Jaden's Heart

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Jaden's Heart Page 21

by Melanie Jackson

  “Will you be okay?” he asked. “I mean, a few hours ago you could barely walk.”

  I stretched my legs out as much as I could in the small space then brought them to my chest and back down. The pain was fading quickly and it seemed the terrible visions had stopped completely.

  “Alexis's father is human,” I replied.

  “Right. And after?” Mr. Whitmore asked.

  “After what?” I asked, confused.

  “After all this. What will happen to me—to us?” he asked.

  I shrugged. “Nothing has to happen. We can go on like we did before. If you can keep my secret.”

  “And if I can't... will you make me forget?” Mr. Whitmore asked, his eyes glued to the road.

  “Yes,” I said shortly, turning to look out the passenger side window as the clouds parted to reveal the large moon, tinting the landscape silver-blue.

  “I see.” He fidgeted in his seat.

  “Do you want to forget?” I asked softly, remembering the crescent moon that hung in the sky the first night that I met Alexis. That chance meeting seemed a lifetime in the past.

  “No, I need to remember,” he sighed. I nodded.

  He pulled the car over, coming to a stop in the shoulder lane. “We’re about half a mile from the motel.”

  I opened my door and electronic light flooded the car. I paused to meet his eyes. “I'm sorry for everything,” I said.

  “It is kind of flattering you thought of me before anyone else,” he said, giving me a soft smile.

  “Will we be okay?” I asked.

  Mr. Whitmore nodded. “But I would prefer if you continue to act human when you're around me. It will be easier, I think.”

  “I understand,” I said, and then stepped from the vehicle, closing the door behind me.

  Mr. Valentine's dog jumped into the front passenger seat and pawed at the window. Mr. Whitmore rolled it down for him and bent over the seat to look at me. “What do you want me to do with him?”

  “Bring him to my estate, please.”

  I watched his car make a U-turn to return south, the direction we had just come from. When I could no longer see the taillights of his car, I put the blood pack to my lips. Tearing a gash in the top of the plastic, I drink deeply. I discarded it in some nearby shrubbery as the fresh morning air, filled with bittersweet aroma of sage and earth, closed in around me.

  Scanning my surroundings, I stood alone on the long stretch of Highway 93, the soft morning light bringing out the pastels in the landscape. A large blue sign indicating lodging, food and gas was just ahead. After checking one last time to make sure I was alone, I went from a dead stop to a blur of speed.

  I reached the motel within seconds. A large sign read Motel 93 and below it, vacancy flashed in red neon lights. It was a two-story, light brown stucco building with artificial dark brown shutters. Two large metal exterior staircases gave access to the second story. A gas station with a convenience store, auto repair shop, and a few decrepit little dwellings were near the motel. I did not bother going to the reception counter. I knew what I was looking for.

  The parking lot was small and I sniffed the air, taking in every scent until I found hers. A rich coppery smell with hints of jasmine and fear covered a red truck. I instantly spotted the dark drops of Alexis's blood on the passenger side door. Following her scent up the metal staircase to my left, I ground my teeth.

  “Stop! Jaden!” her desperate cries filled my ears.

  I bolted up the last half of the metal staircase, coming to a stop outside of room 214. The lock and chain snapped and the door hit the wall when I kicked it open. The loud bang sent the half-naked Mr. Tanner leaping off Alexis, who was handcuffed to the cheap metal headboard.

  He regarded me with a shocked expression as I stepped further into the room, slamming the door closed behind me.

  “Who the fuck do you think you are, barging in here?” he yelled as he tugged on his pants.

  My eyes found Alexis's tear-filled emerald jewels and I saw relief within them. I found her, thank the gods she is okay.

  Alexis pulled on the restraints, her thin wrists raw from tugging. “Jaden,” she cried.

  Her beautiful face was covered in wet tears, one side red and swollen from his slaps and punches. He had torn her blue button-down shirt apart and ripped her underwear so it lay useless beside her thin, trembling knees. I trailed the fresh bruises on her left ribs, legs, and arms. Am I too late?

