Blue Maneuver-Urban SciFi/Fantasy (Extraterrestrial security program)

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Blue Maneuver-Urban SciFi/Fantasy (Extraterrestrial security program) Page 23

by Linda Andrews

  The scene faded to black before red and yellow words filled the screen. News flash. I waited while a map of Arizona popped up on the screen. Red filled many of the southern counties. Flash flood warnings ran across the bottom half of the state, while the news scroll listed the affected areas and times. I leaned forward and watched for my parents' area.

  The map shrunk to the left corner unveiling a suitably serious looking young woman standing under an umbrella. Police cars provided a back drop to her broadcast. Their red and blue strobing lights painted the hotel behind them garish colors. Black silhouettes of cops strode in and out of the open door of one room. Number twelve.

  I knew that room. I'd never forget it. I died in that room. "Uh-oh."

  "Earlier this evening, police responded to an urgent 9-1-1 call. A hysterical woman led them to this room." The perky news personality pointed a manicured finger to my old hotel room. "Where police discovered a grisly murder scene. Witnesses at the scene have helped compile a profile of the man reported fleeing the scene. He is described as a white male, twenty-five to thirty years of age, with short blond hair and green eyes."

  A composite of Tobias flashed on the screen.

  "Police ask that you call them immediately if you see him and do not approach him under any circumstances. He is presumed dangerous."

  Chapter Eighteen

  "Tobias!" I glared at the woman on the TV screen at the foot of my bed. God I hated news personalities. All they did was parrot the government line with fake smiles, capped teeth and heavy make-up. "Tobias!"

  "Here." Propped against the door jamb, he scrubbed a towel through his dripping hair.

  "I've got to get to the police." With my hands glued together by the cell phone clasped under my palms, I pointed to the TV. A commercial for singles in my area dying to hear from me played in pixilated soft porn. Son of a monkey's butt! Why couldn't anything do what it was supposed to when other people were watching? Gritting my teeth, I scooted across the bed toward the bathroom.

  Tobias stretched the damp towel between his hands and began folding it. "Why do you need to get to the police?"

  I bounced to the edge of the mattress, placed my feet on the low pile carpeting and stood up. Static buzzed inside my head and the world spun. My knees buckled from my weight and hit the carpet. A slow flame flared through my pants to ignite my flesh as I collapsed. Blackness crowded my vision. Damn but I hated rug burns almost as much as paper cuts.

  Diving across the space, Tobias caught my torso before I cracked my skull on the nightstand. "You're not in any shape to go anywhere."

  My vision blurred as I stared at the wood grained table, just inches from my nose. "Give me a minute and I'll be all right."

  I swallowed the bile rising in my throat. Maybe. Lifting my hand to brush the hair out of my eyes, I conked myself on the forehead with the phone. Stars joined the Tilt-A-Whirl spinning through my equilibrium. Then again, maybe I'd need an hour or two.

  "No, I'm not going to give you a minute or an hour or a day." Tobias draped me over his shoulder. "You're staying here, in this facility."

  The carpet receded in telescopic vision when he stood. Whoa! My brain didn't need that; sourness flooded my mouth. Neither did my stomach. "I can't. You don't understand. Now that your photo has been posted on the news, every two bit snake will be looking to find you. Heck the station is probably already flooded with calls, telling Po-po where you are."


  "Oh my God! The cameras on the freeways." I pounded my fists on his back. "They're always on. The police have probably already tracked us here. We have to move again and avoid Big Brother's traffic cameras while doing it."

  "You're getting hysterical." He tapped my backside.

  I yelped and straightened. My hair grazed the light recessed in the ceiling. "I am not. No doubt, Big Brother offered a reward for your arrest. Times are bad. Real bad for some. People are losing their homes and an extra twenty grand will be a great government bail out."


  "Don't Rae me." I wiggled in his hold trying to break free and slide to the ground. "People will do anything for a buck. Heck some folks will turn you in just to have their five minutes of fame."

  "We're staying put, Rae. That's final."

  I swallowed the rest of my arguments. For now, but not forever. "For how long?"

