Jaden's Heart

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Jaden's Heart Page 30

by Melanie Jackson

  On the edge of the horizon, a blanket of clouds inched slowly across the sky. The sun was a fading orange ball cascading a symphony of colors across the sky, mellowing our snow-covered surroundings. The wind rustled through the winter woods mournfully and I heard an owl call for his mate in the distance.

  I tightened my hold on her, my heart painfully heavy. Alexis leaned against my shoulder, the slow rhythm of her heart filling my ears. It sang of past passions, of a present we could not change, and a distant, ever-changing future. I buried my face in her silky blonde hair as overwhelming pain filled me in the glow of the setting sun. Its yellow, gold and scarlet rays reminded me of our passion; filling me with an insatiable longing, an unquenchable desire to possess what I knew I had already lost.

  “I love watching the sun rise and set, because each one is unique and beautiful. There is a tale I know about it,” I said.

  “Really?” Alexis asked softly, her focus glued on the horizon.

  “You see, the sun and moon were once passionate lovers. One day a god saw the sun's beautiful golden hair and became jealous of the moon. So to keep them apart, he banished them to the sky, forever to chase each other. But, every sunrise and sunset they see each other for the briefest of moments,” I said, my fingers playing with a lock of her hair.

  “In those moments, their passion is rekindled and shines brightly in the sky. For at each sunrise and sunset, the moon can touch her lover's golden hair. The sun stretches out her delicate hands to touch the pale face of her lover.”

  “That's very sad,” her voice wavered.

  I gently began to comb my fingers through her silky tresses. “Yes, but just as the moon and sun will always rekindle their love in the glow of each morning and night, I will rekindle our love in my heart until the day I can once again hold you in my arms.”

  “Jade,” she breathed and her tears fell.

  “Alexis,” I exclaimed. We kissed feverishly.

  It deepened and I could taste her sweet longing as our intertwined shadows became long and thin on the snowy ground.

  The fire crackled and sparks traveled up into the cold air. “I don't want to forget,” Alexis said, her voice pleading.

  I trembled. “You are my heart, Alexis, and you always will be. No matter the distance that separates us or time that passes between us.”

  She buried her face into my chest, her tears large wet drops. “You will always bring me out of the nightmares. I love you.”

  There was nothing I could do to ease her pain, and sitting there holding her shaking body in the slowly fading light, I found it hard to breathe. My throat was tight and my heart was heavy. This very night, they would strip me away from her, blurring every memory we had ever made. I would fade from her like the setting sun.

  “Not enough time,” she cried as she clung to me.

  I trembled, the pain overwhelming. “Alexis,” I breathed and we kissed again as the last of the color faded from the sky.

  When our kiss ended, night had fallen upon us. The sky became a glistening tapestry of stars and meteors streaked across it. It was as if the heavens cried the tears that could not fall from my eyes.

  Our love would remain alive, but dormant inside my frozen heart, a burning amber amidst the ice. One day it would once again awaken from its slumber and I would return to her. Then, once again I would taste, savor, and cherish her delicious fire.

  We left the cabin behind us and together we rode towards the sorrowful present and the unknown future that waited just through the dark, crystalized woods. Desiree, Max, and James waited by the front door as we rode up to the darkened mansion. The stable men took the horses after we dismounted. We exchanged no words as they led us inside my estate.

  Annora moved from the wall she was leaning against to stand beside me, her mouth a disapproving line, as my three friends exchanged amicable goodbyes with Alexis.

  “Please, Jaden, do not sign that contract. Let the human go,” she said, trying one last time to convince me to give up Alexis.

  “I have made my decision, Annora,” I replied.

  “I just hope you can live with it,” she shot back and stormed off.

  Desiree, Max, and James exchanged solemn hugs with me then they left us. Alexis and I entered the study, hand in hand.


  The council members sat comfortably about the room, sipping blood in crystal wine glasses.

  Prince Arron set his glass down on an end table and stood as we entered. “Jaden, Alexis, welcome.”

