3. Mark PoKemper photos, ca. 6–7 November 1995, MPP; Hank DeZutter, “What Makes Obama Run?,” CR, 8 December 1995, pp. 1ff.; Ellen Schumer notes, 8 November 1995, and Schumer to Obama, 10 November 1995, ESP; Scott Fornek, “Barack Obama,” CST, 1 March 2004, p. 6; Notice of Federal Tax Lien Under Internal Revenue Laws, #91-155273, 12 November 1991; Obama, DFMF, pp. xi–xii, 124–25; Ron Jacobs, Obamaland (Trade Publishing, 2008), p. 79; Obama on Situation Room, CNN, 8 May 2008; David Maraniss, “Though Obama Had to Leave to Find Himself, It Is Hawaii That Made His Rise Possible,” WP Magazine, 24 August 2008; Remnick, The Bridge, pp. 286–88; Abramsky, Inside Obama’s Brain, p. 104; Dinesh Sharma, “She Had a Dream,” Asia Times, 16 January 2010; Scott, A Singular Woman, pp. 343–46; DJG interviews with Mark PoKemper, Gerry Alexis, Ellen Schumer, Charles Payne, and Bronwen and Garrett Solyom.
4. Ellen Schumer to Obama, 10 November 1995 (with further 21 November annotation), ESP; Lisa Ely, “Candidates Move Ahead as Election Draws Near,” Chicago Citizen, 9 November 1995, p. 1; Chinta Strausberg, “Latest Support Is Music to Ears of Jackson Jr.,” CD, 9 November 1995, p. 3; John Kass, “Mob-Linked Union Paid Jackson,” CT, 10 November 1995, p. C1; Scott Fornek, “2nd District Candidates Rip into Each Other,” CST, 10 November 1995, p. 17; Thomas Hardy, “Jones Happy to Run as Political Insider,” CT, 12 November 1995, p. C1; Strausberg, “Jones Builds a Bigger Base,” CD, 13 November 1995, p. 3; Jesse Jackson Jr. TV Ad, 13 November 1995, JJJP; Steve Neal, “Slogans Fly as 2nd District Race Picks Up Steam,” CST, 14 November 1995, p. 31; “Orr Backs Palmer for Reynolds’ Seat,” and “Another Chance in the 2nd District,” CT, 14 November 1995; Bonnie Miller Rubin, “Palmer Defined by, and Penalized for, Independence,” CT, 15 November 1995, p. C1; Strausberg, “Palmer Defends Wife Against Davis Attacks,” CD, 15 November 1995, p. 21; Fornek, “2nd District Candidates Talk Taxes,” CST, 16 November 1995, p. 22; Mitchell Locin, “Davis Runs Against All Odds Again,” CT, 17 November 1995, p. C1; Hardy, “Jackson Jr. Leads in Race to Replace Reynolds,” CT, 19 November 1995; Hardy, “Jackson Dismisses Youth Issue,” CT, 20 November 1995; Fornek, “Charges Fly in 2nd Dist. Race,” CST, 20 November 1995, p. 9; Strausberg, “Second Dist. Candidates Battle Over Polls, Issues,” CD, 20 November 1995, p. 5; Ethan Michaeli, “Jackson Leads Money Race,” CD, 21 November 1995, p. 1; Joanne Esters-Brown, “2nd District Debate Turns into Mudslinger,” HPH, 22 November 1995, p. 1; Strausberg, “Jackson Hits Jones Campaign Literature in 2nd Dist. Race,” CD, 22 November 1995, p. 3; Gary Mays and Hardy, “Jackson’s Bid Clouded by New Support,” CT, 23 November 1995; Hardy, “2nd District Primary May Be Turkey,” CT, 24 November 1995; “Emil Jones Deserves Election to Congress,” CST, 24 November 1995, p. 53; Don Terry, “In House Election, a Familiar Name,” NYT, 24 November 1995; Kass, “Ex-Gang Member Adds Fuel to Campaign Fire in 2nd,” CT, 25 November 1995; Hardy, “Variety Is Theme in 2nd District,” CT, 26 November 1995; Art Golab and Michelle Campbell, “2nd District Candidates Trade Accusations,” CST, 26 November 1995, p. 9; Benjamin Sheffner, “On the Special Election Trail,” Roll Call, 27 November 1995; Michaeli, “Palmer Takes Campaign into Home Stretch,” and Strausberg, “Palmer Disputes ‘Soft on Crime’ Charge,” CD, 27 November 1995, pp. 1, 5; Teresa Puente and Patricia Callahan, “2nd District Foes Preach Hope,” CT, 27 November 1995; Strausberg, “Candidates: Jobs at Stake,” CD, 28 November 1995, p. 1; Fornek, “Weather May Be a Deciding Factor Today at the Polls,” Michael Briggs, “Jones Gets Big Boost of Money at the End,” and Steve Neal, “For 2nd District Voters, It’s Youth vs. Experience,” CST, 28 November 1995, pp. 9 and 31.
