52. Chinta Strausberg, “Howard Pushes Expungement Bills,” CD, 1 April 2002, p. 4; CF, 19 January 2001, 4 March 2002 (“George Ryan has been one of the most honest governors this state has ever had”), and 3, 4, 11, 12, 16, and 17 April 2002; Obama, “Laws Help Ex-Offenders Re-Enter Society,” HPH, 3 April 2002, p. 4; Matt O’Connor, “U.S. Accuses Ryan Fund, 2 Ex-Aides of Corruption,” CT, 3 April 2002; Senate Floor Transcript, 3 April 2002, pp. 6 (Obama introducing SR 374) and 139 (Obama amending SB 1782); Rick Pearson and O’Connor, “U.S. Probe Indicts ‘Political Culture,’” CT, 4 April 2002; Senate Floor Transcript, 4 April 2002, pp. 28–35 (SBs 1661, 1662, and 1663), 45 (SB 1782), 104–5 (SB 2098), and 153–56 (SB 2303); “Obama’s Postpartum Depression Bill Is Sent to Governor Ryan,” Obama Staff Press Release, 19 June 2002; Steve Neal, “Bloody Scandal Tops Them All,” CST, 5 April 2002, p. 41; Steve Rhodes, “The Fawell Affair,” Chicago Magazine, May 2004; Adriana Colindres, “Arguments Made for Cigarette Tax Hike,” SJ-R, 5 April 2002, p. 4; Daniel C. Vock, “Senators Scorch Fee Claim in Tobacco Case,” CDLB, 5 April 2002, pp. 1, 22; Strausberg, “Medicaid Cuts Will Cost Millions in Lost Federal Funds,” CD, 6 April 2002, p. 1; Todd Spivak, “Critics Call the Remaps Partisan, Undemocratic,” HPH, 10 April 2002, p. 2 (Obama admitting that “incumbents drawing their own maps will inevitably try to advantage themselves”); JCAR Minutes, 10 April 2002; Senate Floor Transcript, 10 April 2002, pp. 9–20 (SJR 18, seeking to remove the Illinois Supreme Court’s criminal jurisdiction); Report of the Governor’s Commission on Capital Punishment, 15 April 2002; John O’Connor, “Ryan to Keep Moratorium While Death Penalty Overhaul Faces Uncertain Future,” AP, 16 April 2002; Steve Mills and Maurice Possley, “‘We’re Talking About Life and Death,’” CT, 16 April 2002; Jodi Wilgoren, “Panel in Illinois Seeks to Reform Death Sentence,” NYT, 16 April 2002; Thomas P. Sullivan, “Repair or Repeal—Report of the Governor’s Commision on Capital Punishment,” Illinois Bar Journal 90 (June 2002): 304–7, 325; Sullivan, “Preventing Wrongful Convictions,” Judicature 86 (September–October 2002): 106–9, 120; Scott Turow, Ultimate Punishment (Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2003); Barack H. Obama and Michelle L. Obama, IRS Form 1040, 13 April 2002; Woods Fund of Chicago, 2001 Annual Report, p. 34 (noting a $6,000 grant to Trinity United Church of Christ “in recognition of Barack Obama’s contribution of services,” pursuant to 5 ILCS 420 §2-110 [b]); Dorothy A. Brown, “Lessons from Barack and Michelle Obama’s Tax Returns,” Tax Notes, 10 March 2014, pp. 1109–13; Friends of Barack Obama, Report of Campaign Contributions and Expenditures, 1 January–30 June 2002, 31 July 2002; Obama, TAOH, p. 3; Adelstein in Andersen, Barack and Michelle, p. 195, on Sam Hudzik, “Where Was President Obama on September 11th, 2001?,” WBEZ.org, 2 September 2011, and in Kantor, The Obamas, p. 276; Jones in “Jones Recalls Request for Help with Running for U.S. Senate,” SJ-R, 31 December 2006, p. 5, in Ryan Lizza, “The Agitator,” TNR, 19 March 2007, in Ron Fournier, “Obama’s Life and Record in Springfield, Ill., Hint at the President He Would Be,” AP, 17 June 2007, in Janny Scott, “In Illinois, Obama Proved Pragmatic and Shrewd,” NYT, 30 July 2007, on Nightline, ABC, 25 February 2008, in Todd Purdum, “Raising Obama,” Vanity Fair, March 2008, on “Barack Obama Revealed,” CNN, 20 August 2008, in Abdon M. Pallasch, “Grooming a Politician,” CST, 24 August 2008, p. A14, on All Things Considered, NPR, 16 October 2008, in David Smallwood, “Two Guys Who Laid It on the Line,” N’Digo Profiles, December 2008, pp. 14–15, in Adrienne P. Samuels, “Barack’s Chicago,” Ebony, January 2009, and in David Bernstein, “Chicago Straight,” CM, June 2009; Cliff Kelley in Todd Spivak, “Barack Obama and Me,” Houston Press, 28 February 2008; DJG interviews with Dan Shomon, Chris Sautter, Paul Harstad, Pete Giangreco, Eric Adelstein, Jill Rock, Emil Jones Jr., and John Kelly.