  “It will be okay now,” I said.

  Tears fell freely across her face in large drops.

  “You know this bitch?” Mr. Tanner asked, fuming.

  “Did he?” I asked, flinching when she looked away sobbing.

  I regarded him now hate flowing through my body like a raging fire, as I let the full weight of my angry, blood red eyes land upon him.

  “What the…” he stammered, backing up. He reached for his .9 mm handgun sitting on the TV stand.

  “Don't!” I warned, stepping towards him.

  Picking it up, Mr. Tanner pointed it at me, a cold, sinister smile on his face.

  “Jaden! Daddy, don't! Please!” Alexis cried.

  I froze, remembering my promise to her. I can’t kill him, no matter how much I want to. But he had forced my hand. No! She’s watching; I won’t kill her own father. Not in front of her. I don’t want her to see the monster, to see me as him.

  Mr. Tanner laughed, drawing me from my thoughts. “After I deal with your friend, we can pick up right where we left off,” he said, his gaze roaming possessively over Alexis's half-naked body.

  I snarled at him and he took a step back. “You should run away while you still can.”

  “You think you're scary? Red contacts don't mean shit. You're just another dead bitch.”

  “You can still run.” I stepped towards him. “I will not hurt you if you leave and never come back. I won't give you another chance,” I warned.

  He laughed.

  I took another step towards him. “I will not ask you again!”

  The gun went off with a flash of light.

  “Jaden!” Alexis screamed, her eyes wide with terror. She strained to free herself from the handcuffs.

  The bullet connected with my chest but it did not stop my approach.

  “Just fucking die!” he screamed, firing the remaining bullets at me.

  Alexis watched, helpless.

  “What the fuck are you?” Mr. Tanner screamed as he backed into the bathroom.

  “Immortal,” I replied, stepping into the doorway and blocking his escape. “I'm cold, soulless, and hungry. A vampire.”

  “Crazy bitch!” he cried, rushing me.

  I easily shoved him back and he dropped onto the toilet seat. “Help!” he screamed.

  Stepping completely into the bathroom, I turned to face Alexis. She regarded me with her large, beautiful emerald eyes. I smiled sadly at her.

  “I'm sorry, I did try,” I told her softly.

  With one hand, I reached out and closed the door, hoping to shield her from the traumatic scene that was about to take place only feet from where she lay. In one fluid motion, I turned and struck his larynx with the side of my hand, turning the soft tube to mush. Mr. Tanner dropped to his knees, clutching his throat. Kneeling before me, he looked up and we both knew that no matter what I did to him, he would not be able to scream.

  Leaning in so my lips were inches from his ear, I whispered, “I want you to know that I'm going to enjoy this. You are going to suffer and beg me to stop. Just like she begged. Then I will permanently rid this world of your vile.”

  Straightening, I regarded him for a brief second, a cold, deadly smile spreading over my red lips. Slowly, I broke every bone in his large body. He whined and squealed like a pig, twisting and turning on the floor in unutterable pain.

  After, I stepped over him and sat on the side of the tub, watching him shake and whimper weakly as oxygen deprivation and shock set in. I hated this human man who had done so many horrible thin
gs to Alexis, but if he had not existed, neither would she. So part of me thanked the gods for his existence, but also for the power to dispose of him. Despite my burning need to feed, I could not fathom feeding upon this vile creature. I wanted nothing of him inside of me. Placing my foot against his neck, I and pushed until I heard it snap.

  I opened the door to find Alexis facing away from me, curled up and crying. I went to her and gently broke the handcuffs. Once free, she pulled at her clothing, sobbing softly.

  Reaching out to help her, she pushed me away.

  “Don't touch me!” she yelled.

  “Alexis,” I breathed, stepping back as her words cut at my heart.

  “Don't. Please, Jaden. I don't want you to. He... he!” She had stopped pulling at her clothing and just sobbed uncontrollably into her hands.

  I went to her, very gently pulling her into my arms and holding her against my chest.

