Eternity of Vengeance : Book 7 of the Heku Series

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Eternity of Vengeance : Book 7 of the Heku Series Page 8

by T. M. Nielsen


  “Probably, they’ve been trying to get into this place for days.”

  Emily frowned, “And no one told me?”

  “We’ve stopped them. Over half of the Cavalry is out there in the dark.”

  “I should send Robert away. It’s too dangerous for him here.”

  “Now you’re protecting him?”

  Emily moved away from Chevalier and looked at him, “Don’t get your jealous tendencies all riled up.”

  “I’m not.”

  “You’re close to it.”

  He sighed, “I’m reining it in.”

  She grinned and moved closer to him. He pulled her up to him and kissed her passionately. Emily wrapped her arms around his neck and laced her fingers through his hair.


  “Damn, they are sending more each time,” Mark said as he, Silas, and Kralen walked into the kitchen.

  “We just need to get her to stay in the palace,” Kralen said, slightly out of breath.

  “Except we’ve all tried that.”

  “We’ll keep trying. I’m ready to get back to the palace too.”

  They all turned when the front door opened.

  “Great, he’s back,” Silas sighed.

  Robert walked into the kitchen and stopped when he saw the heku at the table talking. He walked up and joined them, “Have a bit of a scuffle?”

  Mark glanced at him, “A bit.”

  “You all must be new to the bodyguard game, so I’m going to give you some advice,” Robert said, and sat back in his chair after glancing around the kitchen.

  Kralen raised an eyebrow, “I wouldn’t say we’re new to it.”

  “Yes, well… you keep making rookie mistakes.”

  “We do?”

  “Yes… first and foremost, you’re too attached to your charge,” Robert told them.

  Silas grinned, “Ok.”

  “Never get too close to them. It slows your response to attacks.”

  Kralen looked at Mark and rolled his eyes.

  “Remember, she’s your responsibility, not your friend. Get too close to her and it’ll slow your reflexes and make you panic in times of attacks.”

  “Ok,” Silas said again.

  “Size won’t protect her either. Can you fight?” Robert asked.

  “Yes,” Mark told him, now irritated.

  “Ever fought a vampire?”


  Robert sighed, “It’s important that you know how. I suspect the vampires are after Emily.”

  “Oh? What makes you think that?”

  “Just a feeling. There’s a lot of dark trees around this house, perfect spots for vampires to hide. I have a keen sense about these things and those vampires are going to attack.”

  “Ok,” Silas sighed, and looked down at his hands.

  “Just remember, 98% of the time, nothing’s going to happen. You have to concentrate on that other 2% and always be ready for it,” Robert told them, and leaned forward on the table.

  “Yeah with Emily it’s more like 98% trouble,” Kralen said, too low for Robert to hear.

  Silas chuckled as Kralen hid a grin.

  “It’s not funny. I’m being serious,” Robert said, frowning. “You would be wise to listen to me. I’m more experienced than you are.”

  “Oh, I bet,” Silas replied.

  “Where is Emily?” the mortal asked, looking toward the door.

  “She’s busy.”

  “With what?”


  Robert nodded, “Ever have to protect her against her husband?”

  “No,” Mark growled.

  “You do realize that most abuse of women comes from the husband... especially when there’s a large age difference, like between Emily and her husband.”

  “He doesn’t abuse her.”

  “Just keep your eyes out. Course, it gets fuzzy when it’s the husband that employs you. That’s why it’s good I’m here.”

  “Why is that, exactly?” Kralen asked.

  “If her husband gets out of hand, I’m hired by Emily and have no loyalties to him,” Robert explained.

  “Ok,” Silas said, yet again.

  “Listen here, Runt,” Mark hissed. “We don’t need your help in protecting Emily, especially from her husband. We don’t need your advice, and honestly, we don’t need you here… period.”

  Robert grinned, “You’re afraid I’m invading your territory. I can see how you are overly cautious and maybe even threatened by me.”

