Lyrical Odyssey Rock Star Series: Box Set 1

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Lyrical Odyssey Rock Star Series: Box Set 1 Page 84

by Charli B. Rose

  “I see lots of potential in this suite, flutterby. How about you?” I asked, wrapping my arms around her from behind and resting my chin on her shoulder.

  “I do too.” She ran her fingers along the music notes decorating the glass.

  “The question is can you see this place as home for a while? Because if you can’t, there’s no need for me to waste their time. I won’t do this if you can’t be happy and comfortable here. I’m not doing long distance with you again. Especially not when we’re newly married.” And I meant it. I’d lived without her before. It wasn’t something I ever intended to do again.

  She turned her head to look at me. “Home is wherever you are. I can see myself living here with you for six months, a year, two years. However long you decide. I don’t want to do long distance either. We did that already. And I know we could do it again if we had to. But we don’t have to.”

  Izzy’s phone ringing interrupted any further discussion.

  “Hello,” she said into her cell. She waited a few moments, listening to the other end.

  “Hang on. Let me go ask Luca who you need to ask for at the front desk.”

  Izzy turned to me, covering her phone with her hand. “Brittany and Sky are in the lobby. They weren’t sure how to get up here to where we are.”

  “Come on.” I tugged her hand, leading her back into the living room where Luca waited alone. “Where is everyone?” I asked him.

  “They each decided to go unpack their bags in their rooms. Your luggage is sitting over there,” he said nodding at the corner where our bags stood.

  “Thanks. Brittany and Sky are down in the lobby. They weren’t sure how to get up to this floor,” I explained.

  “No worries. I’ll go get them and escort them up. Then I have to go take care of some other things. I’ll meet with you and the rest of the guys tomorrow afternoon. If you need anything, don’t hesitate to call.” He held out his hand.

  Izzy passed along the information to Brittany as I shook Luca’s hand and walked him to the door. As soon as I shut the door, I spun around, fully intending to christen at least one surface in our hotel room now that we were alone.

  Narrowing my eyes, I stalked toward Izzy. Her fingers flew to her throat, no doubt recognizing the heat in my gaze. When I was almost in grabbing distance, my phone rang.

  Izzy giggled when I let out a frustrated growl and dropped my head to her shoulder. Even as I tugged my phone from my pocket, I looked at her with sad, desperate eyes.

  “Hey, man,” I greeted Brooks as I answered.

  “Hey. Figured I’d check in while I had a minute,” he answered in a quiet, subdued tone.

  “No problem. Luca just gave us a tour of the floor. You want to switch to video call so I can give you a tour? Then you’ll know what we know for the meeting tomorrow,” I offered.

  “That’d be great.”

  “Sorry,” I mouthed to Izzy.

  “It’s all good. I’m going to head down the hallway to see Britt and Sky. See you in a bit.” She pressed a soft kiss to my mouth then headed out the door.

  With a swipe on my screen, I switched to video call and began showing Brooks around our suite.


  I was perched on the couch next to Brittany about thirty minutes later when Dawson strode into the suite the girls were staying in. Wilder was the only one sitting with us. Everyone else was getting dressed to go out to dinner. The three of us had decided we didn’t need to change clothes. I didn’t plan multiple outfits for each day we were going to be here, so I wasn’t going to waste an outfit.

  Dawson waved in our direction but kept his focus on the phone he held out in front of him as he gave Brooks a tour of this suite. “The bedrooms in here look pretty much like the ones in the other suite. I don’t want to barge in on any of the girls, so you’ll have to take my word for it on the rooms in here. And here’s the living room,” he said as he made his way back to where we sat. “And here’s Izzy, Britt and Wilder. Say hi to Brooks, guys,” Dawson said, spinning the phone in our direction.

  On the screen was Brooks, lounging on a bed and looking utterly exhausted. “Hey, guys,” he said, giving us a half-smile. “I hate to cut this short, but I have to go now.”

