Secret Puck (Campus Nights Book 1)

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Secret Puck (Campus Nights Book 1) Page 3

by Rebecca Jenshak

  Maverick and I stop for alcohol to restock for the weekend. When we get back to the apartment, we settle into the couch for our house meeting.

  I’ve only lived here for a month and this is the second meeting Adam has called. It looks to be a long year. At least I have Mav for entertainment. He lives downstairs in a single apartment, but he spends way more time here than his own place.

  His French bulldog, Charli, lies at his feet, staring up at him with adoring eyes. Charli is pretty much the only one who looks at Maverick like that. He’s a total jokester and softie, but his size and tattoos intimidate most people.

  Adam and Rauthruss wander out of their respective rooms. Rauthruss grabs a wooden chair from the dining table and Adam takes a seat in our leather recliner. He eyes the bottle in Maverick’s hand. “Dude, really?”

  “Ah, ah, ah,” Mav tsks. “You can’t speak until you have the bottle. New house rule.” He hands it to Adam with a smirk. “Take a shot, captain, my captain.”

  “You don’t even live here.” Adam takes a long swallow of the MD 20/20 anyway and grimaces. “That shit’s nasty. I haven’t had Mad Dog since high school.”

  “Ironically, that’s the last time I got called to a family meeting, too,” Mav points out, taking the bottle back.

  “Yeah, well feel free to leave since, again, you don’t live here, but this won’t take long. Three things.” He holds up his fingers like he’s talking to children. I glance over at Mav as he runs a hand along his tattooed chest where he’s spilled on himself and a trail of alcohol trickles down to his shorts. Okay, maybe we’re more like overgrown toddlers than functioning men. Maverick and I like to have fun, so sue us. We show up on the ice where it matters.

  “Number one,” Adam goes right into it. “We looked like shit out there this week.”

  Mav holds up a finger, takes a drink, and then speaks. “We’re not even on the ice yet. Give it time.”

  Adam starts to respond, but not before Mav hands him the bottle and he begrudgingly takes another sip. “No, it’s my last year and I’m not taking any chances by waiting for ice time. I think we should invite the guys over.”

  “Party. Good call,” I say and find the bottle thrust into my side.

  As I’m taking a drink, Adam shakes his head. “No, not a party. Well, okay, a party, but no girls. Just the team.”

  “You want us to spend our nights with a bunch of sweaty guys now too?” We’re already spending long days in conditioning together. The only thing that got me through the week was the promise of a weekend of fun. “I’m not sure more time together is the answer.”

  “Girls,” Mav says. “The answer is always girls. Let’s get the freshmen laid.”

  “That’s actually not a bad plan,” Rauthruss speaks up for the first time. The bottle is passed to him and he fingers the label as he finishes. “Maybe they just need to let off a little steam.”

  Adam frowns and the vein in his forehead becomes noticeable—never a good sign. “We party all the time. The guys don’t need our help finding chicks. This is about coming together as a team.”

  “You’re going to go all weekend without your latest girlfriend?” Mav asks Adam pointedly.

  Adam always has a girlfriend. I can’t remember the current one’s name. Hannah? Holly? I don’t understand why he doesn’t stay single. It isn’t like he, or any of us for that matter, need the relationship label to get laid. But, no, Adam Scott is the full boyfriend experience. He doesn’t only hook up or go on a few dates. He wastes months on these girls, going all in with dates and sleepovers… just not for more than six months or so at a time. He’s an odd duck.

  Rauthruss too. He’s been dating the same girl since high school and she lives in freaking Nebraska. Why have a girlfriend you never see? The only perk of having a girlfriend is getting laid on a regular basis, right? I’m really asking; I have no idea.

  “Maria and I broke up,” he says with a shrug. “And it’s just for tonight.”

  Maria. Wow, definitely off there.

  “What happened to Heather?” Mav asks.

  Ah, yes, Heather! My memory isn’t failing me yet.

  “They broke up in May. Keep up.” Rauthruss reaches out for the Mad Dog again, but Maverick holds it up and shakes the empty bottle. Fuck, we went through that fast.

