All's Fair in Love and Mastery

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All's Fair in Love and Mastery Page 14

by Sparrow Beckett

  “So you weren’t planning on having sex with me at all here this week?”

  He mumbled something she couldn’t make out. Then, “It was a difficult enough decision when I was alone in my apartment. Now that we’re here I have to admit I should have put them in the bag.”

  She rolled on top of him, straddling his stomach and pinning his unresisting arms above his head by the wrists. “So maybe for the rest of the week I should top you.”

  “And how would that help?” he asked, looking mildly amused.

  “A little orgasm denial, some teasing, ruined orgasms. It would make my week a lot more fun.”

  He arched a Dommy eyebrow at her. “I’ve never been interested in cock and ball torture, and I’m definitely not submitting to a Smurf.”

  “Get it straight, Ellis. I’m a pixie, not a Smurf.” She let go of his wrists to sit up and punch his chest. When he only chuckled in response, she flicked his nipple.

  Faster than she could react, his hand snapped out and he grabbed one of her nipples tightly between thumb and forefinger. Pain shot through her breast, zinging straight down to between her legs. She cried out, and squealed as he slowly increased the pressure. She panted and squirmed on top of him, eventually mewling for mercy.

  “What? You didn’t like that game?” His bright gaze had gone almost feverish, and she couldn’t believe how fast he could flip from playful to dominant.

  She clutched her breast and pouted at him. “Prick.”

  “No.” He grabbed her hips and slid her down his body until her pussy was settled on the length of his hard cock. “That’s my prick.”

  Pleasure at the contact, even with the two thin layers of clothing between them, made her roll her hips, masturbating herself on his dick.

  He swatted her ass cheek and she groaned in frustration, rocking harder against him. “So can we go back to where you were standing in your room at home, deciding not to bring the condoms, so I can smack you?”

  “It’s funny how I was just thinking the same thing. Do you have any idea how hard it is to resist you when you’re making a concerted effort to be irresistible? You’ve been driving me crazy for months. It’s really not fair.”

  “It’s fair considering the fact that you’ve been doing the same to me, being all aloof and grumpy. So you can’t get what you want from me—does that really mean we can’t have fun while we’re together?”

  “I can’t be expected to answer that with a clear mind while you’re dry humping me,” he rasped.

  “Mmm . . . but this is fun,” she said sweetly, loving the feel of his hardness against her softness, the head of his cock rubbing against her clit hood. She was going to have to stop before things went too far, but she wished she could just strip down and feel his big naked body against hers.


  She pouted, but rolled off of him, then pressed the heel of her hand against her throbbing clit. “Maybe sharing a room was a mistake. If you really don’t want anything to happen between us this week, I’ll do my best to respect that. It’s just that ever since we were together the first time I haven’t stopped wanting you. What happened at the wedding only made me want more.”

  “I know the feeling.”

  “You know the feeling, so you’ve been working your frustration off on any girl who catches your fancy,” she said, trying to keep the bitterness out of her voice.

  “You’re actually jealous.”

  “For such a smart guy you can be such an idiot.”

  “Don’t make me spank you.”

  She arched a brow at him. Was that supposed to be a threat? He knew her better than that.

  “When I saw Sarah giving you her number it was all I could do not to shove my way between you and growl at her.” She shrugged. “I understand the attraction. She can give you everything you want. She’s a good, obedient submissive, and she’d wear your collar without hesitation if you made the offer. I know she would.”

  “I’ve considered her.”

  Those three words were like a knife in her heart, which was stupid. Of course he’d considered her. What Dominant in his right mind wouldn’t?

  “I’d have to get to know her better before I offered her a collar though. I don’t even know if we’re compatible. And I’m sure she’s probably insulted that I haven’t called her yet.”

  He hadn’t called her!


  That fact filled her with a mixture of hope and horror. The “yet” wasn’t a word she liked at all.

  “And as for me working off my frustration on whoever came along, I don’t know where you’re getting your information, but it’s inaccurate. I haven’t had sex with anyone but you since the first time we were together,” he said sourly. “I’m not the one spending quality time with three Norwegian metalheads.”

  Her face flamed.

  He hadn’t had sex with anyone else since they’d been together?

  “Just because I’ve played with them doesn’t mean I’ve slept with them. If you’re interested in details, though, I’ve heard they’ve considered making me a regular. They’re all pretty dominant, so I’m not sure how that would work. I guess they’d have to flip a coin to find out who got which hole.”

  “You haven’t slept with them?” he asked, brows raised.

  “No. I haven’t slept with any of them. I haven’t slept with anyone except you since our first night together either. I didn’t think it would be fair for me to get off thinking about you while I was with another guy. That’s just bad manners.”

  “Exactly. That’s why I haven’t been with anyone else. That’s why I didn’t call Sarah back. That’s why I didn’t let Juliet’s sister have her tawdry, vanilla way with me.”

  “Which sister? Emma?”

  “Yes, Emma.”

  She tsked at him. “You need to stop being so evil if you want a nice girl. I don’t get the impression punishment anal would go over well there.” Emma was a nice girl, but then, that was the whole problem. Grant and his proclivities would freak out a nice girl.

