and Obama congressional campaign, 666, 667, 675, 682, 688, 700, 704
and Obama district office successor, 960
and Obama Joyce Foundation presidency prospect, 750, 751
on Obama’s reaction to celebrity, 1036
and Obama’s reaction to defeat, 709
and Obama U.S. Senate primary, 775, 777, 792, 799–800
Miller, Matthew, 887–88
Miller, Rich
on “black pork,” 657
on Blagojevich, 740, 783, 791, 823, 919–20
on campaign finance reform bill, 619–20, 626, 628, 630, 646
comparison of Edgar and George Ryan, 642
on congressional primary, 705
on death penalty, 644, 648
defense of Philip, 654
on failed override of child support bill veto, 682
on Fitzgerald candidacy, 787
on Fitzgerald distaste for state patronage crowd, 720
on George Ryan and gun control issue, 643
on George Ryan as “genuinely nice,” 636
on George Ryan compared with Edgar, 642, 643
on George Ryan flip-flops, 714–15
on George Ryan-Pate Philip conflict, 647, 684, 685
on George Ryan speech, 652
on goodwill toward George Ryan, 651
on griping by state Senate Democratic aides, 822
on Hull U.S. Senate Democratic primary potential, 879
on Hynes AFL-CIO endorsement, 864
on Hynes U.S. Senate primary, 865, 872
on Illinois state candidates, 740, 742
on Jack Ryan aide’s stalking of Obama, 919
on Jack Ryan divorce scandal, 925
on Jack Ryan Republican primary victory, 901
on JCAR predatory loan vote, 733
on Jones-Philip conflict, 657
on Jones’s enthusiasm for Obama’s U.S. Senate candidacy, 842
on Jones’s frustration with Blagojevich, 798
on Keyes’s behavior, 945, 949, 950
on legislature 1997 session, 602
on legislature 1998 session, 631
on legislature 1999 spring session, 653
on legislature 2002 spring session, 735
on legislature lobbyists, 653
on Obama backers, 893
on Obama fairgrounds speech, 839
on Obama irrational phenomenon, 1024
on Obama-Keyes confrontation, 947
on Obama-Keyes debate, 951–52
on Obama-Madigan enmity, 996
on Obama-Rush congressional contest, 680
on Obama-Ryan Senate contest, 915
on Obama’s appeal to black voters, 876
on Obama’s Harvard background, 704
on Obama’s superstar status, 932
on Obama’s TV ads, 884, 901
on Paul Simon’s legacy, 857
on Poshard loss, 640
on raucous Democratic caucus, 616
on Rezko influence-peddling, 931
on Rush mayoral campaign, 645
on state corruption, 720
on state Senate staffers’ bad morale, 822
on U.S. Senate Democratic aspirants, 775, 790, 834, 844, 858, 865, 871
on U.S. Senate election, 946, 947
Million Man March, 546, 556
Mills, Linda, 731, 732
Miner, Judson H. “Judd,” 216, 230, 455, 472, 500, 566, 589–90, 836
and anti-Daley forces, 504, 506, 516
appreciation of Obama, 455
and Barnett case, 486, 498, 635
and Chandler case appeal, 729–30
and Comdisco racial discrimination case, 512, 513
hiring of Valerie Jarrett, 464–65
and Obama book party, 535
and Obama campaign funding, 666, 698, 785, 814
on Obama presidential campaign, 1036
Obama’s relationship with, 514, 520
and Obama’s state Senate bid, 519, 547–48, 565
and Obama state Senate campaign contribution, 546
and reapportionment map, 754
Miner, Linda, 455
Miner, Barnhill & Galland, 590, 625, 638, 641, 723, 724, 777, 780–81, 797
and Mitsubishi settlement, 634–35
Obama’s briefs for, 729–30, 742
Obama’s fees from, 753–54, 755, 814
Obama’s resignation from, 959
Republican opposition investigation of, 912
See also Davis, Miner, Barnhill & Galland
Ming, Chin See, 245, 246
minimum wage, 643, 816, 824
Mink, Patsy, 54
minority majority districts, 579, 734
Minow, Jo (wife), 362
Minow, Martha (daughter), 357, 412, 425, 426, 592, 991
