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R.S.V.P. Page 2

by Madeleine Oh

  She sucked in a noisy breath when she realized this man wasn’t wearing a mask. His body alone would’ve gotten her attention as he was built for sin, but it was his beautiful face that cinched the deal. His skin carried a faint olive cast and his eyes were the perfect shade of melted dark chocolate. His nose was even and his mouth firm, commanding. This was a man who was used to giving orders and having them followed.

  Her gaze assessed the entire package. Dark hair, beautiful mouth, big hands, slim waist…yum! He had the look of a man who knew his way around a woman’s body and he would derive as much pleasure from giving as receiving.

  She blinked. Where had that come from? Disturbed by the direction her thoughts had taken, Elle looked away from the doorman. She leaned down and tweaked the hem of her skirt into place. She was here to indulge her darker nature and find sexual release, not fall into bed with the first man she saw for a bout of wild monkey sex, no matter how handsome he was. She straightened.

  Besides, he was a hired hand required to man the door, not an invited guest. What was the chance that this man was an experienced Master?

  No chance, Elle.

  Her car door slammed shut as the blond got behind the wheel of her car then drove away, removing her last line of defense. Straightening her shoulders, she approached the door, her chin held high and her gaze directed anywhere other than the man who stood before it. She fixed a smile on her face and was about to pat herself on the back for pulling herself together when the gravel shifted beneath one stiletto heel and she stumbled. A brunette in an immaculate tuxedo took her elbow and helped her regain her footing. With flaming cheeks she gave her helper an embarrassed nod and continued up the walk.

  Silly girl! You’d think you’d never walked in heels before tonight.

  Even though her purple suede trench coat covered her from shoulder to knees, she didn’t miss the bold look the doorman gave her. When their gazes met, a slow, lazy smile curved his amazing mouth and her belly clenched. That heated look alone evoked images of damp, tangled sheets and hungry kisses. Skin against skin, fingers entwined, fucking this man would be like taming a wild horse—the ride would be wild and possibly dangerous but well worth the effort. Her breasts ached and her breathing grew shallow.

  Whoa, Elle-girl, slow down now. This is not what you’re looking for.

  Her lips firmed and she returned his bold gaze with one of her own. Plain vanilla sex was easy to come by for an assertive, self-assured woman such as herself, but indulging her B&D fetish in total safety was not. She’d come to this party for a final chance to pander to her chosen submissive lifestyle, not to have amazing sex with the hunky doorman. Besides, he looked good but he probably had the voice of a chipmunk on steroids—

  “Good evening.” His voice was low, resonant and it carried more than a hint of the Deep South.

  Damn, even his voice was perfect.

  Mustering an impersonal tone, Elle tried to ignore the slow heat that slipped under her skin when she stopped beside him. “My invitation.” She held the ivory card toward him.

  His liquid chocolate gaze dropped to the card. “That, it is.” She shivered when he took the invitation, his broad, thick fingers brushed hers. “What is your name?”

  Her brow arched. She’d never been asked for her name at a party. “Isn’t it customary to remain anonymous?”

  His gaze burned a path over the exposed skin the neckline of her coat failed to conceal. Even though very little skin was visible, she felt naked. “I need to call you something besides ‘Beautiful’.” His voice was a sexy rumble and her gut clenched in response.

  Soft warmth slid over her cheeks. He meant her name for the evening, not her real name. Resisting the urge to shake her head over her absentmindedness, she spoke.

  “You may call me Miss Scarlet.”

  “Miss Scarlet.” The false name dripped off his tongue like liquid honey heated in the sunshine. “A good southern name. It suits you.”

  Elle couldn’t quite place his accent. Southern Mississippi? Louisiana maybe? Her hands landed on the tie of her coat and she gripped them, desperate to regain her composure.

  He dropped her invitation into a basket on a small table near the door. “What position do you play?”

  She blinked, totally lost. “Excuse me?”