  Silas reached out and stopped Mark from standing up, “We’ve been guarding Emily long enough to know what we’re doing, and we don’t need help from the likes of you.”

  “Maybe that’s the problem then. You’ve been guarding her for too long. It’s common to get new bodyguards every few years to avoid this kind of attachment,” Robert said.

  “You have no idea what you’re talking about,” Mark said, and stood up. He opened the door and let the two dogs in. They ran through the kitchen and headed up the stairs.

  “Those are the wrong kind of guard dogs, too. You should stick with German Shepherds and Rottweilers. Labs are good for kids, but not protection. The Malamute is ok though, if trained properly.”

  “Is there anything you don’t have an opinion about?” Silas asked him.

  Robert smiled, “Not when it comes to guarding… You’d be smart to listen and learn.”

  “Right, like watching her husband to make sure he doesn’t abuse her.”


  “Why am I getting accused of abusing Em?” Chevalier asked from the doorway.

  “Robert here is just correcting some of our rookie bodyguard mistakes,” Kralen told the Elder.

  “I see,” Chevalier said, and sat down with them. “What exactly are these rookie mistakes?”

  “They’re too attached. It’s not safe for her,” Robert told him.

  Chevalier frowned, “They’re no more attached than you are… which, Boy. We need to have a chat about.”

  Robert’s eyes narrowed, “Meaning?”

  “Meaning… stay away from my wife.”

  “I haven’t touched your wife.”

  “There’s obvious attraction, and Em has a bad track record with guys like you.”

  “I don’t think I like what you’re insinuating,” Robert told him.

  “I don’t know why you’re here, or what Emily sees in you that she wants to keep safe, but keep your hands off and remember, you’re a handyman, nothing more.”

  “She hired me to protect her from vampires, too,” Robert reminded him.

  “That’s stupid. There’s no such thing,” Mark said.

  “I told you… I have a feeling the vampires are after her,” Robert said, and stood up. “Better watch yourselves. When they attack, I’m only protecting Emily. You’ll be on your own.”

  “Noted,” Kralen growled.

  Robert smiled and then walked out of the room. They heard him go into his room and shut the door.

  “What an idiot,” Silas sighed.

  “I don’t trust him,” Chevalier said, and turned back to the guards.

  “How dare he call us rookies and try to teach us how to guard,” Mark sneered.

  “What did you find?”

  “Oh, right, twelve Encala trying to slowly work their way to the house,” Mark told him.

  “They think Frederick’s here,” Silas said.

  “Damn, I wish she’d just tell us where he is already,” Chevalier sighed.

  “That and return to the palace and get rid of loser.”

  “That too.”

  “Why do you suppose the Encala aren’t attacking en masse?” Mark asked. “These small attacks are useless. They know we’re watching this house.”

  “I’m not sure, but I fully expect that to change, and fast,” Chevalier answered.

  “Let’s put Robert on guard duty out there,” Silas said, and grinned.

  “Damn, was Em making spaghett
i again?” Chevalier asked, and looked toward the kitchen.

  “No, dumb nuts has garlic all over the house,” Kralen explained. “Smells nasty.”

  “That and he keeps trying to shove crosses at us and sprays us with holy water on a regular basis,” Silas added.

  “He best not do that to me if he wants to keep his head,” Chevalier told them.

  “So encourage it is what you’re saying?” Kralen chuckled.

  Chevalier smiled, “So you said he’s a vampire hunter by trade?”



  “Nope,” Silas said. “He was offended when we asked him if he was V.E.S.”

  “Right now, we need to get the mortal pain out of here and then Emily can return to the palace where it’s safer,” Mark told them.

  “We’ll try,” Kralen said. “But you know if Emily sees us trying to get rid of Putz, she’ll fight back.”

  “That’s true,” Chevalier said. “We could just… you know…”

  “Get rid of him on his nightly ride?” Silas asked, and grinned. “I’ve been thinking about that.”