  "As long as it takes. Don’t worry; I’ve got people taking care of the evidence collected at the crime scene."

  My toes brushed the mattress then I tumbled backward. For an instant weightlessness embraced me, held me suspended in mid-air like a car at the top of the highest peak of a rollercoaster. Then I was falling. My hair waved like a banner around my cheeks. Air rushed by my ears and my gut clenched.

  I loved falling; it was the landing that I hated.

  My bottom hit the mattress then my back and thighs. The springs gave with a creak then thrust me back up into the air. Gravity tugged me quickly back down. I tried to spread my arms, by my hands were still clasped in prayer around the Smartphone.

  Tobias set his hand on my stomach until the mattress cradled my weight. "You enjoyed that."

  That was so not the point. I set my clasped hands on his. "When can we go to the police?"


  "What!" I tried to sit up.

  He moved his hand to my shoulder and pinned me down. "Rae, we can't involve the local authorities in this business. This is an extraterrestrial matter. Spec Forces will deal with it. Quietly, with no local LEOs involved."

  "Leos?" I chased the word around my thoughts. What the heck did astrology have to do with anything?

  "Law enforcement officers."

  "Oh." Right. Should have gotten that from watching those crime dramas. "But they're already involved. They found my blood in our hotel room. All I'm asking is to go downtown and let them know I’m okay."

  My skin crawled at the notion. No I wasn't big on trusting the LEOs. I didn't want to have anything to do with the government at all, but too much was at stake not to do this simple thing. We couldn't keep an eye out for the cops and look for Ulla and her thugs at the same time. We might blink and miss something.


  What kind of argument was that? I counted to five. Then ten. Anger still crackled under my skin. "Yes, I am." I forced the words through my teeth. "I'm not ET, I can march into the pig den and tell the cops that I'm okay and to stop looking for you."

  Tobias curled a damp lock of my hair around his finger. "And how will you explain all the blood at the scene?"

  Blood. An image of crimson speckled walls welled up from my memory. There had been a lot of blood. "I cut myself."

  Yeah, I know. Lame with a capital 'l'.

  "Where?" He tugged on the curl. "Show me a cut or a scar anywhere on your person."

  I raised my hands and glanced at my arms. Aw snap. Freckles marred my pale skin but no other marks, not even the two pock marks I'd gotten from chicken pox when I was nine. Even the stupid tattoo on my forearm seemed to have faded. Still, I couldn't give up. "My stomach. I bet I have a scar from where Ulla stabbed me."

  I used my clasped hands as a shovel and scraped my shirt up. Cool air washed up my belly and skimmed the bottoms of my breasts. Crap on a cracker! I'd forgotten I wasn't wearing a bra.

  Tobias's gaze fastened on my exposed skin. His pupils dilated until his green eyes were nearly black. Trembling fingers hovered above my belly button before his hand closed into a fist.

  Lust shimmered through me. Okay, so the feeling was mutual. What was he going to do about it?

  "Nope. No scars." He jerked my shirt down and rose from the bed.

  I dug my heels into the mattress, recoiling under the whip of rejection. I wasn't going to do that again. Ever. Not that I had intended it to be a seductive move. "So there's no proof that I bled on the carpet?"

  "Exactly." Tobias strode to the dresser and stared at this open duffle bag. "You're staying put."

  "And what are you going to do?"
  He carefully tucked his socks, tee-shirts and tidy-whities into the top drawer of the dresser. "I need to check out a few things."

  I rolled onto my side and pushed with my hands until I sat up. "Without me?" I winced at the shrill note of betrayal in my voice. "I thought we were a team. I thought I was supposed to help you find the APres Guarda with my vast knowledge of Earthbound human habits."

  "And you will." He shut the drawer and pressed on the edge of the bag. "When the time is right."

  "No, I won't." I knew that tone. It was engraved on my heart. My parents had used it every time they hied off to participate in a protest that landed them in jail. And me in CPS custody. "You're leaving me behind to keep me safe, protected. I won't have it. I won't."

