Secret Puck (Campus Nights Book 1)

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Secret Puck (Campus Nights Book 1) Page 17

by Rebecca Jenshak

  I glance at Adam, feeling his presence like a dark cloud hovering over us. His glare goes from confused to pissed, but this isn’t the time or place to have this conversation.

  Adam senses the same thing, and I shield her while he gets us some privacy, calling for everyone to get lost with only slightly more polite words.

  “Ginny.” When his attention is back on us, his voice is softer than I expected for the rage rolling off him. “G, are you okay?”

  She pulls herself away from me, not meeting my gaze, and hugs him instead. He looks relieved as she glues herself to his side.

  “What happened?” he asks gently, cupping the back of her head.

  She tries to speak, but her voice is shaky, and he shushes her. “Later, G. Just relax.” He’s calm and loving with her, and I feel a sense of relief that he’s here with all the right words, even if it means he’s going to kick my ass later.

  Adam’s jaw flexes and he nods over my head. “Can you see Tom to the arena?”

  Ginny’s face is buried in his side, giving me her profile. She’s not crying, but her eyes are closed, and her dark lashes fan out against her smooth skin.

  “Heath,” Adam says again, voice as sharp as razors.

  I take a step back. “Yeah. Yeah, okay.”

  Adam doesn’t show up to the arena while I’m showing Tom the locker rooms and team training facilities. The guys who are free this afternoon are hanging around, including Maverick and Rauthruss. They both question me on Adam’s whereabouts. I shrug it off and focus on getting through the quick tour.

  When Coach shows up, I hand off Tom and decide to do a quick skate to clear my head. I assume Adam is going to show up and slam me into the boards at any moment, but he doesn’t.

  I trudge home with dread and guilt weighing down each step. No matter how many times I tell myself it’s none of his business, I can’t find any solace in it.

  Adam’s sitting on the couch with his phone to his ear when I walk into the apartment. I hesitate, but ultimately decide a shower is what I need before he goes nuclear on me. When I’m clean and dressed, he’s still sitting in the same spot—sans the phone to his ear. He doesn’t even look at me as I join him in the living room.

  I’m already sweating again with uncertainty on how to navigate this. Quick and honest, rip off the Band-Aid.

  “It’s not what you think.”

  A growl escapes from his chest and his eyes turn to angry slits. Fuck. Okay, that wasn’t the best opening, I admit.

  “Okay, it’s what you think,” I backtrack.

  “Of all the girls, man. You can have any other one, but not her. Not my baby sister.”

  “I’m sorry if it pisses you off. Maybe I should have told you. Not because I think I need your permission, but out of respect. I’m sorry for that, but I’m not sorry for digging your sister. She’s awesome and I like her a lot. I don’t need your permission,” I repeat. “And Ginny doesn’t need it either, for any guy she decides to date.”

  “Ginny said as much.” He stands. He’s a good three inches taller than me and he uses every single one. “You can honestly tell me you think you’re good enough for her? Fuck man, I see how you are with women. I don’t want that for her, is that so hard to understand?”

  He doesn’t wait for my answer before heading to his room and slamming the door.

  “He and Taryn are sitting guard in the living room,” I tell Ginny on the phone later.

  The two of them never hang out at our apartment. That’s part of the Adam Scott boyfriend experience—bending over backward for his girl and always staying at their place. Or that’s what I hear. Since this is my first year living with him I don’t really know, but Rauthruss made an offhanded comment once that Adam hardly ever has girlfriends sleep over.

  “So, I’ll just come over. What’s he going to do? Kick me out?”

  “No, but he might kick me out.”

  She groans. “This is stupid. I can date whoever I want.”

  “He’s just looking out for you.”

  “I don’t need him to look out for me.” She sighs into the phone. “I guess it’s best to give him a couple of days to cool off.”

  My chest tightens, and I wonder if in a couple of days she’ll decide it isn’t worth making waves. Maybe that’d be for the best.

  The next morning, though, she’s waiting outside of the dining hall for me and a goofy grin pulls at my lips.

