Trouble Loves Company

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Trouble Loves Company Page 29

by Angie Daniels

  “What’s going on out here?” she asked. I noticed her jaw twitching nervously.

  Danielle stamped her foot triumphantly. “I knew she killed her husband!”

  I had to give her her props on that. ‘Yeah, you did say that. Deacon, I guess she’s the W in we.”

  Darlene’s eyes snapped to her left. “Deacon, what have you been telling these people?”

  His shoulders drooped with defeat. “It’s over, Darlene.”

  She looked around uncomfortably. “I have no idea what you’re talking about,” she stammered.

  Her skinny ass was going to lie ’til the end. Using the end of the screwdriver, I lifted one of the bloody gloves out of the trunk. “Save it. Couldn’t nobody else wear these itty-bitty ass gloves but you. They’re just like the pair you got on now.”

  Anger seared her face as she glanced around at the crowd with her hand planted firmly at her hip. “Who are y’all to judge me? The only person I have to answer to is my father in heaven. That man tried to ruin me. Now, I could deal with the women but the men? Oh no, that was a totally different story.”

  Deacon Williams grabbed her by the shoulder. “Darlene, you don’t have to do this. I already confessed.”

  She shrugged his hand away and held her head up with pride. “No, I can’t let you take the blame for what I did.” Her lower lip quivered. “When Deacon told me Leroy was planning to confess all his sins in front of God and the church, I went with him to see him that night. I pleaded with him to just leave well enough alone. But no, he wanted to come clean about his lifestyle, and I wasn’t having that. I’ve worked too hard to get where I am for him to just take it all away. I saw that bloody knife lying on the counter and I stabbed him. And even after he fell, I kept on stabbing him until Deacon Williams walked through the door and pulled me off him. It wasn’t until then that I realized he had stopped moving.”

  Members started whispering under their breath and shaking their heads. Darlene searched through the crowd, looking for one person who understood why she had done what she did, but there was none. Well, at least no one would admit it.

  “Why are you all looking at me that way?” she demanded as she spun around and faced the crowd. “He ruined me and his family with his sick, twisted behavior.” Deacon Williams tried to cover her mouth, but she violently threw an elbow back into his chest. “Leave me alone! I killed him, okay? Is that what you wanted to hear? I stabbed him, and by the time Deacon pulled me off, he was dead. He then tried to cover it up for me.” Her eyes zeroed in on him. “Isn’t that right, Deacon? Only he was too stupid to get rid of the evidence!”

  From a distance, sirens could be heard. Darlene dropped to her knees and sobbed openly. Deacon Williams took off, running across the field, and a couple of male members tackled him in the grass and held him down until the police cars arrived. My shoulders relaxed. I gazed over at Danielle, who grinned while tears were running down her face. Hell, everyone was crying. But for me, they were tears of joy because finally, everything was going to be all right.

  Chapter 45


  God is good. Yes, He is.

  Kayla sank into a chair with a smile. Finally, everything really was going to be all right. A week had passed since Deacon Williams and Darlene’s confession, and she was free, cleared of all charges, and she was the happiest she had been in a long time. All that her friends had done to help her warmed her heart. There was no telling what would have happened if they had not come to her aid. She owed them her life. Renee, with her wild self, had instigated the mess with Leroy, but she had been willing to admit her mistakes and show how sorry she truly was. She knew better than to expect her to say it out loud, but she’d shown her how much their friendship meant. Actions definitely speak louder than words. Renee had confronted a killer and hadn’t backed down no matter what. Earlier this morning, Nadine, Danielle, Renee, and Kayla had breakfast before Renee had to leave for the airport. She hated good-byes and this time was even harder.

  Kayla shifted on the seat and smiled. She was going to miss Renee, but she was relieved that life was back to normal. Next week, she would finally be returning to her job her boss said would be waiting for her whenever she was ready to return.

