Chicago Defiance Box Set Part One

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Chicago Defiance Box Set Part One Page 24

by K E Osborn

  Shit! I didn’t want to upset her.

  That wasn’t my end game.

  Hell, she was never supposed to know I was even there.


  Torque takes off, his Harley sliding sideways down the street without warning, straight into the oncoming traffic. My heart leaps into my throat as my hand races to my mouth watching as he swerves to miss the car. He races off so fast all the cars are honking at the scene he’s causing.

  “Jesus! Guy’s gonna cause an accident if he’s not careful,” Ari calls out while resting her hand on my back. I let out a heavy sigh as my eyes well with tears again. “As I was saying before, if you miss him, and obviously he’s missing you if he’s showing up here to creepily spy on you while you work, then maybe… just maybe… you need to rethink this ‘never seeing him again crap’ you have going on?”

  Xav nods. “I agree. As your much wiser younger brother, I believe you deserve to be happy, Heels. I know you haven’t known him for long, and yes, he’s dangerous, and yes, everything that happens around him seems dangerous, but have you seen what’s happening in this city, Heeley? It’s going to the dogs, and don’t you want to be under the protection of the winning side?”

  Sighing, I glare at him. “This city will be fine. Surely, they’re going to keep their war in-house, and it’s not going to branch onto the city streets and businesses. We’re safe in our own little bubble here, Xav. I need to concentrate on working with Doctor Kline and med school. I have to focus on that right now. Anyway, this is my last week here, we should be celebrating not moping about over Torque.”

  Xav slumps. “I can’t believe I’m never going to work here with you again after this week. This business won’t be the same without you, sis. And honestly, I can’t believe our parents are letting you leave, too.”

  I let out a stifled laugh. “I know, right. I didn’t think for a second they’d let me go. But when I spoke to them and told them it was so I could work with a doctor at Northwestern Memorial, they honestly couldn’t say no. They know this is my dream, Xav.”

  Xav rushes forward and pulls me into a tight hug, and I embrace him back and smile. “Love you, sis.”

  “Love you, too, little bro.”

  “I want in on this.” Ari leaps forward wrapping her arms around us both, and I smile feeling some of the weight of the moment slip away as we stand in my parent’s froyo bar in a giant group hug.


  Three Days Later

  Since seeing Torque outside the froyo bar, my mind has been playing tricks on me ever since. I feel like I’m seeing him everywhere, but I know that can’t be the case. I’m confident I’m going slightly insane. Who knew someone could impact your life so much in such a short amount of time. I haven’t known Torque for long. Actually, it’s not long at all. But somehow, he’s weaseled his way into my psyche, and now I can’t seem to get him the fuck out. Everything I do, everything I see, even the food I eat, reminds me of him. How is that even possible?

  It’s fucking ridiculous is what it is. I need to pull my shit together because I’m walking through the halls of Northwestern Memorial for my first shift with Doctor Kline, and I need to have all my attention focused on whatever it is I’ll be doing with her. The fact she knows Torque isn’t helping the tirade of memories running through my mind as I mindlessly wander the corridors wondering where the hell I’m meant to be.

  Finally getting sick of floundering around like a damned fool, I find a nurse and smile at her. “Hi, I’m wondering if you can help me. I’m looking for Doctor Rebecca Kline’s office?”

  She smiles wide. “Oh, gosh, you nearly made it.” She grabs my shoulders and spins me around to face a door, and off to the slide, it reads Doctor Rebecca Kline.

  I burst out laughing and shake my head. “Wow! Doing great so far,” I murmur, and the nurse giggles.

  “Don’t worry, the halls are a maze, you’ll get lost plenty of times before you find your way around…” she pauses then continues, “… I’m Christine. But everyone calls me Tiny. Yeah, I have no idea why.” Her big grin plasters all over her face as I look her up and down. She’s crazy short, must be only just hitting five foot. She has short brown curly hair, and the most flawless chocolate skin I’ve ever seen. She’s drop-dead stunning.