  “Do I seem like the kind of man who has the patience to train a new submissive?”

  “No, but I never would have guessed Will was either. Maybe the Callahans just have magic vanilla-seducing genetics.”

  “That woman was never on my radar.”

  But Sarah was. That fact scared the crap out of her. If she didn’t give him something—throw him a bit of a bone—he might end up in a committed, exclusive relationship with Sarah within days of going home.

  He ran a hand through her hair, the gesture feeling strangely intimate.

  Tears pricked her eyes and made her throat feel thick. She couldn’t give him what he wanted, and yet if she didn’t she was going to lose him entirely.

  Make a decision, Dex. This week might be your last chance.

  She pictured Will and Juliet’s wedding, but in her version it was Grant and Sarah.

  Jealous rage flared through her, and a hopelessness she couldn’t live with. If she lost him because she was too chickenshit to accept him on his terms, she’d never forgive herself.

  She loved him. Honestly, she’d loved him for years, but this new love went deeper than that and it scared the hell out of her.

  He wrapped a lock of her hair around his finger, tugging deliciously. “I can still smell you on me and it’s driving me crazy.”

  She grimaced. “Well, we can’t really do anything about it, can we? Between the boat ride back to the mainland dock, and then driving far enough to find civilization, going to find condoms will probably take us a day or two. Unless there’s some in the gift shop?” she asked hopefully.

  “No, there isn’t.”

  “You already looked?”

  “You bet your ass I did.”

  She rolled on her side and looked at him and he did the same, putting them within
a couple of inches of each other. Looking him directly in the eyes did something strange to her belly lately. It made her feel special, but it also made her want to cry. He looked at her like he saw her—the real her—and not some other version of her that he would have preferred.

  “So what, then?” he asked. “We’re going to fool around together while we’re here and not think about what happens when we get home?”

  She sighed. “I’m already breaking my rules sharing a room with you. Can’t we just let things happen this week and see where they lead?” She sucked in a breath and pushed ahead before she could talk herself out of it. “You’re wearing me down on the relationship thing, but I can’t just forget about what happened to me the last time I trusted someone.”

  Her stomach lurched, objecting to her plans to take things past her comfort zone.

  A small smile ghosted across his lips, but he suppressed it. “I’m not expecting you to forget about it. I just want a chance with you.”

  “Well, you’re getting a chance against my better judgment.”

  He chewed his bottom lip. “You’d have to agree to be exclusive until things between us end.”

  “We already are exclusive.”

  “I mean the kind of exclusive where you don’t play with other people and I don’t play with other people. I’m not just talking about sex.”

  She sighed, not wanting to give in, but knowing she wouldn’t get him to agree any other way. Besides, the thought of him even playing with Sarah made her all stabby.

  “No more Norwegians?” she asked sadly.

  She never would have admitted it to anyone at the club, but Loke, Geir, and Rune, together as a group, sort of did scare her. On the two occasions she’d been brave enough to spend time with the three of them, she’d ended up safewording and leaving early. They were nice guys, but the fact that there were three of them and they liked sharing got pretty damn overwhelming, even to someone with her level of experience. It was a lot of terrifying attention to have focused on one woman. Grant was scary in a similar way, but at least there was only one of him. She’d realized about fifteen minutes into her first Norwegian session that she was hella glad she’d put sex on a hard limit list with them before she’d even gone over. Whoever they ended up with long-term was going to need a chiropractor and possibly a permanent neck brace.

  “No more Norwegians,” he said insistently. “You’re just going to have to learn to tolerate sex with old one-dick, here.”

  He was too happy. It was making her uncomfortable. It wasn’t like she was agreeing to marry him or wear his collar, and yet he was acting like he was getting everything he wanted.

  She gazed into his eyes and fought down the overwhelming wave of warmth she always felt when she was with him. Getting carried away now and letting him believe things that weren’t true wouldn’t be fair to him.

  “You have to agree this isn’t permanent. No expectations of permanence. I can’t give you that.”

  “So what? Are we setting an expiry date for our . . . arrangement? And what about feelings? Am I allowed to have feelings for you or is this strictly sexual?”

  He would have to ask her all of the hard questions now.

  “Expiry date to be determined at some point in the future. I’m not marrying you. I’m not having your babies.”

  “Personally, I feel no urgency for a big white dress,” he said thoughtfully. “But full disclosure here—I think I do eventually want children, although I may change my mind again.”

  She stared at him, shocked. Grant had always hated kids.

  “Well, I’m not having them for you, so that’s a plan you can make for your next submissive.”

  He scowled at her. “How about we don’t talk about our future breakup flippantly like that?”

  “If you’re hoping you’re going to change my mind, don’t. This isn’t going to work long term.”


  She could tell he was trying to control his breathing—his nostrils flared and his brows were drawn. Nice to know that she could still piss him off without meaning to.

  “So are we going back to the mainland to find a pharmacy first thing in the morning?” he asked when he had himself under control.