  I hug her and she laughs. “Miss me?”

  “Yep.” I take her hand and follow her through the line for omelets.

  “I need my hand back,” she says, and I realize I’m still holding her palm in mine.

  We take our usual table. Mav drops into a chair beside her a few minutes later. “Hey there, Romeo and Juliet.”

  Ginny laughs. “Their families were enemies—this isn’t really that sort of thing.”

  “Well, it is a Shakespearean tragedy, anyway. What are you going to do?”

  I shrug. Thought about it all night long and I still don’t have an answer.

  “I’m heading home tonight. I’m sure by the time I get back on Sunday, he’ll be over it.”

  I’m not so sure.

  After my morning classes, I head back to the apartment. Ginny’s on her way home for the long weekend, and the prospect of spending that many days without her is a real bummer.

  Rauthruss is on the phone with Carrie. Mav and Adam are still on campus. I’ve got my newest package from Chloe and Nathan, so I grab it and walk to my room.

  I call him as I cut open the tape.

  “Hey,” he answers on the second ring.

  “Hey. Got your latest box.”


  As soon as I pull back the flaps, a deep chuckle escapes from my throat. “This one is all you, bro.”

  “What? How can you tell?”

  “It looks like you went down the aisles at Target and just threw random things in.” I pull out deodorant, body soap, condoms (major eye roll), toothpaste, pencils, a giant tub of my favorite protein, and an Xbox gift card. “Plus it’s all just shoved in here. Chloe’s boxes are packed a lot nicer than yours.”

  “I knew I should have had her wrap it all up.”

  I chuckle again. “Thank you. I appreciate it.”

  Sitting in my desk chair, I lean back as he catches me up on the latest wedding details. Getting married takes an awful lot of planning, apparently.

  “So, spill,” he says eventually when he’s done with the rundown on dinner entrees and cake tasting. “What’d you think of Kevin?”

  “He was fine.” I shrug even though Nathan can’t see it. “Mom’s happy so that’s good, right?”

  “Yeah, I guess so. It’s weird seeing her with someone else though. No matter how nice he is.”

  I hum my agreement.

  “Are you still calling her and checking in to see how she’s doing?”

  “Nah. I mean, we chat every other week or so, but she doesn’t need me to do that anymore. She’s got Kevin, plus Uncle Doug is still checking on her.”

  “Yeah, I guess. Chloe and I are going to fly up to have Thanksgiving with her. Bummed you can’t make it.”

  “I’m sure you guys will make the most of it.” We’ve got a game on Saturday, so it’ll just be another Thursday around here, although the extra days off school are nice.

  “I could never make her smile like you could. Remember that time we went to the water park in Wisconsin?”

  I smile, knowing exactly where he’s going with the story.

  “She got up on the top of that big slide and she wouldn’t budge. The line was backed up and people were yelling for her to hurry up. There were six-year-old kids going down that thing.”

  “She hates heights,” I say.

  “Yeah. I’m not even sure why she attempted it in the first place.”

  “Because I was too scared to go on my own and you were whining about me tagging along with you and that guy you used to hang out with…”

; “Lee,” he fills in.

  I nod. “She came up there for me. I knew she was scared too but I didn’t care.”

  “Dude, you were like nine.”

  “I still knew it was a bad idea.”

  “You sang to her, at the top of your lungs, the whole way back down the line.”

  “I had to scream so she could hear me over all the people yelling at us.”

  He laughs.

  I’m smiling now, but I was so embarrassed at the time and Nathan made fun of me for weeks.

  “You were always good at calming her down, being her rock. You still are. She might be doing better, but there’s no one that can make her as happy as you. Call her.”

  When I get off the phone with Nathan, I send her a text checking in and promise myself I’ll call her tomorrow. With my gift card in hand, I walk out into the living room. Everyone’s back from campus, and Adam has parked himself back in his guard dog position between the door and my room.

  I toss the gift card on the coffee table. “I was going to order pizza and get the new Call of Duty. You guys in?”

  “Oh, no way.” Rauthruss picks up the card. “Rad, man. I’m in.”

