Secret Puck (Campus Nights Book 1)

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Secret Puck (Campus Nights Book 1) Page 10

by Rebecca Jenshak

  I follow her out of the room, still a little awestruck.

  “That’s the last stop on the tour. Once you’re finished in the hype room, you’ll walk them to the front desk and the coach from whichever team they’re here for will take over.”

  “I didn’t realize how much effort they put into getting athletes to come to Valley.”

  “They recruit hard. Basketball and hockey especially. So, do you have any questions? Feel ready to lead one on your own?”

  “No, I’m probably going to totally botch it. How long have you worked here?”

  “Since my freshman year. I quit the track team, but I still wanted to be a part of something that was sports-related. They like to hire student-athletes since we’re familiar with a lot of the facilities and can answer questions they might have.”

  She must read the panic on my face because she laughs and adds, “You’ll be fine. It isn’t that hard. You probably know more than you think from Adam.”

  “I’m not so sure about that.”

  Dakota smiles. “We’re just here to get them excited about Valley. You’re one of the few people they’ll meet outside of the team. It’s fun. You get to meet a lot of top athletes from all over the country, and if they come to Valley, you’ll see them again and know you were part of getting them here. I’m doing two tours today, volleyball and hockey, so you’ll shadow me and see how easy it is.”

  We take a break to grab lunch before our afternoon of leading recruits around campus.

  I sit across from Dakota at an outdoor table outside of University Hall.

  “So, you and Heath looked pretty cozy last night.”

  “He was drunk.”

  “Drunk Heath is hilariously honest. One time, he told me I was really pretty, but not his type because I was too bossy.” She takes a sip from her straw and then adds, “Which is totally true. But you and him, I could see it.”

  “We’re just friends.”

  “Except that time you kissed.” She raises a brow pointedly and takes another bite of her sandwich.

  “It was the gummy bears.”

  “Would it really be the worst thing to admit you like him?”

  “Even if I did, Heath made it clear that he isn’t interested in dating and that Adam’s little sister was off-limits.”

  “Your brother shouldn’t be giving anyone orders on being single. The man goes from one relationship to the next.”

  “He’s always been like that. He got his first girlfriend in seventh grade and probably hasn’t been without one for more than a week since.”

  “Taryn seems nice. I like her better than the last one, Heather.”

  “Heather wasn’t the last one. He dated Maria over the summer.” I shrug. “Taryn’s okay. I try not to get attached anymore.”

  “Makes sense. Probably especially hard given Taryn’s history with Heath.”

  My head pops up. “She dated Heath?”

  “Dated might be a stretch. They were more like fuck buddies. Those two were going at it all the time loudly and everywhere.”

  My face heats and the food in my mouth turns to paste.

  Dakota busts up laughing. “I’m totally kidding. I’m sorry; I couldn’t resist.” She points a fry at me. “I knew you liked him.”

  The first tour is a local high school volleyball player. She towers over me and I keep pushing up onto my tiptoes, so I don’t feel so small. I barely say a word after introducing myself, and instead let Dakota take charge while I try to memorize every detail she says. I really don’t want to screw this up when it’s my turn to lead a tour on my own.

  The hype room is just as cool the second time around and as we hand her off to the coach of the volleyball team, I’m feeling better about the job.

  “The next one should be here in five.” She reads from the tablet and then passes it to me. “Nick, a senior from Newburg High in Boston.”

  I look over Nick’s information at the front desk while we wait. The scouting reports are detailed and makes me appreciate how much effort goes into recruiting athletes to Valley.

  Maybe Adam and our parents downplayed it, but hockey was just sort of this thing he did. Adam never made a big deal out of touring colleges or getting a full-ride scholarship. Even when he had NHL teams inviting him to summer camps and agents asking about his plans after college, he waved it off like it was nothing. I’m not sure why he doesn’t want to go pro, but he’s wanted to be a doctor for as long as I can remember.

  My thoughts briefly go to Bryan. He came to Valley and did a tour that probably looked a lot like this, too. He hadn’t made a big deal out of it either. Maybe the jocks in my life are used to being fawned over like this. Freaking jocks.

  I’m only checking Bryan’s social media every other day now, a real step in the right direction from the hours I spent obsessing after we first broke up. Since I’ve started hanging out with Dakota and Reagan, I’m less jealous of his happy photos with new friends. He likes every single thing I post as if he truly believes we’re cool and going to step right back into the way we were when we see each other again.

  “There he is,” Dakota says, breaking my thoughts. I look up to find Adam and Heath walking Nick through the front doors. Heath and my brother are wearing matching Valley Hockey T-shirts and jeans.

  I smile and stand beside Dakota while we wait for them to approach the desk.

  “Hey,” Dakota says cheerily. “You must be Nick.”

  Dakota introduces me and then gives Nick a chance to use the restroom and grab a soda or water before we start. When he’s gone, Adam leans against the desk. “Hey, Ginny. First day?”


  “Anything we should know about him?” Dakota asks. It’s good one of us is still thinking about the job because I’m ridiculously distracted by Heath. His hair looks like he tried to manage it into a style, but the long top curls and flips in every which direction.