5. Jesse Jackson Jr. with Frank E. Watkins, A More Perfect Union: Advancing New American Rights (Welcome Rain, 2001), p. 39; Burney Simpson, “Computers and Cash Boot Up Jackson’s New Machine,” Chicago Reporter, January 1996; Minutes, CAC Board of Directors, 28 November 1995, 3:15 P.M., CACP; Sabrina Miller, “Schools Get Big Bucks to Fund Reform,” CT, 20 December 1995; Lorraine Forte, “35 Networks Get First Annenberg Funds,” Catalyst Chicago, February 1996; Deanna Bellandi (AP), “U of I at Chicago Opens Ayers Records,” 27 August 2008; Thomas Hardy and Bonnie Miller Rubin, “Jesse Jackson Jr. Rolls Over Veteran Opponents,” CT, 29 November 1995; Scott Fornek, “Jesse Jr. Wins,” CST, 29 November 1995, p. 1; “Jesse Wins,” and Ethan Michaeli, “Palmer Concedes in Dem Primary,” CD, 29 November 1995, pp. 1 and 3; “Jesse Jackson Jr. Wins Primary in Chicago,” NYT, 29 November 1995; Kevin Knapp, “Another Entry in State Senate Race, HPH, 29 November 1995, p. 1; Benjamin Sheffner, “His Last Name Proves Golden for Jesse Jackson Jr.,” Roll Call, 30 November 1995; Hardy, “Jackson Names Just Spells Victory,” CT, 30 November 1995; Rick Bryant, “Jesse Jr. Comes Up Aces,” Southtown, 30 November 1995; Chinta Strausberg, “Somer, Jesse to Do Battle,” CD, 30 November 1995, p. 1; Lisa Ely et al., “Jackson Wins Primary Bid to Congress,” Chicago Citizen, 30 November 1995, p. 1; Russ Stewart, “Daley Has Big Stake in 7th District,” Illinois Politics, December 1995, pp. 9–10; Strausberg, “Jackson Jr. Campaign Heats Up,” CD, 4 December 1995, p. 3; Strausberg, “Draft Palmer Campaign Launched,” CD, 5 December 1995, p. 4; David K. Fremon, Chicago Politics Ward by Ward (Indiana University Press, 1988), pp. 260, 267; Ellen Schumer note, “12/5—Barack Obama—751-1170,” 5 December 1995, ESP; Rick Bryant, “Palmer Will Seek Re-Election After All,” Daily Southtown, 9 December 1995, p. A7; Kevin Knapp, “Palmer May Re-Enter State Senate Race,” HPH, 13 December 1995, p. 1; Scott Fornek, “‘I’ve Got a Competitive Nature,’” CST, 3 October 2004, p. 12; Adolph Reed Jr., “Obama No,” Progressive, May 2008; DJG interviews with Kitty Kurth, Alan Dobry, John Charles, Dan Shomon, Carol Harwell, Emil Jones Jr., Lula Ford, Jesse Jackson Jr., Marty King, Hal Baron, Paul Williams, Jesse Ruiz, Howard Stanback, Bob Klonowski, Madeline Talbott, Sunny Fischer, Alice Palmer, Don Wiener, Barbara Holt, Tim Black, Adolph Reed, Michael Dawson, Willie Delgado, William McNary, and Nia Odeoti-Hassan. “My husband to this day,” Palmer volunteered in 2011, “he’s never forgiven me” for promising to give up her seat.
