by Anne Beiler
Carl. You came knocking on my door when you saw the need and opportunity. I’ll never forget the answer to prayer you were to me. You took what was already successful and laid a strong foundation for the future of Auntie Anne’s. You put systems in place that helped us grow and took the company worldwide in less than five years. What a ride! Thank you.
My two sisters, Becky and Fi. We have been through more together than we can talk about at times, yet we have this silent connection that only sisters can have. Thanks for the victories that we have experienced together and for staying when you wanted to run. Thanks for being there for me when I thought it was over for us. There were times when I thought we would never speak to each other again, yet somehow we did the impossible: We overcame our hurt and anger. We spoke to each other and we hugged. After all, we are attached at the hip.
When God gave me my two sisters, he gave me two blessings that he knew I needed in the good times and in the bad. When we were little girls, we would snuggle in the one bed we slept in during the cold, hard winters. As an adult I feel us snuggling emotionally in the cold, harsh realities of life. Thank you.
To be your sister is God’s gift to me, and he knew I would need your friendship, strength, and love in my adult years. Without you I would never have been able to grow Auntie Anne’s in the early years. God is keeping score, and he will bless you in this life and in the life to come.
Thanks to all my family. You are incredibly hardworking and kind! We also have more fun than a barrel of monkeys when we get together the first Monday of each month.
There are many more family members, including many nieces and nephews, who made Auntie Anne’s successful.
My sister-in-law Ruth was with me from day one and is still with the company today. You are amazing.
My brother-in-law Aaron was the first risk taker. You left your job and came to help us. You did whatever it took to get the job done, and I am grateful for the many long days and nights you gave to the start and growth of the company. Your constant hard work and sacrifice were an example to all who followed you.
My sister-in-law Vern. Thanks for listening to me when I was angry and depressed and wanted to run away.
Pop Beiler. Thank you for giving me an opportunity of a lifetime by giving me $6,000 to start our little pretzel stand at Downingtown Farmers’ Market. You gave me the money and trusted me to fully repay you when I could. Your trust was a real encouragement, because we were completely broke and had no way of knowing if I could ever pay you back. That gift set us on a path that will take a lifetime to appreciate.
Shawn Smucker, my nephew and the one who was my shadow as we wrote my story together. You were an answer to prayer the day we had coffee together. The project was a pleasure because of your gift of writing, your kindness, and your encouragement. Thank you.
There are three other men I want to thank because they restored my trust.
Tom Wilson, my first pastor after my time of deep mistrust in God, church, and pastors. You welcomed our family with loving arms. Our friendship is a reminder of God’s grace.
Omar Beiler, my pastor at the time when we were a start-up company. You spoke into my life when I thought I had gone as far as I could possibly go with fifty stores. You said I could keep going if I would gather people around me to do what I couldn’t do. You were right, and I found scores of people who knew a whole lot more than I did, and what a gift they were to me.
Dr. Richard Dobbins. You saved my life from complete destruction, emotionally and spiritually, by your wisdom and understanding of my behavior. You provided a safe place for me to spill my guts and gave me a better theological understanding of life.
Sam Beiler, my successor at Auntie Anne’s. You understood my vision and purpose and stayed the course for nearly sixteen years. In the end I knew you were the man for the future growth of Auntie Anne’s because you are a man of wisdom.
Elli Zeamer. My first assistant, who came to me as a total stranger and asked if I needed an assistant. I wasn’t looking and had no clue that I was in desperate need of one. Thanks you for assisting me in many ways in the early years of Auntie Anne’s.
Dave Hood. Thank you for coming all the way from Chicago to Amish Country. Your experience in the world of franchising was a gift to our fledgling company,
Mary Lou Frisbie. Thank you for serving me well for twelve years. You’ve kept me and my family going in the right direction, always being in the right place at the right time. I would have lost my way without you.
All the employees at Auntie Anne’s. It is your enthusiasm and love for the company and the product that gave me joy each day. You are the reason that I am blessed and able to write this book. My story would not have the same ending if it wasn’t for the success of Auntie Anne’s. Your love and loyalty is amazing to me. I will never forget you!
The franchisees are a group of people who have been a surprise and blessing to me. Your trust in me and the product in the beginning astounded me. You came to us from all over the world and wanted to sell pretzels. What a simple concept and what trust you had! I was a simple farm girl with no experience; you knew that and trusted me anyway. What a ride we had together!
Thank you to another group of people who “brought a song” into my life again, the Gaither Homecoming Friends. You bless my life and make my spirit soar each time I listen to you sing. Your songs continue to help me get through any circumstance I may encounter as I journey on.
Thank you, Wes, my agent, for being my guide and source of information. Thank you for your great patience and for helping me stay on track with this project.
Thank you to all those at Thomas Nelson who believed in this project.
There are many others who have touched my life and connected with me at just the right place and time. Thank you for your encouragement—spiritually, professionally, and personally.