  Adam and Dakota talk and Heath smiles at me and takes a step to the side of the desk, motioning for me to follow.

  “Look at you.” His eyes scan my blue polo and khaki pants.

  “Look at you,” I toss back.

  He runs a hand through his hair and his smile turns sheepish. “Missed you at lunch. Guess I’m going to have to find a new lunch buddy.”

  “It’s only a couple of days a week.”

  He nods. “Tomorrow then?”

  “Yeah, I’ll be there tomorrow.”

  Nick rounds the corner and we all stop talking to give him our attention.

  “Ready?” Dakota asks him with a big smile.

  “Later, Genevieve.” Heath winks and then he and Adam say their goodbyes to Nick.

  I watch him leave and then blow out a long breath. Holy gummy bears.




  We’re decked out in Valley blue and yellow for the first home game of the season. Dakota, Reagan, and I sit in my parents’ season ticket seats.

  “I feel bad for not inviting Taryn,” I admit as the team takes the ice.

  Dakota waves me off. “She’s fine. She said she was going to sit with her sorority sisters and meet up with us after.”

  “I think I’m going to have to get to know her.”

  “Why do you sound so defeated? She’s nice,” Reagan says, eyes forward watching the guys.

  “Every time I get attached to one of Adam’s girlfriends, they break up and it’s like I lose them, too. I always wanted a sister.”

  Dakota and Reagan put their arms around my shoulders. “Well, now you have us and neither of us plans on banging your brother. Right, Reagan?”

  Reagan’s jaw drops. “Of course not. He’s with Taryn.”

  When the game starts we cheer like crazy. It’s nothing like being at a game with my parents and I feel so much more invested being a Valley student now.

  And my brother is good. Really good. I spot Taryn jumping up and down in the front row of the student section as he scores a goal. Ugh. I really
am going to have to make an effort with her. She seems to really like Adam and not be one of the crazy ones, but first I need to talk to my brother and make sure he isn’t already thinking about breaking up with her.

  There’s a line switch and Heath and two other guys come off the ice. They sit not far from us. Jordan, a freshman I think, is drinking out of a water bottle. Heath shakes his head when someone tries to hand him his own water. Stick in hand, he’s practically bouncing with untapped energy to get back out there.

  He turns his head to follow the action on the ice, giving me a view of his strong profile. Dark hair peeks out around his helmet. His nose is straight, jaw sharp, nice lips that are soft despite all the ways the rest of him is hard.

  I press two fingers against my lips remembering how it felt to be kissed by Heath. I’ve done my best to avoid going down this particular memory lane because I don’t want to ruin the friendship we have, but I don’t think I’ll ever forget that kiss.

  Valley wins and the girls and I head to The Hideout. The local restaurant and bar is a favorite among college students, and we have to push our way through a mass of people to find a table.

  There’s a collective cheer in the place when the guys arrive. Adam and Taryn lead the pack, Rhett, Maverick, and a few other guys from the team not far behind.

  “Congratulations.” I stand and hug my brother. “You were amazing.”

  “You’ve seen me play before.”

  “I know, but it was different this time. I can’t explain it. I’m so proud of you.”

  One side of his mouth pulls up into a smile. “Thanks, Ginny.”

  We pull a couple of tables together so we can all sit. Pitchers of beer and shots arrive at the table, some the guys ordered and others that people buy for them.

  My gaze falls to the front entrance every time someone new appears. I just assumed Heath would be coming, but now I’m not so sure and I’m disappointed. A friendly disappointment. We’re friends — I’m allowed to be disappointed when a friend doesn’t come out for the night.

  I’m sitting at one end between my brother and Jordan. Adam’s turned toward Taryn which kind of leaves me hidden behind his giant back from the rest of the table.

  I’m leaning in and listening to a Celine Dion cover that Jordan promised would change my life when Heath’s voice washes over me.

  “Thanks for saving my seat, J.”

  Jordan looks from me to Heath and he nods slowly. “You two are…?”

  “Friends,” I say at the same time Heath says, “Yep.”

  “I’ll send you the link,” Jordan says as he stands to give Heath his seat.

  “I wasn’t sure you were coming.”

  “Came with the rest of the guys, but my brother called as we were walking in.”

  “You’ve been outside on the phone this whole time?”

  He nods and reaches for one of the pitchers and a glass. “Yeah, what’d I miss? Other than Jordan hitting on you.”

  “He wasn’t hitting on me.”

  Heath’s brows rise and he takes a long drink from his glass then leans back and places his arm around the back of my chair.

  “Five minutes talking with him and anyone would know he’s totally hung up on his ex-girlfriend. He was playing me videos of her singing some Celine Dion song.”

  “That’s why he picked that sappy-ass song.”

  “Picked it for what?”

  “On game days, we do a light skate in the morning and we each get to pick one song that Mav compiles into a playlist for us.”

  “That’s cool. What’s your song?”

  He smirks and instead of answering pulls out his phone. Like with Jordan, I have to lean in close to hear it. As the music plays I can see how it affects him, getting him pumped up. But unlike when I was this close to Jordan, I’m acutely aware of everything about Heath. The way he smells like soap and something masculine—sandalwood, I think. The fit of his shirt, tight around his chest and biceps but looser at his tapered waist. And the way my body reacts—heart racing and breathless.

