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In the Wreckage: (M/M Sci-Fi Military Romance) (Metahuman Files Book 1)

Page 22

by Hailey Turner

  Kyle dug out a shave kit marketed for people who didn’t have to worry about money. He flipped open the lid of the wooden box, eyeing the jars and tools nestled inside before setting it on the counter. Taking a washcloth off the towel rack, Kyle dipped it into the hot water of the bath before stepping between Jamie’s legs and pressing the washcloth to his face to wet the skin. Jamie closed his eyes in pleasure from the heat, leaning into Kyle’s touch. Once the towel had cooled from hot to warm, Kyle set it aside.

  The pre-shave oil was scented with just a hint of eucalyptus that didn’t irritate Kyle like most of the artificial scents on the market did. He poured a little into the palm of his hand before rubbing them together to coat his skin. Jamie tilted his head back, letting Kyle smooth his hands over the pale five o’clock shadow coming up on his face. The hint of a beard prickled Kyle’s palms as he gently massaged the oil into warm skin.

  “You know, I’m perfectly capable of shaving on my own,” Jamie said as he hooked his hands around the back of Kyle’s knees, thumbs stroking over the sensitive area there through his pants.

  Kyle didn’t shift his stance. “I’m sure you are. But I feel it’s my duty as your NCO to make sure you know how to do it right.”

  “Might have to do it a few times just to be sure.”

  “Knowing you, I have no doubt.” Jamie gently pinched the back of his left thigh in retaliation, causing Kyle to arch an eyebrow. “You must have been a royal little shit during your time in Annapolis.”

  “Top of my class,” Jamie drawled.

  “Oh, you’re top of something, sir.”

  Kyle reached for the jar of shaving cream and unscrewed the cap. The small, gold-tipped shave brush felt like it might have been made with actual boar’s hair, but Kyle didn’t dwell too much on it as he used it to scoop out a large dollop of the shaving cream into a small metal bowl. He reached over and turned the bathroom sink faucet on hot before pouring a small amount into the bowl. He used the brush to work the shaving cream into a lather that he liberally applied to Jamie’s face and throat before he set it aside and picked up the straight razor, unfolding it with nimble fingers.

  “Old school,” he mused as he tested its edge, finding it more than sharp enough to do a proper job.

  “Doubles as a weapon,” Jamie pointed out as he stroked his right hand up Kyle’s thigh.

  “Practical. I like that in a man.” Kyle glanced down at where Jamie sat, shirtless, the muscles in his chest and arms on display. “Did you ever think about getting augments? Just get rid of the hair you didn’t want altogether?”

  Most rich people got cosmetic surgery, anything from changing the color of their eyes to removing all the hair from the neck on down to sculpting their body into something more aesthetically pleasing.

  “Thought about it, sure. Go through with any of that shit? No,” Jamie said easily enough. “I never had any problem with how I looked.”

  Yeah, the confidence and competence Jamie exuded was something Kyle was never going to get tired of. He tilted Jamie’s head back with a single finger and pressed the edge of the straight razor to his skin. He sucked in a breath as Jamie’s hand cupped his dick through the fabric of his uniform pants. Jamie stared up at Kyle with a half-lidded gaze.

  “Don’t cut me,” Jamie said.

  Kyle swallowed as he dragged the straight razor down Jamie’s throat even as Jamie slowly rubbed his hand between Kyle’s legs. “Yes, sir,” he murmured.

  The computer automatically cut off the bath water before the tub overflowed long before Kyle finished his task. He went slow, scraping the straight razor over Jamie’s skin even as he couldn’t help rolling his hips against Jamie’s firm hand and teasing fingers. Their combat pants were loose, but not loose enough to be comfortable after a certain point. Kyle focused on the blade in his hand and tried not to focus so much on how good Jamie’s hand felt between his legs.

  He was halfway done with the shave when Jamie casually undid Kyle’s belt and unzipped his pants. Jamie slid one big hand into his pants and pressed his hot palm against the damp fabric of Kyle’s underwear, cock straining against it. Letting out a soft moan as Jamie dragged his thumb over the head of Kyle’s cock, he let his eyes flutter shut for a moment, hand stilling on Jamie’s face.

  “That’s patently unfair,” Kyle managed to get out as he rocked against Jamie’s hand.

  “If you say so.”

