In the Wreckage: (M/M Sci-Fi Military Romance) (Metahuman Files Book 1)

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In the Wreckage: (M/M Sci-Fi Military Romance) (Metahuman Files Book 1) Page 30

by Hailey Turner

  Jamie raised his glass with his left hand, catching everyone’s eye. Seven other pint glasses rose to join his. “To finally getting a solid team.”

  “To coming back whole,” Trevor added.

  “To new start,” Alexei said.

  The others chimed in with their own toasts before everyone clinked their glasses together one last time and drank to good health. It was late, zero dark thirty having come and gone, but they had a solid week of liberty to look forward to after nearly a week of slogging through the aftermath of Everly’s attack on MDF headquarters. Jamie was more than happy to put all those meetings and reports behind him for the moment in exchange for not stepping foot on base. The director had promised them uninterrupted downtime, but everyone knew they’d come back willing if needed. For once, Jamie hoped Alpha Team wouldn’t be needed. The MDF had other metahuman teams in the ranks who were more than capable of handling any problem that came up while they took a much needed break.

  A warm hand slid over Jamie’s thigh, fingers digging in slightly. Jamie glanced at Kyle, but the sniper had resumed his conversation with Madison, a quarter of his drink already gone. Jamie hadn’t seen much of Kyle the week after he woke up from fighting off the damage sustained in his fight against Everly. They both had reports that multiple people high up in the government had wanted to hear in person. Jamie could probably recite his after-action report in his sleep at this point.

  Alexei and Kyle’s family had returned to Boston days after Kyle woke up, leaving with the assurance he would make a full recovery. Their family had scolded both of them for keeping their status as metahumans a secret for so long. Their acceptance had gone a long way to easing Alexei’s prickly attitude about the situation. The two hadn’t lost their family and Jamie was grateful for that.

  Katie leaned in close to speak into Jamie’s ear. “I’m going to Chicago tomorrow. You up to visiting in a couple of days?”

  “I’d love to, but I need to visit my mother and get through a cold war dinner with her at some point,” he said.

  “I’d say it can’t be that bad, but I know your family. Let me know what day and I’ll tell Mama. She’ll make you pelmeni.”

  Her mother’s traditional cooking could entice Jamie to agree to just about anything, but pelmeni was hands down his favorite dish. “We’ll come around. I promise.”

  Katie’s gaze drifted a bit and Jamie knew she was looking at Kyle. “I’m holding you to that, so don’t keep him locked up in your room the entire week.”

  Jamie rolled his eyes but didn’t argue her point. If he could get away with it, that would be his plan, and they both knew it.

  Katie grinned wickedly at him before knocking her glass against his, raising her voice. “Semper Fi.”

  “Oorah!” the entire table yelled as they pounded their fists on the table, even Alexei and Kyle, despite it not being their traditional battle cry.

  The night wound down after that, with almost everyone drifting off until only Jamie and Kyle remained. Jamie settled what was left of the tab, which wasn’t much since the team had spread around the damage through everyone’s individual accounts. Jamie left a large tip for their server and the bartender who’d looked after them. He and Kyle squeezed past the bouncer and stepped outside into the muggy night air, walking without hurry to where Jamie had parked his car. They weren’t in uniform, having changed into civvies in preparation for a week off base. Casual clothes for a night out at a bar in Logan Circle still felt a little strange after the past few weeks in uniform.

  “I’m glad we don’t have to go to another fucking meeting tomorrow,” Kyle said as he slid into the front passenger seat.

  “You and me both.”

  Jamie got behind the wheel and started the engine, a warmth suffusing him that had little to do with the alcohol he’d imbibed and which was already burned out of his system. Jamie was looking forward to the rest of the night. Judging by the way Kyle’s hand never left Jamie’s thigh the entire drive home, so was he. Jamie felt his lips twitch with a smile at that thought.

  Jamie couldn’t believe it’d been almost a month since they met that first night at the bar, two strangers looking to release some tension and coming away with so much more. Now he had Kyle on his team and in his bed, and Jamie couldn’t be happier.

  Traffic wasn’t terrible this late on a Saturday night, or early Sunday, depending on how one read the clock. Jamie parked in his reserved spot in the subterranean garage and code-locked the car. Kyle was the one who got them into the biolocked elevator and through the penthouse condo’s door. Jamie locked it behind them before pushing Kyle up against the door and indulging in a kiss that had the bitter undertone of the beer they’d been drinking like water all night.

