Jacks, Marcy - Eli's Reluctant Mate [DeWitt's Pack 5] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic ManLove)

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Jacks, Marcy - Eli's Reluctant Mate [DeWitt's Pack 5] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic ManLove) Page 11

by Marcy Jacks

  Eli’s Reluctant Mate 107

  mistaking the color of those eyes.

  “One dark brown, the other blue.” Eli barely dared to hope.


  The wolf twitched his tail and licked Eli across the nose. Eli

  laughed and sobbed at the same time, throwing his arms around the hairy shoulders of the wolf lest he disappear on him.

  Eli’s chest hurt as he wept. He couldn’t seem to properly catch a breath as his happiness consumed every part of him, even his lungs, leaving little room for air.

  He ran his fingers through the coarse wolf fur of Chris’s hair, kissed his perfect ears and the top of his head.

  Chris wagged his tail like a puppy who had found his master, and he knocked Eli onto the ground, licking his face and neck.

  Eli finally caught his breath and managed to laugh. He grabbed the fur around Chris’s neck and yanked the new wolf off of him. Chris’s mouth was open, tongue lolling in a dog smile.

  “Can you understand me?” Eli asked. It was common that a first transformation put the werewolf in more of an animal state of mind, rather than human, but Chris yipped at him.

  That could mean anything.

  Eli looked him in the eyes and concentrated. He needed to communicate with Chris, get him out of this form. Do you understand me? he asked again, using the link that all mated werewolves had.

  Chris’s ears perked, and he cocked his head to the side, as though attempting to understand what that sound had been inside his head.

  Then his body shifted.

  He was changing back. Eli held on to him tightly as Chris whined and lay down on soft grass. The shift went through him relatively quickly. After twenty seconds all his fur had either been shed completely off or had shrunk back under the pores of his skin.

  Eli touched that skin. It was warm now and tanned a healthy

  colour from both sunlight and health.

  Chris blinked his multicolored eyes and looked up at him, and Eli

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  wanted to weep all over again.

  Chris touched his face, and Eli’s jaw trembled.

  “Don’t cry,” he said.

  Eli wanted to laugh. “Don’t cry, he says. After my mate dies and

  is brought back to life, how can I not cry?”

  Chris kissed him, and Eli tasted the tears from both of them. He

  pulled Chris onto his lap and plundered his mouth, thrusting his tongue, tasting him, touching him, assuring himself that this was real and that Chris wasn’t about to vanish on him.

  Eli had to force himself to pull away. “You are real? We’re not

  both dead and in the other life?”

  “As far as I know, no.” Chris grabbed Eli by the ears and pulled their mouths together again.

  Eli couldn’t help himself. They weren’t so much kissing as they were claiming each other, and his body reacted. So did Chris’s.

  He was about to push Chris off of him. His mate had just come back from the dead, and considering the shape Eli was in, this was not the ideal place for them to celebrate.

  Chris felt his erection, however, and started grinding his hips in a circular motion, brushing their cocks together.

  Eli groaned, and pathetically enough, he came, splashing his warm fluids onto both of their stomachs.

  “Shit!” Eli cursed, wiping away his cum from where it had landed just a little too close to Chris’s healing wounds. There was always something erotic about having his cum on the skin of a lover, it was another way of claiming that person, but Eli didn’t want to do it at the risk of infecting Chris’s scratches.

  Chris hardly paid him any mind as he continued humping Eli like he was in heat. He grabbed Eli by the hand and lowered his palm to his cock.

  Eli took the hint and stroked him. Chris had never been this hard

  for him, and Eli felt the veins bulging in the other man’s prick.

  “Come for me, baby, mark me as yours.”

  Eli’s Reluctant Mate 109

  Chris’s movements sped up. He wrapped his arms around Eli’s shoulders and thrust against his hand faster. His eyes squeezed shut, and he moaned in short bursts.

  Just those sounds were enough to fill Eli’s prick once more, and the jerky movements of Chris’s hips brought jolts of pleasure that made his balls tight.

  “Fuck! Ugh, fuck me, Eli!”

  Chris came as he said it, his body going slack over Eli’s shoulder, but his erection didn’t dwindle, and Eli didn’t need to be told twice.

  He pushed Chris down on his back, and Chris opened for him.

  Love you so much, was said through their link. Eli didn’t know which of them had said it.

  Their mouths met, and Eli continued thrusting against his lover, humping him, grinding their cocks together for more of that shivery pleasure that produced the sighs and gasps that Eli loved to hear.

  Chris ran his fingernails down Eli’s back, and he groaned.

  “Eli, I’m coming again,” Chris gasped. “Fuck me now. I need you right now.”

  Eli wanted to laugh. Chris didn’t yet realize that as a werewolf, he would be able to go for another ten rounds if he really put his mind to it. Just because Eli made him come one more time didn’t mean that he

  wouldn’t be able to go one once more.

  He decided he wouldn’t be a tease about it. Besides, Eli was still

  filthy as hell, and he didn’t want to risk that any minute now Chris could come out of his lust-induced haze and take note of that, then

  press the pause button on their actions until Eli received some


  Not going to happen.

  Eli stuck his fingers in his mouth, wetting them, and then brought down his index finger on Chris’s pucker.

  “Don’t make it hurt.”

  Eli paused, his heart breaking for the other man. “It will a little, but you’re a wolf now. I promise it’ll only burn a little and that’ll be

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  If Eli had his way, it wouldn’t hurt at all. The heaviness in Chris’s cock and balls was a testament to how horny he was. Hopefully that would be more than enough to get him through the worst of it.