  “Fine. Party tonight. No girls,” Mav says and looks to me. I’m the last holdout. “It’s one night, man.”

  “What are the other two things on the agenda. We’ll circle back,” I say with a smile and Mav chuckles.

  “Nice. Circling back. I think my dad used that the last time we talked.”

  His dad is a big executive—suit and tie, phone permanently attached to his ear. Rich as sin, but kind of a prick, so we have a bit of fun at his expense with our corporate speak, or jargon, if you will.

  Adam interrupts our joking, which to be fair is probably the only way to get us back on track. “Number two. Heath, you have to walk your dates out the door. Like personally see that they make it outside.” He looks to Rhett who’s turning a nice shade of red.

  Mav gasps dramatically with a hand to his chest. Charli at his feet lifts her head to check on her owner. “Heath would never. He’s a true gentleman.”

  “It was one time and I did walk her out.” I glance at my flushed roommate. The memory of him all bed head and in his boxers kicking out a half-naked Kimberly still makes me smile. “I just didn’t lock the door behind her. How was I supposed to know she was going to come back and try to work her way around the apartment?”

  I mean, seriously… is it my fault that she broke into our place and slipped into bed with the guy? Apparently nothing is sexier or more challenging for a girl than a guy in a real committed relationship. And Rauthruss is as loyal as they come even though he barely sees his woman. It drives girls crazy. Seriously, he could have any chick he wanted. He might be onto something, not that I have any plans to try his method. Mine’s working just fine.

  Maverick sets the empty bottle on the coffee table and heaves a sigh. “Are there any items on your list that don’t revolve around our dicks?”

  No one speaks. Adam raises his brows and keeps his sharp stare on me.

  “Agreed. I will walk them out.” I’m almost positive I can remember to do that. Definitely can tonight since I’ll be spending it with my hand apparently.

  “Next item on the agenda,” Mav prompts.

  Adam looks a little nervous, pausing before he speaks. This can’t be good.

  “My sister is crashing here this weekend, so best behavior.” He stands.

  “What the hell? What happened to no chicks?” I ask.

  “She’s my sister, not the same thing.”

  “Depends. Is she hot?” Mav asks, totally serious, which makes the vein in Adam’s head protrude.

  Yes, yes she is. I keep that to myself. I’m not scared of Scott, but I’m not an idiot. If he knew my unfiltered thoughts on his little sister, I’d be neutered in my sleep. Nah, actually, he’d probably do it when I was wide awake. Can’t really blame him. Ginny Scott is sexy as hell and all my thoughts about her are dirty.

  Long, blonde hair, light brown eyes, and her legs… those long legs are the things dreams are made of.

  “Best behavior.” Adam pulls his phone out and walks toward his room.

  “Meeting adjourned then, eh?” Mav says and then looks to me. “I’m gonna need a copy of the minutes on my desk by end of business.”

  “I’m right on top of that, sir,” I say and give him the middle finger.

  “What the hell are we going to do tonight?” Mav looks seriously defeated as he runs a hand through his dark hair.

  “Halo?” Rauthruss lifts an Xbox controller.

  “Why the fuck not.” He pets Charli and grabs the controller with the other hand.

  I get up and take a step toward my room. “I’m going to shower and touch base with myself.”

  Mav cackles. “Not as good as circling back, but good wordplay. Mariah or
Ariana for inspiration music?”

  “It’s definitely a Mariah kind of day,” I decide.

  Mav hums as I walk by. “‘Santa Baby’ or ‘Heartbreaker’?”

  I shake my head. “‘Fantasy.’ Always ‘Fantasy.’”

  Later, I close my door so I can hear Nathan on the phone over the noise in the living room. A few guys have already made it over. I hope Scott’s right, and this is what we need. He might be a pain in the ass, but he’s not wrong about us needing to play better together. It’s his last year, so I get the extra pressure to make it the best before he’s done.

  He’s not interested in playing professionally, so this really is it for him.

  “How does it feel to be back?”

  “Not as good as it would feel to be practicing with the Coyotes right now,” I say as I take a seat at my desk.