  Dawson turned the phone back around to face himself. “We’ll call you tomorrow before the meeting. But what are your thoughts so far,” Dawson’s voice trailed off as he walked out onto the balcony to finish up his phone call.

  Next to me, Britt asked, “What’s up with Brooks? He didn’t look like his normal cocky self.”

  “I’m not sure,” I answered while Wilder said at the same time, “He’s probably just upset about missing out on a trip to Vegas.”

  “I don’t know. He looked … tired, defeated, something,” Britt argued.

  “He’ll be fine. He’s just worried about some family stuff. He said it’s nothing major,” Wilder said with a shrug.

  I had my doubts that the only thing bothering Brooks was family stuff, but Wilder lived with him. He’d know better than me. Before I could challenge him about it, Dawson came back inside, slipping his phone into his pocket.

  “I got the impression everyone was ready for food when I was in the other suite,” he said as he sank to the couch next to me.

  “Good to see you, Britt,” he said, leaning around me.

  “It’s good to see you too. Thanks for letting us girls tag along on your business trip,” she offered with a wink.

  “We’d never turn down the addition of beautiful women,” Wilder said.

  As if by some silent signal, both Dawson and Wilder got to their feet and held out their hands to me and Brittany.

  Britt swayed initially when she stood, slamming into Wilder’s chest with a giggle. Something crackled in the air for just a moment before she pushed herself free of his embrace. “So where are we heading to eat?”

  “Vickie’s,” the guys said in unison.

  “I take it you guys have been there before?” Britt asked, completely amused by the two of them.

  “It’s an old-fashioned soda shop. And the burgers there are out of this world,” Dawson explained as we moved toward the door.

  “And the milkshakes, oh God,” Wilder moaned.

  “Sounds delish,” Britt teased with a wink, then looped her arm through mine.

  Wilder shook his head and trailed behind the three of us.

  I looked up at Dawson. “Was Brooks OK?”

  “I’m not quite sure. He said he was still sorting things out with his family. But he didn’t offer more details.” Dawson shrugged, but his expression showed his concern.

  “Maybe he has a girlfriend that he’s keeping a secret,” I offered.

  Dawson and Wilder both doubled over in a fit of laughter.

  I planted my hand on my hip. “What’s so funny?” I snapped.

  “It’s not you, baby,” Dawson said, wiping his eyes as he stood upright again. “And you know I love Brooks. He’s been my best friend since I had to leave you the first time. But—”

  “But Brooks has never had a girlfriend in his life. Not even in high school. He never went on more than three dates with the same girl. It’s not likely that he’d ever find someone to be serious with. It’s just not in his nature,” Wilder explained when he finally caught his breath.

  “You say that. But when love finds you, it doesn’t take no for an answer. And that includes Brooks,” I said adamantly.

  “If you say so. But it’ll take a pretty amazing woman to change him. He embodies the rock star lifestyle,” Wilder argued.

  “She’s out there,” I said stubbornly.

  “She probably is, flutterby. And eventually, he’s going to crash into her.” Dawson wrapped his arm around my waist and pressed a kiss to my temple.

  Britt stood off to the side, watching the whole exchange and shaking her head at us.

  I pointed my finger at her. “Love’s gonna come for you one day too.” I spun around and pointed at Wilder. “You’ll get caught t
oo. And I can’t wait to watch you all find happiness and completion.”

  “And be able to say, I told you so,” Wilder said with a wink.

  “You know it,” I sassed, then skipped down the hall to where the rest of our friends waited for us.

  The party bus stopped outside an unassuming building with a simple sign proclaiming the diner belonged to Vickie. Though it was a reasonable time for dinner, the parking lot wasn’t overflowing.

  “Are you sure this place is open?” I asked Dawson.

  “Yeah. It’s early for dinner in Vegas. You haven’t realized it yet, but this truly is the city that never sleeps.”

  With our fingers laced together, we filed off the bus and back in time. Pink vinyl stools lined the counter. The same bubblegum pink covered the chairs and booths. An authentic jukebox stood in the corner. The smell of grease and sugar mingled together to make my stomach rumble loudly.