  Friends schmends. I want to kiss him again.

  When the song ends, he pockets his phone and leans back, and I can think a little clearer without him so close. I push my chair back and stand. “I’m going to use the restroom.”

  I catch Dakota’s gaze as I walk by the table and motion for her to come with me. She and Reagan tail me into the ladies’ room.

  “What’s up? You were flashing panic eyes. Do you need a tampon?” Dakota asks as she checks herself in the mirror.

  Reagan sets her giant purse on the counter and pulls out a tampon.

  I wave her off. “No, I’m good.”

  Next, she pulls out lip gloss which I take.

  “I like Heath,” I admit after I swipe on the shiny pink gloss.

  Dakota snorts. “Duh. What’s the problem?”

  “We’re friends. He’s one of my best friends here. He’s already told me that he isn’t interested in dating me. If I make a fool of myself, then I’ll have to stop hanging out with you guys, and that would be a real bummer.”

  “First of all, we’re not going anywhere. Second, don’t be a pussy.” Dakota meets my gaze in the mirror.

  My mouth tingles and I rub my lips together. “What is this gloss?”

  “Lip plumper,” Reagan says, putting it back in her purse and pulling out mascara and adding a coat to her lashes.

  “It stings. Holy crap.” I grab a paper towel and wipe it off, but the burn only subsides a little. “That’s awful. Do you have something else that will dull the pain?”

  Reagan hands me another gloss, this one I inspect more closely before applying.

  Dakota holds out her hand for the lip plumper. “I like the pain,” she announces as she puts it on, turning so her back rests against the counter. “Listen, if you’re sure that nothing is going to happen between you and Heath, then stop torturing yourself.”

  “She’s right,” Reagan says. “You guys spend a lot of time together which makes it hard to get over him.”

  “Or find someone else.” Dakota’s icy blue eyes bore into mine. “Come on. Let’s go back out there. Sit with us and forget about Heath for tonight. There are a ton more guys at Valley, and we’re going to introduce you to all of them.”

  “The ones out there anyway,” Reagan says with a light laugh.

  Not a terrible idea. I’m done being angry and sad about Bryan, and spending my time wondering what college would have been like if he were here. I’m ready to have fun, date, maybe even hook up with someone new. And if that’s not Heath, then there are other people out there.

  Heath is at the bar getting another pitcher when we make our way back to the table which makes my transition to sitting next to Reagan and Dakota less awkward. When he spots me down the table, he raises both hands in question, but I just smile at him like it’s nothing.

  Reagan and Dakota are true to their word and they casually introduce me to so many guys they start to blur together. I feel like I’m on a covert version of The Bachelorette.

  “Okay, point taken. There are a lot of guys at Valley. You don’t need to introduce me to any more.” My gaze flits to Heath across the bar. He’s talking to Maverick but looks up and smiles when he catches me staring.

  “Hey, Ginny.” Liam approaches with his hands in his pockets. “Are you going over to Adam’s… I mean, your brother’s after this?”

  “Uhh.” I look to Reagan and Dakota, who both nod eagerly. “I think so.”

  “Cool, I’ll see you there.”

  I watch him walk off and then look to Reagan. “I think I’m going to need more lip gloss.”

  She digs into her purse and hands it to me. “Keep it. You may need to reapply many times.”



  I get a ride back to the apartment with Maverick. I’m riding shotgun while Taryn and Adam sit in the backseat sucking face.

  “Is that Liam’s truck?” Adam asks as Mav parks and we get out.
  “Yeah, I think so,” I answer, looking over the silver F-150. There’s like a million of these trucks and they all look the same, but this one has a Valley University Hockey license plate.

  His brows draw together, and he has a weird look on his face as he passes it. Adam isn’t one to care who comes over—it’s one area he’s actually chill about. He’s got the whole, “everyone’s welcome” mentality when it comes to the apartment.

  “Something wrong with Liam being here?”

  “He asked for permission to ask out my sister.” He makes a little grunt of annoyance and Taryn smiles and pats his arm.


  Now I’m the one getting the weird look from Adam. “I only have one sister, dude.”


  I hang back, trailing the guys up to our apartment. I pull out my phone and text Ginny.

  Me: Where’d you go? You coming by? Halo rematch?

  I cringe a little at my borderline needy message, slide my phone back into my pocket, and force myself to chill the fuck out.

  After grabbing a beer, I look for Ginny. I don’t see her or Dakota and Reagan. The three of them are inseparable these days. I check my phone, but she hasn’t texted back.

  Liam is outside and I head toward him.

  “What’s up, Liam?” I tip my chin up in acknowledgment to the other guys on the team standing with him.

  “Hey, Payne. Nice assist tonight.”


  I spot Dakota walking out the back door to the deck first. Ginny and Reagan follow.

  They go to the opposite side, stopping to talk to Taryn and Adam.

  “Heard you asked Scott for permission to ask out Ginny?” I go for a teasing tone, but don’t quite hit the mark.


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