53. “Resolution Calls Attention to Health,” HPH, 17 April 2002, p. 2; GARS Board of Trustees Minutes, 17 April 2002, #221, pp. 1849–53; Dan Shomon e-mail to Obama, “Press Conference on WARN,” 18 April 2002, AGP; “Intellectuals: Who Needs Them?,” Center for Public Intellectuals, UIC, 19–20 April 2002 (“Intellectuals in Times of Crisis: Experiences and Applications of Intellectual Work in Urgent Situations”); Michael Sneed, “Hmmm . . . ,” CST, 25 April 2002, p. 4; CF, 26 April and 1, 2, 3, 6, and 7 May 2002; Sneed, “Join the Crowd: Chico May Run for Senate,” CST, 28 April 2002, p. 12; Thomas A. Corfman, “Chico Takes Top Spot at Altheimer,” CCB, 8 May 1999; Lisa Brennan, “Altheimer and Gray’s Bold New Leader,” NLJ, 7 June 1999; Fred Lebed e-mail to DJG, 3 May 2011 (lunch with Obama 29 April 2002); Michelle and Nesbitt in Mendell, Obama, pp. 151–53; Jarrett in Christopher Drew and Mike McIntire, “After 2000 Loss, Obama Built Donor Network from Roots Up,” NYT, 3 April 2007, in Scott Helman, “Early Defeat Launched a Rapid Political Climb,” BG, 12 October 2007, in Peter Slevin, “For Obama, a Handsome Payoff in Political Gambles,” WP, 13 November 2007, in Slevin, “Her Heart’s in the Race,” WP, 28 November 2007, in Shira Schoenberg, “17 Minutes to Stardom,” Concord Monitor, 6 December 2007, in Richard Wolffe, “Inside Obama’s Dream Machine,” Newsweek, 14 January 2008, in Roger O. Crockett, “Obama’s Executive Sounding Board,” Business Week, 19 May 2008, and most especially in Robert Draper, “The Ultimate Obama Insider,” NYT Magazine, 26 July 2009; Remnick, The Bridge, pp. 357–58 and 368; Ryan Lizza, “Making It: How Chicago Shaped Obama,” New Yorker, 21 July 2008; Jodi Kantor, “Obama’s Friends Form Strategy to Stay Close,” NYT, 13 December 2008; Kantor, The Obamas, pp. 197–98; Melissa Harris, “Martin Nesbitt, the First Friend,” CT, 21 January 2013; Friends of Barack Obama, Report of Campaign Contributions and Expenditures, 1 January–30 June 2002, 31 July 2002; Chuck Neubauer and Tom Hamburger, “Obama Donor Received a State Grant,” LAT, 27 April 2008; Link on “The Candidates: Barack Obama,” MSNBC, 20 February 2008; Bryan Smith, “Cook County Sheriff Tom Dart,” Chicago Magazine, January 2009; Jarrett’s 2012 interview with Jim Gilmore; DJG interviews with Blair Hull, Rick Ridder, Fred Lebed, David Spiegel, Robert Blackwell Jr., Larry Walsh, Terry Link, Denny Jacobs, Kim Lightford, James Clayborne, Miguel del Valle, Lou Viverito, Pat Welch, Larry Suffredin, Elvin Charity, Craig Huffman, Carlton Guthrie, Paul Strauss, and Carol Moseley Braun.
