Jaden's Heart

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Jaden's Heart Page 27

by Melanie Jackson

  “And you just left?” Lady Nadia asked, surprised.

  “I had the deepest respect and love for Ivy,” I replied. “I trusted her to know the right thing to do.”

  “Perhaps she felt the same. She did leave you her most prized possession,” Lord Anton said, gesturing to the swords I still carried.

  Looking down at the weapons hanging from my belt, I politely asked, “Might I ask a question of the council?”

  “Ask,” Lady Marianna replied.

  “Do you know if Ivy saw her own death?” I furrowed my brow.

  Lord William frowned. “Why do you wish to know?”

  “I was just wondering if she saw it,” I paused. “If she let herself be killed.”

  “We do not know how far into the future Ivy saw. Only that she saw more than any other Seer,” Lady Marianna said.

  “One thing is for sure: Ivy saw more than she revealed to us,” Lord Kayne said disdainfully.

  “As was her right as Seer,” Lady Elizabeth reminded him.

  “Ivy was always two steps ahead of us. It was her who approached us about our plans to overthrow the High King,” Lady Nadia said.

  Lady Marianna nodded. “And it was Ivy who told us about the shadow realms and helped us formulate the trap. Without her, there is no doubt we would have all died before trapping him in the shadow realms.”

  “Wait, where?” I asked, confused.

  “They are a group of planes which lie between death and life,” Lord Kim explained as he fingered his right gold cufflink. “With a spiritual guide, you can easily find your way back to reality, but without one, you will be forever trapped there.”

  “It was Ivy's plan and she craftily lured the High King away from his guards,” Lord Kayne said, smiling.

  “So Ivy was the first to openly betray him,” I said, impressed.

  “She also placed the first cut into his flesh with the poisoned dagger that held the entrapment poison,” Lady Marianna added.

  “I thought you killed him,” I said.

  Lord Kim’s dark almond eyes narrowed. “He is a pure-blood demonic entity. We have not the power to destroy such a creature.”

  “Besides, we all descend from his blood. If we destroy him it could destroy us all,” Lord Kayne added.

  “A theory we weren't willing to test,” Lady Elizabeth stated.

  “So you trapped him between the magical planes,” I said, impressed.

  “We are glad you approve,” Lord François said. “We are the only ones who know of the High King's fate. A secret we wish to remain within our circle.”

  “Especially with these attacks from a fanatical group of Immortals who claim to follow someone they believe to be the High King. Which we know is impossible, no one can awaken him. The magics we used are unbreakable,” Lord William added.

  Lady Nadia scowled and said, “But, that doesn't mean lunatics won’t try if this information gets out.”

  “Then we shall see that it remains buried. No one wants to repeat the Immortal Civil War,” I replied with a bow.

  The council members nodded their thanks. “About your question,” Lady Marianna said. “I suppose it is entirely possible she saw her death. But it could be that no matter how much sight she had, her death was the one thing she was blind to.”

  Prince Arron entered the ballroom; we turned in unison and bowed deeply.

  “Good, everyone is present. We may begin,” he said. “We have come together to recite the responsibilities and duties which have been placed upon every member of the council. Should she pass the Seer’s test, Jaden Hawk will immediately undertake her responsibilities, as she will become a full-fledged member,” his voice carried to every corner of the large room.

  They stood in a loose circle with me roughly at the center. “Your regular duties will include organizing and running the Seventh, which will consist of ten Immortals,” Lady Elizabeth said.

  “Prince Arron has decided you will select your new members, but they must be approved by majority vote of the council. The members will be no older than four hundred years and must be at least within their first year as an Immortal,” Lord Kayne said.

  “On a daily basis, you will manage the budget, feeding rotations, training, and duty rosters. You also must delegate tasks to others so you are free to attend our meetings,” Lord Joffrey said.

  “There are privileges to being on the council,” Lady Nadia chimed in. “For example, you will have equal say in all matters, both political and social.”

  “It is also customary to host a gathering to announce your goals and beliefs,” Lord Joffrey said.