  I banged the Smartphone on my knee trying to break its hold on my hands.

  "This is my fight too. This is my world, my home. My family and friends are here. My life is here." I wiped the hot tears on my sleeves. My throat tightened until each word felt like a stone in my throat. "I have a right to defend my planet. More than any of you, I have that right!"

  Tobias whirled around to face me. "And die too. Again? How many times can you die? How many pieces can Ulla carve you into before the CeeBees can't put you back together? Can't bring you back?"

  I inhaled the pain of his words, tasted the bitterness and fear—his and mine twined so tightly they were inseparable.

  "It's my life." I raised my chin and stared at his blurry, pale face. "If I can't spend it protecting those I love, then what's the point?"

  Three strides carried him to my side then he wrapped his hands around my shoulders and lifted me onto my knees. "It's not just your life, obecht. It's mine and Layla's, Kuma's and Minor's. I won't have them killed because of a gung-ho rookie."

  I opened my mouth to argue but he placed his finger across it.

  "And it's not just them. It's the dozens of operatives stationed in this state, the thousands positioned in this country, tens of thousands on this continent and the millions stationed on distant outposts in the Milky Way. All their names were encoded in your DNA when you joined the UED."

  "I would never give anyone up." I shook my head. How could he think such a thing? Didn't he know me at all? "Never."

  "They can take it from your corpse, because your CeeBees will keep it around forever." He rested his forehead against mine. "It's happened before. A century of bloody purges, a setback that took the UED a millennia to recover from."

  I breathed in the warm, citrus scent of soap from his skin. "I can wipe the data from the CeeBees if I'm caught."

  I knew I could. I don't know how I knew, but I did.

  "How?" Tobias leaned back to look into my eyes.

  "The CeeBees will use the salts in this body to create an electrical current." The words came out of my mouth without being filtered through my brain. The CeeBee's had taken control of me. Who cared why as long as they went along with my plan? All that mattered was that I remain part of the team to do my part. "The EMP will obliterate all trace of information and potentially overload any nearby electrical equipment."

  His mouth thinned. "And what happens to you?"

  I rested the back of my hand against his smooth-shaven cheek. "If I'm caught, I'm dead anyway. I don't want to suffer." I didn't want to die either, but if that was what it took… "At least this way, it will be quick and maybe I can do a little damage to boot."

  He squeezed his eyes closed for a moment then jerked away from me. He raked the damp towel off the floor before storming to the dresser. "I won't add your name to my memorial armlet."

  He would too. I sniffed and dried my tears. "Douche."

  His lips quirked and he chucked the towel into the mesh hamper set-up in the corner. "I really need to look up that word."

  "You do that and I bet you find a picture of yourself next to the definition." I crept inchworm-style to the head of the bed. "What can I do in the meantime?"

  "Finish syncing with the datapad and eat something." He completed folding the duffle to briefcase size and tucked it under his arm. "I'll be back before Layla releases you for active duty."

  Rest and eat. I was beginning to feel like a queen bee in her hive. I piled the pillows against the headboard and plumped them up before settling against them. "Aye, aye, Captain."

  "It's Colonel." Once across the room, he paused by my bed. "And try to stay out of trouble."

  I shook my head. "No can do. Trouble and I are old friends."

  Rolling his eyes, he strode out the door. "Then at least don't trash my room."

  His room? Aw snap. I'd invaded his space. Crossing my legs at the ankles, I smiled. Turn about was fair play. A smirking Cary Grant seemed to agree with me.

  The Smartphone chirped and dropped from my hands.

  What the heck? I stared at the screen. Four icons. I recognized the muffin for communications, the King of Spades card for my games, the Knight on his horse had my CeeBee disguises but the fourth one was new. A serpent crawled through an apple and flashed his fangs at me.

  Okay. I dried my sweaty palms on the blanket then tapped the snake's nose.

  The icon enlarged until its mouth swallowed the screen in darkness. I shivered as the fangs slowly receded. God, I hope I didn't just infect the system again. A green stylized image of the Earth flashed on the screen. Underneath a solid blue line, hieroglyphs, Chinese characters and Arabic letters appeared.