  His tone was far too enthusiastic for the situation. The council members nodded their greetings more somberly, a gesture I appreciated.

  “You have been informed as to the nature of this meeting?” Prince Arron asked Alexis.

  Alexis clutched tighter to my arm and nodded.

  “Then we shall begin,” he said, returning to his seat.

  Lady Marianna, who stood. “On this day, the tenth of February, the year of our king, two thousand eighteen, we gather as witnesses to the obscuring of memories from the human female, Alexis Kyla Tanner,” she announced. “A bargain has been struck and written in the form of a contract in adherence to our customs. Lord Joffrey shall now read that contract,” she said then returned to her seat.

  Alexis shifted her weight and my mind drifted back to our firsts: the meeting, the kiss, making love, our first goodbye. “I love you,” I whispered into her ear.

  Lord Joffrey stood and unrolled a large cream-colored parchment, on which he read, “On February tenth, two thousand eighteen, before this council and Prince Arron, Lord of all Immortals, we will nullify the first seventeen years of memories of the human known as Alexis Kyla Tanner. After this day, she will remain in the care of Brian A. Whitmore and will be given a new identity, Alexis Kyla Hawk. She will inherit all assets belonging to Lady Jaden Hawk, a former member of the First House. This includes the total sum of sixteen thousand, five hundred forty-seven million US dollars, Hawk Manor, and all items on the property—”

  “What?” Alexis exclaimed, interrupting Lord Joffrey.

  I squeezed her hand and she looked at me. “It's my insurance policy,” I explained. “I want to make sure you're well taken care of. Especially if we—are permanently separated.”

  Alexis frowned. “Oh.”

  “May I continue?” Lord Joffrey asked, slightly annoyed.

  I nodded.

  “In payment for this gift, Lady Jaden will sit upon this council and participate in all council activities. She must abide by our laws and customs, while managing the Seventh House after she selects ten younglings to join her.

  “She will inherit all of Lady Ivy Nolan's assets, including The Seventh Castle in Ireland and all assets within.

  “In addition to this, she will use her gift of sight to discover the perpetrator of any attacks against this council and its people, and stop them. This is a binding contract and writing your names upon this parchment binds the participants both legally and magically.

  “This contract will be rendered void or broken if: One, Jaden Hawk has contact with Alexis Kyla Tanner within one year of this contract's signed date. Two, if either one of the party members becomes deceased. Three, Jaden does not adhere to council laws.

  “At the end of a year, Lady Jaden Hawk will be given one year's time to gain the affection of Alexis Kyla Tanner. She must turn Alexis before the sun sets on February tenth two thousand twenty. If Alexis Kyla Tanner is still human on February eleventh, two thousand twenty, her memory will be wiped again and Lady Jaden Hawk will have no further contact with her. The penalty for breaking this contract is death,” Lord Joffrey finished.

  He crossed the room, setting the contract down onto a small table then once again returning to his seat.

  “What do you mean she only has one year to find me, make me fall in love with her again and turn me into an Immortal?” Alexis exclaimed.

  “It is our decision, human,” Lord François replied, his turquoise eyes narrowed.

ut it's not fair!” Alexis shouted angrily.

  “Alexis,” I warned, lowering my voice.

  “No!” she yelled, stepping from my side.

  Prince Arron raised an eyebrow, impressed by Alexis’s candor.

  “Your anger is missed placed, as we are acting out of kindness, human,” François spat. “We originally wished your death or to wipe your memory and return you to the streets from which you came.”

  “Jaden’s agreement to be eternally bound to us is the only reason we’re going through with this charade. We are being more than fair, especially after your very public escapade,” Lord Kayne added

  Alexis met his stare squarely. “But why a time frame? Why does it matter how long it takes us to be reunited and for Jaden to turn me?”

  The council members shot questioning looks at Prince Arron. When Alexis’s gaze fell on him, she met his black eyes without fear, fire behind her emerald jewels.

