Bishop (The Pawn Series Book 2)

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Bishop (The Pawn Series Book 2) Page 26

by Robin Roseau

  "I understand, Your Majesty."

  "I will not fund your protection. If you leave the palace, I recommend you hire bodyguards. Members of the castle guard serve double duty in their off hours, and they are dependable."

  "Thank you, Your Majesty."

  "I do not know if you will receive invitations. It may not be any sooner than Larien does."

  "I am here to serve the high priestess, Your Majesty," she replied. "That is all that matters."

  "Not quite all. If you will be here for any length of time, or with any regularity, you must learn Framaran. Do I need to assign a tutor?"

  "I am sorry, Your Majesty," I said. "But this is my responsibility."

  Ralalta's eyes flashed at me, but then she nodded. "Then I will leave it to you, but I forbid you assigning yourself this task. They are here to tutor you, and when they are not doing so, I have other need of your time."

  "Of course, Your Majesty."

  "Very good." She switched back to Altearan. "Be welcome, Terél."

  "Thank you, Your Majesty." Terél backed away, and Ralalta turned to me again.

  "Perhaps these two together."

  "Yes, Your Majesty," I said. "Naddí speaks Framaran with a better accent than mine. Féla claims to speak none, but I wouldn't put it past her to lie about it. They are spies for the queen of Alteara, although I would rather they not be strung up by their thumbs for it."

  Her lips twitched, but she nodded. The two maids stepped forward and offered their own curtsies. I identified which was which.

  "Stand up," the queen said in Altearan. "Let me get a look at you."

  They stood, and they didn't seem at all afraid to look Ralalta in the eye. Ralalta looked them over. Finally she said, "Spies."

  "No, Your Majesty," said Naddí in Framaran. "Former spies."

  "Former spies, is it?"

  "Yes, Your Majesty. Our loyalty is to the high priestess. Féla and I discussed this at length during our trip, and we do not believe we can properly serve the high priestess while Yallameenara believes our loyalty lies elsewhere. We must inform Queen Mesenorié she will not be receiving further status updates from us."

  "I see."

  "At first we intended to be circumspect in what we told her, but we decided that was insufficient and perhaps dishonest."

  "I understand you do not have a problem with dishonesty."

  "That isn't entirely fair."

  "Isn't it?" Ralalta asked with a lilt.

  "In fairness, Lady Yallameenara never asked whether I spoke Framaran. I was not required to lie."

  The queen sputtered for a moment and turned to me. I shrugged. That was probably true.

  "We will not betray Alteara," Naddí continued. "We would rather you not test us by handing us the list of your spies in the Altearan capital. But if you did, we would hand it back."

  "Well, well," said Ralalta. "What do you say, Yallameenara?"

  "I would say, Your Majesty, that they claim to be the queen's best spies, and I wonder why they are here, if not to serve that role."

  "We might be your spies, Lady Yallameenara," Naddí offered with a grin. "We are here to see to your needs, and your protection."

  The queen looked back and forth between them. "Very well. Unless Yalla decides she does not wish your services, you are welcome to serve as her maids, and anything else she requires of you."

  They gave a quick bob of a curtsey.

  "As for this issue of spies or not spies... If you stated you would continue to send reports to the monarchs of Alteara, we would treat you one way. You state your undivided loyalty is to Lady Yallameenara, and that is something else entirely. How sure are you of your loyalty?"

  "Entirely," said Naddí.

  "And Féla?"

  Naddí translated into Altearan for her, and Féla said, "I am entirely loyal to Lady Yallameenara."

  "Well then, if you are caught engaging in spy-like behavior, and it is not on behalf of Lady Yallameenara, I will treat you like spies. Now, do you wish to rethink your position?"

  "No, Your Majesty," Naddí said. "We are loyal to Lady Yallameenara."

  Ralalta nodded. "Good. Welcome to the palace."

  * * * *

  The queen sent me for Lady Malta. I didn't have to go very far. She was hovering just outside the library. We stepped back in.

  "Malta," said Ralalta. "Lady Yallameenara will need new quarters and a place to build a temple, somewhere here in the palace."

