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R.S.V.P. Page 11

by Madeleine Oh

  She speared a mouthful of meat and vegetables and chewed slowly. “Mmmm, Alan Branis, you are a darn good cook!”

  “Think I’ll make some nice woman a good husband?” Damn! Too soon again. She swallowed the mouthful half-chewed.

  After she took a good swallow of wine, she gave him a look. It wasn’t hurt, indignant or even surprised, just perplexed. “The beef’s marvelous,” she said after a long silence.

  Better backpedal and stick with safe topics, like religion, sex and politics. “So, Jane, the flogger wasn’t as bad as you feared?”

  “No.” She frowned as if thinking. “It wasn’t, in fact…” She looked up at him, fork poised, “I liked it and yes, it did get me aroused, but is it always like that?”

  “You mean arousing, or that gentle?”

  “That gentle.”

  “You know the answer already, don’t you?”

  She let out a sigh, “I can guess. But does it always arouse?”

  “It does me, and it will you, unless I’m very much mistaken.”

  “Why, Alan? Why does something that should be awful, feel so wonderful?”

  She was more open than he’d ever hoped this early. More honest, more desirable. Better get back to her question. “Jane, I don’t honestly know. I think it’s the way we’re hotwired and I’m just glad we found each other.”

  A little smile curled the corner of her mouth. “So’m I.”

  “Want some more to eat?”

  “I think I’ll wait for dessert.”

  “How about a bit of butter?”

  He loved the way she looked—irritated and intrigued at the same time. “You’ve been bouncing that thing in front of me since we got here. I’m beginning to think it’s merely a table decoration.”

  “Certainly not.” He stood up. “Let’s clean up the dishes, and I’ll show you where to put it.”

  “What about a promise of whipped cream and a chocolate condom?”

  She was wonderful, coming right back, even when unsure and nervous. “You pick, Jane. Butter or cream?”

  She took a very deep breath, looked from him to the butter dish and back again. Thinking, worrying, daring. “Oh, hell! Let’s go for butter!”

  He’d found the woman of his dreams!

  She had to be utterly mad! Sex mad! She could have had him licking whipped cream off her breasts. Instead she was bent over the arm of the sofa, face in the pillows while Alan buttered—or rather lubed-up her arsehole. He had yet to insert the damn butt plug that had alternately fascinated and repelled her all evening. He seemed to much prefer playing with her areshole with his finger. He’d told her not to move, and when she wiggled, slapped her on the rump. Not hard, but enough to sting, and since then he’d held her still by pressing his free hand between her shoulder blades.

  She should be forcing herself off the furniture and objecting to the indignity of him playing with her arsehole, but some deep, twisted part of her loved it. Suddenly, he rammed in harder and she let out a soft moan. She might be sick, perverted or bent—maybe all three, but she loved this, and wanted more…

  “Ever been buggered, Jane?” Alan asked conversationally as he withdrew halfway and pressed back deep.


  “Want to be?” A gasp sort of froze in her throat. Did she? His hand pressed harder between her shoulder blades. “Well, Jane? Answer me.”

  “Yes!” Hell! Why not? She’d fantasized about it often enough. But did she really want Alan’s big cock up there?

  Seemed she was committed. “Brilliant!” he said, removing his finger. “Time to get the plug in. It’s bigger than my finger, so you’ll need preparation.”

  The lubricant was cold but soon warmed in her body. Alan appeared to be having a fine old time, pressing the gel in deep and slathering it over her arsehole. “I think you’re ready now,” he said at last. Before she had time to object, complain or even think about changing her mind, the hard rubber slid home. “How does that feel?” he asked putting his arms on her waist, raising her up to standing and turning her to face him.

  Would be easier to reply if they weren’t eye-to-eye. “Odd.”

  “Not uncomfortable?”

  Good question. “Not exactly. ‘Odd’ is the best description. I’ve never had anything that big up there!”

  “My cock is a lot bigger, Jane.”

  Her throat tightened at the thought. With a bit of effort, she swallowed. “I know…” Her stomach seemed to know as well. Heck, every inch of her responded at the prospect.

