Her Master's Courtesan

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Her Master's Courtesan Page 9

by Lily White

  But for now…she was still mine to control and I was determined to see just how entertaining a woman like her could be.

  I had a surprise for my courtesan and I sat down at my laptop to invite a few close friends over for a presentation next week. Rebecca was slowly breaking down; her mind was opening and waiting to be filled with the reality of how she would soon be desired by all. She’d be reformed into a seductress, a woman whose very submission made her valuable to men like me.

  After sending out the files that I needed prepared for the presentation I returned to Rebecca’s room to continue her training. I decided to keep her locked in that dark, cold room for a week. It will be submit or be punished – fuck or be flogged. Some days she’ll fight; but after a few days of the same, repeated pattern, she’ll eventually give in.


  It had been nine days since I abducted Rebecca and I worked in my office for the morning. After completing what needed to be done, I stood up from my desk and walked into the kitchen. My cook and housekeeper, Theresa, had arrived early and the smell of bacon and eggs permeated the space.

  She jumped when she finally noticed I’d entered the room. Bringing her hand to her chest, she smiled and greeted me. “Mr. Oliver. I’m so sorry. I didn’t know you were standing there and you scared me.”

  The corner of my lip turned up and I looked down at the elderly woman, appreciative of the service she’d provided me since leaving Wayne Grimly’s service when he died. “Theresa. You look lovely this morning. Did you enjoy your time off?”

  I preferred to have the house to myself during the first week of a new acquisition. Although Theresa was aware of the practices within our group, she always looked distraught to be in the house for those initial nights. I didn’t blame her for her repulsion at our crude proclivities, and I found it entirely normal that a person would find the screaming violence to be terrifying.

  “Oh! Thank you, Mr. Oliver, I did!” She smiled and the wrinkled lines of her face deepened with the motion. Bouncing the short bob of her hair on her hand, she added, “I had my hair done and I was lucky enough to visit with my granddaughter because her mother was in town. It was fortunate timing to have the week off.”

  “If your granddaughter is anywhere near as beautiful as you, I’d love to meet her one day. You should bring her to the house when I’m not working, let her ride the horses. I’m sure she’d love that.”

  Theresa beamed. “Yes, sir, she would. Now let me get back to cooking before I burn the whole place down.” She giggled like a young girl when she turned back to the stove and I smiled in response. I had a special admiration for Theresa – for her ability to remain young at heart despite the rapid aging of her body.

  I turned down the corridor towards Rebecca’s room. She’d have a special guest this afternoon and I wanted to ensure she was bathed and prepared for whatever it was that he needed to do with her. Before I opened the door to the dark room where I continued to keep her, I pressed my ear to the door to listen. The room was silent and I wondered if she still slept deeply.

  The hinges creaked as I pushed the door open slowly. She lay beneath the thin sheet, curled around herself to keep warm in the intense cold of the room. I’d blocked the vents years ago and this room was always 20 degrees colder than the rest of the house. It was an effective training tool – one that made her appreciate the room she’d be given inside the house once she’d fully submitted.

  Shutting the door I leaned up against it before folding my arms over my chest – the black material of my shirt pulling at the buttoned cuffs. I watched her sleep for another 10 minutes before I slowly stalked over to the bed, hungry again for the response of her cunt to my touch.

  Reaching down, I pulled the cover from around her naked body, enjoying the slow reveal of her cream complexion from beneath the crisp white sheet. She rolled to her back once she was completely bared to me. My eyes admired the taut peaks of her breasts, down to the gentle curve of her stomach and to the perfect curve of her hips. I wanted the wet heat of her mouth around my cock – I wanted to feel her tongue flick along the head, to slide along the shaft and smooth over the ache of my balls.

  I reached down to brush the back of my hand along her cold body. “Wake up, courtesan, the sun has risen and so must you.”

  Her eyes fluttered open and I watched as her conscious thought returned to her – the instant fear, regret and shame that blazed from her tired eyes.

  “Don’t look at me like that. Everything I’ve done to you has turned you on. You wanted the punishment – the pleasure and the pain. You want my cock inside you. I already know it – it’s about time you admit it to yourself.”

  She shrank away from my touch and I narrowed my eyes at her, warning her with nothing more than a silent expression. Almost instantly, she remembered the lessons I’d already taught her. Her eyes opened wide, but she looked over my shoulder and not directly at my face. I chuckled.

  “I guess it’s tough to look down when you’re lying in bed. Look at me.”

  The emerald green of her eyes flicked to mine and my cock filled to a point where it pressed against my pants. I looked down, directing her attention by the motion of my eyes. “Do you see what you do to me? It’s not an easy accomplishment, trust me.”

  A shudder ran over her naked body and I grabbed her hand, pulling her once again to her knees.

  “Sit on the edge of the bed, legs hanging over the side and spread as wide as you can get them.”

  Was I a bastard for doing this to her immediately when she woke up? Yes. Did I care? No.

  This was her purpose in life, the only thing that would be required or expected of her. Duke’s words replayed through my head and I shook away thoughts of what would become of her. If his intentions were as depraved as he’d hinted, my training of her wouldn’t matter in the long run – she would be dead before she could put to use the lessons and behaviors I’d taught her. But, I would teach her nonetheless. I was a professional. It was not my concern what happened to a courtesan after she left my house. The only concern I have is that she met the demands of the man who bought her and that my reputation was upheld by the level of her submission to that man.