  Hearing a horn blowing outside, she reached for her purse and went to the door. Jermaine was taking her to the airport. Kenya and Asia were finally coming home. A tear rolled down her cheek as she realized just how much she missed them. Things were going to be different this time. She had a lot to be thankful for. Two beautiful girls and a man who loved her. Kayla had not known it was possible to feel so comfortable and fulfilled in a relationship. Finally, she had everything she could possibly need and want. And she had her Lord and Savior to thank.

  Chapter 46


  While stirring a pot of spaghetti sauce, a smile

  curled Danielle’s lips. Everything was going to be all right with all of them. Kayla had Jermaine, she had Calvin, and Renee was on her way home to her big house, her husband, and their new swinger lifestyle. Shaking her head, Danielle was still stunned by that confession. What was surprising was that as much as Renee messed around on her husband, you would think that she would be down for the idea. Instead, all of it made Renee a little uncomfortable. She wanted to have her cake and eat it, too. Hell, she even wanted ice cream and caramel topping. So, it probably had pissed her off to discover she couldn’t always have what she wanted, and even when she got it, she took the risk of someone else wanting the same kind of things—that someone being her husband. At breakfast, Danielle didn’t have a chance to ask Renee what she was planning to do about her husband’s newly discovered fetish. Personally, she believed it was finally time for Renee to make some decisions about her future.

  Danielle carried a boiling pot of spaghetti over to the sink and poured it in the strainer. Life couldn’t be better. She was even starting to get excited about her grandbaby, even if Ron was the father. But that was neither here nor there. At least the baby would have good hair. She chuckled at the crazy thought. Somehow, she had to focus on the positive things and forget the others. Ever since Portia had returned home, they had been getting along beautifully, and were both making an effort to work together as a team. Portia had been doing her chores without waiting to be asked and was even preparing dinner on occasion. Yep, life was good. She even had a loving and attentive man who knew how to treat a woman. Calvin was a blessing from God, and she would definitely be a fool to let a good man like him go. They were leaving for St. Louis on Friday and she could hardly contain her excitement.

  As she drained the pasta, her lips curled upward as she reminisced about the previous evening. They had finally made love again and it was definitely worth telling her girlfriends about it over breakfast. Calvin could hold his own.

  Danielle turned the burner under the spaghetti sauce on low, then went up to Portia’s room to tell her it was time for dinner. After knocking on her door and not getting an answer, she turned the knob and stepped in and found the room empty. Hearing water running in the bathroom at the end of the hall, she realized Portia was taking a shower.

  Seeing dirty towels on the floor, she instinctively walked over and picked them up. No wonder she couldn’t find half her towels, she thought wearily. They were here, buried in Portia’s room. Danielle frowned. Portia had been doing a fabulous job of keeping the house clean, but her room was another story altogether.

  Picking up a gold bath towel, she heard something drop. Looking down, Danielle spotted a small, leather-bound book. She reached for it, flipped it over, and realized it was Portia’s journal. Staring at it, she was tempted to open it, but she tried to respect her daughter’s privacy. Danielle stood there, listened for the water, and after several seconds convinced herself she was the mother and she had a right to know what her teenaged daughter was up to.

  “I’ll look at just one entry, then I’ll put it down,” she murmured to herself, then flipped to the center of the book.
/>   I saw Ron's dick today. He wasn’t too happy that I walked in on him, so I played it off and stepped out of the bathroom. I’ve never seen a penis with the skin still on it. But dang, it was big! I promise you; I’m going to get some of that before the school year’s over.

  Stunned, Danielle flipped forward several more pages.

  Tomorrow my mother is working evenings and I plan to finally make my move on Ron. The plan is to come running out my room naked, pretending I saw a spider.

  Fingers shaking, she turned the page.

  I can’t believe Ron rejected me. Even after I told him I loved him, he tossed it back in my face and said he loved my mama, not me, and that I needed to find a boy my own age. I hate him! I hate him. Just wait, I’m going to get him back.