  We both look to Adam and he shrugs his big shoulders. I guess that’s a start.



  Hottest guy on campus: Hey, gorgeous. Why aren’t you in my bed?

  Me: Better offer.

  Hottest guy on campus: Damn, woman. That’s cold.

  Me: I figured you would understand better than anyone. My mom’s been cooking for days. SO MUCH FOOD.

  Hottest guy on campus: My stomach just growled, for real. Also, my dick’s hard just from texting you.

  Me: Proof or it didn’t happen.

  Hottest guy on campus: Dick pics… always a bad idea, Genevieve.

  Me: Like vag pics *shudders*

  Hottest guy on campus: Not the same at all. Speaking of… feel free to send some my way.

  Me: Tit for tat.

  Hottest guy on campus: Tits okay too, I guess. Make sure you get front and side view… I very much enjoy a little side booby.

  Me: How’s Valley?

  I don’t want to ask specifically about how things are with Adam, but he must read between the lines.

  Hottest guy on campus: Okay. We stayed in tonight and played video games. Adam hasn’t punched me yet.

  Me: I heard my mom say you guys are having a team dinner to celebrate Thanksgiving. That’s nice.

  Hottest guy on campus: Beats the dorm food. Don’t tell Brenda.

  Me: Brenda?

  Hottest guy on campus: My favorite lunch lady.

  Me: Of course, you have a favorite lunch lady.

  Hottest guy on campus: Eyes keep closing. Gonna sleep. Don’t forget (o) (o)

  The following night I’m lying on the couch watching TV when there’s noise outside. A car door followed by deep voices. I get up and peer out the window. Adam’s Jeep is in the driveway, and I see his big frame climbing out of the driver’s side. Heath, Rauthruss, and Mav follow.

  I run to the door and fling it open as they approach. “What are you doing here?”

  I hug Adam first. As excited as I am about the man behind him, it’s been three years since Adam and I have celebrated a Thanksgiving together. He always stayed at Valley because of his hockey schedule.

  “Decided to come up for the night, enjoy Mom’s sour cream apple pie. We have to go back tomorrow night to have dinner with the team.”

  “Figures you found a way to have two Thanksgiving dinners.”

  Adam heads inside, so do Mav and Rhett. Heath lingers with a sexy smirk. “Hey, Genevieve.”

  I throw myself at him.

  “Couch, Payne.” Adam’s voice comes from behind me. “Mav and Rhett, you guys can take the guest room.”

  Adam gets Heath a pillow and blanket, and I stay downstairs as Heath spreads out on the couch bed.

  “Why didn’t you tell me you were coming?”

  “I wanted to surprise you. Also, I didn’t know until about three hours ago. Your brother said he was heading up and asked if we wanted to come with him.” He shrugs. “I was half expecting him to stop on the freeway somewhere and kick me out of the car.”

  “So you’re here because of my brother?” I sneak a hand inside his shirt and up his chest.

  “Yep. He really does it for me.” He winces. “Shit, I can’t even joke about it while I’m hard.”

  “Come up to my room.” I start to stand, but he doesn’t budge.

  “I don’t think I should.”

  “Because of Adam? He’s had more girls in his room than Sephora on sale day.”

  “I don’t know what that means, but I’m guessing it’s a lot.”

  “Yes.” I pull again, but he shakes his head.

  “It’s not just Adam. I’m a guest and I don’t want your parents to think I came up to get in their daughter’s pants.

  “Oh my god, when did you turn into this good guy?”

  “Don’t worry, baby. I’m still bad.” He pulls me down on top of him and quickly has me pinned underneath him on the couch bed.

  He doesn’t kiss me, though, just stares down at me.

  “I’m so excited you’re here.”

  He grins. “Me too.”

  I wake up to the smell of pumpkin and turkey and am instantly giddy. A real Thanksgiving with the whole family. And Heath.

  Adam and the guys are already up, their doors open and rooms empty as I pass by on my way downstairs. I slow as I get to the last step. Heath’s pulling a gray T-shirt over his head and holding his phone up to his ear.

