Chicago Defiance Box Set Part One

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Chicago Defiance Box Set Part One Page 33

by K E Osborn

  Snorting, I roll my eyes.

  Me: Man, you’re so uptight. Bet I could work out some of that built-up tension…

  I laugh out loud taking another sip of my beer as my cell begins to ring. I look to the screen and notice it’s Sensei calling me. In shock, beer flies out of my mouth spraying onto my bare legs, and I cough slightly to recover from the surprise. “Shit! Ummm… fuck,” I murmur and stare at my cell not knowing what to do. The phone rings out, and I wince wondering if I should have let that happen, but then it starts ringing again. I jump slightly on my bed, and my fingers react before I do swiping the screen bringing the cell to my ear.

  “Ummm… hi,” I murmur down the line, and there’s a pause.

  He clears his throat and then speaks. “Spanner? Is that you?”

  His deep voice sends a shiver down my spine as I chew on my bottom lip. Wincing, I shrug. “Busteeed,” I drone out as my shoulders tense up, and I let out a small almost embarrassed giggle. God, I sound like a giddy school girl as I wait for him to yell at me or something, but he’s simply—quiet. “Okay, so I can explain—”

  “You were playing a practical joke,” he interrupts, and I relax slightly at the tone in his voice.

  “Ahhh… yeah. I do that shit sometimes. Thought you would think it was funny. But I can tell from your messages it wasn’t quite going down the way I had planned.”

  He’s quiet for a moment longer, and then he lets out a small, but audible laugh.

  I smile wide and inwardly pat myself on the back. “Did you just laugh?” He laughs again. “Shit! Two laughs? I’m getting good at this.”

  “Spanner, while this is all quite amusing and somewhat different for me, I’m unsure of why you messaged me in the first place. Is there something you need?”

  I take another sip of my beer. “Nah, man, was just messing about. Wanted to see if I could rattle you. After meeting you today, you seemed so uptight. I wanted to see if I could loosen you up a little. Hoping I’ve managed to make you smile… if only once.”

  “You went out of your way to message me, just to make me smile?” His tone is filled with curiosity, and it shocks me that he’s startled by my actions.

  “Well… yeah. I mean, I feel like we kinda hit it off today, and you went all I will bring the bike to you…” I lower my voice on that last part trying to sound butch and manly. “Scratch could have brought his bike to me, but you wanted to handle it… that’s kinda weird. You did that only so you could see me, Sensei. I’m not blind nor am I stupid. I saw the way you were looking at me.”

  He chuckles again.

  Yes! A hat-trick for laughs!

  “First of all… I do not sound like that. Your impression of me is… terrible.” I giggle and take another sip of my beer. “Secondly, you’re very… observant. I like a woman who knows what’s happening around her, Spanner, and you seem to be very… switched on.”

  “Why thank you, Sensei, you can keep those compliments coming. I’m a sucker for flattery, beer, and bubblegum. Gimmie all three, and I’m anybody’s.”

  Another laugh chimes down the line. Man, I am on a roll tonight!

  “You’re an interesting woman, Spanner.”

  “You don’t know the half of it. And hey, my actual name is Ayla, if you want to know. Only the guys at the garage call me, Spanner. Makes them feel like I’m more a part of their team.”

  He’s quiet for a moment and lets out a heavy sigh. “Ayla… it’s a beautiful name. I think you working in a male-dominated field is a noble profession.”

  Raising my brow, I smile. “Noble, huh? I’d call it reckless and sometimes stupid, but it’s my calling, and I fucking love what I do. Plus, I have mad skills so there is that.”

  “Mad skills…” he pauses, and I take a sip of my beer with a smirk. “You don’t talk like the women I’m used to.”

  “Is that a bad thing?” I lean back against my headboard, my ass sinking into my fluffy pillows as I relax further.

  “No… just different. I believe it to be … a nice fucking change.”

  Letting out a snort. “Oh, you believe it, do you?”

  “Are you mocking me?”

  I nod even though he can’t see me. “Yeah, I am. You think I talk weird? You do, too. You’re so uptight. Like, I know you’ve probably seen and been through a whole heap of shit, but man, learn to let go and live a little, will ya?”