  “And as long as you remain within our laws and attend meetings while maintaining order within your House, you will be free to manage it as you see fit,” Prince Arron said.

  I listened silently, surrendering to my fate.

  “You have been very quiet. Do you have concerns?” Prince Arron asked, his coal black eyes piercing me.

  I wet my lips as I scanned the room. They were waiting for me to speak. What can I say? Any Immortal would be honored to be considered for a council seat. Anyone but me. Well, I can’t tell them the very idea of being a member makes me feel ill.

  “It doesn't sound so bad. I think I can handle ten younglings and show up to meetings,” I said, giving them the best smile I could muster.

  Lady Elizabeth hazel eyes sparkled. “That's the spirit!”

  “If I may, I did wish to express my concern regarding a separate matter,” I said respectfully.

  “Speak openly, Jaden,” Prince Arron said.

  I nodded. “Thank you. Two men claiming to be part of the U.S.'s Federal Bureau of Investigation have been investigating my company and more recently, my personal activities. Two of their agents cornered me in a cafe and bombarded me with questions. I believe they are going to be a problem.”

  “Agent Grimes and his brother Finn, I presume,” Lord Kayne said, scowling.

  “Yes! How did you know?” I said.

  “I thought you dealt with them,” Lady Marianna stated.

  “I had the investigation shut down and they were reassigned to the cold case unit,” Lord Kayne replied defensively, his gray eyes dark.

  “This could have become a personal vendetta,” Lady Nadia said, softly.

  I looked between them.

  “I will have another word with their superiors. If they continue to meddle we might have no choice but to take drastic actions,” Lord Kayne said.

  Prince Arron nodded. “Deal with them, but quietly. We don't need martyrs.”

  Lord Kayne bowed and left abruptly.

  “With that settled, we will meet after sunset for the Seer’s test. I hear there will be quite the turnout,” Prince Arron said, smiling.

  “Sir?” I said, confused.

  “There hasn't been a new Seer since before Ivy. People will want to be there to see you,” Lady Marianna clarified.

  “Great,” I replied, frowning.

  Dim lights dangled from the tree branches above me reflecting in the atrium’s thick glass walls, as I stood watching the winter storm beyond.

  “How do I look?” Alexis asked, slightly self-conscious.

  I turned, my breath catching in my throat. The short black V-neck dress was breathtaking on her. It was slightly big on her small frame, making the light silky material drape over her body. The only thing holding the dress on was its thin shoulder bands. She must have been bra-less because as she crossed the platform to stand next to the small table, her breasts moved freely beneath the silk fabric.

  “Wow,” I said, feeling underdressed in my low-rise blue jeans and cream-colored loose jersey top.

  “Desiree lent it to me. You don't think it's too much?” she asked, looking down at the short dress.

  I closed the few inches between us and took her into my arms, my hand brushing the soft, warm skin of her bare back. “It's perfect.”

  The table was set simply with a white tablecloth, china dishes, and a single rose at its cent
er. Releasing her, I pulled her chair out then pushed her in after she was seated. Taking my seat, I nodded to the waiter, who bowed.

  “This is all so beautiful and romantic,” she commented.

  Gavin screeched above us. “I was hoping you would like it.”

  Alexis giggled. “I think someone is jealous.”

  “I spoke with him and he promised to behave tonight,” I said.

  “Wow,” Alexis breathed as she looked up, searching for him through the large clear tarp I had placed over the platform.

  The dim, dangling lights sparkled in her emerald eyes as I followed her gaze as it traced Gavin’s path between the tree branches to disappear into his nest. Just beyond our sanctuary, the winter storm raged on, the wind and sleet blowing fiercely against the thick glass.

  “It will be beautiful in the morning. It always is after a storm,” I said, returning my gaze to her lovely form.

  The blond-haired waiter approached us and without saying a word, poured wine into Alexis's wine glass.

  “Thank you!” she said.

  He bowed to her then set the bottle into a bucket of ice before returned to the serving cart. I watched her sip the wine.

  “It's very good.”