  Danielle flipped until she found an entry dated the day after she had put Ron out.

  Well, my plan worked. Mom believed me over Ron and put his butt out. Hee-hee! You should have seen his face. That’s what he gets for treating me that way. Now Mama thinks I’m pregnant by him when I’m really carrying Demetrius’s baby. Yuck! That was the worst sex I’ve ever had. Too bad the rape story didn’t work. I sure hope my baby comes out looking like me.

  Danielle dropped the journal to the floor and stood there for die longest time, stunned.

  Chapter 47


  I pulled into Northern Hills, an upscale subdivision that showcased half-million-dollar homes. As I rode past block after block of immaculate, two-story houses with professional landscaping, I sighed. Could I really give up all of this? Rubbing my forehead, I told myself I was just tired, and now was not the time to be thinking about my future. It had been a long couple of weeks, but all was well.

  Kayla finally had a wonderful, devoted man in her life who loved and accepted her. In time I hope she will learn to love herself as well. My girl Danielle had found happiness with Calvin. I’m still feeling some type of way behind that, even though I am trying to be open-minded. After all, that was in the past and I didn’t want Calvin when I had him. Seriously, I’m glad it was someone like Danielle who got him, because if I see her with another young buck, I’m gonna have to stick my foot up her ass. I’m envious of her man, but that drama with Portia, I will definitely pass on. Fucking the same man as your daughter? Now that is definitely something to write about. Hopefully, Danielle has learned a very valuable lesson.

  Lessons. I guess we all need some of those. On the flight home from St. Louis, I thought long and hard and I realized something. I’m scared of being alone. My life was always hard. I struggled to make it on the streets by myself, trying to figure out what to do, and who was out there for me to turn to. I didn’t have a mother I could run to or a father, either. I was scared and it ain’t nothing worse than being scared of what tomorrow will bring. I struggled for years trying to make it. Then the kids came, and I struggled even more, counting pennies and trying to make quarters work like dollar bills. It was hard and I don’t want to ever go through that again. That’s why John means so much to me; with him, I don’t want or need for anything. Working outside the home is optional, not a necessity. I like that.

  I know I have two degrees, but I don’t know if I’m ready to get out there and take care of myself. It’s not that I can’t—it’s that I don’t want to. And that’s my problem. I have grown accustomed to a certain lifestyle, and selfishly, I’m not ready to give that up. But what I’ve decided to do is start saving money, and I mean real money. Open up another account that I can’t touch and start tucking money away. Money from my books and money I plan to be making while teaching this fall. Yes, I got a call from the director of the English department at Delaware State University. He was so impressed with my background that he offered me an adjunct position, working with their creative writing program. So, there you have it. I have a plan to get my life back and I’m going to stick to it this time. Although I am planning to stay a little longer, that shit John wants me to do is over. No more swinging. I just can’t take it anymore. I want one man who can satisfy me mentally, physically, sexually. I don’t need two or three.

  By the time I pulled up in front of our two-story colonial, I was feeling pretty good about my decisions. I turned into the driveway, then parked and climbed out and took it all in. Four thousand square feet and it had everything in it a woman could ask for, and more. I swung my purse onto my shoulder. I didn’t bother putting the car in the garage, since I planned to run to Wal-Mart a little later. While turning the key in the lock, I found I was looking forward to taking a long bubble bath and was thankful John worked second shift. Believe me, by the time he gets home tonight, I will be snoring. But tomorrow, we are definitely going to talk about us.

  As I stepped into the house, I heard my office phone ring. I started to ignore it, but it was a workday and business is business. I caught it by the fourth ring and put the receiver to my ear.


  “Hey, baby?” I knew that voice anywhere.

  Slowly I lowered into the chair. “Daddy?”

  “Hey, how are you doing?”

  “I-I’m doing fine,” I replied and noticed my voice was shaking.