  “If only it were that easy, Ayla… sometimes your past is right on your doorstep.”

  The weight of his words somehow feel heavy, and I sink further into the bed knowing he’s obviously going through some sort of shit right now. I don’t know why, but I want to help him. Something about Sensei calls out to me. It might be because we’re total opposites in every single way, but I feel like I can help him out of his tight-as-fuck shell.

  “Yeah, true. But you can’t let your past dictate your future. You gotta grab the present by the balls and take hold, swing on them if you have to, take all you can from the moment, but above all, take control. Whatever’s going on with you, don’t let it drown you. You can let new and fun things into your life as well. You gotta live… or life simply ain’t worth living.”

  He lets out a heavy sigh. “That’s true… but right now things at the club, things with my family are at an extreme. I need to be careful about who I let in my life. About, who I can trust.”

  Well shit, this got serious.

  “Yeah, I get that. Look I don’t know what’s happening with the club. Shit for all I know you’re about to head into an all-out fucking war with some fucking mob boss knowing the Defiance, but I’m just saying, don’t lose sight of living life, man. Things get hectic, life throws you rotten eggs, but fuck it. Scramble that shit up, throw it in the face of your enemies, and show them you can still function even while battling them. It all makes you stronger, Sensei. And from what I’ve seen, you have the balls to be one of the strongest.”

  He’s quiet for a pass and then lets out a small huff like he’s impressed. “You got all that from our small encounter today?”

  I smirk. “I’m good at reading people. Plus, I think you’re hot, and I want to get in your pants, so I’m buttering you up.” I let out a small chuckle at the end as I hear him let out a small, shocked gasp like he’s unsure of how to take what I’ve just said. “Kidding… kinda,” I murmur the last word as I smile and take another sip of my beer.

  Sensei takes in a long deep breath. “I have no idea how to take you, Ayla… damn… you’re completely throwing me off my game.”

  Raising my brow, I smile as a warmth floods through my chest. “Good. Should make for an interesting meeting when I see you tomorrow then, right?”

  He chuckles. “Yes… about that, is there a time that best suits?”

  “You’re so formal. Is there a time that best suits?” I mock in my lowered imitation voice of his again.

  “That doesn’t sound like me.”

  Chuckling, I smile wide. “Any time is fine, Sensei. I look forward to seeing you. Is anyone coming with you?”

  “Vibe will be driving the truck. I look forward to seeing you, too. Though, I’m yet to understand why.”

  I burst out laughing and nod. “I know, right? I give you shit, yet you still want to see me. You must be a masochist.”

  “I’m not sure about self-punishment, but I’m one of self-discipline. And about seeing you again, that is true. I’m sure you’ll make my time with you tomorrow, interesting… to say the least.”

  Pursing my lips, I nod. “I’m sure I can think of something to brighten your day and release some of the turmoil you’re currently going through.”

  “I do look forward to it.”

  “I bet you do, you saucy little minx,” I tease letting out a laugh.

  “You are a mystery, Ayla.”

  “I’m actually pretty straight up, take me as I come.”

  “Hmmm… I know a few ways to make you come, but unfortunately, I must go. Duty calls… until tomorrow, Ayla.” />
  Smiling at the way he talks, which for some reason I find undeniably attractive, I feel the heat rising in my cheeks. “Um… okaaay. Laters.”

  The call ends, and I grin as I drink the last of my beer. He’s such an enigma. I’ve never met a man like him, so collected and yet so tormented. There’s something about him which draws me in. I want to know every little thing about him, and yet I have no idea why.

  As the last drops of beer drizzle down my throat, I grab the empty can and slam it onto the bedside table, the can crumpling in my hand as it collapses into a smaller shell. Just like the guys do it. I have a feeling Sensei would be shocked if he saw me do that. I smile to myself. Most guys can’t handle a woman acting like a guy. But I’ve grown up my entire life living with three men.

  How else was I supposed to turn out?