  Kyle swallowed and opened his eyes, staring down at Jamie’s half-shaved face and the heat in those blue eyes. He pressed the edge of the straight razor against the top of Jamie’s right cheek and stroked downward, biting his bottom lip as Jamie squeezed his cock with firm fingers. Stroke by stroke, Kyle shaved the beard off Jamie’s face as Jamie slowly rubbed him to hardness. When he finished, Jamie’s face was smooth from the shave, not a spot missed, and Kyle’s cock was hard in Jamie’s hand.

  Jamie stroked his fingers over his face as Kyle very carefully folded up the straight razor and put it away in the box. “Nice job.”

  Kyle gave him a withering look, skin flushed from arousal as much as the steamy heat in the bathroom from the drawn bath. “Respectfully, sir, shut the fuck up.”

  Jamie just smirked and pulled down Kyle’s pants, leaning forward to mouth at the tip of his cock protruding from the waistband of his underwear. Kyle moaned at the first swipe of a hot tongue over the sensitive head, arching up into Jamie’s mouth. He gripped Jamie’s shoulders, digging his fingers into hard muscle as he rocked his hips forward. Jamie’s hands fell away from his body in order to yank at the laces of his boots. When the knots were undone, he gave Kyle’s cock one last lick before standing up.

  Between the two of them, they managed to undress the rest of the way and step into the large tub with its tantalizing hot water. Kyle hissed when the hot water touched his erection, but that didn’t stop him from sitting in its warmth. Jamie reached for him and pulled Kyle flush against his chest in the water. The slanted side of the tub was at the perfect angle to recline against. Kyle settled against Jamie’s solid body, knees bent, one hand resting on his stomach, the other reaching back to pull Jamie into an angled kiss.

  Jamie’s hands stroked up and down his chest, fingernails scratching lightly over his nipples. Kyle let his head fall back as Jamie slid his hands down between his legs and gripped his inner thighs, pulling his legs farther apart, erection curved up between them in the water.

  “You look good like this,” Jamie said, pressing his thumbs hard against the muscles in Kyle’s legs.

  Kyle licked his lips, feeling the thickening line of Jamie’s cock nestled against his ass and lower back. “Pretty sure I’d look even better with your dick in me.”

  Jamie chuckled before letting Kyle go. He would have protested the lack of touch, except Jamie reached for the bottle of shampoo on the shelf built into the wall. Kyle closed his eyes as Jamie went about pouring water over his head using his hands before massaging the unscented shampoo into his hair. Kyle leaned into Jamie’s touch, loving the way Jamie’s hands felt on him. Jamie’s touch was sure and firm, no motion wasted as he washed Kyle’s hair and what he could reach of his body.

  Soap suds floated on top of the water after a bit, slowly popping as the sweat and grime of the mission was washed away, taking the stress with it. The heat of the water and the heat building in his body felt good, letting Kyle ride a lazy edge of arousal that Jamie was more than willing to coax out of him.

  “Should clean you up,” Kyle murmured, stroking a hand over Jamie’s newly shaved cheek.

  Jamie pressed a kiss against his palm. “I’m not stopping you.”

  Kyle lazily twisted around, the water sloshing against them as he shifted to sit in Jamie’s lap, Jamie’s legs still bent at the knees to keep them both from sliding down. Kyle leaned forward and kissed Jamie hungrily, their cocks rubbing against each other in the still-hot water. Jamie pulled away first, tilting his head at the soap and shampoo. Kyle obeyed the silent order and went about bathing Jamie wit
h sure hands.

  The soap made it easy to glide his hands over Jamie’s firmly muscled chest and arms, cleaning him with slow, measured strokes that lit a fire in Jamie’s eyes. Kyle took his time, grinding his hips down against Jamie’s every so often, getting distracted with heady, deep kisses, teasing the both of them. Jamie finally seemed to be done with the teasing when he grabbed Kyle’s ass and pulled Kyle firmly against him, holding him there. Jamie licked at a drop of water sliding down Kyle’s throat, and he shivered.

  “You should fuck me,” Kyle said.

  Jamie sucked on the skin of his throat just under the hinge of Kyle’s jaw even as he slid the tips of his fingers into Kyle’s hole. Kyle moaned at the intrusion, panting a little against the heated air as he tried to press down further on those fingers, but Jamie’s bent legs were in the way.

  “You did such a good job shaving me, you might as well as get me off,” Jamie replied.

