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Club_Infinate Fantasy

Page 6

by Kelli Callahan

  A statistician for the network told me that it would take the average woman twenty minutes to climax and my segment was a waste of time. I bet him that he was wrong. I bet him that I could make a woman cum in five minutes with nothing but my words. The ratings said I won that bet, and the surveys they conducted on the station’s websites confirmed five minutes might have been too long—after nearly an hour of hearing me talk. When I was in college, I had a woman tell me that I had the sexiest voice she had ever heard. I thought she was just being nice because we were on a date, but she wasn’t the last one to say it. I guess it didn’t hurt that I took care of myself, spent hours in the gym every single day, and had a few genetic gifts to go along with my sexy voice.

  “That’s how a real man treats his woman. She always comes first.” I leaned back in my chair and exhaled as hard as could, forming a perfect O with my lips. “Now clean up the mess you made before your husband gets home and finds out what we’ve been doing together.”

  Fade to black.

  I never hid from my arrogance. I embraced it. I didn’t try to tone down my cockiness or pretend to be a nice guy. I tore my guests apart, verbally berating every mistake on the way to the final segment. The ratings said my audience loved it. They couldn’t get enough of a strong, dominant man that destroyed others before turning all of his attention on them in the most orgasmic, intimate way possible. Dr. Hot was me with the volume turned up to infinity. Sometimes, the man I really was and the doctor I played on television blurred together, like with the makeup girl in the dressing room. Thorne Matthews would have never done something like that, but Dr. Hot—well, he didn’t have any limits at all. The problem was that he was a facade—a fraud—a corporate entity designed to make me a rich man and keep the station’s ratings through the roof.

  “Yeah, we’re gonna get sued.” The producer shook his head when I walked off the stage.

  “You say that every day.” I chuckled and slapped him on the back.

  “Yeah, and we have been sued—we just have good lawyers.” He turned back towards the stage as I walked towards the dressing room. “Send in the cleaning crew and tell them to bring a bottle of bleach this time. I don’t want our next studio audience catching whatever that woman in the first row had.”

  Dr. Hot was a cheesy piece of shit. I had no idea why women loved him. I was an arrogant, cocky prick normally, and that was almost too much for most women I dated. I struggled to keep it in the box when I was trying to make a good first impression. I never dreamed I would have millions of housewives begging me to be even more of an asshole than I naturally was. It was time to chase a different dream though, one that I had long before the show took off. Club Infinite Fantasy promised that they could deliver anything, so I was ready to find out if they were right. The best part was that they were supposed to be able to figure out your fantasy for you. I hoped they were right, because after pretending to be Dr. Hot for as long as I had, I really didn’t know who the man underneath even was anymore, much less what he wanted.

  “So that really is your natural voice.” Angelina tilted her head and smiled. “I didn’t think a man could really sound like that. I assumed it was just special effects like everything else.”

  “No, that part is real. The rest of it—not so much.” I shrugged and leaned back in my chair. “You have all my information, even stuff I’ve never shared before, so can you help me?”

  “I think so.” She nodded. “Give me a little bit. I need to run some numbers, but I’ll give you a call when I figure out what you really need.”

  “The guy that referred me said you were going to strap me to a table or something.” I chuckled and smirked. “I was looking forward to that part.”

  “We only do that when it is necessary. I don’t think you need to be strapped down to dig into what you really want. It’s already evident on your face that everything in front of you is broken.” She picked up her tablet. “Feel free to mingle with the crowd. They probably won’t know who you are if you don’t talk to anyone.”

  I HAD GIVEN UP HOPE after several months with no calls. She gave me a few updates in the beginning, but they got less frequent over time, so I definitely wasn’t expecting her call when it seemingly came out of the blue. She brought me back to Club Infinite Fantasy and showed me a picture of a woman named Savannah. She was pretty, but I wasn’t sure if she was my ultimate fantasy. Angelina promised me that if I just took her out and tried to be myself, things would develop naturally. She was so confident that I almost believed it myself. It had been a while since I had been out on a date without the woman expecting Dr. Hot, and when I saw the look on Savannah’s face, I felt like I was heading down the same tired road again.