  Standing from my bed, my hands slide around my back and unhook my bra. It falls to the floor as I stride to my bathroom thinking about Sensei. His deep sexy voice, his tone, and the way he talks has gotten me a little hot under the collar. I need to cool off as well as wash today’s grease away. And maybe think about him while I’m all lathered up. I slide off my boyshorts as I take a deep breath.

  I need a shower.

  To calm me down.

  A cold one.

  Damn girl!



  Ending the call from Ayla, my mind’s all over the place. She’s like no woman I’ve ever come into contact with before. She’s certainly going to keep me on my toes that’s for sure. Right now, though, I need to try and stop thinking about the semi hard-on I have from talking to her and go and do what I’m supposed to be doing, which is talking to Torque about what the hell our next move is going to be.

  Shaking it off, I shift from my bed and stride out of my room to find Torque. I only came in here to grab my pendant. I’d taken it off this morning when I had a shower and forgot to put it back on in my mad rush for us to go to the pizzeria. Grabbing the silver cross in my hand, the cold metal cools my skin as the wings surrounding the cross remind me of the proud time when I received this necklace.

  Father looked down at me as I kneeled on my knees, head bowed, palms on my thighs, breathing harshly from an intense training session, and sweat beading on my brow from the blazing heat of the summer sun hammering down on the backyard of our Chicago home.

  “Raiden, you have done our family proud. You bring us honor. For that, you have earned the Maki family crest,” Father said making my chest fill with so much pride while I tried my hardest to fight back my smile, but failed.

  Father let out a small chuckle as his hand rested on my shoulder. “It is okay, son, you can relax now, your training is done for the day. Eyes up and accept your pendant.”

  My head snapped up so fast as my young eighteen-year-old eyes could barely contain their excitement. He held out his hand and in it was a simple pendant bearing the Maki family crest. A silver cross with wings on either side. My chest squeezed, and I didn’t know whether I wanted to cry out in jubilation or simply just cry because it meant so much. But my father moved in behind me and placed the pendant around my neck. The cold metal clung to my chest as I looked down, and a sense of pride washed over me.

  I knew he wasn’t my birth father. I had no real claim to the Maki clan, but he accepted me anyway, and for that, I was and will forever be eternally grateful.

  Smiling at the fond memory, I think of my father in the room beside me, and I wonder if his memory of that day serves him as well as it does me. I wonder if he knows the impact he’s had on my life. Hiro Maki shaped me into the man I’ve become, and I could not be more thankful for him in my life. Am I perfect… no, fucking far from it, but I have a moral code I live by, and that’s something a lot of people in this world do not.

  Dropping my pendant from my hand, it jingles against my chest as I walk to my door. Opening it, I head off in search of Torque. The clubhouse is livening up for the night, and seeing as it’s near dinner time, everyone’s pretty much here.

  I step up to Torque who’s on his cell as I approach—I try not to listen, but I can’t help overhearing his conversation. “Yeah, I know, but I want you to come in when my brothers aren’t all shot up and you have to suture them back together. Now it’s calmer in here, you should be able to get a real good feel for the place, and do anything you want.” There’s a small pause. “C’mon, don’t make me beg. It doesn’t look good on me.”

  I smirk as I try not to look too conspicuous, but he knows I’m waiting for him to finish.

  He looks at me and rolls his eyes mouthing ‘women.’ I raise my chin in acknowledgment as I let out a small chuckle, and his eyes light up. “Fuck, really? Okay… thank you, Foxy. You don’t know how much this means to me. You’re the top woman around here now, so trust me, you’ll be bossing them around.”

  He nods and chuckles lowering his voice. “I’m gonna do very bad things to that very bad mouth of yours tonight when you get here.” Torque lets out a booming laugh as I shift uncomfortably wondering if maybe I should come back another time. “Okay, baby, go… work. Let me know when you’re on your way.” He hangs up and turns raising his brow with a cocky smirk.

  I let out a small huff as he grips me on the shoulder and shakes his head. “Shit, man! You need to get yourself a woman. They might hold you by the damn balls, but it’s so fuckin’ worth it.”

