Goddess: The Secret Lives of Marilyn Monroe

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Goddess: The Secret Lives of Marilyn Monroe Page 55

by Anthony Summers

  30 ‘George’: Empire News, May 9, 1954; Monroe, 19.

  30 Greene: int., 1984.

  31 Kinsey: Kinsey et al., Sexual Behavior in the Human Female, Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders & Co., 1953, 282ff.

  31 Dougherty: Dougherty, 37.

  31 MM interest in sex: Monroe, 28.

  31 ‘Something else’: Wilkie, 127.

  31 Mitchum: Wilson, Show Business Nobody Knows, 299; int. Wilson, 1984.

  32 MM and babies: Empire News, May 16, 1954.

  32 Diaphragm: Dougherty, 36.

  33 Carmen: int., 1983.

  33 Child?: Pepitone and Stadiem, 75; int., 1984; int. Amy Greene and Jeanne Carmen, 1983–84.

  34 Leonardi: Wilson, Show Business Laid Bare, 61; int. James Haspiel, 1984.

  35 Painkillers: Zolotow, Marilyn Monroe, 26.

  35 Rosenfeld: int., 1984.

  35 Monroe on future child: Empire News, May 16, 1955; Monroe, 31.

  35 Suicide: New York Post, Aug. 7, 1962.

  35 MM in Las Vegas: Dougherty, 99.

  36 Dougherty (fn.): Los Angeles Daily News, July 15, 1984.

  Chapter 4

  37 Slatzer meeting: int., 1983; Slatzer, 86.

  38 Slatzer bona fides (fn.): see chapter 11.

  38 Zahn: corr. and int., 1983–84.

  39 Hughes: Los Angeles Times, July 29, 1946; (fn.) Wilson, Show Business Nobody Knows, 308; Wilson, Hot Times, 72; int. Terry Moore, 1985.

  39 Different names: int. James Haspiel, 1984.

  40 Lyon: Parsons, 213; Los Angeles Herald-Examiner, Aug. 6, 1962; Los Angeles Daily News, June 13, 1953.

  40 Screen test: Zolotow, Marilyn Monroe, 50.

  40 MM on contract: Empire News, May 30, 1954.

  40 Zahn: int., 1983.

  40 Name: Wilson, Los Angeles Daily News, June 13, 1953.

  41 Shawhan: int., 1983.

  42 Skolsky: int., 1983; Skolsky, Don’t Get Me Wrong, 213; Goodman, 53; John Sherwood, Los Angeles Herald-Examiner, Oct. 17, 1962.

  43 Carnovsky: Zolotow, Marilyn Monroe, 61ff.

  43 Burnside: London Observer, May 6, 1984.

  44 School reports (for 1942): Los Angeles City High School District files, in Slatzer, 354.

  44 Occult: Los Angeles Daily News, Aug. 18, 1962; int. Susan Strasberg and Kenny Kingston, 1983; David Robinson, Town, Nov. 1962; Joe Hyams, New York Daily News, Aug. 18, 1962; int. Gordon Heaver, Robert Slatzer, and Eli Wallach, 1983–84, int., 1985.

  45 Literature: Zolotow, Marilyn Monroe, 66, 251; Life, April 7, 1952; Bill Burnside, London Observer, May 6, 1984; Knef, 256; Winters, 293.

  45 Lincoln: int., Milton and Amy Greene, Joshua Logan, Brad Dexter, and James Haspiel, 1983–84.

  45 Sandburg: int. Henry Weinstein, 1984; Look, Sept. 11, 1962; Weatherby, 141; int. Amy Greene, and Ted Strauss, 1983–84; Alan Levy, ‘A Good Long Look at Myself,’ Redbook, Aug. 1962; Winchell, Los Angeles Herald-Examiner, Aug. 6, 1962.

  45 ‘The people’: Life, Aug. 3, 1962.