  He grinned and the gesture gave him a boyish appeal that would be irresistible to most women, including her. She swallowed hard. This man grew more dangerous by the minute.

  He shrugged. “Sorry, it was a baseball reference. Are you a top or a bottom, Miss Scarlet?”

  Irritated and sure he was mocking her, she crossed her arms over her chest. “I don’t see how that is any of your—”

  He waved a big hand to indicate three tidy piles of silk ribbons on the table. “I need to know which ribbon to give you.”

  “Oh.” She felt more than a little foolish now. Surely he wasn’t deliberately trying to confuse her, he was only doing his job. It wasn’t his fault that she was on edge. “Bottom, please.”

  He reached for a slim, purple ribbon. “If you’ll turn around, I’ll give you a hand with this.”

  Flustered but not willing to show it, Elle turned away as he moved closer. The ribbon passed before her eyes and he placed it against her throat. Her thighs clenched and her nipples tightened painfully when his warm fingers slid over her skin.

  “I hope you find what you desire beyond this door, Miss Scarlet.” His breath was warm against her throat and her knees threatened to buckle. In a blatant caress, he slid his finger beneath the ribbon sending a shaft of heat down her spine. He gave the silk a gentle tug before releasing her.

  Stunned by the strength of her reaction to this man, she started to move away when he caught her elbow.

  “This way, please.”

  Flustered, she realized she’d been so startled she’d moved toward the parking lot and not the door. He guided her toward the entry then released her.

  “Thank you. I hope you find what you’re looking for, too.” She winced when she heard her voice come out slightly higher than normal.

  He smiled and leaned against the doorframe. Crossing his arms over his impressive chest, his bold gaze moved over her body. “I think I already have.”

  The heated look in his eyes set her stomach to fluttering and her nerves went into high alert. She turned to hurry away and ran into another tuxedo-clad man. Cheeks burning, she mumbled an apology and darted around the man, grateful to make her escape.

  Just what was it about the doorman that made her so edgy, so…needy?

  * * * * *

  Blue’s gaze followed the sassy Miss Scarlet’s progress toward the coat check.

  Now that was his kind of woman. He’d eat his pirogue for one night of pleasure between those thighs.

  He ran his hand over his jaw. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d felt such an immediate, white-hot sexual attraction to a woman. One glance from those emerald eyes and she’d rocked his world.

  Though her silk mask had obscured her features and her coat concealed most of her body, he’d fuck her for the hair alone. Those beautiful sable locks created a cascade of long, riotous waves that would entice a man to tangle his fingers in the silken mass while her sassy mouth sucked his cock. He rocked on his heels. She looked like a woman who’d know how to suck a cock, too. This one wouldn’t be timid, oh no. He’d bet his house she’d jump in with both feet and swallow him with pleasure.

  The powerful image created such a rush of heat to his groin that his breath caught when his buttons prodded his hardened flesh. He shifted his stance in an effort to relieve the pressure.

  It didn’t help.

  Miss Scarlet, oblivious to his heated thoughts, had reached the coat check. His mouth went dry when she slid the purple suede from her shoulders. She was even more beautiful than he’d imagined. His gaze skimmed her curvaceous figure. Judging from the other ladies he’d seen so far, she was a modest dresser, which intrigued him all the more.

; Her black long-sleeved blouse was sheer, and the bodice was accented with dark purple beads. A black leather corset bra that laced up the front and left her lower belly bare confined her ample breasts. A simple black leather skirt covered her ample backside and ended just above her knees.

  He was pleased to see that particular part of her anatomy was more than enough to fill a hungry man’s hands. Her world-class legs were encased in black silk stockings and her feet were shod in a lethal-looking pair of high heels. The shoes alone were enough to enflame any man’s baser instincts but it was no wonder she’d stumbled. While they were undeniably sexy, they looked painful to him.

  Blue licked his lips. Just looking at her made him hunger to touch her, take her beneath him and spank that rounded backside until it warmed and turned rosy. He could well imagine those beautiful legs, with the heels and stockings in place, thrown over his shoulders as he ate her sweet pussy. Better yet, wrapped around his waist as he slowly fucked her into release, her big breasts in his hands and her long hair tangled over his pillow.

