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Cum for Bigfoot 7

Page 3

by Virginia Wade

  “What happened?”

  Connor bent to investigate; his eyebrows were drawn together. “Something might’ve attacked it. The skull’s fractured.”

  I found that hard to believe. “What would attack a Sasquatch?”

  He glanced at me. “Another Sasquatch.”

  That sent an unpleasant shiver down my spine. “Oh.”

  Dale and Rusty grunted and gestured, looking unhappy. Dale said, “We bury him. We hide him.”

  “I’ll help.” Mike had a range of equipment strapped to his back, including a small tent. He produced a shovel, which he unfolded the handle on.

  “Do you know who he is, Dale?” I asked.

  “He’s stiyaha.”

  “Are those the one’s that only come out at night?”

  He grunted in reply, grabbing the feet of the corpse and dragging him into the forest. “We hide now,” he rasped.

  I waited for them to dig the grave, my mind filled with worry. Something had killed an eight-foot Sasquatch, which was an astonishing feat. It took the men a better part of an hour to dig a hole deep enough to bury the corpse in. After the chore was complete, we continued on, although the apes were now visibly anxious, sniffing frequently and scouring the ground for tracks. Dale was up ahead with Mike and Rusty bringing up the rear. The rest of the day was uneventful, and we stopped before dark, gathering food and erecting our shelters. The scientists had small tents and sleeping bags, while I would sleep between Dale and Rusty with nothing more than a tarp over my head.

  George and Dr. Haynes shared a flask, while I sat on Dale’s lap before the fire, staring into the flames. “What do you think happened to Leonard?”

  “It’s hard to say, Porsche,” said Connor. “It’s not uncommon for members of a tribe to leave and join other groups. It happens with the great apes, and I’ve observed it with the Sasquatches.”

  “He wouldn’t just leave me.” It hurt to think that Leonard woke up one morning and decided to wander off without saying one word to anyone. He might be a throwback to a hairy Neanderthal, but he loved me. I knew he did. Dale rubbed my tummy, his thumb making lazy circles. I hadn’t fed Lendal all day, and my breasts were beginning to strain from the pressure. I wrapped my arms around Dale’s neck. “I miss Leonard.”

  “Don’t be sad, Porsche,” he rasped.

  He smelled pungent, like animal hide. “My boobs are full.” This announcement had his cock twitching beneath me. “Give ‘em a suck, Dale. Please.” I knew Mike was watching, as were the other men. It was slightly thrilling to be the center of attention and the object of lust. My reasons for whipping my t-shirt over my head and unclasping my bra were mostly out of sheer need, but…it was naughty doing so in Mike’s proximity. I knew he wanted me. I didn’t have to be a rocket scientist to figure that out. Dale closed his lips over a nipple, the breast suddenly hardening and exploding with milk. The letdown reflex had me leaning into him, my head resting on his shoulder. “You have to get the other one too.”

  “If you need any help…I’d be happy to offer…er…my services,” said Mike. He sat on a rock with a tin cup in his hand, looking boyishly appealing.

  I eyed him. “That’s sweet of you to offer.”

  “Gotta pull my weight around camp. No slackers here.” His grin was enormous.

  “I bet,” I giggled. Rusty grumbled from across the campfire, jealous that Dale was attached to my boobs. I waved to him. “Come here, Rusty.”

  Mike made a sad face. “What about me?”

  “I’m sorry. They might get mad, if you…touch me.” This announcement clearly disappointed him. I didn’t want to stir up discord within the tribe, and I didn’t want them to harm Mike. Having witnessed the horror of a Sasquatch attack, this was to be avoided at all costs. After the pressure in my boobs had been relieved, I washed up in the stream and returned to camp. It would be a quiet night; the scientists were exhausted, and the Sasquatches were ready for bed. I snuggled into Dale, with Rusty’s hand on my hip, and succumbed to sleep, my bed-buddies snoring softly.

  “I’ve got good news,” said Dr. Haynes.

  I sat next to him by the fire in the morning. “What?”

  “Leonard’s been stationary since last night. We might be able to catch up today.”

  “Thank God.” I ran fingers though my tangled hair and yawned. “What the hell’s gotten into him?”

