Cursed and Crazed

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Cursed and Crazed Page 17

by Sophia Stafford

  They had never been like this before. Her mother, although great, was far too deep in a spell to ever be the mother that Jaycen needed.

  “Everything is falling apart. They took my magic; people are dying everywhere. And I’m alone.” She cried, burying her head in her mother’s chest.

  “Your magic never defined you. It was amazing that you had it, great even. But you were completely fine without it. You know that, don’t you?” she told her daughter gently, smoothing Jaycen’s hair gently.

  “I was nothing without my magic. Just some mouthy kid.” She laughed pulling back but kept her body as close to her mother as possible.

  “No, no. You have always been strong. You took care of me when I couldn’t, you kept me alive when I couldn’t do that for myself. You have always been strong. But now, you get to be strong in another arena.”

  “I’m in over my head. I don’t know what to do.” Saying the words out loud felt amazing and liberating.

  “You’re eighteen, my love. No one expects you to be perfect. You shouldn’t expect that from yourself.”

  “But I’m the one with the magic. Or, I was the one. And I’m the one that lost it. It’s all on me.”

  With a sad smile, her mother shook her head. “All you can ever expect from yourself is your best. Give that and know that no matter what happens you tried. You can only give what you have to give. Please listen to me Jaycen. Do what you can, lean on those around you, and know that in the end, you are never alone. They want you to feel alone in this, but you are not. Okay?”

  “Yeah, okay.” She nodded, the pulling feeling returning. “I think I need to leave.” She hugged her mother so tight she wasn’t sure if she could breathe. “I love you so much. And I miss you every day.”

  “I know my love, but I am always with you. Especially when you feel alone.”

  Jaycen could feel her mother’s warm body slip through her fingers. Her body getting colder and colder until there was nothing.

  “Jaycen, what happened? Did you see your mother? Where did you go?” Lilliah was next to her, her eyes filled with hope.

  Wiping her face, Jaycen smiled. “Yeah. And it was perfect.”

  Needed? No. Wanted? Yes.

  She nodded all the same. “Yeah.”

  She’d think about the guilt another time.

  Chapter 23

  She was running on a high. She had told everyone everything about her trip to Heaven. Apart from the choice she had been presented with. She had kept that part back because she knew deep down that Lizella had been right. Isabella would have been able to help her and help her in ways that they desperately needed. And she knew the others would think that too.

  She’d knew she made a mistake, and she also knew she’d make that same mistake again.

  “It was just perfect. Thank you, Lilliah.”

  Lilliah just looked relieved. “I’m just glad she agreed. There was a moment back there when I thought she’d say no, and that would have been awful.”

  Unable to meet her eyes Jaycen nodded and motioned to the door. “I’m going to head off. I’ll see you guys later.”

  She left before anyone could question her further.

  Now she sat alone in her room, the guilt still eating at her as an atlas opened in front of her as she closed her eyes and tried to focus on her magic, maybe finding it would squash the guilt she felt. She breathed in deep, trying to feel the magic within her.

  “Where are you? Where are you hiding Darius?” she muttered, tapping her fingers on her knees in anticipation. Nothing was happening. “McKenzie? Where are you?”

  She placed her hands over the map on the floor, knowing that this could work, and not understanding why it wasn’t.

  “Oh come on! Work, just this once. Please work this one time. Please,” she shouted at her hands as if they could hear her. Then she took a deep calming breath, trying to control her anger. Finally, she tried again, this time really getting into her feelings. She remembered what it felt like to have magic, and how it felt as it rushed through her veins.

  Opening one eye she squinted at the map. Nothing.

  “Goddamn it.” Jaycen picked it up and threw it against the wall.

  The door opened, a smiling Sebastian stood in the doorway. “What was that about?”

  “That was me trying to find my magic. You see, sometimes it calls to me, and I can see where it is. Apparently not today though. Apparently, it doesn’t mind messing my life up. Acting out whenever it wants. But when I need it my magic needs space. Which, is just amazing.” She stood up, running her hands through her hair.