  When he spots me, he smiles, and my insides turn to mush.

  “All right, I should go. The guys are waiting on me.” He continues staring at me as he says goodbye to whoever he’s talking to. I meet him halfway as he pockets his phone.

  “Was that your mom?”


  “She must miss having you home for the holidays. My mom’s ecstatic Adam’s here. She’s been in the kitchen all morning making extra pies.”

  “Hope she doesn’t mind we came along.”

  “Are you kidding? She’s thrilled. My mother’s happiest when she has lots of people to dote on.”

  He wraps his arms around my lower back. “What are you up to this morning? Can you save me from some lame football game outside?”

  I gasp. “Lame? It’s an honored tradition.” I take his hand and pull him to the door. “You can be on my team. I’ve never lost.”

  The neighborhood football game on Thanksgiving morning is a tradition as far back as I can remember. When I was little, I’d sit along the sidelines and cheer on my dad and Adam and whatever boy I had a crush on at the time. But sometime in middle school I decided to join the other brave girls out there. I love it.

  “Morning, sunshine.” Mav jogs up to us.

  “Morning,” Heath says, voice cracking. He clears it a few times. His gruff morning voice is my favorite.

  “Glad you got your sexy ass up; we need a QB.”

  Heath shakes his head. “I never played football.”

  Mav punches him. “I know, but you’ve got those QB good looks like Tom Brady.”

  “Did they already pick teams?” I ask.

  “Nah,” Mav says. “They’re fighting over Adam.”

  “You four are the most athletically inclined people we’ve had in a while.” I scan the yard to see who made it to play this year, and my gaze snags on someone I didn’t expect. “Bryan’s here?”

  The question is more to myself than the guys, but Heath asks, “Who’s Bryan?”

  “My ex.” Bryan and I make eye contact and he starts toward me. Seeing him for the first time in three months has my emotions whipping around like I’m on a merry-go-round.

  “Hey, Ginny.” Bryan envelopes me in a hug, pressing his large body against mine and squeezing tightly. Apparently he feels none of the awkwardness I do. I can’t decide if that’s comforting or not. “It’s so good to
see you.”

  “I didn’t expect you to be home for break.”

  “Just for the day. I fly back tonight.”

  “Oh.” I shift uncomfortably and wring my hands to have something to do. “How’s Idaho?”

  “Eh… you know.”

  “Actually, I don’t.”

  “Well, it’s not Arizona. How’s Valley?”

  I sneak a glance at Heath out of my periphery. He’s got his arms crossed and a hard expression on his face. “It’s great. I really love it.”


  I nod.

  “That’s awesome.” He does a blatant once over of my body. “You look amazing.”

  “Thanks.” I smile politely. He looks good too, but not in that way where I want to rip off his clothes. And the guy who I do want to do that to is standing beside me. I turn to him. “Bryan, this is my friend Heath.”

  “Hey, man.” Bryan juts his chin in acknowledgment. “You play hockey with Adam, right?”

  “That’s right.”

  “The guys were talking about you earlier. Sounds like you’re going to be the opposing QB. I’ll try not to make you look too bad.” He takes a step back and winks. “Good to see you, babe. I’ll call you. Maybe we can hang while we’re both in town for winter break.”

  I wait until he’s gone to face Heath, prepared to stroke his ego, but he’s… smiling?

  “Your friend, huh?”

  “Did you want me to introduce you as my make-out buddy?”

  He chuckles and winces at the same time. “Guess not. You dated that douche?”

  “He’s… not so bad.” I play down any lingering resentment because the last thing I need is Heath or my brother to make a scene. And honestly, it’s not so much resentment as just dislike for the guy. Sure, he had his own reasoning for how things ended, but let’s be real, he did it in a super shitty way. I can see that so much clearer now.

  “He’s a douche.”

  “Is this jealous Heath?” I wave a hand in front of his broody frame. He glares toward Bryan’s retreating back.

  “What? No, of course not.” But he continues to stand close while we set up the game.


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