  He snickers. “Soon enough.”

  “Eh,” I grunt. I’ve never been much for living in the future. Even now that it’s set. I signed with Arizona’s professional team over the summer. Three more years at Valley and then I’ll get paid to play hockey. It still hasn’t really sunk in. “How’s everything in Florida?”

  “Good. Busy. Between the team and all the wedding plans, it’s gotten nuts. Did you get the save the date?”

  “I did.” I pick up the thick paper invitation on my desk. “June, huh? You really think you can continue to not screw this up for another ten months?”

  “God, I hope so. I don’t know what I’ll do if she wises up before then,” he says in a teasing voice. I can hear his fiancée Chloe in the background taunting him back but can’t make out her words.

  “Tell her I said hey and thanks for the giant box of stuff. This one’s got Chloe written all over it. A gift card to The Olive Garden?”

  Nathan speaks away from the phone, “Busted. Totally called you out on The Olive Garden gift card.”

  “Take a nice girl to dinner,” Chloe yells.

  “You hear that?” my brother asks.

  “Yeah, I got it.”

  They’ve been sending me packages every month since my freshman year. Each one is different and contains shit ranging from razors, body wash, homemade oatmeal raisin cookies (my favorite), to new clothes and cologne. And then there’s the gift cards. Each month, a hundred dollars or more from random places.

  Since I refuse to take money outright from Nathan, they find creative ways to be generous. I don’t really need it. I have a full-ride scholarship for hockey and a part-time job that helps with anything else. But that’s Nathan, always trying to take care of me.

  “All right, well I won’t keep you. Chloe and I are headed to the beach. Stay out of trouble.”

  I groan and tilt my head back.

  With a chuckle, Nathan says, “I’m proud of you, but what kind of big bro would I be if I didn’t remind you not to screw up? You’ve got more than ever on the line.”

  “Oh, I don’t know, the cool kind maybe?”

  “Have fun. I’ll call you next week. Let me know if you need anything. Oh, and call Mom. She said she hasn’t heard from you in two weeks.”

  “Been busy.”

  “Mhmm, weak excuse. Later, Heath.”

  “Bye, Heath,” Chloe says in the background.

  “Bye, guys, talk to you later.”



  Trent arrives late Friday afternoon and Ava is brimming with excitement. She introduces me and then recaps a list of facts about the guy. Facts she’s already told me several times. I feel like I know him better than I know Ava at this point; she’s told me that much about him. Maybe a little too much.

  “I’m going to show him around campus and then we’re going to the football game. Do you want to come with us?” She’s practically beaming with happiness and I have a twinge of sadness that this could be me and Bryan if he weren’t in freaking Idaho.

  She leans into his side and Trent wraps an arm around her waist. His fingers slip under the hem of her T-shirt and he kisses her forehead.

  It’s obvious how much they’ve missed one another by the touchy-feely display in front of me, and I’m starting to understand just how imperative it is I get the hell out of here. I haven’t even been able to bring myself to watch porn since Bryan broke up with me. I certainly can’t handle a full-on romantic display with a side of orgasms.

  “No, thanks. You two enjoy. My brother is having people over, so I’m going to go hang with them. You two will have the place all to yourself tonight. It was really nice to meet you, Trent.”

  I shower and get ready, hesitant to head over to Adam’s before the party gets going. I appreciate that he always looks out for me, but I want to find my own friends at Valley, too, and if I run over there every time I need an escape, I’m going to spend the next year as Adam Scott’s little sister instead of Ginny Scott. So tonight, I need to find some friends.

  I text Adam to make sure he’s there before driving over.

  Adam: Yep. Just hanging out at the house. You coming over? I warned the guys to be on their best behavior.

  Me: Yes, but please don’t make it weird. I know you and your friends are disgusting. You don’t need to warn them like I’m some sort of delicate flower.

  I ignore the rest of his messages that pop up, telling me he’s only looking out for me or whatever. Having an older, overbearing brother is a real pain sometimes.