  Kyle shivered, rolling his hips against Jamie’s hands, his cock sliding up and down that rigid abdomen, nudging at Jamie’s own erection. “Yeah. I want that. Want you in me.”

  “I’m not stopping you.”

  Kyle took Jamie at his words and shifted farther up on his knees. Jamie’s fingers slipped free of him, but he was about to get something better, so Kyle wasn’t going to complain. Kyle grabbed the shampoo bottle and slicked up Jamie’s cock as best he could before licking into Jamie’s mouth, letting Jamie steal the air out of his lungs. Kyle used one hand to brace himself against Jamie’s chest as he reached around to guide Jamie’s cock into his hole. The tub was deep enough, and the water high enough, that it covered him from the waist down as the head of Jamie’s cock slipped inside his hole.

  Kyle hissed out a breath, the stretch more than a little painful, but the burn of it so good he didn’t care. The shampoo wasn’t the best lubricant, and the water was washing it away quickly, but it worked well enough as Kyle slowly, oh so slowly, rocked down onto Jamie’s cock inch by hard inch. Each roll of his hips meant a little more of Jamie slipped deeper inside him, stretching him open as he bore down, filling him up. Kyle was panting by the time he settled fully on Jamie’s lap, that thick, hard length throbbing inside him. His thighs burned from the effort of going slow, the stretch in his ass an ache he’d pushed through at the end just to feel it.

  Jamie kissed his way up Kyle’s chest to his throat, to his mouth, kissing him with such a slow thoroughness it left Kyle gasping for air when he finished. Blinking sweat out of his eyes, Kyle stared at Jamie, taking in the flush on his face that wasn’t solely attributed to the hot bath. Jamie’s hands dipped below the water to stroke over Kyle’s own erection, making him jerk from the sensation.

  Jamie leaned forward, mouthing at Kyle’s nipple, flicking his tongue over the tight nub. He scraped his teeth up Kyle’s skin, biting down on his collarbone even as he tangled one hand in Kyle’s hair and pulled.

  “Ride me,” Jamie ordered in a low voice. “Make me come in you. I want you desperate for it before you get release.”

  Kyle licked his lips, always up for a challenge. “Yes, sir.”

  He rose up on his knees again, eyelids fluttering at the feel of Jamie’s cock dragging out of him before he pressed back down with a heavy roll of his hips that sent water splashing against the sides of the tub. Kyle dug his fingers into Jamie’s shoulders as he rocked down again and again, building up speed until he was panting for breath and water was sloshing over the side of the tub onto the bathroom floor with the motion of his body.

  Jamie stayed reclined beneath him, not moving to help him out at all, keeping one hand resting on the calf of Kyle’s left leg beneath the water, the other arm stretched out along the edge of the tub. He never took his eyes off Kyle’s face, occasionally releasing an encouraging sound that only made Kyle swear and slam his hips down harder. Kyle could feel his own orgasm building up as he worked Jamie’s cock hard like he wanted, desperate to please. Once or twice he had to slow down, grip his own cock at the base to stave off coming, still rolling his hips in tiny circles to please Jamie.

  He bit down on his bottom lip, focusing on the pain instead of his desire for release. Jamie gripped his chin with firm fingers, pulling Kyle down into a filthy kiss that made Kyle’s hips stutter. He moaned into Jamie’s mouth, grinding down against Jamie even as he tightened his ass around Jamie’s cock.

  Jamie swore, teeth nipping at Kyle’s bottom lip. “Keep going. You’re doing so good, baby.”

  Shivers broke down his spine at that praise and Kyle whimpered. He swallowed hard and shifted on Jamie’s lap, rocking up until just the head of Jamie’s cock was snug in his ass before slamming back down. The slapping sound of skin hitting water filled the bathroom as Kyle fucked himself on Jamie’s cock, driving Jamie to the edge of orgasm with every roll of his hip, thighs aching with the effort. He could feel the way Jamie’s cock slid over his prostate from time to time, and every time the touch came close to being too much, Kyle would slow down to a desperate lazy grind, kissing Jamie fiercely as they both panted for air.

  True to his word, Jamie let Kyle do all the work on getting him off, never once fucking up into him no matter how badly he may have wanted to. Kyle could see the tension in Jamie’s shoulders, could feel it in the rigidly held legs bent behind him. But Jamie stayed still, even if he didn’t stay silent, urging Kyle on with thick moans and filthy encouragements that made Kyle want to be worthy of that praise.