  “Who can say? Maybe he wants to be the alpha male and start his own tribe. Apes are transitory, Porsche. They move from group to group. I know Leonard has a strong bond with you, but he is an animal after all.”

  His words bothered me greatly. “He wouldn’t leave me, Connor. He wouldn’t just walk off without telling me where he was going.”

  “As advanced as they are with tools, socialization, and communication, they’re anthropoid mammals. They’re unpredictable and dangerous. He’s the father of your child and your lover, but he’s an ape first.”

  “I have to make biscuits.” This conversation was getting on my nerves. “Your scientific mumbo jumbo’s just great, but I know Leonard. He’s more human than animal. Something’s wrong.”

  After breakfast, we packed and headed out again. My emotions were a minefield of anxiety and fear, wondering what I would find at the end of the day, when we came upon Leonard. With any luck, we would see him in a few hours, if he continued to remain stationary. The hike took us through lichen-covered boulders that looked like giants had placed them on the ground. Western hemlocks and Douglas-firs blocked out the sun almost completely. We were gaining in elevation, and it was getting chilly. I slid my arms into a sweater and continued walking, my feet crunching over twigs and leaves. By lunch, we stopped to make a fire and take a break.

  “How are you, Porsche?” asked Mike.


  “Did your parents like that car or something?”


  “Your name.”

  “Oh, yeah. Dad always wanted a 911.” His smile was endearing. “Leonard found gold. I’m bringing a nugget home. Maybe my parents can sell it. It might pay for a car.”

  Mike’s brows lifted. “Gold?”

  I nodded and made a fist. “This big.”

  “Jesus. Don’t go broadcasting that information.”

  “Who am I gonna tell?” I waved an arm in the air. “There’s nobody here.”

  “You told me.”

  “Are you saying I can’t trust you?”

  “I’m not the one you’ve got to worry about. There are opportunists with no scruples. The economy sucks. People are desperate. This entire area could be overrun with gold prospectors.”

  “Sorry I said anything.”

  He touched my shoulder. “You just need to be careful.”

  “How do I know you’re not an opportunist?”

  “You don’t. You don’t know anything about me.” We stared at each other for a long moment. “But I’d like to get to know you, Porsche.”

  I tingled from his look. “I’m cool with that.” He smiled. The grunting of a Sasquatch had my attention. “What’s going on?” Dale and Rusty had lit on a scent earlier, and they had gone to investigate. “Did they find Leonard?”

  Dr. Haynes and George appeared. “An ape’s been here,” said Connor. They found an old campfire.”

  “Does it smell like Leonard?”


  I gasped, “Oh, thank God.”

  “He was here not that long ago.”

  I smiled at Mike. “We’re so close.”

  He didn’t return the smile. “Yep.”

  After we had eaten, we set out again, but this time, I was near the lead, excited that I would see Leonard soon. It was another three hours before Dr. Haynes stopped to check his phone, indicating Leonard’s position.

  “I got him.” He pointed left. “Head that way.”

  We veered off the path and made our way through the underbrush, the ends of plants scratching my legs. I rushed to catch up with Dale, who wheezed his way along with
lengthy strides. We were on a steep incline.

  Mike came up behind me. “I hear water.”

  I could make out a patch of blue up ahead, knowing we were approaching the edge of a cliff. As a group, we emerged onto a rocky ledge, with a narrow valley below occupied by a gushing river. I stepped closer, breaking a rock loose, which tumbled down the side of the slope, making a cracking noise.

  Strong hands grabbed me, pulling me back from the edge. “What the fuck are you doing?” It was Mike’s angry voice.


  Dale grunted and pointed below into the gorge, where something dark moved in the water. “Leonard,” he rasped.

  Chapter Five

  I strained to get a better look, because a strong arm was around my midsection. “What’s he doing?”

  “Fishing,” said George.

  “Is he by himself?” asked Connor.

  “It appears that way.”

  “Shouldn’t we go down and let him know we’re here?” I asked.

  “It’s best to let the Sasquatches establish communication,” said Connor. “Let them break the ice.”