  45 Vesalius: in Rupert Allan, 1983; Zolotow, Marilyn Monroe, 46.

  Chapter 5

  47 Chaplin, Jr, affair: in Lita Grey, former wife Chaplin, Sr, 1983; int. Arthur James, 1983; int. Nan Morris, widow of Edward G. Robinson, Jr.

  48 Slatzer: int. Robert Slatzer and Will Fowler, 1983.

  48 Wohlander: Wilson, Show Business Laid Bare, 61, Int. Wilson, 1984.

  48 Bodne: Theresa Garofalo, int. Mrs Bodne, 1984.

  48 Nudity dream: Empire News, May 9, 1954; Monroe, 16.

  49 Reading Freud: Zolotow, Marilyn Monroe, 10.

  49 Policeman: Parade, Aug. 5, 1973; Monroe, 70; ‘So Far to Go,’ Redbook, June 1952; Hollywood Citizen-News, June 3, 1952; Graham, Confessions, 137.

  49 Guardian’s husband: Guiles, Norma Jean, 41.

  50 Skolsky disbelief: Skolsky, Don’t Get Me Wrong, 222.

  50 Carroll meeting: int. May Mann, 1983; int. Robert Slatzer, 1983; Guiles, Norma Jean, 93.

  51 MM on men in Hollywood: Empire News, May 30, 1954.

  51 MM casting couch story: Empire News, May 23, 1954.

  51 Churchill: corr. and int. Tommy Zahn, 1983.

  51 Rosenstein: Hollywood Close-Up, May 17, 1974.

  52 MM and Lyon: int. Sheilah Graham, 1985.

  52 Schenck: int. Marion Marshall Wagner, 1983.

  53 Taps: int., 1983.

  54 Bacon: int., 1983; Bacon, Hollywood Is a Four-Letter Town, 125.

  55 Chasin: int., 1983.

  55 Minardos: int. 1983.

  55 Let’s Make Love party: int. Rupert Allan, 1983; Guiles, Norma Jean, 304.

  55 Greene: int., 1984.

  56 Romanoff: int., 1983.

  56 Weatherby: Weatherby, 142.

  56 Older men: Jaik Rosenstein, Hollywood Close-Up, May 17, 1974.

  56 MM on Schenck: Empire News, June 6, 1954.

  Chapter 6

  58 Lytess: Lytess; Wilkie, 126ff., 172ff., Natasha Lytess, Screen World, Nov. 1953; Bill Tusher, Movie Minor, May 1957.

  59 Pepitone: int., 1984; Pepitone and Stadiem, 192.

  59 Muir: int. Robert Slatzer, 1983.

  59 Skolsky: int. Steffi Skolsky, 1983.

  59 MM on ‘lesbian’: Weatherby, 108; Empire News, June 13, 1954; Monroe, 76.

  60 Lytess: Lytess, 4.

  60 Karger affair: int. Anne Batté and Bennett Short, Patti Karger, Terry Melton, Elizabeth Karger, Vi Russell, and Richard Quine, 1983.

  62 MM on affair: Empire News, June 13, 1954; Monroe, 78.

  63 Watch: int. Elizabeth Karger, 1983; Empire News, June 20, 1954; Monroe, 83.

  63 ‘Bitchy’: Skolsky, Don’t Get Me Wrong, 223.