  “Unless you’re going to fuck me against the door, you should take me to the bedroom,” Kyle murmured against his mouth.

  “There’s a thought,” Jamie said with a wicked smile. “But I don’t want to break the door. The team would never let me live it down.”

  Kyle laughed, leaning into Jamie’s touch as the taller man gripped Kyle by the back of his thighs and hauled him into his arms. Kyle wrapped his legs around Jamie’s waist and Jamie palmed his ass, sucking a mark into the soft skin below the hinge of his jaw. Kyle curled his arms around Jamie’s shoulders, shivering as Jamie swiped his tongue over the reddened spot.

  “Bedroom,” Kyle repeated, running his fingers through Jamie’s blond hair.

  Jamie didn’t need to look where he was going as he carried Kyle to their bedroom; they weren’t messy by nature and his normal cleaning crew had been by just that morning while they finished up at headquarters. The computer automatically turned on the lights to a low setting as they stepped into the bedroom. The curtains were pulled back, revealing the D.C. skyline in all its sharp-edged, neon glory. They couldn’t see the stars, not with all the light pollution in the way, but Jamie wasn’t looking for them anyway.

  He tossed Kyle onto the bed, watching him bounce a little on the mattress. Kyle didn’t waste any time kicking off his sneakers and pulling off his socks. He stripped out of his shirt, jeans, and underwear before Jamie even got the buttons undone on his short-sleeved shirt, content to watch Kyle get naked. It was quickly becoming his favorite pastime. Kyle grabbed Jamie by the belt buckle and hauled him closer. Jamie stepped between Kyle’s long legs, laughing a little as Kyle batted away Jamie’s hands.

  “Let me,” Kyle said, taking his time to undo each button and press a kiss to the inches of skin and rock-hard muscles it bared on Jamie’s chest as the dress shirt fell open.

  Jamie shrugged out of his shirt once the buttons were all undone, letting Kyle undo his belt and pull it free with a firm tug. It got tossed to the floor, neither bothering to see where it landed. Jamie pushed his jeans down his thighs and stepped out of them before hooking his thumbs under the band of his briefs to pull them off as well. Kyle’s green eyes got darker as Jamie’s cock sprang free, arousal causing it to thicken.

  “I really want to suck you,” Kyle said.

  “Patience,” Jamie told him.

  He stepped away to dig through the nightstand, coming up with a bottle of lube and a leather cock ring. He left the drawer open for later before returning to where Kyle sat at the edge of the bed, one hand slowly stroking his cock, eyes never leaving Jamie. The heat in Kyle’s gaze was always a welcome sight to Jamie, his own anticipation deepening. Jamie doubted he’d ever get tired of seeing the naked want and desire Kyle refused to hide from him.

  Kyle tilted his head up for a kiss Jamie was more than willing to give him. Kyle grabbed for Jamie’s arm, hand trailing down over the elbow to his wrist and hand, fingers tugging at the leather strip with its small silver snap buttons. “This is new.”

  “I did say I had a surprise for you tonight. I promise you’ll like it,” Jamie said.

  “I like anything you give me,” Kyle confessed as he spread his legs wider, making room for Jamie. “I like how you make me feel.”

p; Jamie didn’t know what to say to that revelation, so he kissed Kyle again. Rarely was Jamie at a loss of words, but in the privacy of their home, he was discovering that Kyle could leave him breathless in the best of ways.

  In the handful of weeks they’d been together, they’d worked their way through a number of Jamie’s toys, both of their wants, and all their desire. Kyle, Jamie had learned, was beautifully responsive in bed, taking everything Jamie could think to give him with a plea for more. Some of Kyle’s want was driven by his need to feel some sort of pain to ground him in his body, riding an edge Jamie refused to let them fall over. Jamie was aware of Kyle’s need on a visceral level and took care that whatever bit of pain Kyle asked for came wrapped in pleasure.

  Jamie used a little lube to coat the inside of the leather strip before wrapping it around Kyle’s cock and balls, snapping it snugly into place. Kyle shivered when Jamie stroked his cock a few times, rubbing a thumb over the head. He licked his lips, reaching out to touch Jamie’s chest, trailing his hands upward. The feel of Kyle’s fingernails scraping over his muscles made Jamie’s cock twitch a little.