  Sebastian didn’t look interested at all. “Oh well, Benedict’s on the phone. He wants to speak to you. He might be able to help you with all of this.”

  Beaming, she rushed past Sebastian and ran downstairs. Gladly taking the phone from Lilliah who was standing in her living room and turned away, giving herself some sort of privacy. “Hey. Are you okay?”

  “I think I’m the one that should be asking that. I’ve spoken to Lilliah. A trip to Heaven huh? That’s something.”

  “It was something alright. Have you been before?”

  “No. Are you sure you’re okay? You sound off.”

  Huh, something she had done that Benedict hadn’t. “It was, odd. But yeah, I’m fine. I’m just sick of all this waiting around.”

  “But that is exactly what you’re going to do until I find you a new place to hide.”

  She rolled her eyes. “Yeah, and just let the world burn around me. Seems fair.”

  “Maybe not fair, but it’s smart. We’re also going to have to move Gemma. She’s okay, completely fine. But it was noted that people have been hanging around her hospital room. It’s a precaution, really.”

  “He knows I’m alive then. McKenzie I mean. He knows and he’s going after Gemma.” Jaycen stumbled into the wall, letting it take her weight. “Oh my God, what are we going to do?”

  “Don’t panic, this is just a precaution. They won’t get anywhere near her, I promise you.”

  “He’s trying to draw me out,” she continued, ignoring him completely. What if they got to Gemma before Benedict did? What if he had people that would find out where Benedict had put her?

  “I know he is. We’re going to move you again. We’re going to keep an eye on Gemma, and if I get the slightest hint that she’s in danger we’ll move in.”

  “Or, she could just hide out with me. She’ll be safer with me and hidden. Safe,” Jaycen put out there, unable to see another option.

  “I knew you were going to say that.”

  “It just makes sense,” she rushed out.

  “I need to think about this Jaycen. We are being watched, so closely. No one knows where you are and I’m not going to jeopardise that by meeting up to give you Gemma. I just won’t do it,” he stressed.

  “If you can’t do that then you can’t keep her safe Benedict. Please, just move us together, please.” She gripped the phone tighter as the knot in her stomach grew larger.

  “I can’t do this right now Jaycen. I have to go We’ll speak soon, okay? Just hang in there.” He disconnected and Jaycen didn’t move as she gripped the phone tighter.

  “What did he say?” Rebecca watched her as she leaned against the sofa.

  She finally looked up, the phone dropping to the floor. “Gemma, my friend is in hospital. Benedict thinks she’s being watched.”

  He wasn’t going to move her. What if Darrius gets to her? There would be nothing Jaycen could do. Especially when she’s the other side of the world.

  “Oh God, what’s Benedict going to do?” Lilliah asked from the sofa.

  “He’s going to move her but I want her with me. She’ll be safer here, or wherever we are. But he said no. Goddamn it.” Jaycen hit the wall, the hands buzzing with pain after.

  “Crap, your hands are bleeding.” Rebecca looked panicked. “I’ll go get you some ice. And maybe some paracetamol.” She rushed out of the room, leaving just Lilliah and Jay

  “That probably wasn’t smart,” Lilliah stated sympathetically.

  “I know. I would just feel so much better if she was here with me. He could move me anywhere, and I wouldn’t care because I know she would be safe.”

  Lilliah thought on what she said. “You know, way back when, I was in a similar situation to what you are in now?”

  “Oh?” Jaycen said, not practically in the mood for a trip down memory lane.

  “Yeah, we were moved around a lot just like you. We had to stay low, keep safe. I had to listen to Benedict and Azrael to keep me safe.”

  Rolling her eyes Jaycen faced Lilliah. “So that’s what you think I should do? Just leave Gemma to God knows what fate and listen to Benedict?”

  Lilliah shook her head. “No. I’m saying that I listen to Azrael and Benedict, but if either of them told me to leave Rebecca behind I would have gone against everything and I’d have done anything to keep her safe. Benedict’s job is to keep you safe, your job is to keep your friends safe. So let’s go get her.”