  64 Lytess: Lytess, 4.

  65 Taps: int., 1983.

  65 MM and Cohn: Empire News, June 6, 1954.

  65 Variation on Cohn story: Hoyt, 54ff.

  65 Krekes: Conway and Ricci, 29.

  65 MM sees movie: int. Anne Batté, 1983.

  Chapter 7

  67 Lytess: Lytess, 6.

  67 Starr: int., 1983.

  68 Photoplay event: Adele Fletcher, Photoplay, Sept. 1965.

  68 Wilson: int., 1984; Wilson, Show Business Nobody Knows, 306.

  68 Rosenfeld: int., 1984.

  69 Hyde (dentist and cosmetic surgery): int. Elizabeth Karger and James Haspiel, 1983.

  70 Lytess and Asphalt Jungle: Lytess, 7. 70 Padded bosom: int. James Bacon, 1983.

  70 Huston: int., 1983; Huston, 286.

  70 Johnson: Johnson and Leventhal, 202.

  71 Romanoff: int., 1983.

  71 Wilder: int., 1983.

  71 Kanin: Kanin, 355ff.

  71 Bacon: int., 1983.

  72 MM leaves Palm Springs: int. Patti Karger, 1983.

  72 MM on Karger: Guiles, Norma Jean, 118.

  72 Marry Hyde?: Empire News, June 27, 1954; Monroe, 104.

  72 Craft: int., 1983.

  72 Lytess on Hyde: Lytess, 12.

  72 MM mourning Hyde: int. Amy Greene and Maureen Stapleton, 1983–84.

  73 Johnson: Johnson and Leventhal, 210.

  73 Suicide attempt: Lytess, 14.

  73 Suicide Prevention Center: Report to Coroner, Aug. 1962, supplied by Dr Norman Farberow.

  Chapter 8

  74 Bernheim: int., 1983.

  74 Knef: Knef, 255.

  75 Asphalt Jungle reviews: Conway and Ricci, 40.

  76 U.C.L.A.: Robert Cahn, Collier’s, Sept. 8, 1951.

  76 Paar: Paar, 85.

  76 Lytess and studio joke: Lytess.

  77 Chekhov: Weatherby, 41; Alan Levy, ‘A Good Long Look at Myself,’ Redbook, Aug. 1962; Monroe, 133.

  77 Cahn: Collier’s, Sept. 8, 1951.

  78 Look and Life: int. Rupert Allan, Roy Craft, and Ted Strauss, 1983.

  79 Winters: Winters, 98, 292; Adams, Imperfect Genius, 258; int. James Haspiel, 1985.

  80 Einstein joke: int. Eli Wallach, 1984.

  81 Howard: int., 1983.

  81 Kazan declines interview: corr., 1984.

  81 Kazan: int. Milton Greene, Eli Wallach, Alai
n Bernheim, and Milt Ebbins, 1983–84.

  82 Kazan and Communist Party: Current Biography, 1972.

  82 Allan: int., 1983.

  84 Cameron Mitchell: Zolotow, Marilyn Monroe, 93.

  84 ‘Weeping’: Robert Levin, Redbook, Feb. 1958.

  84 Lytess: Lytess, 14; Wilson, Hot Times, 73; int. Wilson, 1984.

  84 Miller letter: Guiles, Norma Jean, 132.

  84 MM on Miller: Parsons, 230.

  85 Lytess: New York Post, July 8, 1956.

  85 Stapleton: int., 1983.

  85 Miller letter: Guiles, Norma Jean, 132.

  85 Bacon call: Bacon, Hollywood is a Four-Letter Town, 129.

  Chapter 9

  87 Gardner: Hy Gardner, New York Herald Tribune, Aug. 8, 1962.

  87 Nude calendar: Tom Kelley, Man, March 1955; Hedda Hopper, Los Angeles Times, Sept. 9, 1963; Natalie Kelley Grasco, Movie Stars Parade, July 1953; Tom Kelley, Filmland, Feb. 1954; Skolsky, Don’t Get Me Wrong, 217; Aline Mosby, UPI, March 13, 11952; Aline Mosby, Santa Monica Evening Outlook, Aug. 6, 1962; int. Johnny Campbell, Sonia Wolfson, and Theo Wilson, 1983.

  89 Playboy: Talese, 78ff.; Playboy, Dec. 1953.

  89 MM and pornography: Penthouse, Oct. 1980; Apple Knockers and the Coke Bottle video; Confidential, March 1955; int. Steffi Skolsky, 1983.

  90 MM and ‘father’: Dougherty, 73; int. Inez Melson, 1983; Skolsky, Don’t Get Me Wrong, 220; int. Ralph Roberts and Pat Newcomb, 1985; corr. Ralph Roberts, 1984; Guiles, Norma Jean, 136; int. Amy Greene and Henry Rosenfeld, 1984.