  “Feels tight,” Kyle said.

  Jamie kissed him lazily, playing absently with his balls before pulling back to take in the picture Kyle made. He liked the way the dark leather looked against the thin fuzz of reddish-brown pubes, a black line between the pale skin of Kyle’s body and the deepening color of his cock. “Too tight?”


  “Then get on your knees.”

  Kyle licked and kissed his way down Jamie’s body and Jamie let him, watching as he sank to his knees, darkening cock thickening between his legs. As much as Jamie knew Kyle liked sucking cock, Jamie equally loved how Kyle looked on his knees. There was something to be said about a strong, stubborn man willingly getting on his knees that always made Jamie’s mouth salivate with anticipation. That it was Kyle, who was everything Jamie could want in a willing partner and then some, made the picture all the more sensual.

  Kyle nuzzled his cheek against Jamie’s half-hard cock, before suckling gently at the tip. Jamie inhaled sharply, reaching out to cradle Kyle’s head in one hand. Jamie looked down at where Kyle kneeled, legs splayed wide, one hand tugging at his own cock while the other fingered Jamie’s balls. He met Kyle’s hungry gaze with a raised brow.

  “I’m not stopping you,” Jamie said.

  Kyle moved his head, taking more of Jamie in, running his tongue against the underside of Jamie’s cock. The wet heat of Kyle’s mouth was heavenly and Jamie couldn’t help but thrust shallowly into that welcoming warmth. Kyle stroked Jamie’s cock with his free hand whenever he pulled back before sliding back down the thick length. He swallowed against the hardening thickness, cheeks hollowing as he rubbed his tongue against the sensitive underside. Jamie rolled his hips forward a little more and Kyle relaxed his jaw, taking as much of Jamie’s cock as was given. He loved to take it all, perfectly willing to choke on it until Jamie came down his throat, but that wasn’t what Jamie wanted tonight.

  Jamie stroked his hand over Kyle’s cheek, watching as those green eyes fluttered shut. Kyle’s lips were spit-shiny where they were wrapped around his cock and Jamie couldn’t help but press his thumb to the corner of Kyle’s mouth. Kyle hummed, tongue flicking out to touch Jamie’s thumb even as he stroked Jamie’s cock with his hand. Jamie rolled his hips forward, letting his cock slide all the way in until Kyle’s nose was pressed against his groin. He held himself there for a second or two before pulling out of Kyle’s mouth completely. When Kyle moved to try to draw him back in, Jamie kept Kyle still with a firm hand gripping his hair. He tilted Kyle’s head back, watching as that red tongue licked at slightly puffy lips, Kyle’s eyes a faint gleam through his lashes.

  “Get on the bed.”

  As Kyle moved to obey, Jamie went and pulled a dildo out of the nightstand drawer before climbing up after him. Kyle caught Jamie up in a messy kiss before getting comfortable amongst the pillows. Jamie ran his hands up Kyle’s body, digging his palms into firm muscle. He grabbed Kyle’s hands and drew them over his head until they touched the headboard. Kyle took the hint and slid his hands through some of the wooden filigree to grip the wider edge, flexing his fingers. Jamie didn’t own any handcuffs and wouldn’t ever dream of using them on Kyle or himself. Restraints were a mood killer for them, but there was something undeniably hot about Kyle staying in place because he was asked to.

  “Don’t move,” Jamie told him.

  Kyle ran his calf up Jamie’s side. “And if I do?”

  Jamie pushed Kyle’s legs apart, his thumbs catching in the back of Kyle’s knees. “Then I won’t fuck you.”

  “That going to be your punishment in the future if I mess up in the field? No fucking me for a night?”

  “Try a week.”

  Kyle narrowed his eyes. “That’s cruel and unusual punishment right there.”

  Jamie kissed him again, biting down softly on his bottom lip. “Then you better obey.”

  “Yes, sir,” Kyle murmured when they parted.

  Jamie slid his fingers behind Kyle’s balls and pressed them flat over the butt plug tucked into his hole. They’d fucked before leaving for the bar earlier and Jamie had acted on Kyle’s half-joking comment about staying wet for later by using the butt plug. The fact that Kyle let him had almost derailed their entire night out, but they managed to make it to the bar only a little after everyone else had arrived.