  “It is my fault, mostly,” I admitted.

  Their attention shifted to me. “Your fault?” Alexis asked.

  “Since Jaden left the service of Lady Ivy and that of this council, she has become notorious for running away from her duties and responsibilities,” Lady Marianna explained.

  “If she is to sit upon this council and be the leader of a House, her duties must always come first. This contract will give us recourse should she refuse to uphold her responsibilities,” Lord Anton stated.

  “As it is very clear she has become obsessed with you,” Lady Elizabeth added.

  Lord William sat forward in his seat. “Sadly, the circumstances are thus,” he said, running his hand through his silver hair.

  Alexis frowned at me. “I'm sorry,” I replied softly.

  She sighed. “I understand.”

  “Then step forward and with the dagger, prick your finger. Press your blood onto the parchment then sign your full name,” Lady Marianna said.

  “This will magically seal the contract,” Lord Joffrey explained.

  We stepped forward and did as instructed. Then each council member stood, pricked their fingers, and signed the parchment under the line marked for witnesses. After, Lord Joffrey collected the contract.

  He held it above his head. “Asi Crri!” he said, the magic words binding us to the contract.

  The paper went up in light blue flames. “The contract is bound,” he said, and then returned to his seat.

  “Take a moment to say your farewells,” Prince Arron instructed.

  We stepped to one side of the room. “I will miss you,” I said, giving her a reassuring smile.

  “I will miss you too,” she said softly.

  “No, you won't,” I said then immediately regretted it as tears fell from her dark emerald eyes.

  “I don't want to forget you. I can't lose you,” Alexis cried, throwing her arms around my neck in a crushing hug.

  “You will never lose me. I love you and I will remember every moment with you. In less than two years from today, I will hold you once again. You’ll fall in love with me all over again and eternity will be ours,” I replied, and then kissed her softly.

  “It's not fair,” she whined.

  “Every moment without you will be an ache in my heart, but I will survive knowing that you're safe and happy. I want you to live the life you were always meant to.”

  She buried her face in my neck and cried, “I want this life. I want you!”

  “I want you more than you'll ever know, but you deserve to know what happiness as a human is like. Only then will you be able to truly choose if this life is what you want,” I whispered.

  “I already know and it is what I want.”

  Gently, I wiped the tears from her face. “Please do not cry, love. We will be whole once again.”

  “I love you. I will not forget. I won't!” she said with stubborn conviction.

  I untangled her from me and kissed her sweet lips. “See you soon, my love.”

  Stepping back from her, Prince Arron took my place.

  “Jade!” she sobbed.

  “Alexis—” I wilted, stepping once again towards her.

  Lady Marianna halted me with a firm but gentle grasp. “Don't. You'll make things worse.”

  Arron lifted Alexis's chin and hunkered over her upturned face. “Alexis, look into my eyes,” he said, his voice deep and hypnotic.

  She closed her eyes tight. “No, I don't want to forget!” she screamed.

  I brushed Lady Marianna away, walked over to Alexis, and wrapped my arms around her small waist. “My love,” I whispered into her ear.

  “No!” she screamed.

  “Please, love,” I whispered.

  She sniffed, opening her beautiful emerald eyes to meet Arron's black ones.

  “Forget!” He commanded.

  Her body tightened and she gasped as he shadowed her old life from her, leaving an emptiness in its place.

  Alexis collapsed into my arms and I gently lowered her to the floor, holding her against my chest. “I love you,” I whispered and kissed her lips.

  In that moment, I felt the deep, gnawing ache of loneliness return.


  Alexis, my love,

  I am writing this on the roof of Ivy's manor, looking out across the thundering waves of Ireland's western ocean, my eyes fixed on the setting sun. The night after they took you away from me, I boarded a plane destined here, the members of the new Seventh in tow.

