Obama’s speeches to, 403–4, 405, 409, 423–24
overnight sit-ins, 328, 455
black liberation theology, 258, 426, 469, 1030
Black Like Me (Griffin), 66
Black Man’s Verse (Davis), 68
Blackmun, Harry A., 359
black nationalists, 552, 563, 692, 704, 708, 793, 1026
rejection of Obama by, 855, 856
Black Orpheus (film), 50, 144, 540
Black Panthers, 471, 645, 662, 663, 708, 831
Black Power (Carmichael and Hamilton), 160
Black Press Institute, 461
Black Student Directory (Occidental), 136
Black Students Organization (BSO) Columbia and Barnard, 160, 330
Black Theology and Black Power (Cone), 258
Blackwell, Robert, Jr., 666
Electric Knowledge Interchange, 723–24, 729, 755, 826
and Obama campaign funding, 747, 785, 814
and Obama retainer, 723–24, 789
Blagojevich, Patti, 517, 966
Blagojevich, Rod, 781, 816, 824, 947, 951, 1003
corrupt administration of, 970–71
critics of, 919–20
Democratic gubernatorial campaign of, 748, 749, 752, 754, 756, 775, 783
difficult last name of, 756, 760, 794
Hull’s campaign contribution to, 843
and Illinois budget deficit, 790–91, 932
and influence-peddling lobbyists, 803
and legislation, 821–22, 823, 829, 831, 840, 918
and legislators, 798, 821–23
and Madigan animus, 919–20
as “new face” of Chicago machine, 740
Obama support for, 771
and reception for Obama, 935
Rezko connection with, 802–3, 912, 931, 966, 969, 970–71
and Rezko indictment, 1003
and state budget, 919
Blair, Tony, 974
Blank, David, 388
Blitzer, Wolf, 933
Block, Melissa, 935
Bloom, Allan, 448
Blount, Richard, 567
Blumenthal, Mark, 818, 842–43, 858, 872
Boatti, Robert, 138
Bob Jones University, 725
Boehner, John, 1059
Boerner, Karen, 496. See also McCraw, Karen
Boerner, Phil
and Alex McNear, 135
birth of first child, 496
and book discussion group, 178–79
as Columbia transfer student, 138, 140–43, 146, 152, 153, 157, 158, 175, 632
marriage announcement, 287, 295
Obama’s friendship with, 163, 185, 940
Obama’s letters about Chicago to, 210–11, 218, 219, 227, 237–38, 248
and Obama’s relationship with Jager, 302
Occidental student, 111, 131
Boesche, Roger, 110, 121–22, 125, 127
Bok, Derek, 353
Bolin, Lionel, 304, 483, 519, 526–27, 666
Bond, Julian, 142
Bond, Kit, 982
Bonin, Adam, 580
Bono (musician), 1000
Boord, Roger, 340
Borges, Jorge Luis, 995, 1002
Borg-Warner Foundation, 36, 254
Bork, Robert, 415, 745
Borling, John, 844, 886–87, 894
Boron, Andrew, 812, 847
Borum, Jennifer, 383, 384, 386, 390, 398
Boss, Caroline, 116, 118, 120–23, 135
and boyfriend John Drew, 123, 138–39
Obama’s conversations with, 129, 130, 132, 138
and Obama’s writing, 137
political activism of, 127, 128–29
Boston Globe, 353, 356, 372, 393, 394, 411, 435
on Dreams From My Father, 533, 535
on Obama as “rising star,” 935, 942
on Obama’s Democratic primary win, 902
Bostonians, The (film), 177
Bouman, John, 595, 605, 731–32, 812
Bouman, Mark, 284
Bowles, Erskine, 1059
Bowles, Evelyn, 593, 656, 881
Bowles, Samuel, 448
Bowman, Barbara, 463, 464, 1004
Bowman, James, 463, 464, 1004
Boxer, Barbara, 967
Boyd, Thelma, 68
Boyda, Gloria, 23, 29, 33, 206, 207
Boyer, John, 111, 118, 125
Boyer, Ray “Gay Ray,” 92, 97, 101, 104
Boykin, Keith, 455
Boyte, Harry, 283
Bradford, Calvin, 27
Bradley, Bill, 724, 809, 848
Brady, Bill, 917–18
Brake, Debbie, 386, 414
Brasuell, Czerny, 365
Brazier, Arthur M., 498
Brazile, Donna, 717
“Breaking the War Mentality” (Obama), 157–58
Brennan, John, 1072–73
Brennan, William J., 392, 426