  Kyle sucked in a sharp breath as Jamie carefully withdrew the butt plug, tossing it aside. Jamie gripped Kyle’s ass and pulled his cheeks apart, watching as a trickle of cum escaped his fluttering hole. His cock was a lovely dusky pink now, thick from arousal, the black leather cock ring standing out sharply against his skin. Jamie sank a finger into Kyle’s already-wet hole, feeling how easy he took it. The plug hadn’t been very thick, while the dildo was nearly as thick as Jamie’s cock and set with ridges.

  Kyle was always tight, something Jamie couldn’t get enough of, but which usually required some kind of prep. He could go slow, but Jamie knew what Kyle liked, what he wanted. So he sank two more fingers into Kyle’s hole, chasing the cum he’d left behind hours ago. The stretch was sudden enough to make Kyle hiss. Jamie watched as Kyle’s eyelids fluttered shut, mouth dropping open on a moan as he bore down on Jamie’s fingers, taking them so perfectly, so willingly.

  “Fuck, you always feel so good,” Kyle said, letting his head fall back as his toes curled. “Picking you up at that bar was the best fucking decision I ever made.”

  Jamie smiled. “Yeah, can’t say I’m complaining.”

  “You’re three fingers deep in me. You better not be fucking compl—oh! Fuck.”

  Jamie pressed hard against Kyle’s prostate, rubbing his fingertips against that bundle of nerves. “You were saying?”

  “Fuck me,” Kyle gritted out, breathing heavily, face already flushed, nipples peaked and hard. “Been thinking about this all night with your cum in me. I want your cock.”

  “Yeah? You know what I want to hear.”

  Kyle didn’t hesitate, unashamed about what he wanted and perfectly willing to beg Jamie for anything. It always made Jamie’s cock twitch at the easy way Kyle would just give in to him even as he mouthed off half the time. As if Kyle knew Jamie would give him everything he could, make it so good for him, and care for him afterward when he was too fucked out to even speak.

  “Fuck me, sir. Please.”

  Jamie leaned forward and kissed Kyle. “Since you asked so nicely.”

  Jamie withdrew his fingers and reached for the lube again. He stroked his cock a few times, slicking himself up before pressing the purpling head against Kyle’s hole. When he pushed in, cum blurted out in a thick glob and Jamie groaned at the sight as he sank into that willing heat. Kyle let out a gasp that sounded like it hurt even as he wrapped his legs around Jamie’s waist, pulling him closer. Jamie shifted his knees, digging them against the mattress for leverage as he bottomed out, his balls pressed ag
ainst the curve of Kyle’s ass.

  His cock was thicker than the plug, than his fingers, and Kyle groaned from the intrusion. Jamie didn’t give him time to adjust. He pulled out nearly all the way before thrusting back in, nailing Kyle’s prostate with a precision that pulled a shout out of Kyle. Jamie watched as Kyle locked his arms, bearing down on Jamie’s cock as Jamie fucked into him with long, hard strokes. Jamie held him down, held him steady, enjoying the clenching feel of Kyle’s hole around his cock, the way Kyle gasped every time Jamie fucked in deep at just the right angle. Kyle might love sucking cock, but Jamie absolutely got off on being in control, on being the one to give his partner pleasure enough to make them scream.

  “Yes, right there, don’t stop!” Kyle begged. He bit his lip, but that didn’t stop the whine from leaving his mouth as Jamie kept fucking him with hard determination.

  Jamie dropped his gaze from Kyle’s face, leaning back a little so he could watch the way his cock disappeared into Kyle, his balls slapping against Kyle’s ass. The sound of skin smacking against skin filled the bedroom in between breathless moans. He’d been thinking about this all night, thinking about getting Kyle beneath him in any and every way possible. The reality was better than anything he could dream up. Jamie dug his fingers into Kyle’s thighs, the bruises purpling Kyle’s skin for mere seconds before disappearing.

  Kyle watched him with hungry eyes, lips parted, his reddened cock slapping against his belly. Jamie switched up the pace, grinding in tight, hard circles into Kyle even as he fondled Kyle’s cock. Kyle yelled at the first touch of Jamie’s fingers, back arching, feet digging into the mattress.

  “Don’t fight it,” Jamie told him as he thumbed the head of Kyle’s cock, smearing precum around the sensitive glans.


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