  Sweat broke out across my upper lip.

  Son of a monkey's butt! This was the information from Ulla's dead husband—the stuff that had infected the computers and caused us to bug out.

  "No. No. No!" I smacked the screen trying to make it go away. "You can't be here."

  The graphic of Earth faded to blue screen.

  My shoulders sagged in relief. "Oh thank you Jesus."

  White letters scrolled across the screen. All data is certified to be 100% virus free.

  I blinked. No. Impossible. "Who certified it as virus free?"


  Oh snap. I dropped the Smartphone. The CeeBees were in contact with me. "Why are you talking to me? You're not supposed to talk to me. Doesn't that violate your programming?"

  Our assistance falls within study parameters.

  "What study?" I poked the cell but the screen didn't change. Must be nice to answer when you wanted. I didn't trust the little Spam dots. Not one bit. But I needed the information.

  To help Colonel Tobias Werner uncover the traitor.

  My fingers skimmed the cold plastic casing. Ulla's husband had sent the data containing the traitor's name?

  Traitors. The list is extensive. Members are pervasive in both UED and Coalition Spec Forces.

  I rubbed my chin. Traitors, more than one. Everywhere. I glanced at the open bedroom door. Even here? Shadows moved in the hall and I scooped up the cell and flattened it against my pounding chest.

  No one somersaulted through the open door, gun in hand to demand the Smartphone. Instead, I heard a baritone mumble then Layla's chuckle. I shook off the feeling of being an outsider. Nothing unusual there.

  Sighing, I glanced down at the screen.

  The information has been isolated from Spec Forces computers.

  Right. No one knew I had it but me. I cracked my knuckles. "Show me the information."

  The green Earth graphic materialized on the screen. One-by-one alien symbols popped up underneath it. "Um, I can't read that."

  The information is encrypted.

  Unbelievable. I just bet the little blue pains in my behind were forbidden to decipher it too. "Can you decipher it?"

  The encryption is designed to be read only by MaryJane Radiance Hemplewhite.

  My palms itched. Since Ulla's husband didn't know me from a pig in a blanket that meant the CeeBees were testing me and my intelligence. I sucked on my bottom lip. As if I didn't have enough to worry about my intelligence was now being measured against some diabolical yardstick. God only knew what would happen if I failed.
r />   Study terminated came to mind.

  I scrolled through the solid mass of characters. Think, Rae, think.

  A commercial with beautiful horny women breathed heavily through the television.

  Yeah, didn't need that in my head. "Turn off the TV."

  Static electricity crackled as the set faded to black.

  I punched the pillows behind my back and wiggled into place. Okay. If this was a test designed specifically for me then it had to be in English. I only knew English. Any other language would be like trying to teach a chimpanzee how to give a thumbs-up. Useless and impossible. Something told me the CeeBees regarded me as level pegging with the chimp on the intelligence scale. I stared at the alien characters. Based on my assumptions, those symbols were meant to trip me up.

  I eyed the oval-shape with a tail. There were an awful lot of those sperm-like symbols and no spaces. There had to be spaces. Humans needed the break to know where one word began and another ended. "Exchange a blank space for every sperm on the page."

  The symbols popped like soap bubbles. Victory trilled through me. The remaining characters were in paragraphs, sentences and salutation. The first page was a letter or memo. "Ha!"

  Maybe a chimp could be taught to hitchhike. Now I needed to look for the most likely symbol for 'e'. I skimmed the page for the most prevalent character.


  I slammed the Smartphone face down on the bed and tried not to startle myself onto the floor.

  Technician Minor leaned inside my doorway. His lean features glowed green in the light of the electronic tablet he held. "Layla would like to see you once you're finished syncing with the CeeBees."

  Syncing with the CeeBees sounded like a Hollywood musical. I cleared the fright from my throat and forced a smile. "You bet. I'll be right there."

  Minor smoothed the wispy hairs of his moustache. His forehead rippled with thought. "You look guilty. Have you been doing something you shouldn't?"


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