6. Hank DeZutter, “What Makes Obama Run?,” CR, 8 December 1995, pp. 1ff.; John H. Sibley, “Obama’s Myopia,” CR, 22 December 1995; Brent Watters, “Accomplished Black Chicago Author Explores the Subject of Race,” Hyde Park Citizen, 28 December 1995, p. 3; DJG interview with Hank DeZutter.
7. Bonnie Miller Rubin, “Democracy Costs Time and Money,” CT, 12 December 1995; Thomas Hardy and William Presecky, “Win for Both,” CT, 13 December 1995; Steve Daley, “Jackson Jr. Out of the Shadows, into Spotlight,” CT, 15 December 1995; Kevin Knapp, “List of Next Year’s Candidates Is Sparse,” HPH, 13 December 1995, pp. 1–2; Tom Johnson fax to Ron Davis or Carol Harwell, 28 November 1995, TEJP; Friends of Barack Obama, Report of Campaign Contributions and Expenditures, Form D-2, 1 July 1995–31 December 1995, 2 February 1996; Chinta Strausberg, “Jackson Jr. to File Petitions Today,” CD, 18 December 1995, p. 22; Adam Lashinsky et al., “One Good Thing,” CCB, 18 December 1995, p. 8; Strausberg, “Palmer OKs Draft to Run for Re-Election,” CD, 19 December 1995, p. 3; Thomas Hardy, “Jackson Foe Now Wants Old Job Back—Palmer Must Now Battle Own Endorsee,” CT, 19 December 1995; “The Unzip” and “State Senator Alice J. Palmer Announces Run for Re-Election,” South Street Journal, 19 December 1995–4 January 1996, pp. 2, 9; Knapp, “Palmer Caught in Campaign Draft,” and “Candidates File Petitions for Local Political Offices,” HPH, 20 December 1995, pp. 1–2; Ellen Schumer notes (on lunch with Barack), 20 December 1995, ESP; Strausberg, “Palmer Challenger Says He Won’t Step Aside in Race,” CD, 21 December 1995, p. 3; Ronald Davis, Notarized Statement, 22 December 1995, TEJP; “Candidates Prepare to Wage Battles Over Nominating Petitions,” CT, 24 December 1995; Sunya Walls, “Alice Palmer Decides to Run for Re-Election,” Chicago Weekend, 25 December 1995, p. 2; Judy Hevrdejs and Mike Conkling, “Early Christmas for Bill Melton,” CT, 25 December 1995; Mathias W. Delort, Odelson and Sterk, “Appearance,” Davis v. Palmer, #96-EB-SS-09, 28 December 1995; Thomas E. Johnson, “Appearance,” Davis v. Ewell, #96-EB-SS-1
1, 2 January 1996, TEJP; Kevin Knapp, “Candidates Face Petition Challenges,” HPH, 3 January 1996, p. 3; Raymond Ewell fax to Thomas E. Johnson, and including Marc Ewell, “Motion to Strike Objector’s Petition,” 3 January 1996, TEJP; Saul Mendelson, “Independents Defend Their Pre-Election Work,” HPH, 7 February 1996, pp. 4, 14; David Jackson and Ray Long, “Obama Knows His Way Around a Ballot,” CT, 4 April 2007; Leslie Hairston, “Tribute to Late Mr. Ronald L. Davis,” Chicago City Council Journal, 14 May 2008, pp. 15–16; Drew Griffin, Newsroom, CNN, 29 May 2008; David Freddoso, “Obama Played