  Wincing, Alexis wrapped her arms tight around my neck and buried her wet, swollen face into my bloody shirt.

  “You came for me!” she cried.

  “I promised. No matter what happens or how far apart we are, I will always bring you out of the nightmares.” I held her against my chest, my heart.

  “I'm sorry. I tried to fight. I tried...” she said, her voice muffled by my shirt.

  I gently rocked her back and forth, my heart breaking. “I know. Shh, love.”

  After long moments, she pulled back. She looked up at me and sniffed.

  “You cut your hair,” I said, gently tucking a blonde strand behind her ear.

  She nodded, tears still dripping from her eyes.

  “I like it.”

  “Is he...?” her voice trailed.

  “Yes. He's dead,” I replied softly and braced myself, unsure how her reaction would affect my already shredded heart.

  She sniffed and rubbed the back of her arm across her face. “Good.”

  “Alexis, I'm sorry. I should never have left. I'm—” Her lips cut off my words with a fiery kiss.

  I kissed her tenderly.

  “Thank you,” she said, and buried her face once again into my chest.

  A comforting silence fell over the room and for long moments, we just were.

  Alexis jumped at the sudden loud knocking at the cheap motel door. She clenched her side and groaned in pain, flooding my face with worry. “I’m okay,” she said, though her voice gave me little comfort.

  “It's okay. It's only the cleaners,” I said, my concerned eyes scanning her. “One moment!” I called to them through the door.

  After Alexis was decent, I pulled the door open to admit the three immortals: the same pink-haired stocky woman and two muscular men from the alley.

  The men pushed a gurney into the small room. “The body?” The woman demanded.

  I nodded towards the bathroom. She pointed at the bathroom door and snapped her fingers. The two men pulled the gurney over to the bathroom.

  “Anything else we need to know?” she asked, looking about the room.

  “He shot me several times, nine millimeter.”

  “Alright. We have a two-mile perimeter wipe and one body removal. I was to inform you that the council has sent people to collect you. They await your arrival at the L.A. international airport.” She glanced at Alexis for the first time. “You are to bring the human with you. A car is waiting outside.”

  “Thank you,” I said, stretching my hand out to Alexis.

  The ride to the airport was spent in silence curled up in each other's arms, enjoying the simple pleasure of holding one another again. Just as promised, the jet plane stood waiting at the airport along with Desiree, Maxwell, James, and Annora.

  Annora scowled. “You two have made quite the mess,” Max said, stuffing his hands into his pockets.

  “Nothing that can't be fixed,” I pointed out.

  “Maybe, but the council isn't happy,” Desiree replied.

  “That's an understatement,” James added.

  “I did what I had to do to save Alexis,” I replied.

  “Did what you had to? Do you have any idea how bad this is?” Annora asked, fury etched into her porcelain skin.

  “I couldn't wait for them. Her father would have killed her,” I said, raising my hands in defense.

  “There is no way you could know what would happen,” Annora pointed out.

  “Dammit! Look at her,” I gestured to Alexis’s red and swollen face and she immediately looked down, embarrassed. “Besides, I saw it, like I was watching a movie, but from within the film and unable to intact with anything.”

  “You—” Alexis whispered.

  I met her tear-filled eyes and they darted from me.

  “How? Not a vision?” Max asked, drawing my attention from Alexis.

  I shrugged. “I'm not sure what it was. It's hard to explain.”

  “Impossible. Only Seers get visions,” Annora dismissed with a wave of her hand.

  “I think Prince Arron's blood changed me somehow,” I replied, trying to sort the blurry images and feelings of my impromptu flight from France to Los Angeles, then to Alexis's side at the motel.

  “Who is Prince Arron, why were you drinking his blood and what do you mean by 'changed' you?” Alexis interrupted, worry overtaking her exhausted voice.

  Annora scoffed. She turned and climbed the stairs to the jet. The others filed in after her.

  I guided Alexis up the boarding ramp. “I was injured during the attack at the summit—”

  Alexis froze too looked me over worry covering her beautiful face. “You’re bleeding!” She exclaimed, just now noticing my blood covered clothing.