54. Senate Floor Transcript, 8 May 2002, pp. 76–95 (HB 5646); Aamer Madhani, “Richard Newhouse Jr., 78,” CT, 2 May 2002; Senate Floor Transcript, 9 May 2002, pp. 23–25 (HB 3212, the Technology Development Act, passed 56–0–0 and signed into law 26 August 2002 as PA 92-0851) and 90 (SJR 78); Dave Lundy, “Governor Must Lead on Tech, Capital,” CST, 23 January 2003, p. 52; Harstad Strategic Research, “Illinois Statewide Survey—Democratic Primary Voters, May 2002,” and “General Election Survey—Illinois Statewide Survey—May 2002,” 9–15 May 2002, PHP and JKP; David [Spiegel] to Rick [Ridder], “Barack Obama,” 10 May 2002, RRP; Kristen McQueary, “State Legislator Considers Bid for Senate,” DS, 11 May 2002, p. A3; CF, 13, 15, 20, and 22 May and 1, 2 and 3 June 2002; JCAR Minutes, 14 May 2002; Michael Sneed, “Sneed,” CST, 21 May 2002, p. 4; Kip Kolkmeier to Secretary of the Senate, 21 May 2002, FEC; Flynn v. Ryan, 771 N. E. 2d 414 (Ill. S. Ct.), 23 May 2002; CF, 1 February 2000; Christi Parsons, “Justices Revive Ethics Law,” CT, 24 May 2002; Adriana Colindres, “Justices Put Gift Ban Act Back in Effect,” SJ-R, 24 May 2002, p. 1; “Obama Praises Supreme Court’s Ethics Ruling,” Obama Staff Press Release, 28 May 2002; Laura Washington, “Moseley-Braun Looking for Rerun,” CST, 27 May 2002, p. 21; Senate Floor Transcript, 28 May 2002, pp. 24–70, esp. 47 (SB 2390); Todd Spivak, “Two HP Politicians Consider Bid for U.S. Senate,” HPH, 29 May 2002, p. 3; “Budget Crisis Tops Spring Session Agenda,” C-WR 17 #6, 23 April 2002, p. 2; Rick Pearson and Christi Parsons, “Illinois Senate Passes $54 Billion Budget Measure,” CT, 29 May 2002; Daniel C. Vock, “Appeals Switch Encounters Budget Hitch,” CDLB, 29 May 2002, pp. 1, 24; Senate Floor Transcript, 31 May 2002, pp. 28–49 (HB 4680); Ray Long and Christi Parsons, “Legislators End Session with Pork, Tax Hikes,” CT, 3 June 2002; “Obama Says 92nd General Assembly Produces Some Progress, Some Disappointment,
” Obama Staff Press Release, n.d. [ca. 3 June 2002]; Spivak, “Budget Deemed Reasonable,” Obama, “Laws Address Illinois Sentencing Disparities,” and Spivak, “Supreme Court Upholds Campaign Finance Law,” HPH, 5 June 2002, pp. 3, 4, 6; Senate President James “Pate” Philip, End of Session Report 2002, esp. pp. 62–63, 82; “Major Bills Passed by the Illinois General Assembly,” LRU First Reading 16 (July 2002): 6–11; Remnick, The Bridge, p. 359; Axelrod, Believer, p. 124; DJG interviews with Chris Sautter, Paul Harstad, Mike Kulisheck, Kristen McQueary, David Spiegel, Blair Hull, Rick Ridder, and John Kupper. Earlier proceedings in the case challenging the Gift Ban Act are noted in Ryan Keith, “Judge Throws Out State Gift-Ban Law,” SJ-R, 4 August 2000, p. 1, Charles N. Wheeler III, “A Judge’s Ruling Left Ethics and Campaign Finance Reforms in Limbo,” II, September 2000, pp. 42–43, Dave McKinney, “Ruling Lets Pols Off the Hook,” CST, 19 September 2000, p. 10, and Doug Finke, “House Approves New Ethics Package,” SJ-R, 6 April 2001, p. 11.
