand as he moved backward a few inches, giving himself more room to trace his tongue down Kyle’s neck and over his collarbone.

  “This impatience of yours is going to be a thing, isn’t it?”

  “Nah, I got the patience of a goddamn saint when it matters. Like at the bar”—Kyle hissed when Jamie wrapped his lips around his left nipple and sucked on it, flicking his tongue over the nub—“I watched you sit there and glare at everyone with murder in your eyes and thought, yeah, I’d fuck that.”

  Jamie lifted his head, pulling at Kyle’s nipple with his teeth, stretching the delicate skin as far as he could before letting go. He scraped his fingernails over both nipples before pinching them hard and giving them a twist. Kyle arched beautifully beneath his hands, mouth dropping open on a soft moan.

  “You must have a death wish. Everyone else in that bar knew to steer clear away from me.”

  “Their loss, my gain,” Kyle gasped. “Fuck, do that again.”

  Jamie smirked down at Kyle and pinched his nipples into small bruises at his request. His anger from earlier in the night had dissipated on the drive over here with the presence of a willing and warm body riding shotgun beside him, a silent promise in the way Kyle had sat with his legs splayed wide open, one hand fondling himself beneath the intermittent flash of street lights. Kind of like how he was fondling himself now.

  Jamie reached down to grasp Kyle’s wrists and pin them over his head. His weight pressed Kyle into the bed, those long legs wrapping around his waist to keep him there. Kyle pressed a sloppy kiss against the hinge of Jamie’s jaw as Jamie increased the pressure on his wrists until he could feel Kyle’s pulse beating against his fingertips.


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