Fisher and Obama coauthored paper for, 432–34, 448–53, 457
and Obama campaign fund-raising, 668, 669, 747, 814, 854
and Saguaro Seminar, 633, 637–38
Minow, Newton, 357, 362, 417, 463, 465, 750, 825
appreciation of Obama by, 591, 606, 638, 791, 1008
and Obama campaign funding, 666, 675, 785, 814, 840
and Obama job prospects, 647
and Obama’s presidential candidacy decision, 1019–20
and Obama’s U.S. Senate candidacy, 771, 791
opposition to Obama congressional bid, 662
Mission of Faith Baptist Church, 254
Missouri v. Jenkins (1995), 857
Mitchell, Andrea, 940
Mitchell, Mary, 886, 1030
Mitchell, Ned, 686, 710
Mitsubishi sexual harassment suit, 565, 634–35
Miyashiro, Paula (later Kurashige), 102, 106, 107
Moe, Kari, 266
Moelis, Cindy, 508, 666, 785, 1039
Molaro, Bobby, 593, 594, 600, 649, 658, 728
Molot, Jon, 847
Momentous Events, Vivid Memories (Pillemer), 529
Mondale, Walter, 172
Monteagudo, Lourdes, 303, 316
Montes, Mary Ellen “Lena”
confrontational-style leadership of, 16–17, 20, 34, 35, 300, 307–8, 373
criticism of EPA by, 200, 290
description of, 16
Dreams From My Father absence of, 531
and Gamaliel Foundation, 235–36, 263
and landfill protests, 16–21, 28, 34–36, 234, 248, 249, 262, 299–300, 306–311, 322, 323
and Obama relationship, 236, 302, 305, 317, 319, 323, 346, 368, 993
and Obama relationship ending, 350
political aplomb of, 20–21
thirtieth birthday party, 310
and UNO leadership, 210, 241
Montes, Ray, 16, 17
Montgomery, James, 215
Montoya, Renee, 317
Moody, Neil, 115
Mooney, Betty (later Kirk), 44–45, 47, 55, 56, 58
Moore, Donald, 243, 265, 283, 296, 303, 316, 317, 503, 732
and Chicago school reform, 715–16, 867
Moore, Eric, 115, 116, 117, 118, 120, 131, 138, 222, 232
on Obama’s unusual name, 122
Moore, Michael, 951
Moore, Ralph, 749
Moorehead, William, 546, 668
Moran, James B., 303
Moran, Lindsay, 1073
Moran, Terry, 933, 1044, 1052
Moreno, Nora, 910, 913
Moriarty, Bob, 15–16, 17, 19, 21, 282
Morillo, John, 299
Morioka, Betty, 82
Morris, Eugene, 769–70
Morrison, Jerry, 674, 896
Morrison, Toni, 110, 695
mortgage foreclosures, 27–28, 36, 257
Moseley Braun, Carol, 317, 460, 611, 624, 801, 954
aim of reclaiming U.S. Senate seat (2004), 756, 757, 759–766, 771–73, 776, 789, 790, 791–92
endorsement of Daley, 516
and funeral for Rush’s son, 678
Obama’s praise for, 793
and Obama U.S. Senate prima
ry bid (2004), 759–60, 762, 773, 776, 788–89, 790
on Reynolds resignation from Congress, 538
and U.S. Senate primary win (1992), 471, 472, 477–78, 596, 891, 901
and U.S. Senate reelection challenger (1998), 636, 637, 640, 719, 788, 815
Mosena, David, 464
Moses, Robert “Bob,” 184, 328, 572
Mosgers, Peg, 623, 629
Moss, Otis, III, 1027
Mother Jones magazine, 613
“motor voter” law, 506, 512, 565, 661
Mount St. Mary’s College, 231
Mount Zion Baptist Church, 948, 970, 1037
Moyers, Bill, 540, 1045
Mrs. Dalloway (Woolf), 149
Muhammad, Elijah, 418, 813, 969
Muhammad, Jabir Herbert, 418–19, 813, 969
Muhammad, Jamillah, 474
Mullens, Laura, 641–42, 645, 653
Mullins, Phil, 16–17, 21, 231, 241, 264, 287, 289
on Obama’s detachment, 481
and St. Kevin landfill rally, 307
and school reform, 235–36, 405
Munar, David, 941
Mundy, Liza, 365
Munoz, George, 240, 241, 244, 249
Munoz, Tony, 623, 728, 868
Murphy (Beckett), 178
Murphy, Frank, 26
Murphy, Thomas, 738
Murray, Charles, 506–7
Muslims. See Islam
Mutchler, Terry, 620
Muwakkil, Salim, 563, 705, 942
MX missile project, 118–19
My American Journey (Powell), 543
Myers, Verna Bigger, 160, 330