  “You’re—” Savannah started to say the ill-fated words, but Angelina shushed her with a finger across the pretty girl’s lips.

  “His name is Thorne.” Angelina nodded and kept her finger in place. “He’s not the guy you see on television. This is the man behind that mask.”

  “Hi.” I extended my hand. “I’m Thorne Matthews.”

  “Nice to meet you, I’m Savannah.” She took my hand as allowed her to speak. “I’ll admit I’m a bit cautious here, but I’ll give it a shot.”

  The photograph didn’t do Savannah justice. She was beautiful and then some. Angelina had promised me that Savannah was different than the girls I normally went out with. She was at Club Infinite Fantasy trying to mend a broken heart from a guy she never slept with. I didn’t quite understand how that worked exactly, but I found out I wasn’t the first guy to take her out. Even more surprising was the fact that she had lost her virginity the night before. After seeing her, I wished I had been the first to get a shot, because I had never really competed for anyone before. If Savannah was supposed to be my fantasy, it didn’t make sense that I would have to compete in the first place. I decided to give it a shot anyway because I had been waiting a long time for a chance.

  Well, hopefully I can charm her panties off on my own, but if things aren’t looking good, I can always let Dr. Hot come out to play. Whether she’s my fantasy or not, I bet her pussy is still nice and tight.

  Chapter 10: Savannah

  Okay, don’t call him Dr. Hot. Surely I can manage that for an evening. Just close your eyes and pretend it’s—crap, no that’s worse because then I’ll just hear his voice.

  I didn’t really watch Dr. Hot, but I knew who he was. Everyone had heard his stupidly sexy voice. I knew what he was all about, or at least I knew the mask he wore when he was on television, billboards, and everything else they could plaster his face on. If there was more to him than that, I would be rather surprised. He was cocky, arrogant, a complete asshole to his guests, and for some reason, people loved it. I guess it was technically the bored housewives that loved him. None of my friends had ever sat through any of his cheesy Intimate Moments with Dr. Hot segments without laughing before it was over. I was doing my best to keep an open mind, but it wasn’t easy. I didn’t exactly fit his demographic to begin with.

  “So where are you taking me?” I looked over from the passenger seat as he climbed into his Rolls Royce.

  “Oh, I’m going to give you a personal showing of your favorite afternoon television show.” He winked at me and cranked up his car.

  “I thought I was going to see the man behind the mask.” I felt apprehension and tilted my head in confusion.

  “That was a joke.” He laughed lightly. “I’m taking you to dinner and then I’m taking you to the aquarium.”

  “Huh?” I looked at my watch. “I’m pretty sure they’ll be closed by the time we have dinner.”

  “Well of course they are, I wouldn’t dare show this glorious mug anywhere that had actual people.” He laughed again and shook his head.

  “Then how are we going to have dinner?” I looked over at him again.

  “It’s a private room.” He reached over and put his hand on my knee. “You must not date many rich guys.”

  There it is. All that ar
rogant, cocky bullshit he does on television, complete with a hand on my freaking knee. God, that voice though...

  “YOU BOOK A PRIVATE room at a restaurant just to eat cheeseburgers and fries?” I shook my head when the waiter brought in our food.

  “Don’t forget the onion rings.” He chuckled and smiled. “Also, there’s free refills on the soda, so drink up.”

  “This has so much sugar I’m going to be doing cartwheels in a few minutes.” I lifted my glass and sucked on the straw. “What kind of restaurant doesn’t have diet soda?”

  “They do, it’s called water.” He leaned forward and picked up an onion ring. “If you’re on a diet or diabetic and you come to this place, you might as well just leave your insulin in the car or do shots of it between bites.”

  “I kind of suspected that when half the menu was desserts.” I nodded and picked up my burger. “This thing is still bleeding.”

  “That’s the only way they’re good. Trust me.” He tossed an onion ring on my plate. “Try those, they’re amazing.”