  “Control him long enough to get a note to Em that he’s leaving, and then make sure he doesn’t come back,” Kralen said, and then nodded, deep in thought.

  “Let’s see first if he leaves on his own, but I’m not putting up with this much longer,” Chevalier said. He looked up when he heard Emily start to talk in her sleep. “I better go before she screams and the mortal goes to save the day.”

  Kralen grinned and watched Chevalier leave the kitchen.


  “Where are your guards?” Robert asked as he walked into the kitchen. Emily was at the table with a cup of hot coffee.

  “Oh, around I would imagine.”

  “They are the strangest bodyguards I’ve ever met,” he said, and poured himself a cup.

  “How so?”

  “They break some of the cardinal rules… like never letting you out of their sight.”

  Emily watched as he sat down beside her, “I don’t even need bodyguards. They’re just here to make Chev happy.”

  “He must think there’s a reason.”

  “Well, yes, he does.”

  “Then they shouldn’t just disappear.”

  Emily cringed slightly when Mark and another member of the Cavalry came into the room.

  “Right on cue,” Robert said, irritated, and looked over at them. “You all really shouldn’t let her out of your sight.”

  “Enough, Robert,” Emily grumbled, and finished her coffee.

  “Not sure we need your help, Boy,” Mark said, and spun a chair before sitting in it backwards. The other member of the Cavalry moved quietly to the wall and stood still.

  “Boy? I bet I’m older than you are,” Robert told her.

  “Stop it,” Emily sighed.

  “Where are dumb and dumber, anyway?”

  “Who?” Mark asked, frowning.

  “The two blokes that are always here.”

  “Kralen and Silas had other business today.”

  “Robert, please…” Emily said.

  “Sorry,” Robert told her, but grinned at Mark.

  Mark’s eyes narrowed, “Em, are you heading in to work today? Dain is having issues.”

  She looked up at him, “Yes, as soon as I finish my coffee.”

  “You should fire that Dain. He seems to cause a lot of problems,” Robert said, and got up to get more coffee.

  “I’ll keep that in mind,” Emily said, and grinned.

  “Is there anything you don’t have an opinion about?” Mark asked, repeating what Silas asked before.

  “Nope,” Robert replied, and sat back down.

  “Are you going to finish that bathroom today, then?” Emily asked.

  “Yes, what do you want me to do after that?”

  Emily thought, “I think we’re about done.”

  “I can tackle that extra room, with all the antiques and stuff.”

  “No, I need to do that one.”

  “You could always go try to find another job,” Mark suggested.

  Robert frowned, “Then who would protect her against vampires?”

  The other member of the Cavalry, quiet up until now, smirked, “I think we can cover that.”

  “You three are worse than kids,” Emily said, and stood up to rinse out her cup. “I’m off then. I’ll be back tonight in time to make dinner.”

  Robert nodded and watched as Emily left, followed by Mark and the other guard. They climbed into the Jeep and set out for Council City.

  “He is such a pain in the ass,” Mark growled.

  “He’s not either. You just antagonize him,” Emily said.

  “No I don’t. He has to stick his nose in everywhere and it’s uncalled for.”

  “He’s not hurting anyone.”

  “He’s falling in love with you.”

  “No he’s not. Now stop that before you convince Chev.”

  “I don’t need to convince him, he’s already seen it,” Mark told her.

  “Great,” Emily sighed, and pulled into Council City. She parked in the garage, and before she got out of the Jeep, saw Derrick appear in the doorway and wait.

  Mark chuckled, “That was fast.”

  Dain ran past him and toward Emily. She reached down and picked him up when he stopped in front of her, then kissed his cheek as she walked into the palace.

  “What Mommy do?” Dain asked Derrick.

  Emily frowned, “Yeah, what’d I do?”

  Derrick shrugged and smiled, “They don’t tell me.”

  Emily sighed and braced herself before walking into the council chambers, still carrying Dain. Her eyes grew wide when she saw Dustin in his chair, so she walked over to the trial area below the Elders.