  92 Henaghan: Redbook, June 1962; Motion Picture, July 1955.

  92 Johnson: Los Angeles Daily News, May 3, 1952.

  93 Appendectomy: int. Dr Marcus Rabwin, 1984; corr. Mrs Rabwin, 1984; Graham, Confessions, 133.

  94 DiMaggio call: Zolotow, Marilyn Monroe, 143.

  Chapter 10

  97 DiMaggio background: di Gregorio; Allen; Gay Talese, ‘The Silent Season of a Hero,’ Esquire, July 1966.

  97 Reluctance on book: Melvin Durslag, Los Angeles Times, 1982.

  98 DiMaggio sees picture: Carpozi, 73; Allen, 171; Spada, 36; int. Roy Craft, 1983.

  98 MM and DiMaggio meet: Empire News, July 18, 1954; Allen, 173; Carpozi, 72.

  101 Bragging: int. Wilson, 1984.

  102 Williams: Los Angeles Mirror, March 10, 1953.

  102 Minardos affair: int. Nico Minardos, 1983.

  104 DiMaggio and press: Skolsky, Marilyn, 62.

  105 Travilla: int., 1983.

  105 ‘Act dumber’: New York Daily News, in Conway and Ricci, 87.

  Chapter 11

  107 Slatzer: int., 1982–85.

  109 Slatzer bona fides: Snyder, in Slatzer, xxi; int. Noble ‘Kid’ Chissell, Gordon Heaver, Dr Sanford Firestone, Lee Henry, Doral Chenoweth, and Ron Pataki, 1983º85.

  110 Walking shot: int. James Haspiel, 1985.

  110 Reporter on Toots Shor’s: Carpozi, 81.

  110 Neill: int., 1983.

  111 Hairdresser: int. Gladys Whitten, 1983.

  111 Snyder: int., 1983.

  113 Male jealousy: Hollywood Citizen-News, Sept. 4, 1952.

  113 Kilgallen: New York Journal-American, Aug. 28, 1952.

  113 Slatzer and books: New York Journal-American, Sept. 17, 1952.

  113 Firestone: int., 1985.

  113 Moore: int., 1983–85; Los Angeles Times, Feb. 15, 1983.

  114 Fowler: corr., 1985.

  114 Chissell: int., 1982.

  116 Russell: int., 1983.

  117 Skolsky: Skolsky, Marilyn, 62; Modern Screen, Oct. 1953.

  117 Progress as star: Movieland, Dec. 1952.

  117 Ray Anthony: int. Lionel Newman and Leo Gill, 1983; Movieland, Dec. 1952; Marilyn, song by Starlight Songs Inc., 1952.

  Chapter 12

  119 Grauman’s: int. Jane Russell, 1983; Spada, 74.

  119 Whitten: int., 1983.

  120 Noonan: int. Jane Russell, 1983.

  121 Snyder and Plecher: int., 1983.

  121 Lytess gifts: Lytess.

  121 Travilla affair: int., 1983; Billy Travilla bona fides confirmed in int. Don Feld, 1985.

  125 Robinson: int. Arthur James and Nan Morris, 1983.

  126 Siegel: int., 1983.

  126 Greene: int., 1984.

  127 Gardel: int., 1983.

  127 Death of McKee: death certificate, located by Roy Turner; Guiles, Norma Jean, 165.

  127 Photoplay Award: int. Billy Travilla; Bacon, Hollywood Is a Four-Letter Town, 139.

  128 New York Times: Barbara Jamison, July 12, 1953.

  128 Negulesco: int., 1983; Flashback, Marbella Film Institute, 1983; CBS TV ‘Eye-witness,’ Aug. 10, 1962; Negulesco, 417ff.

  128 Johnson: Pete Martin, 126.

  128 Confused: Karlin, 358.

  128 Bacall: Bacall, 208.

  128 Johnson: Johnson and Leventhal, 106.

  129 ‘Sloth’: Newsweek, People section, Oct. 31, 1960.