as Obama judicial inspiration, 285, 429–30
Brereton, Renee, 220, 263, 310
Brewer, Libby, 823
Bridge, The (Remnick), 1055–56
Bridges, Harry, 60
Briffault, Richard, 416
Brint, David, 418–19, 504, 785
Broadway Bank, 988, 989, 990
Broder, David S., 527, 940
Brokaw, Tom, 942
Bromberg, Dan, 360, 386, 389, 408
Bronson, Julia, 488
Bronzeville, 224, 279, 473, 501, 524
Brookings Institution, 633
Brooklyn Friends School, 167, 171, 176
Brooks, David, 1005, 1031, 1048
Brooks, Gwendolyn, 616
Brooks, Rosa, 1069
Brown, Janice Rogers, 972
Brown, Mark, 900, 1042
Brown, Scott, 1054
Brown, Sherrod, 1010
Brown, Tina, 825, 942
Brown, Willie, 799
Brownback, Sam, 980, 1015
Browne, Katrina, 467–68, 488, 489
Browne & Nichols School, 58
Brown’s Mill, 1
Brownstein, Rachel, 148
Brown University, 509, 570–71, 993
Brown v. Board of Education (1954), 487, 614, 725, 856–57
Brubaker, Steve, 722
Brubeck, Daniel and Christopher, 81
Brubeck, Dave, 81
Brucks, Ken, 219
Bryan, John, 675, 814, 825, 885
Bryan, Neville, 885
Bryk, Anthony, 648
Bryn Mawr Elementary School, 364
Brzezinski, Zbigniew, 161
Buchanan, John, 21
Buckley, Jack, 1016
Bucklo, Elaine, 635
Bud Billiken Day Parade, 476–77, 667, 838, 946
Budd, Wayne, 456
Buffett, Susie, 962, 978
Buffett, Warren, 962, 978, 1039
Bukro, Casey, 300
Bunche, Ralph, 54
Bunche, Ruth, 54
Burak, Paul, 26, 29, 266
Burford, Bart, 102
Burger Court (1970s), 96
Burke, Edward, 317
Burke, Juana, 66
Burke, Paul, 23
Burkhalter, Dan, 589
Burnam, Deloris, 239, 470
Burnett, Michael (aka Michael Raymond), 215
Burns, James, 1021
Burns, Will
and Obama Finance Committee, 738
and Obama’s congressional primary, 541, 577, 623, 666–68, 675, 682, 685, 690, 700, 704, 705, 707–8, 709
and Obama’s state Senate seat, 659, 718, 721
and Obama’s U.S. Senate campaign, 780
and petition circulation, 549, 558, 559, 610, 616
and selection of state Senate successor to Obama, 959
Trotter’s nastiness toward, 660
Burrell, Sam, 473, 480–81, 494
Burris, Roland, 503, 504, 516, 618, 623, 667, 740
and Democratic gubernatorial race, 745, 748, 753, 754, 833
Burroughs, Margaret, 71, 229, 230
nbsp; Burt, John H., 7
Burzynski, Brad, 598–99, 728, 742
Bush, George H. W., 339, 348, 471, 585, 974
Bush, George W., 780, 816, 840, 855, 927
appellate court nominees, 971–72, 975–76
Ashcroft named attorney general, 725
disdain for Keyes, 950
Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act signing, 1001
foreign leaders’ view of, 1071
Hispanic judicial nominee, 833
Hurricane Katrina response by, 974
Illinois voter negativity toward, 912
and Iraq war, 777–78, 781, 810–11, 926, 934, 984, 1022
and Iraq war “surge,” 1023, 1025
Jack Ryan’s support for, 902
Khalidi’s criticism of, 834
and major economic crisis, 1051
and national debt, 991, 1063
Obama appraisals of, 806, 810–11, 817, 827, 849, 930, 976, 991, 1004, 1018–19, 1022, 1077
Obama contrasted with, 980, 1014, 1071–72, 1073
Obama meetings with, 964, 984
and Obama’s U.S. Senate victory, 958, 968
and Pell Grants, 970
and prescription drug plan, 830
presidential election (2004) of, 717, 721, 722, 724, 923, 954, 955, 957, 960–61
Supreme Court appointments, 975–76, 979
and tax cuts, 849
Bushell, Gerrard, 160
Bushnell, Marlease, 952
Bush v. Gore (2000), 724
Business International Corporation (BI), 165–70, 173–75, 178, 179–80
black employees, 167, 174
former colleagues’ reactions to Dreams From My Father, 536
former colleagues’ reactions to Obama presidency, 1050