  Letting out a small laugh, I nod. “Nice to meet you, Tiny. I’m Heeley. I’m going to be Doctor Kline’s new… umm… not really sure?” I’m hesitant to say anything because it’s not all that clear what Bex has in mind for me, let alone what she’s told people about me coming here to learn. So I leave the whole thing as a question, rather than me explaining what I’m actually doing.

  Tiny smiles wide. “Oh, great. Yes. She told us you were coming in. Said she’s seen your work in the field, and you’ve done some good stuff. I’m excited to be working with you.”

  Opening my eyes wide, I smile at the sound of high heels make their way toward us. “Oh, Heeley, you’re here. Early too. Well done. Extra points. Come into my office. We can have a chat before we start on rounds,” Doctor Kline states.

  I nod to Doctor Kline, and then I subtly wave to Tiny.

  As we head for her door, I walk next to Doctor Kline, and she hands me a coffee like she knew I’d be here. I smile as she opens the door and we step inside. She closes it behind us, and I look around her office. It’s exactly like I would have imagined. Great big desk. Large floor-to-ceiling window looking out over a massive green lawn area. A gigantic shelf of medical books. Even the potted plant I had envisioned in my mind is in the corner of the room with its leafy green foliage sprawling out in a perfect circular shape.

  “Take a seat, Heeley.”

  I nod as she sits in her desk chair, and I sit in the more comfortable stationary chair opposite her. “I just want to say thank you again… for this opportunity. I really appreciate it, Doctor Kline.”

  She smiles taking a sip of her coffee. Then she places it down and sits forward, her hands on the desk in a fist like she’s going to talk seriously for a moment. “Okay, so we have to set some boundary rules first and foremost...”

  Nodding, I sit up a little taller and listen attentively.

  “The hospital doesn’t know of my involvement with the Chicago Defiance MC. That has to stay between us. Okay?”

  Trying hard not to react to that statement, I merely nod but can’t help my eyebrows as they scrunch together.

  I thought as a doctor she took an oath to always tell the truth. An oath to do no harm.

  She smiles and licks her lips tilting her head. “I know what you’re thinking. How can I work for the club, and work here, too? It’s basically a double standard, right?”

  I say nothing as she relaxes into her seat further. “The thing is, Heeley, I don’t know what you know about Chains’ and my relationship.”

  “He’s your foster brother?”

  She smiles and nods. “Yes. I’ve known him since he was ten. I’ve seen him grow up from this tortured boy, into a… well, tortured man. But with the help of my family, we brought him out of his shell as best we could. The first ten years of his life, Heeley…” she shakes her head, “… no person should have to go through what he endured. He’s my brother… not by blood, no, but in my heart always. I love that man more than anything. So when we were growing up, and he hurt himself, I wanted to be the one helping him. Knowing all the pain he’s already been through, I never wanted to see him suffering.”

  I weakly smile knowing how she feels. It’s how I felt with Xav, seeing him suffer when he was in physical pain killed me every time. I know where she’s going with this. “Chains is the reason you became a doctor?”

  She nods. “Yes. I wanted to be able to help him. Always. When he joined Defiance, our family was beside ourselves. The thought he was heading down a dark path nearly tore the family apart. But he showed us he was in it for the brotherhood. Sure, he had me, he had our parents, but he needed a brotherhood, men by his side to make him feel secure and to feel the security of men by
his side. He never had that growing up. He needed to feel protected. We understood it once he put it that way.”

  My body slumps thinking of whatever Chains went through as a kid, it must have been pretty bad. I feel for him. But I don’t think this is why I’m here right now. “So, how did you get involved with Defiance?”