  Juleena stepped closer. "Mother?" Ralalta stopped and turned to her daughter. "The floor above my room."

  Ralalta considered for a moment and then nodded. "Yes. I think so." She turned to me. "High Priestess, if this does not serve your needs-"

  "Ralalta-" I said in a low voice.

  But she interrupted me with a lifted hand. "This Goddess is real."

  "Or I have grown insane," I replied. "I am the only one who saw her."

  "I saw the statue form," Juleena said. "And Yalla was talking to someone."

  "Delusions," I said.

  "No," Juleena said. "She was teaching you words, wasn't she?"

  "They may have been in my subconscious."

  "Mother, I am convinced the Goddess is real," Juleena said.

  "As am I," said Ralalta. "And we will offer her -- and her priestesses -- proper respect. And so." Her tone changed. "High Priestess, please review the space available. If it cannot be made to fit, we will consider other options."

  "Yes, Your Majesty," I said. "Thank you."

  She turned back to Malta. "Is it free?"

  "Not entirely," said Malta. "But that is easily remedied."

  "Very good. Show Yalla the place." The queen made a face. "I suppose those four will go with you." She gestured to the Altearans.

  "Under guard, Your Majesty?" Malta asked.

  Ralalta made another face. "No." She made a disgusted noise, and I felt bad for the trouble I had brought her. But then she set a hand on my arm. "Yalla, I couldn't be more pleased you are home. If it is not as simple as I might have expected, there is nothing we cannot manage."

  I smiled at that.

  "I want to think more of this. You and Juleena will enter with me. Come to my chambers when you are ready. Malta, make sure there's a guide for the two priestesses."

  "Yes, Your Majesty," Malta said.

  * * * *

  Six of us climbed to the third floor but then turned in a familiar direction. Malta made a gesture for the other four to stop where they were, then pulled me a short distance down the hall.

  "How have you been?" I asked her quietly.

  "We don't have time for that," she said somewhat brusquely. I thought she was angry with me, or disappointed, and I lowered my eyes, some of the homecoming joy slipping from me, but she set a hand on my arm. "Perhaps you would join me for dinner in a day or two."

  "I cannot accept you as a suitor any longer, Malta."

  "But we can be friends."

  I smiled. "Yes. I don't know my schedule."

  "We'll catch up, but we don't have time. How much space do you need?"

  "I don't know." I looked up and down the long hallway. "Certainly nowhere near this much. I am as simple woman, Malta. You know that."

  She laughed. "Yes, High Priestess," she said, and I gathered her point.

  "I am still a girl of The Hippa."

  "You need quarters befitting your station, and your maids nearby. You need this temple. And you need room for those two." She gestured with her head. "But do you expect others to come?"

  "Oh. I don't know." I sighed and said quietly. "Probably."


  "If so, they can find their own lodging in town," I said.

  "Tell me what you want, Yalla."

  "I promised the Goddess a lovely temple. It should be warm and comfortable, with a view of the sea."

  "And I think your room should also have such a view," she said. "The queen offered you this wing."

  "But you don't want me to take all of it."
/>   "I want you to take what you need," she said. "But it will feel hollow to you if there are just the five of you here."

  I thought about it. "I have been very sheltered, but I imagine the Altearans are not popular in Framara right now."

  "They are not," she agreed.

  "If you mix this space, then there will be trouble."

  "Yes, which is why the queen offered the entire wing. But I can add a door halfway down the hall."

  "Oh," I replied. "Oh, that would work, but-"

  Malta put fingers to my lips, a gesture she had done before, but then she quickly removed them. "My apologies."

  I smiled. "Friends, Malta." I took her hand and briefly kissed the fingers, then squeezed for a moment.

  "Let us review the rooms," she said.

  * * * *

  There remained more rooms than we required. I do not wish to describe everything quite yet. But I will say this.

  I found myself with new quarters, even larger than my old ones beside Juleena, and equal to that of the princess or even the queen. Attached to one side was a room for Féla and Naddí. Terél and Larien held rooms across the hall. Malta offered two rooms for them, but Terél said to me, "High Priestess, if it pleases you, we would prefer to share."