  129 Premiere: Johnson and Leventhal, 205ff.

  130 Bacall: Bacall, 208.

  Chapter 13

  131 Apartment: Kendis Rochlen and Charles Park, Los Angeles Mirror, Jan. 19, 1954.

  131 Skolsky: Skolsky, Marilyn, 65.

  131 Mike DiMaggio: Carpozi, 91.

  131 DiMaggio attitude: Photoplay Awards; Bacon, Hollywood Is a Four-Letter Town, 139; Zolotow, Marilyn Monroe, 172; Guiles, Norma Jean, 163.

  132 Lytess: Lytess; int. George Masters and Henry Rosenfeld, 1983–84; & Wm. Burnside notes, 1985.

  133 River of No Return: int. Whitey Snyder, 1983; Collier’s, Oct. 16, 1953; Bacon, Hollywood Is a Four-Letter Town, p. 134.

  133 Mitchum: int. Wilson, 1984; Goodman, 228; Barry Rehfeld int. Robert Mitchum, in Esquire, Feb. 1983.

  134 Accidents: Los Angeles Times, Aug. 13 and 20, 1953; Santa Monica Evening Outlook, Aug. 9, 1962; int. Norman Bishop, 1984; Winters, 428ff.; Zolotow, Marilyn Monroe, 189.

  136 Rettig: Guiles, Norma Jean, 168.

  136 Intruding reporters: Kendis Rochlen, Los Angeles Mirror, Jan. 19, 1954.

  136 Belser: int., 1984.

  137 Wedding plans: Los Angeles Times, Jan. 5 and 6, 1954; Los Angeles Daily News, Jan. 5, 1954; Hollywood Citizen-News, Jan. 5, 1954; Monroe, 139.

  Chapter 14

  138 Wedding: Los Angeles Mirror, Los Angeles Times, New York Times, Jan. 15, 1954.

  138 Phone calls: Skolsky, Marilyn, 80; Parsons, 228; int. Kendis Rochlen, 1983.

  138 Ring: Sidney Skolsky, New York Post, March 9, 1954.

  139 Nude pictures (fn.): Guiles, Norma Jean, 112.

  140 Paso Robles: AP, Jan. 16, 1954.

  140 Skolsky interview: Sidney Skolsky, Hollywood Citizen-News, Feb. 1, 1954.

  141 Patterson: int., 1983.

  141 Far East trip: Sidney Skolsky, Photoplay, May 1954; Time, Feb. 15, 1954; Empire News, Aug. 1, 1954; Los Angeles Times, Dec. 14, 1953; int. Amy Greene, 1984.

  141 Size of crowd: Skolsky, Don’t Get Me Wrong, 213.

  144 Injury: Los Angeles Times, Jan. 30, 1954; int. Amy Greene and member of Karger family circle, 1983–84.

  144 Weber: Allen, 198.

  144 Rosenfeld: int., 1984.

  144 Whitten: int., 1983.

  144 Stapleton: int., 1983.

  145 Miller: Skolsky, Don’t Get Me Wrong, 213.

  Chapter 15

  146 DiMaggios in San Francisco: Gay Talese, ‘Silent Season of a Hero,’ Esquire, July 1966; Movieland, Aug. 1954.

  146 MM at hotel: Skolsky, Hollywood Citizen-News, March 9, 1954.

  146 DiMaggio and Oscar: Skolsky, Marilyn, 82.

  147 No Business Like Show Business: Sidney Skolsky, New York Post, April–July, 1954; Lionel Newman int., 1983.

  147 DiMaggio marriage: Aline Mosby, Los Angeles Herald-Express, Oct. 1954; Sidney Skolsky, Photoplay, Aug. 1954; Graham, My Hollywood, 113; int. Jet Fore and Amy Greene, 1983–84; Capote, Chameleons, 240.