  She nods. “Surge has medical training, but he’s no doctor. Chains asked if they could count on me if needed. If it was necessary to bring a brother to a hospital and have no questions asked. If I could be that person to make people look the other way. I know we take an oath to do no harm, to report everything that needs to be reported, but Chains is my brother. And therefore, his brothers are my brothers. If I protect him, I protect them all. I know I can go down for it if I’m found out, but Defiance have people in all kinds of places, Heeley. Cops, judges, you name it. The thing is, I don’t see it as me doing a bad thing. To me, I am carrying out my Hippocratic Oath. If a brother comes in here, and he needs treatment, I give it to him and save his damned life. Because he’s a patient first, and that’s my job. To save lives. The cover-up comes after the crucial part. Because Chains is important to me. I know it’s risky. I know I could lose it all. But sometimes, when you love someone, you have to risk shit because they sure as shit would risk everything for you.”

  Slumping into my seat, I let out a puff of air as my knee bobs up and down in agitation. “So you’re saying you can be a doctor, have your medical life, and still be a part of the club? Still, have a connection to the MC without it being an issue?”

  She smiles at me and nods. “Yes, Heeley, you can have both. You just have to know how to play it. If you’re willing and you want to, I can teach you how to be a doctor and how to stretch the rules so you can live by the code and play by the biker code as well. You can be Torque’s Old Lady and still be the best damn doctor in town… besides me, of course.” Her chuckle fills the air, and I smile feeling lighter somehow.

  I had no idea it was even possible to do both. But knowing Kline has done it for years and gotten away with it, makes me wonder if I’ve gone about this all wrong?

  Maybe I gave up on us too soon?

  Maybe I need to give this some more thought?

  Torque means a lot to me, and it’s killing me being away from him.

  “I can see your mind’s going into overdrive right now. But, we have work to do. I’m going to get you to shadow me today. Take as many notes as you want. Ask as many questions as you need, but most of all keep up and don’t touch anything. Think you can do that?”

  “Yes, definitely.”

  She stands from her desk, takes another sip of her coffee then places it on the desk with a huff. “Then let’s get to rounds.”



  The Next Day

  Sitting at the bar, my fingers tap monotonously, strumming away impatiently as I think about what the hell is going on. It’s been a week since the gun shipment fuckup with the Andrettis and the Triad. The fact the tracking beacon is still active has me on edge, and the end date for the replacement guns is up.

  I have no idea if today’s shipment is going to go south again. What I do know is, against my better judgment, I’m sending Vibe with the new shipment to meet Linn at a different location, with Tremor and Renegade. I’m not sending all my men in there if there’s going to be another bloodbath.

  I won’t risk it.

  Fuck! To be honest, I don’t want to risk this shit at all. But we have a deadline to meet, and this is the best of a bad situation.

  We found an exchange point in a built-up area. The boys are fully decked out in protective gear and the appropriate firearms for the ride. The area is completely secure in the fact it only has one entry point and zero windows. There’s no way anyone could take advantage of the situation, and if somehow they could, my men and Linn’s will be well prepared this time. They have enough firepower to wipe out a small army with them this time.

  They will be fine, I keep telling myself. Although I’m not sure I’m reassured.

  While the exchange is underway, all I can do is sit and wait for the call to know whether it’s gone through okay, or whether shit’s gone to hell again. And patience isn’t my virtue. I’m on edge, and the fact it’s been a week since I’ve talked to Heeley is driving me the fuck crazy. I need to talk to her.

  My cell sits at the bar staring at me, and the ache in my chest to call her is always present, but right now my armor is wearing thin. The last time I saw her, I nearly got myself plowed over by a fucking car, so my head’s certainly not straight when it comes to her. Calling her, I fear, would only make matters worse.

  I know she has Zane watching her, but still, I’d feel better seeing her myself and knowing she’s perfectly fine. Chains says she’s been keeping super busy, mixing her time between college, the froyo bar, and working with Kline. I have to say I’m happy Kline’s taken her under her wing. If there’s anyone who knows the brothers well, can handle us and the medical world, it’s Kline.

  A stool grates on the ground sliding out beside me, and I turn to see Lift’s bulky frame moving in, and I smirk. His damn shirt barely holds together with the tension of his bulked-up muscles. Shaking my head, I chuckle. “Seriously brother, buy bigger shirts.”

  He chuckles and nods. “Yeah, I really need to. My guns are way too big, and my usual size shirt doesn’t fit my arms.”