  Below me, the celebration for my initiation is in full swing. With the speeches done and everyone dancing, drinking, and mingling, I figured it was safe enough to sneak away for a few hours to write you this letter. I promise to write you as much as time allows. I know I cannot send them, but they provide me with a small measure of comfort. When we are once again reunited, I will hand deliver them to you.

  I miss you immensely and as the sun sinks below the horizon, taking with it all illumination, warmth, and color, it reminds me of our last night together. My visions provide me with little comfort or reassurance. They fill my mind with images of death. I see a terrifying darkness looming over our future, filled with monsters lurking in its unseen shadows.

  I fear we are heading for another civil war. I have been unwillingly dragged into it and I fear it will change us—me forever.

  Thus, I made sure to take great care when I selected my younglings. I wanted them to have useful skills, but I also wanted them to be people I knew I could trust.

  Alayna and her platinum-haired wife Justine sometimes remind me of us. I think you'll like them. Alayna is kind of a gossip but is well versed in mortal and immortal laws and politics. She is a good tailor and a friend. I have not spent much time with her mate, though I’ve heard great things about her. She's a friendly woman and a skilled hunter and tracker.

  I chose Liam and Gretchen, identical twins from Russia, based on Alayna's advice. They have been friends for some time. The black-haired siblings were turned sometime in the late 1980s. Both are well liked among my kind. Besides their marksmanship skills, the siblings have helped run the logistics and supply department for years. A handy skill, seeing as how I was never good at such things. I have to admit, they are a rather odd pair, and it is nearly impossible for me to tell them apart.

  When I chose a stern-faced former wanderer, Taylor Massey, to come with me from the First, I’m sure it threw everyone for a loop. No one knows for sure how old she is and I’m not sure what skills she possesses, but her knowledge of the immortal world outside council law may prove useful. When I informed her of her change of House, she just bowed and left. At first, I thought she was unhappy, but I see now it’s just her nature. She doesn’t trust easily and hardly speaks to anyone but I have a feeling that with time she’ll warm up to our little group.

  Eli Wentworth was an interesting choice. He is a shameless flirt but he specializes in close combat—a skill I fear we may need—as things are becoming more hostile with each passing day.

  I also managed to pick up the three soldiers who
were on my security detail at Lord François's estate during the summit. Nathaniel, Jeremiah, and Zachary are active Immortal Military; together they have served close to four hundred and thirty years of active duty. They follow orders without question and are incredibly loyal to both our ways of life as well as the council.

  My final choice was Timothy, a blue-eyed, brown-haired loner. His immortal parents called me on his behalf. They feared the boy spent too much time alone and thought this would be a good opportunity for him to spread his wings and see the world. He is the youngest in the group and had a very different upbringing than the others. At birth he was adopted and raised by immortal parents, a subject I may approach him about in the future. I have never thought about children, but adoption may be possible, should you wish to explore motherhood. The boy has no real skills, which means I can mold him into any area within the House. I thought maybe I would even take him as an apprentice and teach him the art of sword fighting as Ivy did for me. I am not a master by any means, but what Ivy taught me should be passed on.

  In the distance, a few stars shine the tiniest rays of hope into my lonely, colorless world. I truly believe that in time, I will return to you, and you will fill my world once again with light and beauty. To realize this dream, I must only wait out this dreary night.

  Therefore, I shall preserve our love and wait for the dawn to break over my frozen heart.

  Eternally yours,

  Jaden Hawk


  Melanie Jackson lives in Littleton, NH with her husband, Corey Jackson. She works full time as a licensed nursing assistant. Melanie was born with a rare medical condition called FFU (Femur, Fibula, Ulna Dyspepsia), and dyslexia. She is the second oldest of seven children, was raised by a single mom, and was homeschooled. Reading and writing has never come easily to Melanie but she was inspired by her favorite authors to keep trying. With hard work and dedication she began writing and found worlds and stories existed within her she had never known. The journey to publication was filled with countless struggles but she learned every step of the way. Melanie hopes to give someone the same joy and inspiration she was given.


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