Goddess: The Secret Lives of Marilyn Monroe

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Goddess: The Secret Lives of Marilyn Monroe Page 59

by Anthony Summers

448 Guilaroff: int., 1983; Wilson Show Business Laid Bare, 84.

  448 Bolaños: int., 1983.

  449 Roberts: int., 1982.

  449 Call to Greensons: Greenson corr.; Greenson, 82.

  450 Smashed pane: Santa Monica Evening Outlook, Aug. 6, 1962.

  450 Police pictures: obtained by author, 1983.

  451 Call to police: police log, in Sgt. Byron’s follow-up Report, Aug. 6, police file no. 62-509-463.

  451 Clemmons: int., 1982–85.

  Chapter 44

  452 Ramirez: int. 1983.

  452 Woodfield and Hyams: int., 1983–84; Hyams, 138; Show Business Illustrated, Feb. 1962.

  452 Bacon: int., 1983; Los Angeles Herald-Examiner, Oct. 9, 1979.

  453 Hockett: int. 1982.

  453 Gray: Los Angeles Herald-Examiner, Aug. 6, 1962; int. Harry Tessel, 1983.

  453 Wiener: int., 1982; Los Angeles Times Calendar, Aug. 22, 1982.

  454 Unless otherwise identified, all news events and quotations following the death are taken from coverage, Aug. 6–19, 1962, of: New York Herald Tribune, Los Angeles Herald-Examiner, Los Angeles Times, San Francisco Chronicle, New York Daily News, Santa Monica Evening Outlook, Hollywood Citizen-News.

  454 Miller comment: New York Post, Aug. 7, 1962.

  454 DiMaggio: int. Harry Hall, 1984; int. Inez Melson, 1983.

  454 Butterfly: Strasberg, 157.

  455 Greene: int. Amy and Milton Greene, 1983–84.

  455 Wilder: int., 1983.

  455 Greenson: int. Hildi and Joan Greenson, 1983; int. William R. Woodfield, 1964.

  456 George Jacobs: int., 1983.

  456 Sandals: int. Sherry Houser, 1983.

  456 Zolotow: int., 1983.

  457 Saunders: int., 1984; Saunders and Southwood, 130.

  457 Kennedy at church: Anthony Cook int. Father John Dwyer, 1983.

  457 Bates: int. 1983; Anthony Cook, int. John Bates, 1983.

  457 RFK and CIA Director McCone: FBI report 77-54397-30, Courtney Evans to J. Edgar Hoover, Aug. 22, 1962.

  457 JFK and drugs: New York Daily News, Aug. 6, 1962.

  457 Noguchi: int., 1984; Noguchi, chap. 3.

  458 Brown: int. Virgil Crabtree, 1984.

  458 Parker: int. Mrs Parker, 1983.

  Chapter 45

  460 Autopsy detail: Los Angeles Coroner’s file 81128, especially Anatomical Summary; int. Dr Thomas Noguchi, John Miner, and Eddy Day, 1983–84.

  460 Noguchi controversy: New York Times, Nov. 13, 1982; New York Times, June 23, 1984.

  461 Marilyn in death: picture obtained from police file, 1983.

  461 Toxicology: Reports of Dr Ralph Abernathy, Aug. 6 and 13, 1962, in Coroner’s file 81128.

  462 Foster: int. 1985 (pathologist at St Bartholomew’s Hospital, London, M.D., Ph.D., M.R.C. Path.).

  462 Curphey: text of statement to press, Aug. 17, 1962.

  463 Glass: District Attorney’s Report, 1982, p. 26; San Francisco Chronicle, Aug. 6, 1962.

  463 House sealed: New York Herald Tribune, Aug. 6, 1962.

  463 Melson: int., 1983.

  464 Note on bottle picture (fn.): photograph in possession of Jame: Haspiel.

  464 Medical examiners and coroners contacted: By D.A., 1982: Dr Boyd G. Stephens (San Francisco) and Dr Kornblum. For author: Prof Keith Simpson, senior Home Office forensic pathologist, Emeritus Prof Forensic Medicine, London University; Dr Christopher Foster, pathologist and biochemist, St Bartholomew’s Hospital (London); Dr Henry Siegel (formerly New York City Dep. Chief. Med. Examiner); Dr Patrick Besant-Matthews (Dallas); Prof Earl Rose (Iowa); Dr Joseph Davis (Dade Co. Med. Examiner Florida); Dr Joseph Jachimczyk (Chief Med. Examiner Harris Co., Houston); Dr John Coe (Hennepin Co. Med Examiner, Minneapolis); Lee del Cortivo (Chic Toxicologist, Suffolk Co., NY.); Dr Bertram Fuchs (gastroenterologist, Mineola, New York).