  I pushed Mike, stepping out of his clutches. “Well, that sucks. We came all this way. I want to see him.”

  “You will when it’s safe,” said Mike. “Let Dale and Rusty go down first.”

  “We’ll find a good spot to watch,” said George. “Come on, guys.”

  I hated the fact that I could not go to Leonard, but I had no choice in the matter, so I followed the scientists to an outcropping, with an unimpeded view of the gorge. There was indeed a Sasquatch in the water, fishing. My nerves were a bundle of anxious knots, waiting for the younger Bigfoots to arrive. I sat with my legs before me, Indian style, while Mike was behind, crouching. The sun had dipped behind the trees, the sunset deepening the shadows in the forest and bringing cooler air.

  A noisy growling echoed in the ravine, and I leaned forward to get a better view. Again an arm went around me. “I’m not letting you fall off this cliff.”

  I pushed him. “I’m not.”

  “Then stay back.”

  I ignored him, leaning forward to see Dale and Rusty emerge from the trees. Leonard growled threateningly, the fur on top of his head standing on end. What happened next was a shock. Leonard rushed out of the water towards his tribe mates with teeth bared and fists closed, ready to pummel his compatriots with unprovoked violence.

  “What’s he doing?” I was on my hands and knees, dangerously close to the edge of the cliff, with a muscled arm around me that refused to let go. “Why would he attack like that?” Tears were in my eyes.

  “Try to stay calm, Porsche,” said Dr. Haynes. “It’s typical aggressive behavior. Let’s see what happens.”

  Leonard growled, pounding Rusty’s head with a ferocity that was sickening to watch. Blood streamed down the fur of the young Sasquatch’s face. I struggled in Mike’s arms. “Why’s he doing that? Omigod! He’s going to kill him!” Dale, with teeth bared, jumped on Leonard, biting him in the neck to protect Rusty. The apes fell to the ground, rolling in the rocky water, shrieking noisily, the sound echoing into the distance. It sounded like two leopards tearing each other apart. “Somebody make them stop! They’re going to kill each other!” I choked on my tears, shaking with fear and anguish. What had happened to Leonard? Why would he attack apes he knew? Leonard suddenly jumped to his feet and tore into the woods, leaving broken branches in his wake. Rusty and Dale took off after him. I sat on the cliff confused and horrified.

  “I wasn’t expecting that,” said George. “Why the hostile behavior?”

  “I don’t know,” said Connor. “Perhaps, he was protecting his hunting ground. Or he felt threatened by the apes. He didn’t seem to recognize them.”

  I’d succumbed to tears, my shoulders slumping. Mike’s arms went around me. I turned and hugged him, burying my face in his neck. “That was so awful,” I sobbed. “Are they coming back?”

  “I don’t know, Porsche. Let’s make camp,” said Dr. Haynes. “Rusty and Dale know where to find us.”

  We stayed away from the water, out of fear that Leonard might return and attack. The scientists set up their tents, and we ate canned beans and granola bars for dinner. Rusty and Dale hadn’t returned, and I despaired that something awful had happened to them. I fought back tears, my tummy knotted up with worry. When it was time for bed, I knew I would be in Mike’s tent. My breasts were aching, they were so full, and I had no means to relieve them, other than self-expressing.

  I crawled into the tent and took my top off, unhooking the bra. “You have to help me.”

  A crooked smile turned up the corners of his mouth. “I can’t tell you how happy that’d make me.”

  “Oh, stop it, and suck. They hurt.”

  “Anything to help, darlin’.”

  I laid on his thin sleeping bag, my heavy breasts spilling over my chest. “This has nothing to do with me liking you in a sexual way.”

  “Of course not.” He drew near; the bulge in his shorts was pronounced. “Those tits are magnificent.”

  “Shut up, and suck.”

  “I like pushy women,” he chuckled. “I’m partial to sexy blondes too.”

  I didn’t want to tingle everywhere, when he smiled at me like that. He was far too handsome, with a wonderfully outlined jaw and high cheekbones. His lips were full and soft looking. I knew that I would let him have me…all of me. I should have been in grief over the events that had transpired, and I was, but I had learned to live in the moment, just like the apes. I took whatever food was available, whatever shelter could be found, and whatever warm and willing arms would hold me.