  “Oh, Jane. Don’t look so worried.” He traced her lips with the pad of his finger. “It will meet all your wildest fantasies and more. You have my word.”

  She’d be a fool not to believe him. “With a money-back guarantee?”

  “If you’re not completely satisfied, I’ll repeat it until you are!” His hand smoothed over her hip and round to stroke her arse. “Sure the plug feels okay? I want to leave it in about twenty minutes.”

  “What are you planning on doing for the next twenty minutes then?”

  “The washing up!”

  She should have expected that, given how much he enjoyed tossing the unexpected in her direction.

  Chapter Eight

  Jane sank deep into the scented bubbles—jasmine if the big bottle by the side of the bath was anything to go by. “A nice soak will help you relax,” Alan said when he turned on the taps, filling the large bathroom with steam and scent, after he’d made her bend down and touch her toes as he removed the plug. He’d been right. She was relaxed. Sort of. When she wasn’t wondering what exactly he was doing in the bedroom.

  At her agreement—no, request, Alan Branis was going to bugger her. Right. Why get so het up? Hadn’t she had countless fantasies of just that happening to her, and hadn’t Alan proved himself a considerate lover? She’d been so worried about the flogging, and sheesh… She got warm just remembering. And even hotter looking at the larger-size butt plug he’d plonked down on the side of the bath. “Just so as you don’t forget what’s waiting.”

  As if she could! Or forget his wicked grin as he said it.

  Jane gave a big sigh and sank deeper into the scented bubbles.

  “Ready, love?”

  Her readiness might be moot. His was obvious. She half-suspected he wore the black silk boxers just to showcase his erection tenting the front.

  Not to be outdone, she smiled up at him. “I think so.”

  “I hope so.” He held out a hand.

  His fingers closed over hers as she stood and stepped out onto the mat. He wrapped a vast bath towel around shoulders and gently patted her dry. “Come on,” he said, turning to lead the way.

  “Wait.” Jane caught his arm. Looking down at the impressive bulge in his boxers, she licked her lips. “I’d like a taste first.”

  “Jane!” He’d raised his voice only slightly, but it came out like a snap. “Remember what I said earlier? You follow my directions. Time to get things straight, my dear. I’ve been a little too indulgent. Yes, you will get to suck my cock. When I give permission. No more lewd suggestions from you. I decide what happens and when. You do as I tell you, or, my dear, you’ll feel more than you want on your bottom!”

  How could threats and admonitions excite her so? She was almost shaking with anticipation. “I’m sorry, Alan.”

  Without thinking, she dropped to her knees on the plush mat. “Forgive me,” she begged, hanging her head. Just saying the words sent a thrill down to her pussy. It didn’t ease in the slightest her ache to take his cock in her mouth, but she could wait, she would, she had to.

  “You’re forgiven,” he replied. “This time. Just stay there on your knees until I call you to get up and follow me.”

  A strange thrill zinged through Jane as she watched Alan walk away. It wasn’t just the sight of his broad shoulders and nice arse. It was anticipation. This man was the answer to her wildest dreams. Very soon…

  She took a deep breath.

  “I’m read
y, Jane, get in here!”

  She jumped up at his voice, and all but dashed down the hallway, pausing just inside the door to look at Alan standing at the foot of the bed.

  “Staying in the doorway all night?”


  She took three steps across the cream Berber carpet and knelt at Alan’s feet. The weird thrill caught in her chest this time. She made herself breathe slowly and waited.

  Alan moved. She could see his bare feet and his strong ankles as he paced from side to side. “My dear Jane, you know, without being told, exactly what I want. Perfect. Now get up and come over here, and let me bugger you.” She wobbled as she stood. It wasn’t fear, more a strange, twisted excitement she didn’t want to think about.


  “No. A bit worried, but…”

  “Don’t be. Come here.”

  He drew her into his arms, pressing his mouth on hers, kissing hard and fast with an urgency that betrayed his need and fired her own. She reached up, wrapping her arms around his neck and returned the kiss—lips, tongues, arms meshed and joined. Jane heard an echo of a gasp, followed by a whimper as he pulled away. And that was it. Alan swept her up in his arms and deposited her on the bed. At once, he loomed over her, hands either side of her shoulders, one knee on the bed, as his mouth came down again.