  Eli prepared him, as slowly as he was able, yet still quickly, as the urge to be inside of Chris was driving him insane. He actually started to sweat again.

  Eli wouldn’t enter him yet, not until he found what he was looking for. He hooked his fingers inside of Chris’s asshole, searching, searching.

  Chris had a deep look of concentration on his face until his eyes popped open wide.

  “There it is,” Eli said, nudging the little nub with his fingertips again, and then not moving his fingers away from that spot.

  Chris opened his mouth and cried out, his cock emptying onto his stomach. He gripped his hair and wiped his face as the orgasm seemed to go on and on.


  Eli had no idea what Chris had just said, but he smiled over it anyway as he wiped the white cum off of Chris’s chest with his free hand and then wiped his hand onto the grass.

  Eli kept right on playing with that spot, and Chris continued to moan as his cock filled again. Chris reached down and started to pump himself, using his own ejaculate as lubrication, and Eli decided he was ready.

  When he pulled his fingers out, Chris wailed in disappointment.

  “I’m not leaving you hanging, baby, don’t you worry.”

  Eli held his prick by the base, and then lined up the head with Chris’s pink pucker.

  “Push out,” Eli said through gritting teeth as he slowly, teasingly, pressed himself inside.

  He was tight, and it was nearly difficult to sheath himself fully, but he did it. Chris pressed his teeth together then sighed as Eli’s cock

  Eli’s Reluctant Mate 111

  brushed up against his prostate.

  They fucked each other hard. Eli reached down and gripped Chris’s
dick, stroking him in an off rhythm to his thrusting, but he couldn’t help it. He could hardly think about anything other than how mind numbingly good it felt to finally be inside of his lover.

  “You feel so fucking good,” Eli moaned, and the desperation they put into their actions, into the way they held each other, the way they kissed, fucked, was something Eli never wanted to experience with anyone other than his mate.

  Chris squeezed his eyes shut, the familiar sign that he was struggling to fight off his coming orgasm for as long as possible.

  “Oh God! Come inside me, Eli.”

  Eli sped up the motion of his hips. He was sure that Chris was going to have grass stains on his back when they were done.

  He released a hard groan as his balls became tight and he came. Chris was so inexperienced with his new body that his orgasm was right behind Eli’s.

  Eli didn’t stop. He kept right on thrusting into Chris, not coming to a halt until he milked himself completely, and his body was left twitching and satisfied after.

  They just held each other close after, neither wanting to interrupt the moment by getting up or even speaking. It was just them, all by themselves.

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  Chapter Thirteen

  “I saw something when I woke up. It was the shadow of a wolf.”

  Eli held Chris’s hand as they walked back to the pack. The sun had just about gone down, and the stars had come out. It was time to get back to reality and return.

  At least this time Eli would be happy to be coming back.

  Chris stayed close to Eli’s side, not yet used to walking around naked. He would get used to it soon enough.

  He thought about what Chris had just told him. “Another wild werewolf, maybe? They were all pretty upset about your death. I didn’t know wild werewolves cared so much for the myth about multicolored eyes.”

  Didn’t they always say that there was some truth to every myth? Maybe wild werewolves, being wild and more animal than man, were more in tune with the beliefs and legends than anyone thought they


  “No, it couldn’t have been one of them. This wolf didn’t try and

  have sex with me.”

  Something foul tasting entered Eli’s mouth. Right. He’d forgotten

  about that bit.

  “The shadow disappeared, too, when I touched it.”


  Chris nodded.

  Eli thought about that for a minute and came up with nothing logical. “I don’t know what happened. We all know there’s something about that pond that gives it its power. Maybe you saw a wolf spirit. Supposedly they’re still around from the time of the natives.”

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  “Have you ever seen a wolf spirit before?”

  Eli shook his head. “No, but you’re the one blessed with the lucky multicolored eyes. Maybe he only came to you.”

  “It might’ve been your brother,” Chris said carefully. “Maybe he thought that helping me would be like helping you. Since we’re together and all.”

  Eli liked the thought of that one better, that his brother was still nearby, watching over the both of them. “Could be.”

  Eli was completely talking out of his ass. Truthfully, he had no explanation, but coming up with these theories was calming. Really, all he cared about right now was that his mate was alive and would be coming home with him.

  “What do we tell the others when we get back?” Chris asked.

  “First, we tell them to not disturb us for forty-eight hours. Then, when we come out of our room, we tell them the truth. The pond brought you back to life.”

  “The same way it did to Deacon?”

  Eli clenched his jaw. “Yeah.”

  It still galled him that the guy was alive somewhere, creating wild werewolves left, right, and center. Eli would probably never catch up with the wolf who murdered his brother. Hell, that guy might already even be dead, considering the wild werewolves Eli had killed just today, not to mention the ones Nick, Adam, and Andrew had taken


  Tonight he would rest easy. He had Chris, they were both alive and well, and now that Chris was a werewolf, he would better be able

  to defend himself from attack.

  And their time in bed was going to be much more fun.

  “Let’s hurry,” Eli said. “I can’t wait to get home.”

  Chris smiled as they both ran the rest of the way. Eli finally had his mate.

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  Marcy Jacks lives and works in Ontario, Canada, where she is fervently pursuing the writer’s life while writing about lots of gorgeous guys. She loves hearing from readers and you can reach her at [email protected].

  For all titles by Marcy Jacks, please visit


  Siren Publishing, Inc.





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