  Oh yeah…

  Blue smiled. He’d found exactly what he’d been looking for.

  Chapter Three

  Elle slid into a vacant seat at the end of the bar. Situated on the terrace, the bar commanded both an excellent view of the gardens and the crowded ballroom. She sighed when she slid one of her shoes off to dangle on the end of her toe. More importantly it offered a welcome place to rest her weary feet. She loved good shoes but she didn’t understand why the really sexy ones always had to be such torture to wear. Surely the shoe designers could understand the need for a little extra padding in the soles?

  After ordering her drink, she let her gaze drift over the crowd. Everywhere she looked there was exposed flesh and every shade of purple imaginable. Masks, thongs, pants, one adventurous guest even wore a purple leather straightjacket. Over-the-top was what came to mind when she thought of one of Ty’s events.

  She’d already made several rounds of the party and had recognized a few people from previous events. She’d made small talk and had received a flattering number of propositions though none interested her so far. One man easily could have been her grandfather’s age. All it had taken was one swift glance at his sagging balls and she’d beaten a hasty retreat. Another man had been a distinct possibility until she’d seen his cock and balls had multiple piercings. She shuddered. Genital piercing did nothing for her and she certainly didn’t want to have sex with a man who had more metal on his cock than was contained in most cars today.

  She picked up the drink the bartender had placed at her elbow. Maybe she was being too picky?

  An image of that pierced cock flashed before her eyes and she set her glass down. No, she wasn’t being too particular, she had certain standards a potential lover needed to meet. One of them was no genital piercing and another was to be too young for an AARP card. She sighed and picked up her drink again. She’d seen a few friends, shaken some hands but so far she’d failed to accomplish the one thing she’d desired—finding a man to spank her and make her come and come hard at that.

  Elle was more than a little disappointed and beginning to feel desperate for sexual release. She’d deliberately refrained from masturbating for the past few weeks just to build up the tension for tonight. She caught sight of a man with multiple purple ribbons tied around his cock and nothing else. It was starting to look like she’d wasted good lip gloss.

  “I spy Miss Scarlet.” A familiar voice sounded in her ear and her heart leapt.

  “Master Tyson.” She turned and smiled wide as the slim, handsome black man slipped into the seat next to her. “How are you, my friend?”

  “I’m fabulous.” He dropped a leather notepad on the bar before he kissed her on the cheek. “You look beautiful this evening.”

  “Thank you.” Her gaze skimmed his burgundy silk pajama-looking outfit. “I must say you’re looking pretty hot yourself.”

  He preened. “This is my latest acquisition from the fall shows in Paris.” He waved at someone across the room. “Are you having a good time, Elle?”

  “So far, so good.” She sipped her drink. “It looks like you have an excellent turnout this evening.”

  He grinned and his slim chest swelled. “Everyone vies for an invite to one of my decadence parties. They are the talk of the underground.” His brow arched and he gave her a coy look. “The question of the evening is, have you seen anyone interesting yet? With the way you look this evening the men should be panting for you.”

  She shrugged. “I made two circuits of the house and nothing has sparked my interest yet.”

  “Don’t you worry.” He patted her hand. “I’ve already found the perfect man for you. Peter has a houseguest who has been staying here for the past few weeks. This man is hot, he’s got an accent you will not believe and I’m pretty sure he will fuck like a machine.” Ty leaned over and whispered, “I’m sure he’s packed like a racehorse.

  “Girl…” Elle laughed as he waved one slim hand over his heated face. “If I knew he swung both ways I’d have bagged him already.”

  “I’ll bet you would have.” She shook her head. Tyson’s sexual escapades were welcome fodder for many a dinner party.

  “Don’t you worry, Elle, I’ll go find him and send him over here to sweep you off those heels and fuck you into oblivion.” He squeezed her hand.