  His lips closed over a nipple, releasing a gush of milk, which sprayed wildly. This action made my other breast leak, the thin streams wetting us both.

  “Good God, woman,” he laughed. “You’re outta control.”

  “They’re really full.”

  “Should I call Connor and George? This might be more than I can handle.”

  “Just suck,” I giggled.

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  His three-day beard felt abrasive, yet wonderful, against my skin. It was a pronounced difference from my furry lovers. While he sucked, I threaded fingers through his hair, feeling the silky strands. My pussy began to contract with each pull, the wetness seeping into my panties. I flung my head against the sleeping bag, moaning. “Oh, Mike.” He stripped himself of clothing, first his t-shirt and then his shorts, producing a pale, long looking cock. I wrapped my hand around it, feeling wetness. “It’s so hard.”

  “Seeing you the other night turned me on real bad. You’ve no idea how hot you are.” He pulled my shorts down, along with my panties. “I wish you were my mountain woman. I’ve been waiting for someone like you my whole life.”

  I didn’t want his words to affect me, but they did. “Stop talking, and suck.”

  He came over me, pressing the length of his body to mine. It felt soft and smooth, so unlike Sasquatch pelt. We fit together perfectly; his hips were wedged between my thighs, his cock prodding. His mouth closed around a nipple. It was impossible to lay like this with Leonard because of his size. I relished my human lover, running my hand over his back, massaging and feeling the muscles moving beneath his skin.

  “God, Porsche…” I kissed him; his lips were wonderfully soft. Our tongues met, intensifying the connection. He tasted like honeyed sweetness, warm and intoxicating. “I could kiss you forever.”

  “Shee…don’t talk.” I pushed against him, and he fell to his back. My hand rested on his chest, feeling his heart beating. “Are you married?”

  He looked indignant. “No. I wouldn’t be doing this if I was.”


  “No. It’s hard when I’m not around. Chicks don’t like to be abandoned.”

  Why his personal life was suddenly so important confused me. “You…oh, never mind. I should suck this cock.”

  “You can ask me anything you want.”

>   “Later.” I kissed his chest. “You’re a hot looking guy.”

  “Thanks,” he murmured. “You’re a beautiful woman.”

  “You’ve already said that.”

  “I’ll say it every day, if you want me to.” The object of my lust neared, the pale shaft twitching, demanding attention. He smelled musky, the heady aroma teasing me. I closed my mouth around the tip, sucking. “Oh, God…honey…” Not nearly as long or as thick as a Sasquatch, he was easy to take to the back of the throat, where I gagged on the length. Fingers drove through the strands of my hair. “It’s so good.” I suckled the cleaved top, nibbling lightly around the edges. Then I laved each side, my tongue running down the shaft to the base. “I’ve just died and gone to heaven.”

  “Your penis is nice.”

  “It’s not as big as a monster cock.”

  “Sometimes they’re too much.” I lowered on him, taking every inch down my throat.

  “Let me do that to you.”

  “I want you in me.” I fell to the sleeping bag. “I want you now, Mike.”

  His hand was on my tummy, moving south. “I should spend some time here.” He slid into my wetness. The swollen lips of my labia closed around his finger. “Whoa, you’re dripping.”

  I reached for him. “If you don’t fuck me this instant, I’m getting one of the scientists.”

  “No.” He leaned over me, his lips touching my cheek. “You’re mine.”

  The possessive tone in his voice sent tingles into my tummy. “Please, Mike. I need you.” He came between my legs, his cock finding my moist entrance, the tip embedding easily. “Oh, yes!” One push and he was in deep. “Oh, Mike, yes. Fuck me.”

  “Porsche,” he groaned.

  My fingertips dug into his glutes, feeling the muscles moving. His skin was soft and nearly hairless, so different than what I was used to. It didn’t itch having him rubbing up against me. I wrapped my legs around his midsection, bringing him closer. His cock drove into my silken tunnel, producing a tingling rush of heat that had me gasping. Our bodies pressed together, straining and moving; the feeling was gloriously erotic.


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