  When Lilliah had first suggested they go get Gemma, Jaycen had been very skeptical. Was she just saying it to make Jaycen happy? Were they just empty words?

  Well, it appeared not because no sooner has she said the words that Lilliah was up and making plans. But the time Rebecca and Sebastian joined them, Lilliah had it all planned in her head, while on the phone to her private jet. She made it all look effortless, and all Jaycen could do was sit back and watch, in awe.

  Lilliah’s plan was simple, perfect, and it would work. More importantly, they’d be in and out within minutes. Darius and McKenzie wouldn’t even know until it had already happened, and Gemma was safe and far away.

  “So, when was all this decided? Because I know that wasn’t what Benedict said just now.” Rebecca pointed to the phone on the floor with a manicured nail.

  “Benedict is busy right now, so we’re going to take this decision out of his hands and make it for him.” Lilliah threw her phone onto the sofa. “The plane is ready to go.”

  Everyone stayed silent, both Rebecca and Sebastian eyeing each other from across the room and neither speaking.

  Finally, Sebastian spoke. “I just don’t think we should do this without Benedict knowing.”

  “You know he’d say no. Come on Seb, what would we have done back in the day? What would you have done if I’d been stuck in hospital back in the day? And Benedict had just been like, leave her. She’s fine.”

  They were met with silence.

  “I don’t know what I would have done.” He finally shrugged off.

  “You’re lying. You wouldn’t have listened, and you would have come and got me. And that is exactly what we’re going to do with Jaycen and Gemma. Benedict is thinking with his head, which is what he does best. But sometimes you have to move with your heart,” Lilliah said, taking a seat on the sofa.

  Sebastian growled in frustration while rubbing his face. “My God, you’re going to do this with or without us aren’t you?”

  Lilliah nodded. “Yes. Azrael has a bunch of people working for him, it would just be nicer if we all did this together. Like a family.”

  Rebecca laughed. “Don’t use that card.”

  Lilliah, wide-eyed as she faked her innocence held up her hands. “I’m not using any card. I’m just saying. It would be nice if we did this together, it could be fun.”

  “No, it could be dangerous. But, I’m in. We’ll buy Benedict a nice fruit basket to say sorry, he’ll forgive us eventually.” Rebecca then turned to look at her husband, as did everyone else in the room.

  “Of course I’m in. I just don’t think it’s a good idea, and I’m saying it. If this whole thing blows up in our faces, I reserve the right to say, I told you so.”

  Lilliah jumped to her feet. “Deal. Grab your things guys, we’ve got a plane to catch.”


  An hour later they were on Azrael’s private plane with Lilliah telling everyone her plan.

  “Jaycen won’t actually be at the hospital, she’ll be waiting for us off-site so no one will see her. Sebastian and Rebecca will go into Gemma’s room and pick her up while I discharge her. You will then go out of the back doors where a car will be waiting for you. Hopefully by Iris, but who knows. Whoever can, really. Whoever is available. Now, any questions?”

  “What if they don’t let you discharge her?”

  “What if I take the wrong person? I don’t know who Gemma is.”

  “What if Gemma doesn’t want to come with us?”

  “What if they’re waiting in her room? For us, I mean?”

  “What if they’ve already hurt her?”

  “What if Benedict’s already moved her?”

  Well damn. Jaycen had thought the plan was as simple as it could possibly be, she had not been expecting that many questions.

  She looked at everyone as they looked at Lilliah expectantly.

  “If needed, then Gemma can discharge herself, she can do that. Jaycen will give you a picture of her, so you don’t get the wrong person. Although you could just ask her name. When you see her, tell her what’s happening, why wouldn’t she want to come with you? And for the rest of them, I literally cannot remember the last few questions.”

  “Guys, we have an Angel on our side. Who is going to stop an Angel? Really? We’ve got this,” Jaycen hyped up as she got more and more excited.