by Chicago Rules,” WSJ, 20 August 2008, p. A19; Michelle Norris, “How Chicago Politics Shaped Obama,” All Things Considered, NPR, 16 October 2008; Will Burns’s 2008 interview with Jim Gilmore; Rickey Hendon, Black Enough/White Enough: The Obama Dilemma (Third World Press, 2009), p. 10; Remnick, The Bridge, pp. 291–92; McClelland, Young Mr. Obama, p. 118; George E. Condon Jr., “A Sense of Self,” National Journal, 22 September 2012, pp. 16–19; DJG interviews with Delmarie Cobb, Jesse Jackson Jr., Alice Palmer, Will Burns, Carol Harwell, Emil Jones, Mike Hoffmann, Dan Shomon, John Charles, Tim Black, Paul Williams, Alan and Lois Dobry, Ray Harris, Barbara Flynn Currie, Ellen Schumer, Mike Pfleger, Jacky Grimshaw, Jan Schakowsky, Dave Gross, Courtney Nottage, Tom Johnson, and Kathy Stell. Also see Steven R. Strahler, “Jackson’s PUSH Comes to Shove,” CCB, 8 April 1996, p. 1, and Dale Eastman, “The Rise of Jesse Jackson Jr. and the First Family of Black America,” Chicago Magazine, May 1996.
8. Lumpkin v. Envirodyne Industries, 933 F.2d 933 (7th Cir.), 17 May 1991, cert. denied, 502 U.S. 939, 4 November 1991; Paul Galloway, “Steel Workers’ Labor of Love,” CT, 4 April 1994, p. T1; R. C. Longworth, “Forged in Steel, Soon Forgotten,” CT, 30 March 1995, p. 1; Longworth, “Man of Steel,” CT, 31 May 1995, p. T1; Longworth, “Wisconsin Steel Deal May End Ex-Workers’ Agony,” CT, 9 December 1995, p. 1; “Envirodyne, Steel Workers OK Settlement,” CST, 10 December 1995, p. 10; “Wisconsin Steel,” Daily Southtown, 9 December 1995, pp. A1, A7; Tamara Kerrill, “Wisconsin Steel Veterans Accept 10% of Their Due,” CST, 3 January 1996, p. 6; DJG interviews with Tom Geoghegan, Tom Johnson, and Bea Lumpkin.
9. Saul Mendelson and Lois Friedberg-Dobry, “Independents Defend Their Pre-Election Work,” HPH, 7 February 1996, pp. 4, 14; Ellen Schumer note, “1-5-96—Barack Obama,” ESP; Adolph Reed Jr., “The Curse of Community,” Village Voice, 16 January 1996; Saul [Mendelson] to Alice [Palmer], 25 January 1996, Dobry Papers and TEJP; Kevin Knapp, “Local Independent Voters Still Divided,” HPH, 31 January 1996, pp. 1, 3; David Jackson and Ray Long, “Obama Knows His Way Around a Ballot,” CT, 4 April 2007; McClelland, Young Mr. Obama, p. 119; DJG interviews with Alan and Lois Dobry, Kathy Stell, Tom Johnson, and Carol Harwell.
10. Barack Obama, Impact Endorsement Questionnaire, 7 January 1996, 3pp., and Obama to Trudy Ring, Outlines, 15 February 1996, both Web-posted in conjunction with Tracy Baim, “Obama Changed Views on Gay Marriage,” Windy City Times, 14 January 2009, p. 6, and both reprinted in Baim, Obama and the Gays: A Political Marriage (Prairie Avenue Productions, 2010), pp. 190, 192–93.