  I grinned, elated. “I thought you should have something light and sweet for your first alcoholic beverage. This was one of the first ice wines Inniskillin ever produced—in nineteen eighty-four. I've held onto it for a special occasion.”

  “It's not my first alcoholic beverage, but it's better than the beer Shorts gave me,” she said, taking me by surprise.

  I reached across the table and held her hand. “I learn something new about you every day.”

  Alexis blushed, a shy smile on her lightly colored lips. I smiled warmly back, soaking her in. My eyes wandered from hers, over her nose, lightly reddened cheeks and lips. Continuing down over the slight curve of her exposed neck, the slope of her bare, feminine shoulders, to her chest and the exposed flesh just peeking out from beneath her dress. Alexis's blush deepened as she followed my gaze.

  I picked up the wine bottle of blood I had brought with me and poured myself a full glass. Quickly, I sipped, locking my gaze onto the table, embarrassed.

  “Sorry,” I whispered.

  Alexis's warm touch on my hand drew me to look at her once again as the waiter placed the first course between us.

  “Thank you,” she said to him just as sweetly as before, then she took a piece of fruit.

  I watched her as she ate the apple slice, her face amazingly expressive.

  “What?” she asked self-consciously when she saw me staring.

  “What does it taste like?” I asked.

  Alexis's head tilted to the side. “It's an apple! Haven't you ever had one?” She picked up another piece.

  “I have, but it's been hundreds of years. Please describe it for me?” I asked, my eyes pleading.

  “Okay,” Alexis said, placing another slice into her mouth.

  I waited patiently as she chewed and swallowed.

  “It's juicy, sweet, but slightly tart,” she said, her checks immediately becoming a deep shade of red.

  I laughed, picking up on her train of thought. Time seemed to stand still, as if it had stopped just for us. Was this what an eternity with her would be like? Returning with dinner plates, the waiter set them in front of us.

  “Thank you,” she said once again.

  The waiter smiled at her and bowed, clearly appreciating the gesture. I nodded my thanks and he once again disappeared. I watched her eat in silence, sipping the cool blood. My mind began once again to scheme and plot ways to keep her at my side should I survive tomorrow's test.

  She met my eyes, worry on her beautiful face. “Jade?”

  “Hum?” I asked, coming back to the present.

  She picked up her wine glass. “You seem distracted. Is everything okay?”

  “I'm sorry, everything is fine.” I smiled.

  “Are you sure?”

  “I'm sure,” I said reassuringly.

  She eyed me with suspicion but didn’t press me further. She sipped the wine as the waiter cleared the plates and brought out a beautifully crafted chocolate dessert.

  “Thank you so much. The food was delightful,” Alexis said joyfully as he set it in front of her.

  “I'm glad you enjoyed it, my lady,” he said with a bow then returned to the kitchen with the serving cart.

  I smiled, knowing he would immediately tell everyone about how sweet, beautiful, and kind she was. How she loved the food and thanked him repeatedly throughout the meal. It was rather amusing.

  Alexis lit up, a pleasing smile forming on her exquisite lips as she took a bite of the chocolate soufflé. I giggled softly as she took another bite slightly larger than the first. Some of the chocolate lingered on her lips and she used her tongue to retrieve it. The motion was simple, innocent, yet sexy and I could no longer resist touching her.

  I moved quickly to her side and gently cupped her soft delicate cheeks with my cool hands. Leaning down, I kissed her gently but passionately, and she returned the kiss with the same fervor. I could taste, feel, and smell the desire building within her body as the kiss deepened.

  Breaking it, I extended my hand out to her. “Be with me.”

  She let me lead her from the table to the large bed beneath the canopy. The warm, thick air only added to her rich, enticing scent. Beyond the atrium's walls, the tiniest hailstones fell and tinkled against the glass.

  I knelt before her, unbuckled her shoes, and slipped them off her delicate feet one at a time. Standing, Alexis wrapped her slender arms around my neck, looking into my eyes with those sparkling emerald jewels. I kissed her lips; they parted, allowing me entrance. Eagerly, I slipped my tongue inside, tasting her sweet fire. I held her closer to me, afraid to let go.