  464 Breaking open capsules: Guiles, Norma Jean, 344.

  465 Meal?: int. Eunice Murray and Pat Newcomb, 1983–84 Slatzer in Newcomb, 1973; Murray, 130.

  465 Curphey press conference: Los Angeles Herald-Examiner, Aug 18, 1962.

  467 Destruction of specimens: int. Dr Thomas Noguchi, 1984, Noguchi, 74.

  467 Injection checks: int. Dr Thomas Noguchi, John Miner Eddy Day; District Attorney’s Report, 1982, 4.

  467 Marilyn and enemas: int. Amy Greene, 1984; int. Jeanne Carmen, 1983 (on constipation).

  469 Right-wing tract: Capell.

  469 Mailer: int., 1984; Mailer, Marilyn, 367.

  470 Messick: int., 1983; Messick, 201, 207; FBI file 44-17593, on Ratterman, Kentucky sheriff candidate.

  Chapter 46

  472 Noguchi: int., 1984.

  472 Bacon: int., 1983.

  472 Hyams: New York Herald Tribune, Aug. 6, 1962.

  473 Brown: int. Kenneth McCauley, ‘Pete’ Stenderup, 1983.

  473 Phillips: int., 1983.

  474 McCauley request: report to McCauley, Aug. 27, 1974, by Lt. Selby, Homicide Special Section, in recovered part of police file obtained by author.

  474 1975 inquiry: commissioned by Police Chief Davis, report sent Oct. 14, 1975, by Daryl Gates, then Assistant Chief, Director of Operations; report obtained by author, 1983.

  474 Finck: note found in police file, 1983.

  475 Gates: corr. Dec. 20, 1984.

  475 Phillips: int., 1983.

  475 Yorty: int., 1983.

  476 Carroll: ‘The Death of Marilyn Monroe, Report to the District Attorney,’ by Ronald H. Carroll, Assistant District Attorney, and Alan B. Tomich, Investigator, Dec. 1982.

  476 Dickey: inquiry’s existence discovered during research in District Attorney’s office, 1982; Anthony Cook int. John Dickey, 1983.

  476 Hronek: int. Gary Wean and Jack Egger, former colleagues, 1983; int. Mrs Hronek and Steve Hronek, 1983.

  477 ‘Pressure’: New York Daily News and San Francisco Chronicle, Aug. 12, 1962.

  477 Greenson interview: made in 1964, in files of William R. Woodfield.

  Chapter 47

  478 Farberow on phone: San Francisco Chronicle, Aug. 7, 1962.

  478 Murray: Los Angeles Herald-Examiner (late edition), Aug. 6, 1962.

  478 Light and door: WOR Radio broadcast (11:00 A.M. Sunday, New York time); Murray, 135; int. Eunice Murray, 1982–83.

  478 ‘Mystery call’: Los Angeles Times and Los Angeles Herald-Examiner, Aug. 7, 1962.

  479 ‘Disturbed’: New York Daily News, Los Angeles Herald-Examiner, Aug. 7, 1962; San Francisco Chronicle, Aug. 8, 1962.

  479 Ebbins and Lawford: Los Angeles Herald-Examiner, Aug. 8, 1962.

  479 Lawford interview: New York Herald Tribune, Aug. 8, 1962.

  479 ‘Mystery solved’: Hollywood Citizen-News, Aug. 8, 1962.

  479 ‘No calls received’ (police): Hollywood Citizen-News, Aug. 10, 1962.