  Only one booth was occupied, and a few customers perched along the counter. Everyone looked up at our arrival. But no one approached the guys or snapped any photos with their phones. It was nice for a change. Even in LA where stars were everywhere, people often came up while we were eating dinner or having a drink to ask for autographs, especially when all the guys were out together.

  “Have a seat wherever you’d like,” a perky waitress said as we all hovered near the entrance.

  Jett took the lead and sauntered over to a corner where several tables were. The guys made quick work of joining them together into a long table big enough to accommodate all of us.

  Once everyone was seated, I found myself between Dawson and Britt and across from Sky and Cleo.

  The bubbly waitress appeared at the end of the table with a stack of menus. “What can I get everyone to drink?” she asked with her pen poised above her notepad.

  The guys immediately chimed in with milkshake orders while those of us who hadn’t been to the diner before ordered waters or sodas.

  “You’re going to wish you’d gotten the chocolate shake,” Dawson said, nudging me with his shoulder.

  “I figured you’d share with me.” I smiled up at him and batted my lashes, making him chuckle.

  “Always.” He kissed the tip of my nose. “Any ideas about what you want to eat?”

  “I’m thinking a cheeseburger since you guys raved about them the whole way here. But a normal-sized one. Not the gigantour one.”

  “You mean the Paul Bunyan one,” he said, pointing to the description of the one-pound burger that a couple of the guys were already ordering at the other end of the table.

  As our waitress moved around the table, taking everyone’s order, another server was placing drinks down in front of each of us. When she plunked Dawson’s chocolate shake down in front of him, he stuck two straws in it and motioned for me to have the first taste.

  After several long seconds, my mouth was filled with rich chocolate. “Mmm. That is good. Thanks for sharing, Daw.”

  Once everyone had ordered I turned my attention to the girls sitting around me. “I’m so glad you guys could make it.” I gave Britt’s hand a squeeze, then reached across the table for Sky’s.

  The flash of sparkle on her finger caught my eye. I tilted her hand my way. “What’s this?” I asked in an excited tone.

  A wide smile covered her face as she nodded at my unspoken question.

  Not letting go of her hand, I asked, “When did this happen? You didn’t mention anything the past couple of times we talked.”

  “It’s a new development.” She peered down at the diamond capturing the light from overhead and creating twinkles. “He asked when we went out to dinner a couple of nights ago.”

  “When’s the big day?” Britt asked.

  The other end of the table grew quiet, listening intently to what Sky would say.

  “We haven’t set a date yet. It’ll definitely be a while because my sister has refused to be my matron of honor until after she has her baby and loses some of the baby weight,” Sky said with a laugh.

  “You’re going to be an aunt?” Maddox said from the other end of the table.

  “Yeah,” she answered quietly.

  “You used to always talk about how you were going to be such a cool aunt just like your Aunt Kaye,” he said.

  “You remembered that?” Sky asked, bewilderment filling her eyes. “I told you that when we were like fourteen years old.”

  He got up and rounded the table to stand behind her. He pulled her into his arms. “I remember everything,” he whispered.

  Over his shoulder, I saw the sheen of moisture in her eyes. She glanced down the table where Gina watched the two of them. Awkwardly, Sky eased herself out of Maddox’s embrace.

  “So, you’re getting married?” he asked, remaining by her side.

  “Looks like it. Probably in a year or so.” She beamed up at him.

  He looked like he had so much he wanted to say, but instead he squeezed her shoulder and said, “Congratulations.”

  “Thanks, Mad.” She kissed his cheek.

  “I’m so happy for you,” I told her as Maddox moved back to his seat.

  Everyone chimed in with their well-wishes.

  “Too bad Jarrod wasn’t able to come with you. Then the two of you could’ve eloped in front of Elvis, since I couldn’t convince these two to do it,” Jett teased, pointing at me and Dawson.