  “Just like that, fuck you look so good like this,” Jamie said, watching him with hungry eyes. “Come on, baby, take my cock. Fucking bounce on it.”

  And Kyle was, there was no better word for what he was doing, fucking himself nearly raw on Jamie’s rock-hard cock. The muscles in his thighs and abdomen burned from exertion with every rise and fall he went through. Sweat trickled down his back to mingle with the water as Kyle worked Jamie’s cock with a desperate need to come he was holding off for himself by sheer will alone.

  He gasped reflexively as he bore down again and again, gaze never leaving Jamie’s. Kyle saw it in Jamie’s face when he finally tipped over the edge. Jamie leaned his head back, eyes closing as his mouth dropped open on a thick groan, hands curling into fists. Kyle sobbed out a gasp as he sank onto Jamie’s cock one last time, grinding mindlessly against the throbbing length seated deep inside him as Jamie came hard. Kyle could feel Jamie’s cock twitching inside him, and he clenched around Jamie as tight as he could in those last few moments, milking Jamie for all he was worth.

  Jamie cursed, slipping his hands beneath the water to grip Kyle’s ass and yank him closer. Kyle collapsed against Jamie’s chest, and pressed a messy, openmouthed kiss against Jamie’s damp chest, licking at the water there. Jamie’s cock had barely softened in his ass despite Jamie’s climax. Kyle shifted on his lap, hissing at the slick shift he could feel inside. He shook his head in protest as Jamie tried to coax Kyle off his lap.

  “Stay in me,” Kyle said.

  Jamie groaned, dragging his hands around Kyle’s hips under the water to wrap them around his neglected erection. He started to jerk Kyle off with firm, fast strokes, pressure and not finesse the only thing that mattered. “Fuck, you like that, don’t you? Like being filled.”

  “Yeah,” Kyle said, not embarrassed in the least by his own wants.

  “Should fuck you with a dildo next time. Get you so close, then shove my cock inside with it. You’d like that, wouldn’t you? Fuck, I know you would. You’d like it even better if it were two dicks fucking your hole.”

  Kyle moaned deeply, salivating at the thought. “Yes.”

  “We’d stretch you so wide, fuck you so good, fill you up with twice the cum. You want that?”

  Kyle closed his eyes, face heating at the thought, at the way it would feel. He wasn’t going to deny how good it felt when he had a hard cock stuffed into his ass, keeping him full. But while Jamie was so, so good at giving Kyle what he wanted—something Kyle still couldn’t believe considering how short a time they’d kno
wn each other—any relationship was built on a foundation of give and take. And for all that he liked getting fucked at both ends at the same time, he knew Jamie had boundaries, ones which Kyle would always respect.

  “You don’t like sharing,” Kyle said.

  Jamie twisted his hands in such a way it should be illegal, one thumb pressing against that bundle of nerves beneath the head of his cock, that Kyle couldn’t fight the orgasm being pulled out of him. He almost missed Jamie’s words through the roaring sound of blood in his ears as he came hard, streaking Jamie’s chest with his cum.

  “I know someone I wouldn’t mind sharing you with if that’s what would make you happy.”

  Kyle pressed his forehead against Jamie’s shoulder, gasping for air as he lay against Jamie, the sticky warmth between them rapidly cooling. Jamie was half-hard inside him still, easily capable of getting it up again if Jamie wanted. And Kyle wanted that, he always would, even if he was too tired to be the one doing all the work a second time around.

  “Who?” he mumbled against Jamie’s skin. He wrapped his arms loosely around Jamie’s shoulders, letting Jamie take his weight. Kyle was sore and fucked out and aching in a good way he knew wouldn’t last. Still, he was determined to enjoy the afterglow for as long as he could. “Because I like your idea. It’s a good one, for an officer.”

  Jamie rubbed one hand up and down Kyle’s back, turning his head to press a soft kiss to Kyle’s head. “A friend. He lives in London. Maybe one of these days I’ll introduce you to him.”

  Kyle licked his lips. “He fuck like you do?”

  Jamie laughed, the sound vibrating through his body. “Yeah. Liam fucks like it’s his job and he’s damn good at it.”

  Kyle propped himself up on Jamie’s chest. “Were you guys ever together?”

  “Not how you’re thinking,” Jamie answered easily enough. “We never dated and never will, but we’re not adverse to having a little fun together. Occasionally we have sex, usually with someone else in bed with us.”


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