  Rolling my eyes, I look at the clock on the wall and shake my head. I should have heard something by now. I’m beginning to think things have gone fucking south again. “Have you heard anything from Renegade or Tremor?”

  He shakes his head. “Nothing. But, I did have an interesting visit from the gym realtor this morning, and he gave me some info you might be interested in.”

  My brows furrow as I look at him. “Ahh… why?”

  He leans on the bar, his muscles have muscles as they flex and strain. “So, get this… she said someone approached her about wanting to buy our gyms…” He pauses. “All of them.” I sit up taller, my interest piquing. “So I asked her who was this ‘person’ was who’s interested in buying a chain of gyms. She said it was a confidential buyer, but he would do anything in his power to obtain the rights to the gyms, and we should consider selling for the ‘right price’…” he uses air quotes, “… before he comes back with a lower counteroffer.”

  Folding my arms over my chest, I let out a scoff. “No fuckin’ way. What did you say?”

  “I told her to tell the fuckwit to come here and tell me directly to my face, or he could shove his deal up his motherfucking ass. She didn’t like that so much. At first, I thought she was shocked at my language, but I think it was more than that. She appeared… scared.”

  Creasing my brows, I huff. “Figures. Andrettis don’t treat women nicely if they don’t get what they want. Okay, send someone to watch… what’s her name?”


  “Yeah, send someone to watch her. Make sure she’s okay. I think we’ve sat on this long enough. The gun shipment hasn’t moved. They’re obviously holding it as an arsenal. I’m sick of waiting. The guys are feeling antsy. It’s time to sort this shitshow out.”

  Lift nods and stands up. His leg is still not one hundred percent, but I know he’ll ride with me anyway. I turn around and let out a whistle through the club gaining everyone’s attention. “We have no idea how the gun exchange is going. I haven’t heard a word, so I’m assuming it’s gone south. I’m not about to sit back and wait for the Andrettis to fuck us over any more than they already have. They’re trying to buy up the entire fuckin’ town, and I wanna know why? So mount up if you wanna join me, but listen hard… there’s no pressure if you don’t. I realize you’re all recovering. If you feel the urge, we’re going for a ride.”

  A round of cheering erupts throughout the clubhouse, and I see Surge walk out from down the hall, his arm in a sling as Mom and Neala step along beside him. I stride up to them, and Surge looks me in the eyes. I alread
y know what he’s going to say, so I stop him before he has the chance. “No, you’re sitting this one out.”

  He slumps his body and looks to Mom, who nods and wraps her arm around his shoulders pulling him to her for comfort. “You know my boyo’s right, Surge. How would you even ride? You only got one functioning arm.”

  Neala smiles and moves to his other side. “Plus, we need someone here to keep us company while these douches ride off and cause trouble… again!”

  Surge wraps his good arm around Lala and finally nods. “Fine! But I swear to God, son, if you don’t come back to us—”

  “I will...”

  “Torque, what’s the go?” Trax calls out. Stepping up to my side, his smile the widest I’ve seen in days. The idea we’re finally going after Andretti has him on a high, and I detest that this is the only thing to have him smiling—his thirst for vengeance, this thirst for payback. I loathe that he’s this far gone.

  I give a curt nod to Mom, Lala, and Surge, and grab Trax and spin, heading with him to the middle of the room. Ace looks up.

  I take a deep breath. “Ace, I need you to send a message to Enzo. We want to meet him in a public place. Somewhere where there are heaps of civilians.”

  Trax looks at me pulling his brows together. “What? You’ve got to be kidding? How are we supposed to go in fucking all guns-a-blazing if there are people fucking everywhere, Torque?”

  “Because I want to attempt a ‘nice’ chat first.” I used hand quotes around the word. “Let’s see what I can get outta him before I shoot him between his fuckin’ eyes.”

  “Fuck. Shoot first, ask later, brother,” Trax blurts out.

  “If they’re all dead, you can’t ask them anything, idiot.”


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