  This is nothing like I expected a date with him to go...

  French fries, onion rings, ridiculously sweet soda, and a hamburger that looked like the cow was probably still dying in the back room. I was pretty sure I would gain twenty pounds before I made it back to the club, because the aroma of fresh apple pie was teasing me too. I hadn’t eaten that bad since I my first year of college, when I learned that the freshman fifteen wasn’t a myth. I couldn’t believe he maintained his rather slim figure eating garbage—although it was amazing garbage—and I wanted more. Once I got past the mental block that came from biting into the cheeseburger for the first time, I was ready to peel my next one off the cow myself. It had more flavor than any burger I had eaten before. By the time I was done with it, I felt like I was going to burst out of my dress.

  “Here comes the pie—all dressed in ice cream!” Thorne’s sang the words in his sexy voice and they flowed perfectly.

  “Uh, I might need to take this to go.” I looked at the pie that was about twice the size of a normal piece, and topped with so much ice cream it was almost melting off the plate.

  “Nonsense.” He shook his head back and forth. “Dig in.”

  “Is this your plan? Are you going to put me in a food coma and take advantage of me?” I took a deep breath and pushed my fork into the pie.

  “Nah, I don’t have to put you in a food coma to take advantage of you.” He smirked and picked up his fork. “We’ll walk all of this off at the aquarium anyway.”

  “We wouldn’t walk all of this off if we were doing a marathon after this.” I sighed and felt the first bite of pie melt in my mouth.

  Oh my god, why does this have to be so good?

  “THEY LITERALLY JUST gave you a key?” I watched in surprise as Thorne pushed a key into the front door of the aquarium.

  “Well, I’m keeping the lights on, so they should.” He motioned for me to follow.

  “What do you mean? Do you own this place or something?” I walked inside and waited as he locked the door.

  “No, but I donate a lot of money to the place every year, plus they get free advertising on my show. It’s part of my contract.” He motioned for me to follow him once the door was locked. “Let’s go see the turtles first.”

  Did Angelina tell him I loved turtles or something? There’s no way we both love turtles.

  “This is Marl.” Thorne walked over to the tank and pointed at a sea turtle that was resting on the bottom of the aquarium. “He’s the oldest turtle in North America.”

  “Oh wow, I remember reading about him—gosh, in elementary school.” I walked over and knelt down. “I didn’t realize he was here in New York.”

  “Yeah, he doesn’t do well with people anymore. Don’t worry, we won’t bother him, but having a bunch of kids banging on the glass isn’t good for him. He has a private tank inside that he stays in during the day when it’s busy.” He knelt beside me and put his arm around my shoulder. “Just think, when this guy was still a baby, Albert Einstein hadn’t even been born yet.”

  “Maybe that’s why he’s still alive.” I cut my eyes suspiciously at his arm. “He didn’t have to grow up memorizing formulas. I’m pretty sure that took some years off my life.”

  “You’re funny.” He chuckled as he stood and extended his hand. “I like that.”

  “You’re not so bad yourself, but I still can’t get over the guy you are on television. It’s hard to replace that image with a guy who eats his weight in calories and secretly spies on sea turtles.” I smiled as he helped me up and didn’t pull away when he continued to hold my hand as we started walking through the exhibit.

  “Dr. Hot is the jerk he needs to be in order to keep my lavish lifestyle going and he allows me to do good things, like donating money to this place. Truthfully though, I hate him.” He walked into an exhibit with some tortoises. “Sometimes I feel like I’m becoming him and forget the guy I used to be. On those nights, I like to come here.”

  “It is very peaceful.” I nodded. “I’ve only come when it was wall-to-wall people and it was quite miserable. I barely got to see some of the exhibits.”

  “I’m glad you didn’t think it was weird that I wanted to bring you here. I’m not used to dating girls that like this sort of thing.” He squeezed my hand tighter. “That’s why I went to Club Infinite Fantasy in the first place. I was kind of hoping Angelina would find me a nice Amish girl that didn’t own a television.”