55. Steve Neal, “Dem Senate Race to Be Free-for-All,” CST, 3 June 2002, p. 33; “The Strausberg Report,” n.d. [ca. 6 June 2002]; Russ Stewart, “‘Roadblock Strategy’ Is Daley Goal for 2003 Race,” NSP, 12 June 2002; Harstad Strategic Research, “Illinois Statewide Survey—Democratic Primary Voters, May 2002,” and “General Election Survey—Illinois Statewide Survey—May 2002,” 9–15 May 2002, PHP and JKP; Harstad in Noam Scheiber, “Cruel Intentions,” TNR, 28 May 2008, p. 7; DJG interviews with Chinta Strausberg, Paul Harstad, Chris Sautter, and Dan Shomon.
56. Bennett, Petts & Blumenthal Poll #1427, Final Illinois Senate, June 2002, MBP; DJG interviews with Mark Blumenthal, Anita Dunn, and Blair Hull.
57. Christi Parsons and Adam Kovac, “Ryan Orders Legislators to Return,” CT, 8 June 2002; CF, 10, 11 June 2002; PBS NewsHour, 10 June 2002; Chinta Strausberg, “Budget Cuts Severe in State’s HIV/AIDS Program,” CD, 11 June 2002, p. 1; JCAR Minutes, 11 June 2002; Senate Floor Transcript, 11 June 2002, pp. 77–82, 301; Strausberg, “Jones, Howard, Obama Bristle at Gov. Ryan’s Cuts,” CD, 12 June 2002, p. 5; Rick Pearson and Ray Long, “Careful Steps, Looking Ahead,” CT, 3 May 2007; Obama on the CBS Evening News, 17 December 2007 (asked “When was the last time you lost your temper?,” Obama avoided a direct answer and replied “I don’t get mad too often”); David Freddoso, The Case Against Barack Obama (Regnery, 2008), pp. 34–36; Eli Saslow, “From Outsider to Politician,” WP, 9 October 2008; Rickey Hendon, Black Enough/White Enough: The Obama Dilemma (Third World Press, 2009), pp. 29–34; Bernard Schoenburg, “Not All Sweetness and Light in Hendon’s Obama Book,” SJ-R, 28 December 2008; Hendon’s 13 January 2009 Illinois Channel interview with Terry Martin and his June 2010 one with Peter Slen; Terry Link in Remnick, The Bridge, p. 339; McClelland, Young Mr. Obama, pp. 189–92; Halvorson, Playing Ball with the Big Boys, p. 39; DJG interviews with Courtney Nottage, Jill Rock, John Charles, Cindy Huebner Davidsmeyer, Emil Jones, Donne Trotter, Kim Lightford, Carol Ronen, Pat Welch, Debbie Halvorson, Terry Link, Denny Jacobs, Larry Walsh, Walter Dudycz, and Carol Harwell.