  “I’m glad to see you fucking happy, brother. It’s been a long time coming. Foxy’s certainly a little firecracker, and she seems to be your even match.”

  He chuckles and nods. “Yeah, she is.” He looks me up and down and creases his brow. “You look uptight. I mean more fuckin’ uptight than normal. What’s happening, brother?”

  We head toward the bar and pull up a stool. “This Yakuza business has me rattled.”

  He nods, his face taking on a more serious tone. “Yeah. I get that, and we need to get shit done. I still have no idea how the fuck we’re gonna go about this. I mean we have the Andrettis on our side, but what fuckin’ good is that if we’re outwitted and outgunned?”

  Nodding, I run my hand over my chin. “I concur… Ishikawa is, by all accounts, ruthless, calculating, and always a step ahead. I don’t know what his end game is… but I need to keep my family out of it.”

  Torque nods. “Yeah, brother. Don’t worry, they’re safe and welcome here. I won’t have any harm brought to them. But I need to know how you wanna play this.” He looks around the room subtly then back to me. “I haven’t told our brothers about your connection to Ishikawa… yet.” He takes a breath. “As president, I gotta inform our brothers of any issues that might affect them, and we should be taking a vote on this shit. So… do you want them to know, or keep it on the down low for now? But Sensei, I won’t keep this quiet for long.”

  Clenching my jaw, I grimace. “My brothers will all be wondering why my family is here… without giving them a reason, they’ll start to draw their own conclusions. We’re a family, a brotherhood… I shouldn’t hide anything from them.”

  Torque slaps my back in approval. “Good call, brother, but you had to be the one to make it. I’ll call church. You wanna tell them, or me?”

  “I think it’s better coming from me.”

  He nods once. “Done.” He swivels on his stool bringing his fingers to his mouth and lets out an almighty whistle that resounds through the clubroom.

  Everyone stops and turns to look at us. “Patched members, emergency church… now!” he calls out, and we stand from the stools and head for the chapel. He looks at me giving me a stern but silent stare as we walk together toward the chapel. We enter through the large, cream double doors, and I move straight for my seat. Torque walks off to the head of the table. Everyone else strides in and takes up their positions as the doors close behind Surge with a heavy thump. He takes his seat next to me, his arm still in a sling from the shot to his shoulder. I let out a huff as that typhoon soon swirls in my stomach. I have no idea how my brothers w
ill take the news I am about to bestow on them, but I hope they take to it with the knowledge I had no idea that Ishikawa Yakuza would come to Chicago, and I have no idea what the hell Aiko Ishikawa’s plans are.

  Torque bangs his gavel as a general chatter dies down in the room, and I glance at him as he tilts his head high. “Brothers, I’ve called church to discuss the Yakuza on our doorstep. It seems they’re closer to us than we originally thought. We all know Ishikawa has something up his damn sleeve, but there’s more to the story. I’ll let Sensei take over…. you have the floor.”

  Everyone’s brows crease as they turn to me. All the attention suddenly has me feeling tense as I clear my throat. I wrack my jaw to the side and look to Torque who nods his head in a gesture of reassurance. It’s all I need to help me get started. “When I was only sixteen, Father came to me one day after a training session. He was calm, collected, and told me gently he was not my biological father.”

  Trax raises his brow. “You’re telling me, the man we have in the sleeping quarters isn’t your father?” His voice is curt, almost like he’s angry.

  Taking a breath, I simply nod. “That’s correct… but it’s also incorrect.”

  Trax snorts out a laugh. “Fucking hell, your gibberish trips me out sometimes, brother. Start making sense, will you?”

  “Let the man fuckin’ talk, Trax,” Torque interferes.

  “He may not be related to me by blood, but by all accounts… he is my father. He raised me, made me into the man I am today. I wouldn’t fucking be here if it weren’t for him and his teachings.”

  “Okay, I think we’re gonna need to bring your parents in here to help us the fuck out. You good with that, Sensei?” Torque asks, and I simply nod.

  He tilts his head to Ace who stands, exiting the chapel to fetch my parents.

  “So why the hell is he and the rest of your family here?” Trax asks bluntly.


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