  If he’d forbidden her to respond, she’d have failed utterly. He matched her need, wild kiss upon wild kiss, hands exploring, stroking, caressing. His mouth now on her breast, teasing and tugging as his lips tightened on her nipple, hurting just slightly. Her body responded, heat flashed over her skin and wild wetness gathered between her legs. He moved to her other breast. “Yes!” he whispered triumphantly as she whimpered in anticipation.

  Jane cried out as his lips and teeth pulled on her already sensitized nipple. It was too much! It was wonderful! Alan shifted slightly, kissing between her breasts, before nipping his way down across her belly to her pussy. She was squirming on the bed by the time he parted her bush and opened her pussy lips. “Be still!”

  She made every effort to obey. She succeeded, lying still as possible, waiting for his mouth to descend and…nothing! Just a long, long pause, while he blew on her wet pussy, his fingers searing like brands on her sensitive flesh. “Please,” she begged, “Alan, please!”

  “Please what, Jane?” he asked into her pussy.

  “Please kiss me there.”

  “If you want me to eat your pussy, then say so.” She never used that expression. “Kiss” was so much nicer but…

  “You don’t want it, Jane?”

  Dear heaven, she did! “Oh! Please, Alan, eat my pussy!”

  He obliged.

  Opening her thighs wide, he lay between them, hesitating a moment as he spread her more open, then the full flat of his tongue came from fore to aft—slow, wet and warm. She let out a moan as he repeated the caress, time after time, back and forth. When she thought she could take no more, he pressed closer, his lips covering her cunt and this time, his tongue penetrated her.

  She all but rose off the bed. Would have, but his hands on her thighs held her down. If only this could continue forever!

  If only she could lie here and have him worship her pussy like this. Her moans and sighs echoed off the low ceiling. Her hands grasped the sheets under her as her body rocked with pleasure.

  He shifted again, this time his lips returned to her clit and she all but screamed as his fingers penetrated her cunt. Her groan rose to the heavens as her desire peaked. His fingers curled inside her, driving her need higher. If he kept this up much longer, she’d climax.

  Jane whimpered as he withdrew, crying out as a finger penetrated her arse. It was tight, hurt a little, felt odd, but suddenly… “That feels so good, Alan.” She pressed down trying to bring his finger deeper, but it was gone.

  Alan kissed the side of her mouth as she protested. “Soon, Jane, soon I promise, but you still haven’t earned that privilege.”

  Privilege was it? Maybe. Whatever it was, she wanted it! More and more and… “Alan, please…”

  “Of course, dear.” He’d shifted, moving up the bed so he knelt astride her. “Very soon, Jane but first you have to suck me.” He shifted closer, lifting her head and tucking one of the thick pillows behind it. “That should work nicely. Now is your chance to demonstrate how much you want this cock up your arse. Please me now and it’s yours!”

  Nothing ever equaled the thrill of taking him into her mouth. As he moved closer, looming over her, bigger, stronger and more powerful than ever, she lifted her head, opening her lips to embrace him. “Hang on, love.” Another pillow felt better, raising her so it supported her neck. “Comfy?” Alan asked.

  Her reply was to open wide and cover the smooth, sweet head of his cock with her mouth. A great shudder of pleasure rippled deep inside. Her clit almost hurting with need as she drew him deeper, brushing her tongue over his hard flesh. He was immense, male, strong and hers. He filled her mouth. Thinking about the selfsame cock stretching and stuffing her tight arse, caused a frisson of fear, anticipation and delight.

  She would not falter, would not fail. She’d please Alan and he’d satisfy her fantasy.

  She gave up thinking and let her body take over, desire, thrills and an illicit delight driving her on. She savored the taste of the pre-come seeping from the tiny opening, relished the contrast between the smooth skin on the head and the ridges along the side of his cock. Using her lips, she played his foreskin, easing it back before flicking her tongue over the sensitive spot on the underside of his cock, just below the head. Swallowing him as deep as she dared, before slowly withdrawing, just a little. She whimpered in disappointment as he withdrew.