  And so they did.

  Attached to my quarters was a second set, and I realized it was similar to my arrangement with Juleena, but reversed. The smaller quarters were to the left this time, whereas before it had been to the right. That space would remain unused for some time.

  There were more rooms if I had other guests, and then Malta explained how she would give me the temple.

  At that, I smiled, but I'll wait to say more.

  * * * *

  Before we'd even finished the tour, all my things were delivered to the third floor, and from there, into my quarters. Naddí and Féla saw to everything, and I didn't worry about it. I knew they would be efficient.

  Then, as she was ready to go, I asked Malta, "Do we have time for proper baths?"

  "Yes," she said. "Yalla, I would prefer they didn't roam the palace unsupervised at least until I've had time to speak to Queen Ralalta in private."

  "Am I sufficient escort, or do we need guards."

  "You're enough," she said. "Thank you."

  "Of course."

  At that, she stepped away, got ten steps, then turned back. She ran to me, and we hugged tightly.

  "Tell me something," I said. "It's been two years. Tell me you've taken someone to your bed."

  "I've let others take me to theirs," she said. "But-"

  "I'm sorry."

  She kissed my cheek, and I hers. "I do not believe we were destined for marriage, but I cherish what we had, Yalla."

  "As do I," I said. I pushed her away enough I could look into her eyes. "But we have much to discuss."

  "Just not today," she said. "Now you must hurry."

  And so, slowly, we separated again. Then she turned back and hurried away, nearly running, and a portion of my heart went with her.

  A moment later, Larien and Terél stepped to either side of me. "You charm everyone," Terél said. "Was she one of Larien's competition?"

  "That's not how I would put it," I said. "But yes."

  There was a pause, and then Terél asked, "High Priestess, will you allow us to make friends here?"

  I turned to look at her. She wasn't looking at me, but instead was looking after Malta, now long disappeared. "You mean Lady Malta, don't you?"

  At that she turned to look at me. "Not necessarily just her. But is she hands off?"

  "I thought the two of you..." I trailed off.

  "Joy," she said.

  "Love," added Larien.

  "You two are serious."

  "We only wish to know your rules, High Priestess."

  "I do not want you seducing the entire palace," I complained.

  "That's Féla and Naddí," Larien said. "Do we have your blessing?"

  "Not yet," I said slowly. "Give us a little time to settle in, would you?"

  "We're going to keep asking until we get a clear answer," Terél said.

  "That's fair," I said. "Come."

  I led the way into my quarters. Féla and Naddí were clearly busy, but they scampered into view when they heard the door, coming to attention in my path.

  "You need a bath before court," Naddí said. "The bathing chamber here is not adequate."

  "We all could use baths," I said. "Including the two of you. And don't argue with me."

  "Of course not, High Priestess," she said.

  I sighed. "Okay. Knock that off." I looked between them. "I long gave all of you permission to call me Yalla."

  "We do not believe that is appropriate," Larien said.

  "I don't care what you believe is appropriate," I replied. "But if necessary, I don't mind shipping anyone back to Alteara."

  No one spoke for a moment or two, but then Larien said, "Might I offer a compromise?"

  "You can offer," I said hesitatingly.

  "In this room, when it is no more than the five of us, we will call you Yalla," she said. "Elsewhere, it might vary."

  I sighed and threw up a hand. "You're all going to do what you want," I said. "I don't imagine I know why I expected anything else."

  The four of them smiled and nodded.

  "Don't look so smug," I added. "We need baths and to dress for court." I sighed. "Oh, I hate wearing a gown."

  "You will wear your vestments," Terél said.

  "No, I will not. Neither will either of you. Do you have gowns?"

  "No," Terél said with a glance at Larien.

  I narrowed my eyes. "I don't believe you."

  "I have never worn a gown in my life," Terél added. "I have the sort of clothing you've seen, two dresses you perhaps haven't seen, and my vestments. Yalla, please do not fight us on this."

  I huffed. "Wear whatever you want, then, for all I care. But I am here as Ralalta's foster daughter, and not our Prestainamatta's high priestess."