11. Tom Johnson notes, 8 January 1996, 4 P.M., TEJP; Kevin Knapp, “Petition Challenges Shape Political Ballot,” HPH, 10 January 1996, pp. 1–2; Michael Sneed, “Sneed,” CST, 11 January 1996, p. 4; Madeline Talbott, “Response to ‘What Kind of Democracy Are We Building in the New Party?,’” 6 January 1996, IAP Box 11 Fld. 4; “Chicago New Party 1996 Goals,” n.d., IAP Box 10 Fld. 23; Agenda, New Party Membership Meeting, 11 January 1996, IAP Box 10 Fld. 24; “Minutes, New Party Meeting (Draft),” 11 January 1996, IAP Box 10 Fld. 23; New Party News Vol. 5, #2, Spring 1996 (“New Party members” who won spring primaries include Barack); Bruce Bentley, “New Party Update,” New Ground 47, July–August 1996 (noting Barack’s attendance at an 11 April New Party membership meeting, where he “encouraged NPers to join his task forces on Voter Education and Voter Registration”); Jim Cullen, “Editorial: The Next Campaign,” Progressive Populist, November 1996 (“New Party member Barack Obama”); [Madeline Talbott], “Proposal for Maintaining a City-Wide Structure,” November 1996, IAP Box 12 Fld. 11; [Madeline Talbott], “Chicago New Party Chairperson’s Report Year End ’96/Year Begin ’97,” n.d., IAP Box 10 Fld. 103; Illinois New Party Membership List, 3 January 1997, IAP Box 10 Fld. 118 (no listing of Obama, esp. per pp. 11, 17, 20, and 22–23); “Targeting Resources to Electoral Districts,” n.d. [ca. February 1997], IAP Box 11 Fld. 1; “New Party—Not Paid Up,” 17 April 1997, IAP (2010-080) Box 10 Fld. 50, p. 8 (“Obama Barack Date Join 1/11/96”); Carl Davidson, “Carl Davidson on Barack O’bomb’em,” 21 January 2007, mailman.lbo-talk.org; Carl Davidson Web comment per Ron Radosh, 18 July 2012, pjmedia.com; Jackson and Long, “Obama Knows His Way Around a Ballot,” CT, 4 April 2007; John Nichols, “How to Push Obama,” The Progressive, January 2009; Stanley Kurtz, “Obama’s Third-Party History,” NationalReview.com, 7 June 2012; Ben Smith, “Obama and the New Party,” Buzzfeed.com, 8 June 2012; Rosie Gray and Ben Smith, “In Chicago, No Memory of Obama New Party Membership,” Buzzfeed.com, 12 June 2012; Kurtz, “Obama on the Fringe,” National Review, 25 June 2012, pp. 25–27; DJG interviews with Madeline Talbott, Keith Kelleher, Joel Rogers, and Sarah Siskind.