  “Hush.” he said, stretching out beside her and pulling the duvet over them. “Sssh. Lie still.” He was behind her, his hand cupping her breast, stroking it with a sweet gentleness that made her sigh.

  “I love you, Alan!” Cripes! She’d said it.

  “I know, Jane, I love you too.” His hand came down to rest between her legs before his fingers entered her wet and ready pussy, pressing deep. “I love you, and I’m making your arse mine,” he said, easing out his fingers. “Lie still.”

  She went as limp as she could as his hand stroked her arse and gently parted her bum cheeks. She panted with anticipation as he pressed against her muscle, and one finger entered. Deep.

  “Breathe,” he said. “Breathe slowly.”

  She obeyed, making her muscles relax, until all she felt was mild tightness. This she could take but it was only one finger. His cock was so big, so…

  “Easy, Jane darling, lie still. You’ll be alright. I’m going to stretch you with the plug.”

  First came the lubricant—cold, slick and smooth, warming as he worked it inside her. Then came the plug—hard, stretching her, opening up her tight hole. Jane gasped as it pressed past the tight ring of muscle and made herself relax. If she lay still, it felt better, less tight, but not exactly less big. It hadn’t felt like this before.

  “Which one is that?”

  “Does it matter?”

  “Yes. I want to know whether to panic or not!”

  His lips brushed her shoulder. “It’s the big one. Just lie still and get used to it. I have to open you enough to take my cock.” As he spoke, he pushed her knees up towards her chest. “Stay like that. It opens you more.”

  Perhaps it did. The plug felt easier this way. Still large, still hard but…her pussy was throbbing and responding more than ever. This was beyond her wildest dreams and his hand caressing between her legs took her a pitch higher. She rocked against him, wanting to feel the strength and security of his broad chest, and brushed back on his very erect cock.

  “Easy, love. Almost there,” he whispered in her ear. The plug slipped out of her arsehole and his erection took its place. He pressed into her, pausing as he met the ring of tight muscle. Jane all but froze. Alan went still, his arm around her waist holding her against him, his other hand gri
pped her shoulder, steadying her. He paused on the threshold of her last virginity, pressing gently, waiting.

  A low, slow moan came from her lips. Alan might be entering her arse, but her pussy didn’t feel neglected. She throbbed deep within. As he pressed against her arsehole, her cunt responded. Was as if they were connected, one stimulating the other.

  “Push back on to me,” he said, his breath brushing her neck. “You press down. I’ll stay still. That way you take me in as much and as fast as you want.”

  Nothing could delight her more!

  Jane eased back, pausing as the pressure increased, wondering how he could penetrate her, wanting him deep, needing him hard inside her. She leaned back again. This time it hurt, but she stilled. Waiting, letting the hurt fill her, letting the discomfort transmute to pleasure. As if in unison she pushed, he pressed and with a gasp, Alan was in. He paused again, as her body accustomed itself to the intrusion.

  “All set, my love?” he asked after a few moments. “Ready for the rest of my cock?”

  “Yes!” As she spoke, he grasped her shoulders with both hands. Holding her still, he drove in deep.

  It hurt! It was wonderful! The pain, the joy and the thrill mingled as she let out a stream of little cries. She wanted him like this—seated deep in her forever, whenever and however. She’d do anything for him, if he’d only use her like this again. She’d obey any directive, any command, to feel this thrill, this pleasure, this sensation, his total and utter ownership of her.

  “I love you! I love you, Alan! I love you!”

  “I know, I know, love. Now keep still. I’m going to ream your arse until we both come!”

  How could his voice drive her so wild? The promise, the threat, the utter intimacy of their connection, left her awash in desire, hormones and sexual thirst.

  He started moving. Gently at first—rocking his hips to ease in and out, never passing beyond her tight muscle, keeping her stretched and filled. As he moved, he stroked her clit, bringing her closer and closer to her peak. Jane pressed back again, wanting him to fill her to the hilt.

  She was moaning, gasping, shouting as her climax peaked. Alan kept up the caress as he pumped back and forth, tight and deep inside her. She reached the rim of her climax and screamed, pressing down on him harder than ever, wanting all of him, every single millimeter.


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