  479 Byron report: Follow-up report, timed 4:15 P.M., Aug. 6, in surviving police file; int. Byron 1986.

  480 General Telephone employees: John Gurak and Bob Warner of GTE Security, and a retired employee, 1983.

  481 Two weeks later: see also District Attorney’s Report, 1982, 17.

  481 Muir: Hudson, 88.

  481 Hyams discovery: Hyams, 142; int. Joe Hyams and former colleague, 1983.

  482 Warner: int., 1983.

  482 Funk: int., 1983, int. Mrs Tiarks, 1983.

  482 FBI report: Document 66-1700-39, ADIC (LA) to Acting Director, July 6, 1973.

  483 Another senior agent: int., 1985.

  483 Litman: int., 1983.

  484 Brough: int., 1983.

  484 Tobin: int., 1983–84.

  485 Kennedy and Hamilton: Kennedy, 8, 264, xiii, xiv; int. Robert Hamilton, 1984.

  485 Brown: int. Virgil Crabtree, 1983.

  485 DeLoach: int., 1988.

  485 Reddin: int., 1985.

  486 Schiller: int., 1983.

  Chapter 48

  487 Lawford: int., 1983.

  487 Police doubt Murray: Re-interview of Persons Known to Marilyn Monroe, police case 62-509-463, Sg
t. Byron and Lt G. Armstrong reporting, Aug. 10, 1962, retrieved by author from police files, 1983.

  489 Lawford leaves: Police case 62-509-463 continuation sheet.

  489 Hyannis Port: Lawford: Los Angeles Herald-Examiner, Aug 10, 1962, Newcomb; Los Angeles Herald-Examiner, Aug. 15 and 16, 1962 (by Dorothy Manners and Alfred Robbins).

  489 Farberow: int., 1983.

  489 Lawford guests: Los Angeles Herald-Examiner, Aug. 8, 1962.

  489 Naar (Joe and the former Dolores): int., 1983.

  490 Wood: int. Robert Slatzer, 1983. Friend of MM: int. Lana Wood, 1984, and James Haspiel, 1985.

  490 Beatty: int., 1983.

  490 Durgom: int., 1983.

  490 Lawford, 1975: police report of Lawford interview, Oct. 16, 1975.

  491 Lawford, 1982: briefing by official sources, 1983.

  491 Litman: int., 1983.

  492 Ebbins: int., 1983.

  492 Rudin, 1962: Continuation page of Re-interview of Persons Known to Marilyn Monroe, police case 62-509-463, Sgt. Byron & Lt. G. Armstrong reporting, Aug. 10, 1962, retrieved by author from police files, 1983.

  492 Rudin declines interview: corr., 1983.

  492 Murray on Rudin: Murray, 131; int. Eunice Murray, 1982–83.

  493 Memoir: Murray.

  493 ‘Sixth sense’: Murray, 134; int. Eunice Murray, 1982–84. 458 Lawford’s explanation: Wilson, Show Business Nobody Knows, 316.

  495 Mrs Murray and ‘midnight’: Los Angeles Herald-Examiner, Aug. 6, 1962; New York Daily News, Aug. 6, 1962; Greenson corr. to friend Aug. 15, 1962, and to colleague; int. Eunice Murray, 1982.

  495 Jacobs: int. Natalie Jacobs, 1985.

  495 Concert: Los Angeles Times, Aug. 4, 1962.

  496 Simpson: int., 1985.

  497 Ambulance: District Attorney’s Report, 1982, 16; int. Ken Hunter, Walt Schaefer, Murray Leib, 1985.

  498 Ebbins on Rudin: int., 1983.

  499 Newcomb: int., 1983–84; Robert Slatzer int. Pat Newcomb, 1973.

  Chapter 49

  500 Security man: int., under formal agreement, 1983–84.

  500 Otash: int., 1983.

  501 Lock company: estate papers, in Slatzer, 361–62.

  502 Bates: Anthony Cook int. John Bates, 1983. Also int., 1983.

  502 Kennedy at church: Anthony Cook int. Father John Dwyer, 1983.

  502 Price: Anthony Cook int. Frank Price, 1983.

  503 Lawford on Kennedy not in Los Angeles: London Observer, July 15, 1973, quoting Lawford as saying Kennedy had been on the East Coast.

  503 Greene: int. Milton Greene, 1983–84.

  503 Yorty: int., 1983.

  503 Finis Brown: corr. and int., 1983.

  503 McDonald: int., 1984.

  503 Dickey: briefing on District Attorney’s Report, 1983.

  504 Gates: Daryl Gates, Chief: My Life in the LAPD. NY: Bantam, 1993, p. 165.

  504 Landing at Fox: int. Frank Neill, 1983, and former policeman on pension, who requires anonymity.

  504 Pollard: int., 1983.

  504 Murray afternoon activity: int., 1983; Murray, 127ff.

  504 D’Antonio (fn.): int., 1983.

  504 Marilyn ‘expecting to see V.I.P.’: int. of Dr Norman Tabachnick, 1983.

  505 Wood: int., 1983.

  505 Hyams and Woodfield: int., 1983–84; Woodfield re-int., 1985; Hyams, 143ff.

  505 Lawford and helicopters: int. Peter Lawford, Milt Ebbins, Lynn Sherman, Sherry Houser, and other neighbors. See also Ted Landreth int. James Gavin, pilot; files of Santa Monica Evening Outlook, Time, Aug. 12, 1966.