58. Ray Long and Rick Pearson, “Legislators Back Most Ryan Cuts,” CT, 12 June 2002; “To the Contrary Notwithstanding,” C-WR 17 #8, 24 June 2002; Obama, “Special Session Brings Some Hard Choices,” HPH, 3 July 2002, p. 4; Lynn Sweet, “Mega-Donor Gives Senate a Go,” CST, 13 June 2002, p. 41; Obama, commencement address, North Kenwood/Oakland Charter School, 13 June 2002; Pugh, Jones, and Johnson, “A Tribute to Senate Democratic Leader Emil Jones Jr.,” 13 June 2002, SPP; Greg Hinz, “GOP Leader Doled Out Office Help,” CCB, 17 June 2002; Amanda York, “Legislators Pony Up Millions of Dollars for Homeland Security,” AP, 17 June 2002; Rick Pearson, “Daniels Staffers Are Targeted in Probe,” CT, 21 June 2002; Adriana Colindres, “U.S. Attorney to Probe Allegations Against House Republican Staffers,” SJ-R, 28 June 2002, p. 11; Ray Long, “U.S. Will Probe Daniels Staffers, Jim Ryan Says,” CT, 28 June 2002; Pearson, “Daniels Quits GOP Post,” CT, 29 June 2002; Bernard Schoenburg, “Daniels Quits as GOP Chairman,” SJ-R, 29 June 2002, p. 1; CF, 2 July 2002; Hermene D. Hartman, “Barack and Black Enterprise,” N’Digo, 7–13 June 2007, p. 3; Mendell, Obama, pp. 155–56; Nesbitt in Michael Weisskopf, “Obama: How He Learned to Win,” Time, 8 May 2008, and in Ryan Lizza, “Making It: How Chicago Shaped Obama,” New Yorker, 21 July 2008; Jim Reynolds in David Smallwood, “Genesis of the Grassroots Movement,” and Robert T. Starks, “Jackson’s Tears from All the Years,” N’Digo Profiles, December 2008, pp. 10–11, 16, 18, 44; Hartman in Klein, The Amateur, p. 31; Jason Zengerle, “Operation Push: Obama’s Artful Corralling of the Jesse Jacksons,” TNR, 13 February 2008, pp. 7–8; Jo Becker and Christopher Drew, “Pragmatic Politics, Forged on the South Side,” NYT, 11 May 2008; Keith D. Picher, “Steve Pugh,” Leading Lawyers Network Magazine, January 2009; Carol Felsenthal, “Les Coney, Top Obama Bundler and Networker Extraordinaire,” Chicago Magazine, 21 July 2011; Zengerle, “Jr.: Who Thwarted the Ambitions of Jesse Jackson’s Son?,” New York Magazine, 4 November 2012; Andrew Davis in Jodi S. Cohen and David Jackson, “Blagojevich Allies Help State Sell Off Student Loans,” CT, 11 March 2007; John McCormick, “Pritzker Blazes Campaign Trail,” CT, 30 September 2007; James L. Merriner, “Network Ties,” Chicago Magazine, June 2008; Newton Minow’s interview with Jim Gilmore; DJG interviews with Stephen Pugh, Preston Pugh, Hermene Hartman, Eugene Morris, Les Coney, Martin King, Newton Minow, Abner Mikva, Jesse Jackson Jr., and Andy Davis.
59. Steve Neal, “Fitzgerald Could Face an Old Foe,” CST, 21 June 2002, p. 45; Public Affairs with Jeff Berkowitz, 27 June 2002; Ann Bertell e-mail to DJG, 9 May 2014; Harstad Strategic Research, “Statewide Survey Among Democratic Primary Voters in Illinois” and “Statewide Survey Among General Election Voters in Illinois,” 9–15 May 2002; Harstad to Obama Finance Committee, “Summary of Poll Results,” 11 July 2002, PHP; DJG interviews with Dan Shomon, Blair Hull, Paul Harstad, and Bettylu Saltzman.
60. Steve Neal, “Obama Could Add Drama to Senate Race,” CST, 3 July 2002, p. 41; JCAR Minutes, 9 July 2002; Todd Spivak, “Obama Begins Raising Funds for U.S. Senate Bid,” HPH, 10 July 2002, pp. 1–2; Russ Stewart, “Large Democratic Field Targets Fitzgerald in 2004,” NSP, 10 July 2002; Jennifer Bussell, “Obama May Seek U.S. Senate Seat in ’04 race,” Chicago Maroon, 12 July 2002; Chinta Strausberg, “Barack Obama Explores U.S. Senate Seat,” CD, 17 July 2002, pp. 1, 3; “On the Air,” CDLB, 19 July 2002, p. 3; John Kass, “In the Interest of Full Disclosure, Start at O’Hare,” CT, 23 July 2002; Chicago Tonight, WTTW, 23 July 2002 (Obama stating that “I think it’s absolutely vital not to think in terms of the single black leader”); Eric Krol, “Eyes Already on 2004 Senate Race,” CDH, 31 July 2002, p. 1; Friends of Barack Obama, Report of Campaign Contributions and Expenditures, 1 July–31 December 2002, 31 January 2003; Obama’s 7 February 2004 interview with David Axelrod, p. 19; Obama in USS, EPW, “S. 131, ‘The Clear Skies Act of 2005,’” S. Hrg. 109-867, 2 February 2005, p. 28; Obama on Good Morning America, ABC, 8 April 2015; Valerie Jarrett’s 2012 interview with Jim Gilmore; Min Lee, “Senate Panel to Review Death Penalty Reforms,” CDLB, 31 May 2002, pp. 3, 24; Jennifer Davis, “Death Penalty Reforms Aired at Peoria Hearing,” PJS, 1 August 2002, p. B1; Spivak, “Currie and Obama Bills Seek to Clean Up Courts,” HPH, 7 August 2002, p. 7; DJG interviews with Greg Dingens and Matt Jones.