12. Kevin Knapp, “Primary Ballot Gets Face-Lift from Board,” HPH, 17 January 1996, p. 1; Thomas E. Johnson, “Notice of Filing” and “Objector’s Motion to Strike Candidate’s Rule 8 Motion,” Davis v. Palmer, #96-EB-SS-09, 17 January 1996, TEJP; Nancy Ryan and Thomas Hardy, “Sen. Palmer Ends Bid for Re-Election,” CT, 18 January 1996; “Palmer Out Again,” CST, 18 January 1996, p. 14; Chinta Strausberg, “Palmer Throws in Towel,” CD, 18 January 1996, p. 3; Rick Bryant, “Palmer Pulls Her Hat from 13th District Ring,” Daily Southtown, 18 January 1996, p. A4; Johnson notes, 20 January 1996, TEJP; Sunya Walls, “Alice Palmer Withdraws from Race for Re-Election,” Chicago Weekend, 21 January 1996, p. 3; Cook County Electoral Board, “Decision,” Davis v. Palmer, #96-EB-SS-09, 23 January 1996, 2pp., TEJP; Knapp, “Final Primary Ballot Taking Shape,” HPH, 24 January 1996, p. 1; Ulmer D. Lynch Jr. v. State Board of Election, Chicago Board of Election Commissioners, Thomas E. Johnson & Barack Obama, #96-C-0270, N. D. Ill., 24 January 1996; Cook County Electoral Board, “Remand to Hearing Examiner,” Davis v. Ewell, #96-EB-SS-11, 31 January 1996; Johnson to Obama, 30 January 1996 (“enclosed is the Election Board’s decisions removing Alice Palmer and Ulmer Lynch from the ballot”), 30 January 1996; James M. Scanlon to Johnson, 5 February 1996, Johnson to Obama, 5 and 6 February 1996, Johnson, “Answer to Amended Complaint,” Lynch v. State Board of Elections, #96-C-0270, N. D. Ill., 7 February 1996, Cook County Electoral Board, “Decision,” Davis v. Ewell, #96-EB-SS-11, 9 February 1996, Johnson to Obama, 12 February 1996 (“enclosed are the decisions knocking Ewell and Askia off the ballot”), all TEJP; Marc Ewell v. Board of Election Commissioners, #96-C-0823, N. D. Ill., 13 February 1996; Charles R. Norgle Sr., “Minute Order,” Lynch v. State Board of Elections, #96-C-0270, N. D. Ill., 16 February 1996; Johnson to Ron Davis, 19 February 1996, TEJP; Knapp, “Ex-Candidates Sue Election Board,” HPH, 21 February 1996, p. 1; Raymond W. Ewell, “Memorandum of Law in Support of Petition for Temporary Restraining Order,” James M. Scanlon, “Answer,” Thomas E. Johnson, “Barack Obama and Ronald Davis’ Motion to Intervene as Defendants,” Johnson, “Intervening Defendants’ Answer and Defense,” and Ruben Castillo, “Minute Order,” Ewell v. Board of Election Commissioners, #96-C-0823, 21 February 1996, TEJP; Starks in Remnick, The Bridge, p. 292; Hendon, Black Enough/White Enough, p. 10; Hendon’s 2010 interview with Peter Slen; DJG interviews with Howard Carroll and Don Wiener.
13. Kevin Knapp, “Local Independent Voters Still Divided,” HPH, 31 January 1996, pp. 1, 3; Senate Floor Transcript, 8 February 1996, p. 2 (SB 1554); Salim Muwakkil, “Candidate Not What He Seems, Foes Insist,” CST, 12 February 1996, p. 29; Minutes, CAC Board of Directors Executive Committee, 22 February 1996, CACP; Ellen Schumer notes, 5 January 1996, ESP; Bruce Bentley, “Chicago DSA Executive Committee Meeting Minutes,”
20 January 1996, DSAP Box 116; Byron White and William Mullen, “U. of C. Is Losing Its Top Urban Sociologist,” CT, 8 February 1996; Flyer, “Chicago DSA Membership Meeting,” and Bruce Bentley, “Chicago DSA Membership Meeting Minutes,” 8 February 1996, DSAP Box 116; “Hyde Park Happenings,” HPH, 21 February 1996, p. 21; Kate Olson, “Town Meeting Addresses Economic Problems,” Chicago Maroon, 27 February 1996, pp. 1, 4; Bob Roman, “A Town Meeting on Economic Insecurity: Employment and Survival in Urban America,” and “Chicago DSA Endorsements in the March 19th Primary Election,” New Ground, March–April 1996; Joel Bleifuss, “Red-Boating Obama,” In These Times, 11 March 2008; Henry Louis Gates Jr., “A Conversation with William Julius Wilson on the Election of Barack Obama,” Du Bois Review 6 (March 2008): 15–23, at 18 (Barack was “very, very engaging” when Wilson first met him at the home of Tracy Meares); DJG interviews with Tim Wright, John Schmidt, and Katie Romich.
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