former colleagues’ reactions to Obama’s DNC keynote speech, 941
Obama’s salary at, 166, 191
Business International Money Report (BIMR), 166, 170, 174
Butler, Lewis, 509
Butterfield, Fox, 155, 393
Butts, Cassandra “Sandy,” 358, 372, 374, 441
and diversity protest, 410, 426–27
on Dreams From My Father, 536
friendship with Obama, 337, 345–46, 374, 405
and Obama’s Law Review presidency, 383
and Obama’s U.S. Senate staff, 961, 962
Bynoe, Peter, 669, 675, 733, 747, 785, 886, 892
Byrd, Judy, 306, 668, 695, 758
and Obama campaign funding, 664, 708, 709, 747, 748, 773, 785, 814
and Obama statewide candidacy, 721
Byrd, Manford, 243–44, 316, 317
and Chicago United opposition, 283, 294
and no-confidence vote, 322
and teachers’ strike, 279–80, 281
and Trinity United Church, 256–57, 468
Byrd, Robert, 970, 986
Byrne, Jane, 11–12, 17–18, 250, 586
Byrnes, Marian, 33, 240, 249
and landfill protest, 274–75, 290, 300, 305, 307, 308, 310
Cahill, Mary Beth, 928, 930, 937–38
Caldwell, Kristen B., 82–83, 369
Caldwell, Larry, 116
Calicott, John, 29–30, 40, 199, 206
Callahan, David, 634
Callahan, Deb, 893
Callahan, Mary Ellen, 564
Calmes, Jackie, 1031, 1061
Calumet Community Religious Conference (CCRC)
ad for community organizer, 41, 189
and Altgeld asbestos problem, 224
breakup with DCP, 238
and church-based organizing, 10, 33, 201, 205
expansion into Indiana, 223, 236
founding of, 10–14, 22, 23
grants for, 13, 39, 207, 219, 220, 222, 223, 239
and jobs bank, 205–7, 211, 213
Obama’s first meeting with, 197–98
Obama’s income from, 651
Obama’s interview with, 189, 190–91
objective of, 191
original vision of, 222
reactivation of, 22, 24, 28, 29, 33, 39, 40
and Regional Employment Network (REN), 207, 223
Calumet Industrial District (CID) landfill, 16, 17, 35–36, 200
and Altgeld Gardens, 30, 248
and antidumping alliance, 240
ban on extension of, 294
community trust-fund proposal, 299, 300
and dumping moratorium, 28–29, 276, 311
hard-core opponents of, 290
and promising developments, 322–23
protests against, 19–21, 35, 210, 273–76, 290, 294, 299–311, 322, 323
“reconfiguration” of, 234
underground fire, 200
Calumet Project for Industrial Jobs, 223
Calumet region, 11, 18, 23, 24, 197
Cambridge Public Library, 543
Cameron, John, 596, 597, 731, 732, 842, 875
campaign finance reform
and Illinois Gift Ban Act, 761
and Illinois legislature, 611–13, 616–31, 635
and McCain-Feingold Act, 795, 904
Obama’s advocacy of, 694, 701, 748, 749, 764, 774, 888
and public funding, 888, 1005–6, 1025, 1048
Campaign for Better Health Care (CBHC), 783, 916
Campaign for Human Development (CHD), 14, 22, 28, 261
CCRC grants from, 13, 39, 207, 219
and DCP funding, 268
and leadership training, 216, 220, 227, 263
mayor’s award to, 210
and Obama’s law school decision, 310
Campbell Works, 7
Camp Timberline, 82
Camus, Marcel, 50
Canary, Cindi, 603, 631, 732, 824, 867, 1004
Canby, Vincent, 301
Cantor, Danny, 493–94
Capital Fax, 623, 629, 775, 822. See also Miller, Rich
capital punishment. See death penalty
Cardozo, Benjamin, 95
Career Education Network (CEN), 309, 317
hiring of Lowe, 304
and LaRoche, 249, 265, 463
Obama proposal for, 249–53, 262–68, 295–96
“Partnership for Educational Progress,” 289
“Proposed Advisory Board,” 265, 266
renamed Career Education and Intervention Network, 266
support campaign, 251–52, 262–70, 281, 296
tutoring program, 294
Wright’s reaction to, 259
Carleton College, 643