  “I’m okay. Prince Arron fed me his blood,” I explained, as I directed her to a leather-upholstered seat. “His blood healed me but also changed me. I cannot explain what it did. I only know what it felt like. It was almost like I was going through the change all over again.” I took a blanket from the human female flight attendant and tucked it around Alexis’s thin shoulders.

  “You're full of shit,” Annora scoffed.

  “Me?” I yelled. Stepping from Alexis's side I pulled my bloody shirt up, ripped the equally bloody bandages off to revel the red scars left by the silver bullets and the monsters claws. “His blood healed me and as it did I saw what was going to happen.”

  “Enough!” Desiree demanded. “The council will decide the truth and what is to be done.” She rested her hand on Annora's shoulder.

  Alexis gripped my hand tightly.

  “Fine!” Annora said, shrugging Desiree off, turned and marched off to another room on the plane.


  we were flying over the North Atlantic. I sat up in bed, watching Alexis sleep. After her ordeal, she was exhausted. When she had fallen asleep, I carried her to one of jet's queen size beds.

  If Prince Arron's blood changed me into a Seer, the council would demand an official test. I knew as much from my time with Ivy. They could force me to join them. I will have to manage the Seventh. A politician! Gods—Never! I shuddered at these thoughts. Closing my eyes, I breathed deep, trying to force happier thoughts into my mind.

  I stood in my study, surrounded by racks of books. The council sat on the leather sofas and chairs around me. Prince Arron stood, holding Alexis by the shoulders.

  “I don't want to forget! Please, Jaden. Don't let them make me forget!” she cried.

  My eyes flew open and I sat up on the side of the bed. “No, please!” I breathed. They are going to take her away from me—make her forget. I disobeyed them and I could have exposed our people, but I didn’t. Would they really take her away as punishment? There has to be more. Ivy always had more—other choices.

  Lying back onto the bed, I closed my eyes, trying to relax, and empty my mind, but the vision refused to leave. I wrapped my arms around Alexis and buried my face into her silky blonde hair, breathing in her jasmine scent.

  “Alexis,” I whispered painfully.

  Her soft, warm hand curved around my
hip. “I'm okay,” she said, interweaving our fingers.

  “I'm sorry. I didn't mean to wake you.”

  “What's wrong?” she asked.

  “I...” I paused. “It's nothing.”

  “Tell me,” she pressed.

  “When I saw him kidnap you, it was so real. But I could do nothing. I was powerless.” I clung tighter to her.

  Alexis flinched painfully so I released her. “Sorry,” I said as I met her eyes.

  She smiled. The redness and swelling in her face was nearly gone. “What did you see this time?”

  “They're going to punish me for nearly exposing my people by taking you from me,” I said, my anger building. “They're going to make you forget me!”

  “They can't,” Alexis said, tracing my face with her delicate fingers. “I can't be compelled, remember?”

  I took her hand back into mine and examined it; some of the redness around her wrists had faded. Silently thankful, I noted how quickly she was healing.

  “I'm only nine hundred, Alexis. My ability to compel humans is nothing compared to Prince Arron's. If he so chose, he could hide away a person's entire lifetime,” I replied.

  She moved closer to me. “My whole life?” was her whispered reply.

  I nodded. “But I won't let them,”

  She breathed in my scent and said, “I didn't say it before, but thank you for saving me.”

  “Always.” I gently lifted her face and kissed her. Beautiful sweet fire washed over me. Pulling her in closer, I deepened the kiss.

  “Jade,” her whisper carried need but also pain.

  I released her. “Sorry,”

  Alexis's hand brushed my cheek. “Be with me.”

  I shook my head. “I don’t want to hurt you.”

  “I’m okay. Please,” she said.

  “We should wait until your body is healed. There is no hurry. We have eternity,” I replied, but my body burned for her.

  “You saw what he did to me. And I can still feel him.” She looked away from me. “I want him gone. Please, Jade make love to me. Let me feel you in me, not him,” her voice trembled.


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