NAACP, 440, 535, 738, 848, 862, 949, 974
Nader, Ralph, 113–14, 183, 721
NAFTA, 507, 827
Nagourney, Adam, 1016–17
Nahmias, Dave, 396–97, 425
Nathan Cummings Foundation, 613
National Association of Black Legislators, 1035
National Association of Securities Dealers, 487
National Baptist Convention, 259
National Black Catholic Congress, 263
National Center for Careers in Public Life, 467–68
National Center for Economic Alternatives (NCEA), 7, 138–39
“National Conference on Religion and Labor,” 6
national debt, 991–92, 1063, 1064
National Insecurity (Rothkopf), 1071
National Journal, 987–88
National Labor Relations Board, 6
National Press Club, 970
National Public Radio. See NPR (National Public Radio)
National Rifle Association (NRA), 632, 684, 685, 686, 806, 808
National Safety Council (NSC), 799, 812
National Training and Information Center (NTIC), 733
National Voter Registration Act (1993), 506, 512, 565
Nation of Islam (NOI), 314, 407, 418, 546, 805, 813, 969, 1030
Nature of the Judicial System, The (Cardozo), 95
Navistar, 262, 302–3
liability for unpaid pensions, 559, 560
Nayak, Raghuveer, 813, 817, 847, 949
Naylor, Greg, 890, 896–97, 898
Ndaba, David (Sam Gulabe), 142
Ndesandjo, Mark Okoth Obama (half-brother), 77, 78, 79, 150, 151, 152, 320, 485, 1062
Ndesandjo, Ruth Beatrice Baker Obama, 75–76, 77, 79, 150, 151, 152, 203, 320
Dreams From My Father portrayal of, 532
Obama’s meeting with, 320
Ndesandjo, Simeon, 152
Near North Health Service Corporation, 499
Nebraska Democratic Party, 991
Nebraska Wesleyan “University Forum,” 506
Neighborhood Housing Services (NHS), 254
Nelson, Ben, 991
Nelson, Bill, 972, 980
Nelson, Kim Jones, 102, 103
Nelson, Roger, 36–37
Nelson, Ronald, 37, 200
Nesbitt, Marty, 668, 695, 709, 721, 1021
and Obama campaign funding, 747, 814, 877, 892, 897
and Obama presidential bid, 1011, 1012, 1022
on Obama’s celebrity, 935
and Obama U.S. Senate bid, 758, 770, 771, 820, 935
Nesson, Charles R., 337, 382, 435
Netanyahu, Benjamin, 1062
Netsch, Dawn Clark, 503
Netsch, Walter, 229, 230
Network for American Renewal, 661
Nevels, Malik, 544, 572, 715
New Class, The (Djilas), 155
Newell, Felton, 575, 618
Newhall, Eric, 121
New Hampshire
Hillary Clinton primary win, 1042
Obama Democratic event, 1012, 1015, 1016–17, 1020
Newhouse, Richard H., Jr., 460, 474, 541, 571, 595
funeral of, 760
Newman, Sanford “Sandy,” 471–72, 475, 477, 480, 484
New Party, 493–94, 522, 561–62
New Republic, The, 406, 921, 980, 1049, 1062
profile of Valerie Jarrett, 1071
Newsweek, 963, 999, 1040, 1047
Newtson, Robert, 736
New York, 1020–21, 1049
New Yorker, The, 915, 921, 1036, 1037, 1063
New York Post, 943
New York Public Interest Research Group (NYPIRG), 182–88, 189, 191
Straphangers Campaign for Better Subway Service, 186
New York Review of Books, 1062
New York Times
on Harvard Law Review, 436–37
on Illinois politics, 611, 687, 930, 932
on Obamacare problems, 1075–76
Obama front-page profile, 934
on Obama Harvard Law Review presidency, 393, 880
on Obama presidential campaign, 1029, 1030, 1031, 1049
on Obama repudiation of Wright, 1046
on Obama’s speech on race, 1043
profile of Michelle Obama, 1032
“Punjab” story, 1034
review of Remnick’s Obama biography, 1055
on shrinking Democratic party, 1075
New York Times Book Review, 532–33, 1055
New York Times Magazine, 1057
New York University Press, 332
New York University School of Law, 445–46
New York Urban Coalition, 182
Ng, Konrad, 789, 945, 964, 1040
marriage to Maya Soetoro, 861
Ng, Suhaila, 945