61. Steve Neal, “Sky’s the Limit in Senate Race,” CST, 7 August 2002, p. 43; Russ Stewart, “Hynes’ Job as ‘Fiscal Grouch’ Will Be Taxing,” NSP, 7 August 2002; Dennis Byrne, “Feeling Like a Political Nitwit?,” CT, 12 August 2002; JCAR Minutes, 13 August 2002; Michael C. Dorf to Secretary of the Senate (2), 14 August 2002, FEC; “Decision 2002,” Lake and Prairie, 4th Quarter [August] 2002, p. 2; CF, 19 August 2002; David Mendell and Darnell Little, “Rich ’90s Failed to Lift All,” CT, 20 August 2002; Obama to “Dear Friend,” Obama for Illinois, 20 August 2002, RRP; Grant Pick, “Hatchet Man: The Rise of David Axelrod,” Chicago Magazine, December 1987; Doug Cassel, “Is Tim Evans for Real?,” CR, 16 March 1989; Bryan Miller, “The
Art of the Campaign,” CR, 11 July 1991; Donald Sevener, “Political Pitchman,” II, December 1993, pp. 15–19; Patrick T. Reardon, “The Agony and the Agony,” CT Magazine, 24 June 2007; Robert G. Kaiser, “The Player at Bat,” WP, 2 May 2008; Jim Merriner, “The Champion of Cronyism: David Axelrod,” Chicago Daily Observer, 7 April 2009; David Plouffe, The Audacity to Win (Viking, 2009), pp. 7–8; Evan Osnos, “The Daley Show,” New Yorker, 8 March 2010, pp. 38ff.; Paul Kengor, “David Axelrod, Leftie Lumberjack,” American Spectator, March 2012, pp. 16–29; Axelrod, Believer, pp. 123, 125; DJG interviews with Anita Dunn, Fred Lebed, Blair Hull, Rick Ridder, John Kupper, Don Wiener, Michael Dorf, Cynthia Miller, and Judy Byrd. On the Phalen–Pincham race, see Thomas Hardy, “Phelan and Pincham Punch It Up,” CT, 13 March 1990, Hardy, “Democratic Rivals Pull Out All the Stops,” CT, 14 March 1990, Hardy, “Race Seeps into County Campaign,” CT, 16 March 1990, Hardy and Robert Davis, “Phelan Edges Pincham,” CT, 21 March 1990, Rob Karwath and Robert Davis, “TV Ads Put Phelan in the Driver’s Seat,” CT, 22 March 1990, and Hardy and Constanza Montana, “Pincham Keeps Heat on Phelan,” CT, 1 May 1990; David Elsner, “Phelan, Sheahan Win,” CT, 7 November 1990. See also People v. Ruiz, 396 N.E. 2d 1314 (Ill. App. 1st Dst. 2nd Div.), 13 November 1979, Robert Enstad, “2 Gang Members Guilty of Slayings,” CT, 22 March 1980, Jane Fritsch, “2d Man Gets Death in Slayings,” CT, 25 April 1980, People v. Ruiz, 447 N.E. 2d 148 (Ill. S. Ct.), 17 December 1982, Trevor Jensen and Steve Mills, “R. Eugene Pincham 1925–2008,” CT, 4 April 2008, and James Janega, “R. Eugene Pincham Remembered for Contributions to Law, Community,” CT, 13 April 2008.
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