  505 Woodfield’s earlier article: traced to American Weekly, Sept. 2, 1962.

  511 Cukor: as reported to author, 1983, by Robin Thorne, who had taken notes.

  Chapter 50

  515 Snyder and Plecher: int., 1983.

  515 ‘Doll’: New York Herald Tribune, Aug. 9, 1962.

  515 Melson: int., 1983.

  516 Funeral: unless otherwise indicated, descriptions are from New York Herald Tribune, Los Angeles Times, Santa Monica Evening Outlook, San Francisco Chronicle, New York Daily News, Aug. 8 and 9, 1962. See also printed Services for Marilyn Monroe (with guest list).

  516 DiMaggio on Kennedys: in Emily Stevens, 1983.

  516 Joan Greenson: Greenson, 86.

  517 ‘Over the Rainbow’: Monroe entry, Robert B. Dickerson, Jr, Final Placement, Guide to Deaths and Funerals of Notable Americans, Algonac, Mich.: Reference Books Inc., 1982.

  517 Roses: int. Robert Slatzer, 1985; Los Angeles Times, Sept. 29, 1982; Los Angeles Herald-Examiner, Feb. 15, 1983; Orange County Register, Oct. 1, 1982.

  518 Cukor: Lambert, On Cukor, 180.

  518 Lawford and Wood remains: conversation, Patricia Seaton, 1985; People, Aug. 1982.

  518 Winters: int., James Haspiel, 1985.

  519 Vault for sale: Los Angeles Daily News, Aug. 5, 1982.

  519 DiMaggio and RFK: Gay Talese, ‘Silent Season of a Hero,’ Esquire, July 1966.

  519 Davis: Davis, Suitcase, 240.

  519 Mother’s letter: sent to Inez Melson, Aug. 22, 1962, in Melson files.

  519 Mother’s escape: Whit Preston, Photoplay, Oct. 1963.

  521 Levathes: int., 1985.

  521 Meryman: Life, Aug. 17, 1962.

  521 ‘Poster People’: int. Jeanne Martin, 1984.


  525 Gates: San Francisco Chronicle, Sept. 24, 1985.

  525 Van de Kamp: Los Angeles Times, Sept. 24, 1986.

  525 Gates’ denial: corr. Dec. 20, 1984; int. Sylvia Chase, 1986.

  525 Rest speculation: UPI, Sept. 24, 1985.

  526 20/20 furore: int. Riisna, Gould, Chase, Westin, Siegent-haler, 1986.

  526 Chase ‘bear’: Datebook (San Francisco), Dec. 22, 1985.

  528 Arledge ‘more data’: Liz Smith column, New York Daily News, Oct. 4, 1985. 528 Smith: Liz Smith column, New York Daily News, Oct. 3, 1985.

  528 Arledge ‘gossip’: New York Times, Oct. 5, 1985.

  528 Arledge ‘sleazy’: Liz Smith column, New York Daily News, Oct. 4, 1985.

  528 Celebrities protest: Rolling Stone, Dec. 5, 1985; Liz Smith column, New Daily News, Oct. 7, 1985; New York Times, Oct. 5, 1985; People, Oct. 21, 1985.

  529 Downs: New York Times, Oct. 5, 1985; People, Oct. 21, 1985.

  529 Executive links to Kennedys: People, Oct. 21, 1985.

  529 Arledge on offending friends: New York Post, Oct. 5, 1985.

  530 Tuck: int., Sylvia Chase, 1986.

  530 Haddad: int. Riisna & Haddad, 1986; corr. Haddad, Mar. 4, 1986.

  531 Slatzer letter: Sept. 23, 1985, to Mike Antonovich.

  531 Grand Jury furore: int. Dawnson Oppenheimer, spokesman for Antonovich, & Asst. D.A. Ronald Carroll, 1986; research of Jordan Cohn; Motion of Board of Supervisors, County of Los Angeles, Oct 8, 1985; Antonovich press statement, Oct. 8; Memorandum of D.A. Ira Reiner to Supervisors, Nov. 7, 1985; Los Angeles Herald, Oct. 29, 30, 31, 1985; Los Angeles Daily News, Oct. 26, 29, and Nov. 1; New York Post, Oct. 8 and Dec. 4; San Francisco Chronicle, Oct. 29; Los Angeles Times, Oct. 29; South China Morning Post, Nov. 4.