  “My parents would kill me if I got married without them. I’m a daddy’s girl. I couldn’t imagine tying the knot without him walking me down the aisle,” Sky said.

  “That’s too bad. A Vegas wedding would be fun,” Gina said from the other end. She gave Maddox a wink. “I don’t know how you can make yourself wait a year. But then again, I’m such an impulsive person. I’d never be able to wait. Who knows, you might have to attend our wedding before yours rolls around,” she said with a chuckle.

  A look I couldn’t decipher flashed in Maddox’s eyes. I glanced back at Sky. Her lips were pinched.

  “Have you started planning yet?” Britt asked, breaking the tension.

  “Well, I’ve been planning my wedding since I was a little girl. I want it simple. Out on my grandparents’ farm, they have these gorgeous magnolia trees. The flowers on them in the spring are breathtaking. I want to get married beneath them,” she gushed.

  “And you want your granddaddy to preach the service,” Maddox finished for her.

  She smiled at him. “Yep.”

  “Where’s our food? I’m starving,” Gina said, cutting off any further conversation about Sky’s future wedding.

  I shot Dawson a look, silently asking him what Gina’s deal was. His shoulders lifted in a shrug.

  “How about I go play something on the jukebox while we wait?” Dawson asked, sliding his chair back from the table.

  The other guys got up in unison, eager to get away from the awkward silence falling over the table, and followed him to the corner. After much animated discussion between them about what they should play, Dawson put some money in and pressed the buttons for his song selections.

  That classic guitar twang flowed from the speakers as the guys sashayed back to the table, snapping their fingers in sync with the music.

  Dawson began to serenade me with the Temptations’ classic “My Girl”. My heart swooned when he took my hand in his and twirled me around the floor, still singing.

  The guys continued to sing backup. When the music finally shifted to a new tune, the waitstaff and other customers gave a loud round of applause.

  Back in the party bus, Gina and Maddox were involved in a whispered argument. I peeked at Dawson and lifted my eyebrow.

  “I have no idea what that’s all about,” he whispered in my ear.

  “Fine, I’ll take care of it,” Maddox said loudly, drawing everyone’s attention.

  “Good.” A grin split Gina’s face, while Maddox didn’t look nearly as thrilled. He sat there, not meeting her gaze, with his arms crossed protectively over his chest.

  Sky looked torn
between wanting to check on him and knowing she shouldn’t get in the middle of whatever their spat was about. Maddox tipped his head back and sighed loudly.

  “What are we doing tonight?” Jett asked.

  “I’m ready to win some money,” Cleo said, clapping her hands.

  “Here, here,” Tansy agreed.

  “I’m down for that,” Jett said, rubbing his palms together. “How about you, Wilder?”

  “Huh?” Wilder said, turning from where he’d been in deep conversation with Brittany.

  “Cleo and Tansy are ready to hit up the casino floor. I asked if you were in?” Jett explained slowly.

  “Oh … ah,” he stammered. His face turned back to where Britt perched next to him. He squeezed her knee with the hand I hadn’t noticed resting there. “Are you feeling lucky tonight, Britt?” he said in a flirty tone.

  She swallowed hard and pursed her lips, obviously not immune to the panty-dropping smirk he sent her way. “I’ve always been really good at poker. Sure, let’s hit up the Texas Hold ‘em table.”

  “I want to put my money on red. For love,” Gina chimed in. “If I win big, I know just how I want to spend my winnings.” She winked at Maddox.

  “Whatever you want, babe,” he said agreeably and slung his arm around her shoulder, obviously no longer upset by whatever their argument was about.

  Dawson ran his fingers along my arm. With just a look we communicated, coming to a compromise. We longed to go back to our suite and start the christening process since the past week and a half had been filled with lots of chaos and little relaxation alone together. But we both had missed spending stress-free time with our friends.

  He gave me a slight nod. “We’re down for some action,” he started.

  “For an hour,” I amended with a grin.

  “I know that’s right,” Tansy said with a laugh.


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