  Her stomach flopped. “Ty, what did you tell him about me?”

  He slid off the seat and gave her an innocent look she did not buy for one second. “Nothing except that I have a really hot friend who needs a little taming, a lot of licking and maybe a spanking or two.”

  Elle couldn’t help but laugh as Ty sashayed off into the crowd. She picked up her empty glass then indicated to the bartender she’d like another.

  She and Ty had met on the local club scene. He’d been the one to introduce her to the close-knit bondage community in Columbus. He’d encouraged her to explore the darker, more sensual side of her nature and he’d done everything to aid her in her quest. He’d been a good friend, trustworthy and he had the sexual morals of an alley cat in heat. What more could she want in a friend?

  She grinned. If Ty had picked out a man for her then he must really be something. Hopefully he would be interesting enough to take her mind off that hot doorman who’d thrown her for such a loop. She sipped her fresh drink. It wasn’t that she had anything against doormen, she really didn’t. In her dating career she’d dated bartenders, a carpenter, as well as a neurosurgeon and the CEO of an insurance company. Their job or the size of their paycheck didn’t matter to her as much as their personality and their ability to wield a paddle.

  Very simply put, this evening she was determined her final Sub/Dom scene in Columbus be memorable, and that didn’t include having chandelier sex with Ty’s hired help. It was also very possible that if she took him up on the invitation she’d seen in his eyes that she’d run into him again sometime in the future. She planned to return to Ohio to visit her friends at least several times a year and that would include attending some of Ty’s parties. The last thing she’d want would be to come face to face with the doorman again after having wild sex. One of her requirements for the evening was that she’d never have to see her partner in the future. It was just easier that way. In her opinion, serious relationships were highly overrated.

  “There you are, Miss Scarlet.”

  Elle tensed as the warm velvet voice of the doorman stroked her ears. She closed her eyes for a brief moment in an effort to steady herself before facing him. She was feeling a little too weak, too needy to have to fight her attraction to him. He was disturbing enough as it was and she’d hoped to avoid him for the rest of the evening. She opened her eyes and turned just as he slid onto the padded stool next to hers.

  She gave him a cool, pointed look then turned away. “I’m waiting for someone.”

  He chuckled and her toes curled in response. “What a coincidence, so am I.” He rested his brawny arms on the
edge of the bar. “We can keep each other company while we wait.” He nodded toward the bartender then requested a beer.

  More than a little on edge, Elle’s gaze moved over the crowd, frantic to find Ty. Thanks to the terrace rail against her back, the bar on her right and the arrangement of potted palms on the left, she was trapped in a corner by this man’s big body. The only way out would be an undignified scramble over the railing or she’d have to shimmy past her tormentor. She glanced over the rail and noted the rosebushes below.

  Shimmy it is.

  She picked up her drink and made to slide off her stool.

  “Running away, Miss Scarlet?”

  The mocking tone in his voice brought her to a screeching halt. Was she running away?


  Irritated, she bit the inside of her lip. Just what was she running from anyway? Yeah, he was good looking but he was still only a man…a devastatingly sexy man but a man nonetheless. She could handle him with her hands tied behind her back—

  In your dreams…

  Stifling a groan she placed her drink on the bar then forced her gaze to meet his. “And what do you think I’m running from, Mr. Doorman?”

  His mouth quirked. “Blue, you can call me Blue.” He picked up his beer and leaned toward her. They were so close that his knees brushed against hers. Her skin felt electrified where he touched her.

  “I don’t know, Miss Scarlet.” His drawl was sexy, sensual. “You tell me what it is about me that has you so spooked.”

  Elle feigned a laugh and hoped it sounded more natural than it felt. “You do not have me spooked,” she lied. She crossed her arms over her chest to hide her erect nipples then leaned back in her chair to give him a superior look. “There is nothing about you that interests me in the least.”

  “Mais, yeah?” His heated gaze skimmed over her curves. “Your mouth says one thing yet your body says another. Which is the liar?”


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