Carlin, George, 980
Carlisle, Judith Pinn, 115
Carlson, Richard, 16, 17, 32, 33
Carmichael, Stokely, 160
Carmines, Edward G., 614
Carmody, Bill, 736
Carmon, Dominic, 217, 248–49, 308, 311
Carnegie, Andrew, 1
Carney, Jay, 1058
Caro, Robert, 695
Carpenter, Paul, 142, 153, 366, 496
Obama friendship at Columbia, 139, 141
Obama friendship at Occidental, 109, 111, 112, 116, 117, 120, 121, 122
Carper, Tom, 810
Carril, Pete, 367
Carroll, Howard, 562, 586, 593, 599, 628
Carruthers, Iva E., 257
Carson, Clayborne, 184
Carter, Jimmy, 7, 11, 113, 114, 116
Cartier-Bresson, Henri, 237
Carver, George Washington, 30
Carver Park, 222
Casabal, Glorina, 643, 651
Case for Israel, The (Dershowitz), 847
Cases and Materials on Tort and Accident Law (Keeton et al.), 333
Cases and Text on Property (Casner et al.), 352
Casey, Bob, 974
Cashin, Sheryll, 337, 391, 392, 417
Casner, A. James, 352
Cason, Tiffanie, 515
Castillo, Ruben, 513, 562, 563, 564
Catholic Campaign for Human Development. See Campaign for Human Development (CHD)
Catholic churches. See Roman Cat
holic parishes; specific churches
Catler, Jane, 385
Cauley, Jim
background and hiring of, 820–21, 827
and black staff members, 877, 910
and campaign field operation, 889, 890
and campaign fund management, 832, 836
and campaign operations director, 841
and campaign startup, 832, 836–38, 841
on campaign success, 904
and campaign tensions, 877
and check of petition signatures, 860
and driver for Obama, 854, 889, 890, 920
on effects of Hull scandal, 884
and Election Day tactics, 897, 898
on Obama’s attitude, 861, 870
and Obama’s celebrity, 935, 942–43
and Obama’s DNC speech, 923, 928, 933, 936, 940, 941
and Obama’s self-discipline issues, 920, 921
and Obama’s surging poll numbers, 895–96
and TV advertising, 892, 896
view of Rezko, 869
CBS Evening News, 715
CBS News, 1054, 1064, 1066
Celi, Lou, 166, 170, 179, 1050
Cellini, Bill, 720
Center for Equal Opportunity, 655
Center for Neighborhood Technology (CNT), 495
Centers for New Horizons, 224, 279, 473, 501, 524
Central Bank of Kenya, 78
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), 174, 1066, 1072–73
Cerda, Maria, 229, 235, 249, 251, 261, 262, 275
Chadwell & Kayser, 365–66, 496
Chain, Warren, 875
Chambers, Ed, 231
Chandler, Janet, 729–30
Chandoo, Ahmed, 115–16, 120, 139, 148, 177, 182
Chandoo, Hasan, 132, 145, 214, 276–77, 319
Brooklyn apartment parties of, 172, 176, 177, 182, 184, 186, 188, 189–90
compelling presence of, 135
Iraq war support by, 847
and Obama political campaigns, 666, 700, 847
and Obama’s book-promotion tour, 533
Obama’s cautions against drug use to, 176, 190
and Obama’s congressional primary loss, 717
and Obama’s interest in Genevieve Cook, 169
Obama’s Karachi visit with, 139
Obama’s phone calls from Chicago to, 218
on Obama’s presidential candidacy, 1034
Obama’s strong bond with, 176, 177, 847
and Obama’s unusual name, 122
and Obama’s visit to Singapore, 162
and Obama wedding, 478, 479
Occidental friendship with Obama, 115–16, 117
and Occidental parties, 138, 143
and Occidental political activism, 120–21, 125, 127, 129, 136–37, 139, 140, 144
Chandoo, Raazia, 276, 277, 319
Chang, Eugene, 174
Chang, Susan Arterian, 174, 536
Chapman, Gary, 113–14
Chapman, Steve, 1069
Chapman, Warren, 509, 511
Charity, Elvin, 380–81, 417, 576, 708, 747
Charles, John, 551, 640, 661, 784
Charnes, Adam, 389, 396, 397, 413, 437, 438
Rising Star Page 247