Ngubeni, Thamsanqa “Tim,” 126–27, 128
Nicholson, Marvin, 1029, 1057, 1070
Nichols-Roy, Barbara, 116
Nickelsen, Linne, 91
Nicolay, John, 595, 907
Niebuhr, Reinhold, 1031
Nietzsche, Friedrich, 149
Nightclub Safety Act (Ill.), 802, 810, 823, 840
Nitsche, Bonnie, 209
Nitsche, Wally, 209
Nix, Crystal, 353
and Harvard Law Review, 383, 384, 386, 389, 391, 396, 401, 408, 442
and Tribe seminar, 400
Nixon, Richard, 1054, 1057
Nobel Peace Price, 54, 999
Nobles, Andre, 376
Noelani Elementary School (Honolulu), 57, 63
Noonan, Peggy, 1051
Nordahl, Rolf, 85, 86, 1043
Norris, Cynthia, 263, 317, 319
Norris, John, 1012
Norris, Michele, 1005
Norris, Trent, 421–22, 439, 444
North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), 507, 827
North Carolina primary, 1046
Northern Trust, 968
Northwestern Law School
Children and Family Justice Center, 546, 616
Diversity Week, 646
Obama full scholarship offer from, 304–5, 321, 361, 494
Obama rejection of faculty appointment, 494–95
Northwestern University, 15, 511
Center of Wrongful Convictions, 644
Craig Robinson as basketball coach, 736
Northwest Ind
iana Organizing Project, 223
Nottage, Courtney, 632, 640, 662, 719, 742, 767–68
Novak, Tim, 1031
Novick, Patty, 250, 470
Nowinski, Juleigh, 838, 841
Noymer, Beth, 166–67, 170, 179, 180
NPR (National Public Radio), 506–7, 935, 946, 1005, 1010, 1035, 1040
Brennan interview, 285, 430
Obama interview, 657, 705
Obama on race, 506–7
nuclear weapons, 54, 951, 973, 1054
Nugent, Ray, 22
Nurridin, Salim Al, 254, 261, 306, 405
Dreams From My Father portrayal of, 530
Nussbaum, Martha, 638, 785
Nyaugenya, Akinyi, 151–52
Nye, Joseph, 146
Oahu Paper Company, 69–70
Obadele, Bamani, 953–54
Obama, Auma (half-sister), 55, 56, 76, 79, 178, 179, 213, 304, 467
Chicago visits by, 203, 615, 1040
Dreams From My Father portrayal of, 530–31, 532
marriage in London of, 571
and meeting of Obama Sr.’s first two wives, 420
and Obama’s Kenya trips, 312, 319–20, 321, 466
and Obama’s presidential bid, 1022
and Obama Sr.’s death, 150, 151–52
on Obama Sr.’s failings, 203, 204, 205
at Obama’s U.S. Senate swearing-in ceremony, 964
at Obama wedding, 478, 479
Obama, Barack Hussein
background and youth, 43–107
as Barry, 61, 65, 87
basketball enthusiasm, 81, 84, 85, 87, 88, 91, 92–93, 96–100, 106–7, 110–11
Baskin-Robbins summer job, 94–95, 100, 363
birth certificate, 52, 1059
birth of sister Maya, 72 (see also Soetoro-Ng, Maya Kassandra)
carefree Hawaiian childhood, 57, 63, 103–4, 534, 933, 994
and Choom Gang, 91–92, 101, 104
classmates’ memories of, 100–102
college applications, 102, 106–7 (see also Columbia University; Occidental College “Oxy”)
conception and birth of, 50, 52, 53
Dreams From My Father portrayal of, 528–29
and drugs, 101, 121, 132, 500, 853, 894
education in Hawaii, 57, 63 (see also Punahou School)
and father’s absence, 56, 73, 80–81, 89–90, 129, 132, 203, 204, 260, 532, 534, 874, 1048, 1049–50, 1065, 1066
and father’s return visit, 79–81, 152
feelings about father, 152, 417
grandfather’s closeness with, 57, 72, 81, 86, 87, 470
grandparents’ raising of, 87, 100–101, 103, 106, 119, 139, 152–53, 181, 1048
in Indonesia, 63, 64–65, 72–74, 162, 402, 465
nonparticipation of birth parents, 89–90, 129, 152, 178, 1048
poem by, 96, 133–35
smiling persona of, 81, 82, 84, 90, 93, 94, 95, 98, 102, 116, 118
and smoking, 91, 101
Soetoro as father-figure, 73–74, 729
“Winner” essay for basketball championship, 99
community organizing, 189–318, 321–23
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