  The four of them began to smile again, and then the smiles broadened even further.

  "What?" I snapped.

  "So you accept your role?" Larien asked. "She is your Prestainamatta as much as ours?"

  I considered what she had said. "Hasn't that been obvious?"

  "No," she replied. "It hasn't."

  I looked between the four of them. I could feel Larien and Terél. Even with my eyes closed or my back turned, I could feel them. And I could feel others, too, although it was faint. And I could feel a line to the Goddess, but I couldn't have told you where she was, not like I could the others.

  And, surprising, I felt a light line to Naddí and Féla as well, and to Zana and Hamper, and very faint, another one to Zana. I hadn't realized it was there, but as I thought about it, I could feel all of them.

  I bowed my head for a moment, then looked up and brushed a tear from my eye, a tear of joy. "If I had known," I whispered.

  Larien stepped slightly closer and brushed fingers along my cheek, taking another tear. "We believe we should arrive as your priestesses," she said gently.

  "Dress how you like," I said. "But I will wear a gown." I turned to Féla. "A simple gown, and one of Framaran style, not one we brought with us. I'm sure they sent my things up."

  "They did," she said with a nod. "As you wish, Yalla."

  "Thank you. Let us go bathe."

  * * * *

  Glarta was waiting when we returned, standing outside my door. I gestured Larien and Terél away, and they headed to their rooms to prepare. With a nod, Féla and Naddí stepped past Glarta and into our new quarters. I turned to Glarta.

  "Welcome home, Lady Yallameenara," she said, offering a brief curtsey.

  "Thank you," I said. "Glarta, I really hate it when people do that. I wish you wouldn't."

  "I think you're going to get more than you like," she replied. She stepped closer. "Your hair. It's so long."

  "And an unusual color," I said. "What can I do for you?"<
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  "The queen wishes you to join her as soon as you are prepared. I am to guide the priestesses. The maids are to remain here."

  "Everyone must be waiting."

  "The queen and princess are together and showed no impatience. The queen said to take your time, and if she is unimpressed with your maids, she will assign new ones." She grinned at that.

  I did, too. I still didn't trust them, and I missed Mellara. But I nodded.

  "You can come in, if you like," I said with a gesture.

  "I should stay here," she said. "Don't worry. I have a book." She gestured to one resting on a bench near my door.

  "All right."


  It was an hour later that Ralalta, Juleena, and I were gathered on the outside of the back door leading into court. We could hear the sound of many conversations through the doorway. Ralalta turned to me then raised fingers to my hair, worn long and straight.

  I still wasn't used to it. I wondered if I ever would be.

  "This is proof of your Goddess, Yalla," she said.

  "It is evidence of magic," I said.

  She smiled. "Do you really believe you have gone mad?"

  I thought. "No," I said. "But what madman does?"

  Juleena snorted.

  Ralalta smiled again. "Well. I will enter first, then Juleena, then pause before you enter, Yalla."

  Juleena and I nodded. Ralalta turned to face the doors. The waiting guards opened them. From inside, Lady Malta announced the queen, complete with her lengthy list of titles, and then Ralalta stepped forward.

  I couldn't see into the room, but it must have been full, for the roar of approval was nearly overwhelming. Juleena reached over and clasped my hand, and we waited.

  The crowd's roaring went on for a long time, and then it grew quiet. That was when Lady Malta announced Juleena, complete with her titles, a list nearly as long as her mother's.

  Again, they roared, and this time I heard the staffs of the guards thumping against the floor, and some hands beating against chests. Juleena squeezed my hand then stepped forward.

  The crowed roared for her, and roared, calling out her name. How could it be so loud? How many people could there be waiting? But it went on for a long time, even longer than it had for the queen, until finally they quieted.

  Lady Malta spoke loudly. "Beloved Granddaughter of the Arrlottan Clan Chief Gandachardat, Valued Daughter of the Three Cats Tribe, Lady Ambassador of the Arrlotta, Companion of Honor, Heart of the Wind, Foster Daughter to Queen Ralalta, Right Honorable Duchess of Havenshade."


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