  532 D.A. Report 1982: The Death of Marilyn Monroe — Report to the District Attorney, Dec. 1982.

  533 Summers: int., 1986.

  533 Seaton: int., 1985.

  534 Durgom: int., 1986.

  534 Roberts: int., 1985.

  534 Moore: int., 1983/85.

  534 Paul: reader’s corr., 1985; int. members Paul family, 1986; Current Biography, 1957; New York Times, Nov. 26, 1967.

  534 Guthman: int., 1985.

  535 Monroe letters: located by author in Monroe business files, 1986 — shortly to be placed in suitable place of learning.

  536 Dinner: Murray, 85; Los Angeles visit of Robert Kennedy confirmed by corr. John F. Kennedy Library, Oct. 17, 1984.

  537 Danny Greenson: int., 1984.

  537 Durgom: int., 1986.

  537 Dye: int., 1985.

  537 Murray: int., 1985.

  537 Smathers: int., 1

  538 Hoover memo: Blakey/Billings, 380.

  538 Campbell ‘longer contact’: Exner and Demaris, 251.

  538 Dickinson: Eater and Demaris, 280.

  538 Skolsky: Skolsky, 234; int., 1983.

  538 Monroe trip to California: int. Eunice Murray, 1982–83; Murray, 87; int. Philip Watson and Ralph Roberts, 1983–85.

  538 Sinatra stay: (common version) Collier and Horowitz, 295; (O’Donnell version) ‘Johnny, We Hardly Knew Ye’: Memories of John Fitzgerald Kennedy, Kenneth O’Donnell and David F. Powers, Boston: Little, Brown, 1970, 440.

  539 Gould: int., 1986.

  539 Lawford sees Giancana: int. Lawford, 1983, and Martin, 1984.

  540 Theodoracopulos: int. 1986; Princes Playboys, & High-Class Tarts, by Taki, Princeton: Kart-Cohl Publishing, 1984; Spectator, Oct. 19, 1985.

  540 Campbell on President knowing: int. Ovid Demaris (her biographer), 1986.

  540 Campbell testimony withheld: The Kennedys: Dynasty and Disaster 1848–1984, by John Davis, New York: McGraw-Hill, 1985, 390.

  541 Davis: corr. 1986.

  541 Campbell on Giancana re. President: Exner-Demaris, 255.

  541 ‘pussy-whipped’: Giancana-Renner, 246.

  541 Blakey: Blakey-Billings, 391.

  541 Giancana not questioned: The Kennedys, Dynasty and Disaster 1848–1984, by John Davis, New York: McGraw-Hill, 1985, 406.

  542 Meredith: see this book, p. 320.

  542 Mrs Spindel: int., 1986.

  543 Spindel and CIA: int. Dick Butterfield, 1983–86.

  543 Kennedy woos: Spindel, 215; and testimony of James Kelly, Mar. 8–Mar. 12, 1965, Bernard B. Spindel Tax Proceedings Docket 3102-63, 2668-64. And see this book, Chap. 38, p. 354.

  543 Jaycox re. Giancana: int., Jaycox, 1986.

  543 Giancana-Roselli conversation: FBI surveillance documents, Dec. 6, 1961, obtained from congressional source.

  544 Danoff: int., 1985.

  544 Otash: ints., 1985: author re-interviewed Otash in summer ’85, and has been briefed on colleague’s interview, also 1985.

  545 Consultant: int., under formal agreement, 1983–84.

  546 Roselli: int., Otash, 1983–85; int., John Danoff, 1983–85.

  546 James: int., 1983–85; (DeSapio — cf. this book, Chap. 38, p. 351)

  548 Winther: int., 1986.

  548 Otash re. Durgom: int., 1985.

  548 Durgom: int., 1986.

  549 Reilly: int., 1985.

  549 Roswell: int., 1985.

  549 Naar: int., 1983: (re-interview Dolores), 1986.

  549 Joan Greenson: int., 1986.


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