  “The man behind the mask is interesting.” I turned towards him. “I’m still not sure where he ends and Dr. Hot begins though.”

  “Sometimes it’s okay to have a little of both.” He pulled me close and pressed his lips to mine.

  If someone would have told me I would one day find myself in an aquarium at night being kissed by Dr. Hot, I would have questioned their sanity. If they would have told me I would have enjoyed it, I might have died laughing. But there I was, in the embrace of a man I thought was an arrogant prick, wanting the hand that was on my waist to keep going lower. My head spun and fireworks went off. I might not have seen every bit of the man behind the mask, but I had seen enough to know my initial impression of him was wrong. He might still be arrogant, cocky, and a bit of an asshole, but damn if he didn’t have some good qualities. He pushed me back against one of the exhibits, continuing to kiss my lips as he squeezed my ass and pushed his body against mine.

  I’m in a lot of trouble because I just lost my virginity last night and I’m already tingling with desire for another man.

  When the seal between our lips was finally broken, he led me through other parts of the aquarium. The tour lasted a lot longer than it normally would have because we couldn’t keep our hands, or our lips, off each other. I could tell he was genuinely interested in the aquarium, because he was an encyclopedia of knowledge about the place. By the time we got to the last exhibit, I felt like a middle-aged housewife, swooning over his voice. At that point, he could have read an actual encyclopedia to me and I would have hinged on every syllable. He pushed open a door at the back of the exhibit and I saw a dark room. I hesitated for a moment and then I heard a grinding sound. The top of the room started moving and it lit up slowly. I stepped in and realized we were directly underneath the turtle exhibit.

  “Oh my god, this is beautiful.” I looked up and smiled. “It’s like being at the bottom of the ocean.”

  “Yeah, without the scuba gear.” He pulled me close. “Would you like a glass of wine?”

  “I’ve never seen that on the menu at the concession stand.” I raised my eyebrow in surprise.

  “Special delivery.” He walked over and picked up a bottle that was sitting on the table near the controls.

  “You planned this whole thing out.” I tilted my head in disbelief.

  “Well, when Angelina said she found someone that was a match, I figured that if the person didn’t like the aquarium, we weren’t going to be very compatible.” He pushed a wine opener into t
he cork and started removing it.

  I preferred my wine with a little chill, but the back room of the aquarium was cold enough to keep it from being room temperature. I sipped it slowly as I looked up at the turtles moving above us. After the chaos of my date with Jedrek, it was a nice change of pace. I felt Thorne walk up behind me and he wrapped his arms around my waist. His lips started moving against my neck and I sat my glass on the table. I had no doubt about what was going to happen between us. I wanted the man behind the mask. He might have been putting on a show for me, but Angelina said he was a match. Everything I had seen so far seemed to indicate she was right.

  Chapter 11: Savannah

  I turned to face Thorne and he continued to move his lips against my neck, leaving me breathless with each kiss. His hand moved around my back and he started sliding the zipper down. I was already burning with desire, even before I felt his hands on my exposed flesh. My dress slid down to the floor and I pulled at his tie until the knot was loosened. I slid my hands into his shirt once it was unbuttoned and felt muscles against my fingertips. I had no idea how he managed to keep that physique considering what we had eaten, but I wasn’t complaining. I pulled his shirt out of his pants and gasped when my dress slid down my arms. His hand moved to my bra and he quickly unsnapped it.

  “Damn, you’re so fucking beautiful.” He squeezed my breasts and then dropped his hands down my ribs until his fingers were caught in the waistband of my panties.

  “That sounds like the beginning of your most popular segment.” I smiled and pushed his shirt off of his shoulders. “You’d probably get more viewers if didn’t wear a suit when you delivered it.”

  “They have to stay tuned for at least five minutes.” He pushed my panties down my hips. “I don’t want them turning it off after less than a minute.”

  “You really think you’re all that, don’t you? I thought it was just for the show.” I leaned against him as I felt his hand on my inner thigh.


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