  Will this be the last time I hold her? Will I die tomorrow? Does she know how much I love and need her? My mind raced as our kiss lingered.

  Parting, I slid the silk straps off her thin shoulders. The dress gathered around her feet, revealing her beautiful, soft naked body.

  Lifting her into my arms, I laid her onto the bed. “I love you,” I whispered, my lips inches from hers.

  “I love you,” she replied, and our lips met once again.

  Our gasps and cries of pleasure quickly overshadowed the soothing sounds of nature within the arboretum as we made love beneath the canopy, the wintry storm raging just beyond its glass walls.


  WHEN I LEFT Alexis, she was asleep under the canopy, a note beside her explaining my absence as a council formality. I couldn't bear to say goodbye in case it was forever.

  The two-day trip, although necessary, was irritating. Knowing I would soon be losing Alexis, made me wish to spend every second with her. I watched the moon disappear and then reappear from behind gray clouds, a statue in the black leather-upholstered seat. The drive to the First House was about a day's length at a steady, human-like, inconspicuous crawl. It left me with too much time to think.

  I realized now why Ivy had kept everyone at a distance. She could see where everyone would end up, how every relationship would begin and end. What I couldn't understand was how she could live with knowing. How could she know her friends, people she saw and interacted with on a daily basis, were going to die and do nothing to change their fate? I was not sure I possessed the strength needed to remain silent and stay with them until the end.

  Part of me wanted to look into the future and see Alexis's fate. However, I was afraid—afraid to see her end. To discover I would be the cause although part of me already knew I would be.

  Suddenly, I felt chilled blood moving through my veins and shivered.

  I stood on a field blackened by fire. Decaying bodies surrounded me on every side. I recognized some of the faces among them.

  “Wake up,” I said, closing my eyes tight, trying to return to the present.

  When I opened them, the white marble walls of the fall
en City of Immortals stretched skyward. A twenty-foot gate lay open, scorched in places. I walked forward, unusually aware of how cold I was. The ground beneath my bare feet burned my skin, but I ignored the pain.

  As I climbed the wide steps to the palace, I stepped over blackened skeletons, decaying bodies, and discarded weapons to enter the main hall, then continued onward into the throne room.

  Guarded, I approached the two alabaster thrones. Two burned, decaying corpses laid at the base of them. Several badly burned and mangled bodies encircled them, one with swords clenched in its bloodied fists, the small hands of a blackened body clinging to it tightly.

  I stood over them now, the first corpse's face twisted with fear. I screamed and it echoed off the walls, returning to me. Dropping to my knees, I squeezed my eyes shut.

  A hard shake brought me to the present. Desiree stared at me with worry, along with Annora, Max, and James.

  “Are you okay?” Annora asked.

  “No,” I breathed, my body trembling.

  “What did you see?” Max asked.

  “Nothing, I didn't see... It wasn't real. It couldn't be!” My voice was too loud for the small space.

  “Jaden, you're shaking,” Desiree exclaimed, still holding tightly to my trembling arms.

  The image was burned into my mind, cold and lifeless. “I...” I looked at my hands and closed them into fists.

  “Jaden?” Annora pressed.

  “It can't be real,” I whispered, but the tingling on the bottoms of my feet told me it was.

  I buried my face into my hands and shook uncontrollably. I wished for tears and the comfort that came with crying. Yet, it was an empty wish. The silence within the car was deafening and reminded me too much of that horrible place.

  My head shot up and all color drained from my face as I realized the identities of the remaining bodies. “If that was...”

  “Jaden?” Annora asked.

  I looked into each of their faces then turned away. Why? I asked myself.

  I couldn’t wait for the convoy to stop as we pulled into the large circular driveway. Opening the door, I disappeared into the winter forest that surrounded the expansive estate, Desiree calling after me. I hid among the snow and ice covered trees for the remainder of the day, unable to look upon the faces of my friends. The dead faces. My face. I found no solace among the empty, ice covered branches and the silence around me was as deathly as that unreal place. The day crawled.


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