  148 Dexter: int., 1983.

  149 Monroe testimony: New York Daily News and Los Angeles Times, Oct. 28, 1954.

Travilla: int., 1983.

  150 Monroe nudity: Wilson, Show Business Laid Bare, 62; int. Wilson, 1984.

  150 DiMaggio not on set: Los Angeles Mirror, Oct. 6, 1954.

  150 Wilder: int., 1983.

  151 Monroe and nude scene: int. Billy Wilder; Wilson, Show Business Laid Bare, 62.

  151 Godiva: I.N.S., Sept. 15, 1954.

  151 Brando: Sidney Skolsky, New York Post, Aug. 7, 195 4.

  152 Winchell: Los Angeles Herald-Examiner, Aug. 8, 1962.

  152 Krasner: Globe, Dec. 22, 1981.

  153 Whitten: int., 1983.

  153 Amy Greene: int., 1984.

  153 Snyder: int., 1983.

  153 Monroe and sportswriters: Life, Sept. 27, 1954.

  154 Monroe weeps and sequel: Zolotow, Marilyn Monroe, 214.

  154 Separation: Los Angeles Times, Los Angeles Mirror, Daily News, NANA, Houston Chronicle, Los Angeles Examiner, Hollywood Citizen-News, Oct. 4–10, 1954.

  154 Craft: int., 1983.

  154 Whitten: int., 1983.

  155 Travilla: int., 1983.

  155 Hyams: Hyams, 141.

  156 DiMaggio detectives: Los Angeles Times, Feb. 28, 1957; Irwin evidence; J.E. Leclair, Confidential, Sept. 1955.

  156 Fox detectives: int. John Daley, former IRS agent, 1983.

  156 Patti Karger: int., 1983.

  157 Steffi Skolsky: int., 1983.

  157 Dexter: int., 1983.

  157 Sinatra: Time, Aug. 29, 1955; Gehman, Sciacca (Sinatra), Shaw, Wilson (Sinatra).

  159 Divorce hearing: New York Daily News, Los Angeles Times, Santa Monica Evening Outlook, Oct. 27 and 28, 1954.

  159 DiMaggio and reconciliation: Los Angeles Herald-Express, Oct. 28, 1954.

  159 Monroe eve of divorce: Los Angeles Herald-Express, Oct. 26, 1954.

  159 Refuge at Sinatra apartment: Jim Henaghan, Motion Picture, July 1955.

  160 Winchell: New York Mirror, Aug. 8, 1962.

  Chapter 16

  161 Skolsky and DiMaggio meeting: Skolsky, Don’t Get Me Wrong, 224.

  161 Lesbian rumors: int. Steffi Skolsky, 1983.

  161 Hal Schaefer: int., 1984; int. Lionel Newman, 1983.

  164 Schaefer suicide attempt: int. Milt Ebbins and Sheila Stewart, 1983; Los Angeles Herald-Examiner, Oct. 6, 1954.

  165 Press and Schaefer: Louella Parsons, Los Angeles Herald-Examiner, Oct. 6, 1954; Aline Mosby, Hollywood Citizen-News, Oct. 7, 1954; Los Angeles Herald-Express, Oct. 6, 1954.

  166 DiMaggio reconciliation?: Los Angeles Herald-Express, Oct. 28, 1954; Los Angeles Examiner, Nov. 5, 1954.

  167 Wrong Door Raid: Confidential, Sept. 1955; Report of the (California) State Interim Committee on Collection Agencies, Private Detectives and Debt Liquidators (Senate Resolution 21, 1957); Los Angeles Times, Feb. 17, 20, 27, 28, March 1, 2, 14, 21, and 27, 1957; Beverly Hills Citizen, Sept. 11, 1958; Hollywood Citizen-News, March 9, 1957; int. Hal Schaefer, Sheila Stewart, James Bacon, Brad Dexter, Fred Blasgen, Fred Otash, John Daley, Gloria Romanoff, 1983–84; Bacon, Hollywood Is a Four-Letter Town, 141; Otash, 73–84


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