  The apartment is easy enough to find and I carry my backpack with a change of clothes and toothbrush up to the second-floor door and knock.

  “You must be Little Scott.” A guy with a shit ton of tattoos on full display thanks to his bare chest greets me with a goofy smile. “I’m Johnny Maverick.”


  He pulls the door wide and I enter. A bunch of guys I don’t recognize are standing around the apartment. For real, it’s like I just entered the men’s locker room with the way they all stop what they’re doing and stare at me.

  Adam’s head pops up from the kitchen and he hustles forward. “Did you find it okay?”

  “Yeah. I have this thing called maps on my phone.”

  I spot Rhett in the living room and he lifts a controller in greeting. “Hey, Ginny. Good to see you again.”

  I wave awkwardly. They’re all still staring.

  Adam shuts the door and I follow him into the living room. He points to the guy who answered the door. “You met Maverick. Ignore any and everything he says.”

  He scoffs. “I am hilarious and awesome.”

  “That’s Liam, Jordan, and Tiny.”

  “Hey,” they say in unison.

  “Want something to eat or drink?” my brother asks and goes back to the kitchen.

  “I’m okay for now.” There’s an empty seat next to Maverick, so I head for it and sit down.

  “Where is Payne?” one of the guys asks him.

  “Still showering and jerking it to Mariah, probably.” Maverick stills, looks to me, and clears his throat. “Shit, sorry.”

  I laugh and wave him off. “Good for him. And Mariah.”

  “I like you.” Maverick puts his arm around me on the back of the couch, but it’s in a friendly way that doesn’t feel like he’s hitting on me.

  “Hands off,” Adam’s deep voice bellows from the kitchen.

  Maverick rolls his eyes and I’m glad he’s not so easily intimidated by my brother. It was a real issue in high school before Adam graduated. He would look at guys the wrong way for talking to me and they’d scamper off too afraid of him.

  He stands and looks down at me. “You need a drink? A smoke?”

  “Yeah, I think I might need a drink after all.”

  The party, or what’s arrived of it, moves outside on the deck off the kitchen of the apartment. It’s nice out. Still hot like August nights always are in Arizona, but a nice breeze and the cold drink in my hand helps. Even Adam seems to relax as the guys kick back with their beers. It’s still just the guys on the team, but it’s early.

  “I’m going to
get another drink.” I head inside to the bathroom and have to use the flashlight on my phone to see anything. Why my brother hasn’t changed the light bulb is beyond me.

  I can’t really see much in the mirror, enough to make out my French braid is mostly still intact. In the kitchen, I rummage through the refrigerator looking for something besides beer, but it’s that or Wild Turkey. Definitely no.

  As I turn, movement catches my eye and I jump in surprise. “You scared me.”

  He grins, hand gliding through the wet hair sticking up on his head like he ran a towel through it and said fuck it. He looks me over carefully. I’m frozen, my tongue feels heavy or too wide for my mouth or something.

  “Hey, Ginny.”

  “Hi.” I look around dumbfounded. I’d expected to run into him, but not half-naked. “Do you live here?”

  “Well, I don’t usually walk around in my boxers at other dude’s houses.” He looks to the ceiling and a smirk pulls at his lips. “Well, not often.”

  I’d been actively avoiding the wall of nakedness in front of me, but now that he’s acknowledged it, I can’t look away.

  The only thing he wears are a pair of gray boxer briefs that hug his huge thighs and—oh my god, Ginny, do not look at his crotch. Shit, too late. I tear my gaze away from the bulge and up to his abs. Forget a boring six-pack, Heath has ridges and lines that wrap around his midsection. I follow the line to his chest and biceps. It shouldn’t be possible for someone to look this good naked.

  And oh my God, stop looking already!

  Adam comes through the door before I can make words come out of my mouth.

  “Payne, fucking finally. We thought you drowned in there.” Adam tosses his empty in the trash and grabs another beer, his face hardening as he gets a good look at him. “Dude, what the hell? Put some clothes on in front of my sister.”

  “Relax, I didn’t know she was here yet.” Heath’s tone is agitated, rightfully so.


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