  “Good Morning,” Quinn said, and smiled at her.

  “Depends on why I’m here,” she told him, and looked over at Chevalier.

  Emily looked down at Dain when she heard him hiss, and then noticed he was looking over at Dustin. She grinned and looked back at the Elders.

  “You aren’t in trouble. We are just concerned about your houseguest,” Zohn told her.

  “Robert is harmless.”

  “He claims to be a vampire hunter?”


  “Have you spoken to him at all about that?”

  “Not really.”

  “The Cavalry doesn’t seem to like him.”

  “I know.”

  Chevalier turned to them, “He’s a bit of a know-it-all and now that he’s fallen for Em, it’s getting worse.”

  “He has not,” she said, and rolled her eyes.

  Kyle frowned slightly, “That sounds dangerous.”

  “He’s done with the house now, right?” Chevalier asked.

  “Yes,” Emily said. She knew where this was going.

  “So he’ll be moving out.”

  “I can’t kick him out.”

  “Why not?”

  “It’s rude.”

  Zohn raised an eyebrow, “Living off of you is also rude, is it not?”

  “He thinks he’s helping.”


  She sighed, “By protecting me from vampires.”

  Kyle chuckled, “You have guards, though.”

  “Why is this any of the Council’s concern?” Emily asked, frowning slightly.

  “Because he’s been causing some problems in the city,” the Chief of Defense told her.

  “Like what?”

  “Like confronting some of our guards. Like storming into our donor bar and demanding names.”

  Emily cringed, “Oh.”

  “We also feel that the entire situation is dangerous,” Quinn told her.

  “So what is the Council suggesting I do?”

  “Tell him it’s time to leave.”

  “That doesn’t ensure he’ll leave the city.”

  “No, but at least then we don’t have to worry about you.”

  “And you?�
� Emily asked, turning to Chevalier.

  He smiled slightly, “I have even more concerns that are between you and me.”

  “As much fun as that sounds, Dain and I are going to go to work.”

  “Yeah,” Dain said, and grinned.

  “Now that renovations on the house are finished, will you be returning to the palace?” Quinn asked.

  She shrugged, “Not sure.”

  “Very well.”

  Emily turned and left the council chambers. She heard the Council begin talking as soon as she left, and knew what the topic was. She put Dain on the floor and took his hand as they walked up the stairs to her office. He stayed with her while she waded through massive amounts of paperwork and played on the floor with some of Allen’s old fire trucks.

  She sighed and looked down at the toddler, “I think I’m done.”

  Dain grinned, “Horse!”

  Emily smiled, “You wanna go ride?”

  Dain nodded.

  “Let’s go then,” she said, and picked him up by his ankles. She carried him down the stairs upside down as he giggled.

  “Where are we going?” four of the Cavalry asked as they followed her. She jumped slightly and turned to them.

  “Don’t sneak up on me!”

  “Sorry,” the closest guard said.

  “Dain and I are going out on horseback.”

  “Great, we’ll go too.”

  “Of course you will,” she said, and headed out to the stables. Emily smiled when she saw the lock was off of her stallion’s stall. She quickly saddled her horse and slid into the saddle and pulled Dain up with her. When she led him out of the stables, she saw Kyle waiting for her.

  “Thought you and I would go out.”

  “No entourage?”

  “No entourage.”

  Emily whistled for the dogs, and then kicked her horse into a canter out of the city, followed by Kyle. Once they were out on the hills, they sat back and watched the dogs play.

  “The Council has a request,” Kyle said, and glanced at her.

  Emily sighed, “Remember when you and I used to just hang out?”


  “No Council requests. No hidden agendas?”

  “We still can.”

  “No, we can’t. You’re like Chev now, too busy to just take a day off.”

  “I’m sorry, Em. I think we get so wrapped up in the faction business that we forget about lives.”

  “Take a vacation then.”


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