  She grimaced, dreading the turn her mind had taken—this wasn’t something she’d ever planned to do again. “This may sound like a radical idea, but have you ever been fluid bonded to anyone?”

  Incredulous hesitation spread across his features. “No, not other than a few blow jobs, back in the day. You?”

  “Just my ex. I get tested regularly, and haven’t been with anyone but you in ages.”

  “Same with me, except I was never fluid bonded to an ex.”

  Her face was burning. So silly to be embarrassed about discussing this when she had absolutely no problem telling a guy to wear a condom. At least he looked like he was feeling awkward too.

  “So . . . what do you think?”

  “I’m sort of . . . flattered? I think ‘flattered’ is the word, but I’m having trouble thinking past my suddenly raging hard-on.” He chuckled self-consciously. “I hope you’re not expecting a gold medal performance the first few times, if we do this.”

  “Fair enough,” she said, all too aware she was full-on blushing at that point. “I’m on the shot, by the way. So if you’re dreaming of starting your full-quiver family with me this week, you’re out of luck.”

  He smirked like a creepy pervert. “I’ll just have to keep trying to breed you. The shot wears off eventually.”

  How was it even possible to make the word “breed” sound so filthy? She didn’t have a breeding fetish, and didn’t think he did either, but she could see how a person might end up with one.

  “You’re such a pervert.”

  “You say that like it’s a bad thing,” he said, the heat in his gaze almost too intense for her to bear.

  “So you think you’re so manly and virile that your marauding Viking sperm are going to ride up my fjord in their longboats, pillage my uterus, and claim my ovaries as booty?”

  “Something like that.” His smile was sexy, confident, and completely evil, and it made her infinitely glad that his sheer male cockiness wasn’t enough to make her contraception fail. She knew he wasn’t in a rush to have kids, but the bragging rights alone would make him impossible for the next fifty years.

  Not that they’d be together that long or anything.

  “Now I’m patting myself on the back for not bringing condoms, but kicking myself for not bringing my gear.”

  “I guess you’ll have to get creative. Out in the middle of nowhere . . . no one to hear me scream . . . no need for condoms. You could go full-out primal.”

  “We’ll see where the yellow brick road leads us, Dorothy,” he teased. “Now let’s talk hard limits.”

  * * *

  * * *

  Dex woke to the scrape of something rough along her inner thigh. Something soft brushed over her bare pussy, and then she felt the flick of a tongue over her clit. She gasped, and then whined at the unexpectedness of the sensation, trying to fight her way up out of the deep sleep she’d been in.

  Muted daylight poured into the room and for a moment she couldn’t sort out where she was or who was going down on her. She gazed down, catching sight of the top of Grant’s long red hair just a moment before he looked up at her, his eyes half lidded and lazy with lust and sleep as though he’d started going down on her before he was fully awake.

  “What are you doing?” she asked stupidly, her voice high and girlish despite herself.

  “Pretty much whatever I want unless you safeword, just like you agreed to last night.” He licked her again, and when she tried to wriggle away, he caught her wrists, threading each one under her bent knees, holding her thighs apart with his broad shoulders. She struggled, loving the feeling of being stuck. “You’re n
ot going anywhere until I say so, Arabella.”

  It was hard to believe she used to hate him calling her that. Now it sounded like both an endearment and a threat coming from his mouth. No one called her that anymore except him.

  He was patient—too patient—tracing his tongue gently over her labia, dipping between then going back to teasing. Every time he was almost at her clit, he would skip over it and away again. She went from fighting his hold on her to digging her heels into the mattress and trying to force his mouth and tongue to go where she wanted. Unfortunately, he was stronger and faster and kept her pinned exactly how he wanted her.

  Teasing, teasing.

  Her body tense and alert and begging with every shift of her muscles. His gaze had gone from sleepy to wicked, as though he enjoyed the show every time he paused and just held her down to watch her struggle.

  Every glancing lick of her clit hood, feathery light, made her squeal and then hold her breath in anticipation for the next. She tried to hide her responses, but he was too good, far too attuned to her, learning her in ways that promised to haunt her later. By the time he let her go it felt like hours had passed. She was panting and sweaty, and tears of frustration leaked from the corners of her eyes.

  At no point had he allowed her to come, only to screech and beg. By the time his tongue drifted lower, stroking over her perineum, she knew damn well where he was headed next even though her entire body was wound tight with a bitter, brutal need. The bastard had absolutely no intention of letting her come. Her clit felt huge and swollen, and her lower abdomen was painfully cramped in what she considered the girl version of blue balls.

  He ignored her mewling and begging, batting away her clinging hands as he got up off the bed. His dick tented his shorts enthusiastically, but his expression was calm.

  “Please, fuck me,” she begged, pressing the heel of her hand against her clit. A shudder of pleasure ran through her body. Close—she was so close. But her hand wasn’t what she wanted . . . not when she could have Grant and his beautiful dick. Not when she’d dreamed half the night of him forcing his way into her, his huge cock bare, nothing between them. It had been so long since she’d had that intimacy with someone she found herself craving it, even though she hadn’t realized it was missing from her life until the subject had come up the night before.


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