  Lilliah smiled. “That’s true. I really can kick ass. Not sure I want to while we’re in a hospital, but fingers crossed I don’t have to be.”

  “That’s right. You will be our muscle. Our just in case. Then when we have Gemma, we will be silently shipped off to where’s best. All will be well in the world.”

  Chapter 24

  “This is the perfect place for you to stay. You won’t be disturbed or seen. This is good,” Lilliah acknowledged, spinning on her heels to get a better look at the empty surroundings of the office building currently under construction.

  Jaycen stood by the window that looked directly onto the hospital Gemma was in.

  “I don’t know what room she’s in, but if I think you could see us I’ll wave from the window.” Lilliah smiled as she walked to the stairs. “Promise me you won’t leave this floor until I come and get you?”

  “Yeah, yeah, I promise.” Jaycen stayed glued to the window. Watching from the side-lines was all find and dandy until she saw the actual hospital building. The place was huge, there must be over a hundred windows facing her. She looked down at the street below, watching Lilliah cross it and head into the hospital.

  This was it. She was pumped, it didn’t even matter that she wasn’t actively involved, she’d be the best goddamn cheerleader that ever was.

  Ten minutes later there was still nothing. Should it really take this long? she thought, biting the side of her thumb nervously. She glanced down the door, hoping that they would just appear out of the large glass entrance with Gemma in-toe, unfortunately, that didn’t happen. What she saw instead sent a chill to her bones. Four blacked out SUVs sped to the front of the hospital, cars, and pedestrians both parting to the space. Men and women all emptied from the cars, all dressed in dark clothing and all carrying weapons.

  Swearing Lilliah grabbed her phone and dialed Lillliah. “Oh my God. Oh my God. Oh my God.” The ringing seemed to last forever until it died off.

  Canceling it, Jaycen stuffed the phone in her back pocket, knowing there was only one thing she could do. She turned to leave, ready to run over to the hospital when she heard the smashing of the window.

  Instinctively she ducked but turned back to the window when she realised the sound hadn’t come from the building she was in, but the hospital opposite.

  She noticed the smashed window on the far-right side, five floors up. People on the pavement below looking up, backing away from the glass that lay on the ground. But other than that Jaycen couldn’t see anything. Then it happened again and again. Window after
window, all on the same floor blew out.

  This was not the plan, Jaycen thought, not even daring to blink as she kept her eyes on the next few windows as she debated what she should do next. Should she wait? Go and help? How much help could she really be? But surely some help is better than no help? Then the next window blew up, but this time a body flew along with it. As if in slow motion Jaycen watched as the man flew into the air, legs and arms both reaching out but unable to grab anything. Then, as if the air itself were carrying him, he was pulled back into the broken window.

  “What the…?” With her hands in her hair, Jaycen waited and watched with her heart pounding erratically in her chest. “This is all too much.”

  Finally, she let out a heavy breath when she saw Sebastian and Rebecca through the next window, pushing someone, who Jaycen prayed was Gemma, in a wheelchair.

  She jumped up in the air. “Yes, yes, yes!”

  They disappeared quickly behind a brick wall, only to reappear again in the next window as they sped down the hospital corridor. Not wanting to lose sight of them, Jaycen broke into a jog as she followed them through the empty floor of the building, she was in. Getting a glimpse of her friend every time, they passed a window. This was working, it was actually working.

  Then they stopped moving. Jaycen could see them through one to the windows as the stood in the hallway, the reason why they stopped were hidden by the wall.

  “What’s happened?” she asked as if people could hear her. “And where is Lilliah?”

  Sebastian moved around Rebecca and Gemma until she was standing in front of them, then he charged ahead and disappeared. Rebecca pulled Gemma back as they headed back down the corridors, leaving Sebastian to whatever happened at the far end.

  “They need help,” Jaycen decided, as she turned and ran for the stairs before she could talk herself out of it.

  She ran across the street, not stopping as she entered the hospital building, ignoring the calls for her to stop. Noticing the small crowd waiting for the elevator, Jaycen headed for the stairs.


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