  “I don’t want to keep you, but I was wondering if you and your family would like to come and spend Thanksgiving with us this year. Carol and I would love to have you.”

  Carol was his second wife of fifteen years. “I don’t know. L-let me talk it over with John and get back to you.” His invitation had caught me completely off guard.

  “Okay. That’s fine. Your brother’s planning to come, too, with his family.” There was a long pause and I just didn’t know what else there was to say. “Renee?”


  Paul cleared his throat. “I really want to try and work on our relationship. I’ve done a lot of things that I’m not proud of, but I... I just would like a chance to make things right.”

  I immediately wanted to sob, but I refused to let him hear me cry. “I’ll get back with you.” Before he could respond, I hung up the phone, then sat there for the longest time in a daze. Did Paul really just call and say he wanted to make it right between us? Part of me yearned for my daddy, while the other part was still bitter and hated him for everything he had done.

  Head pounding, I rose from my chair and climbed the stairs toward my room. I needed to get some sleep and then I could think about Paul and his request to be a part of my life. Right now, I was anxious for a long, hot bath. I went down the hall to my room and turned the knob. I had barely stepped into the room when I froze in my tracks.

  For a second my brain refused to acknowledge what my eyes already knew. There, on my bed on my expensive sateen sheets, were John and Shemar doing it doggy style. John was on top and Shemar was on the bottom with his ass in the air. He was crying out with pleasure as John plunged in and out of his back door. The two were going at it like they were running a marathon. Shocked, my hand flew to my mouth, then I slowly retraced my steps right back out of the bedroom door.

  Continue the Company Series

  with Book Three

  Careful of the Company You Keep

  The drama is just getting started...

  The Company Series

  In the Company of My Sistahs

  Trouble Loves Company

  Careful of the Company You Keep

  Misery Loves Company

  Confessions by Sasha Campbell

  For almost ten years, radio talk show host Nikki Truth has shared life’s ups and downs with her husband Donovan while doling out in-your-face relationship advice to her listeners. But lately it seems the good times in her own relationship— including the sex—tire few and far between. Then she meets widower Kenyon Monroe, whose sizzling touch is too tempting to resist. ...

  Turn the page for an excerpt from this exciting novel by

  Angie Daniels’ alter-ego,

  Sasha Campbell...




  “It’s ten o’clo
ck and you’re listening to Nikki Truth, the host of the most talked about radio show in the Midwest, Truth Hurts. As my listeners know, I don’t believe in holding your hand. If you want my advice, then you better have the balls to accept the truth...even if it hurts. Caller, you’re on the air.”

  “Hi, Ms. Nikki. My name is Kimberly.”

  Obviously, Kimberly had been listening to my show, because everyone knows if I’m not referred to as Ms. Nikki, I have straight attitude. “Hello, Kimberly. What can I do for you?”

  “I’ve got a bit of a problem.”

  I leaned forward on my seat, ready to hear what crazy drama was about to unfold. “I’m all ears.”

  “Well, Ms. Nikki, I’ve been married to my husband for thirteen years, but for the last year our relationship has grown distant. I tried talking to him about it, even suggested maybe we get counseling, but he refused, saying nothing was wrong with our marriage. But I knew something wasn’t right, because we haven’t had sex in four months.”

  “Yep, that would do it. So, what did you do?” I asked while adjusting my microphone.

  “Well, something told me my husband was messing around.”

  “Something like what?”

  “Like locking his cellphone, coming home at all hours of the night.”

  “Hmmm, those are definitely some signs.”

  “Well, yesterday I waited for him to get off work and followed him to this house. When I knocked on the door, guess who answered?”

  “I hope for your sake it wasn’t a man,” I said with slight laughter, trying to make light of the situation.

  “Oh, it was definitely a female. He came up behind her in his underwear. I confronted him. He screamed at me and acted like we’ve been separated for years instead of still living in the same house!”

  “Okay, wait a minute. The brotha tried to pretend the two of you weren’t even together?”


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