  “Unbuckle my belt and pull my cock free of my pants. You’re glorious body has made me hard and your perfect mouth will relieve me of this problem.”

  Her thick lashes slowly blinked over her eyes. Pink and wet, her tongue flicked out to run along her bottom lip and she puckered those full lips in reaction to my instructions. I couldn’t tell what was happening behind her beautiful eyes, but I would be strict in forcing her compliance if she didn’t move to follow the instruction immediately.

  Clenching and then unclenching, her hands moved slowly to my pants, a questioning expression flitted across her face. She hesitated, but eventually pulled my thick cock free, holding it, seemingly unsure of what to do.

  “Is there a problem, pet?”

  She swallowed hard before finally looking up at me and answering, “I don’t know what I’m doing.” Shaking her head, she corrected, “I mean – I know what I’m doing, but I’ve never actually done it. I understand the mechanics…”

  I grabbed her chin when she tried to look away, the words of her admission trailing off into silence.

  “How many men have you fucked?” It was a simple question, but she seemed more bothered by it than my instructions.

  Very quietly, she whispered, “Three. Although my parents don’t know…” Tears welled in her eyes. “Oh God, my parents…” Sobs erupted from her throat and her body shook with their force.

  I breathed out slowly, containing my annoyance that she’d started to revert back from the level of submission she’d exhibited off and on over the past several days. Her mind was strong – maybe too strong – and I feared what it would take to finally make her give up her adherence to her personality and make her understand she is nothing more than a whore.

  “Stop crying and suck my dick. It really is that simple. Wrap y
our full lips around the head, lick along the shaft with your tongue – and suck, like you would a straw. Your hands feel good on a man’s balls, or wrapped around the shaft as you move that luscious mouth up and down my cock. Eventually, you’ll master the practice; you’ll be able to curb your gag reflex to take me deeper into your throat. There is an art to it, but one that any woman can learn. Just protect your teeth and ensure you do NOT scrape them along the skin. There’s nothing worse than the feel of your teeth on my dick. This is important. Some men will remove your teeth if you do not learn how to keep them from scratching. I personally, do not condone removing a bitch’s teeth because it makes her ugly and less valuable. However, there are some who will not hesitate to do it. I would hate to see your beautiful smile destroyed by your carelessness.”

  Releasing her chin, I stared down at her, expecting her immediate compliance. She opened her mouth and leaned forward to take the head of my cock in her mouth. As soon as she enclosed me in the wet heat of her full lips, my hips bucked towards her. Her tongue pushed against the head, eventually circling the rim and she brought me in deeper, choking on the length before finally discovering a rhythm and depth that worked for her. She couldn’t take my full length and she had to stretch wide to accept my girth, but, even as a novice, she licked and sucked beautifully.

  My head fell back and my hands gripped into her hair. I had to restrain from fisting her mane and fucking her mouth like I had her cunt. I know she would improve with time, and within minutes I was to a breaking point, ready to explode inside her.

  My warning came out on a growl. “I’m about to come down your throat. Do not pull away and be sure you swallow. If you spit, I’ll make to lick up every last fucking drop.”

  She licked along the head one last time and I thrust forward, shooting my orgasm down her throat, smiling when I heard her choke on the thickness of my cum. When I looked down, I noticed she hadn’t spilled one drop.

  “Good girl.”

  Her eyes flicked up and she pulled away from me, wiping the drool from her mouth with the back of her hand.

  “Let’s go get you cleaned up, pet. You have a very special guest arriving today and a party in your honor tonight. I have much to show you now that you’ve learned your place.”

  Leading Rebecca into the bathroom, I held out my hand and allowed her to enter before me. Normally, the courtesan would enter the room behind her owner, but I didn’t believe she was yet to a point where she wouldn’t attempt to run or do something stupid if my back was turned. I’d fine-tune her behaviors once I knew she was defeated. Only then would I be able to trust her.

  Her shoulders sagged as she walked past and I placed my hand on the small of her back, reaching around to place the other on her abdomen. I pulled her body straight.

  “Part of being a courtesan is having the ability to turn a man on just by walking in the room. If you are bent over yourself, appearing as if you’d rather be dead than in our company, it tends to leave the men somewhat flaccid when they look at you. Remember, pet, we refer to you as courtesans instead of slaves because we don’t want women forced to fuck us - we want whores who are eager to fuck us. Straighten your posture when you are in my presence.”

  She pulled her shoulders back and I admired the way it made her tits stand at attention. My eyes couldn’t help but take in the graceful lines and curves over her stomach and hips – the perfect shape of her ass and her breasts. Her long hair fell around her shoulders, wild and unkempt and I bit my lip at the sudden flame of desire that sparked inside me. I’d just fucked her face not ten minutes before and now I couldn’t get my mind off her cunt or her ass.

  I shook off my lust and turned the knob for the shower. The water sprayed from the head and steam instantly billowed over the stone tiled surface. Stepping aside, I motioned for Rebecca to enter the enclosed space.

  When she passed me, I said, “There’s soap, shampoo – everything you need. You’ll need to look beautiful tonight, so I expect that you’ll use what I’ve provided.”

  “Yes Master.” It was soft – barely a whisper – but she said it and I crossed my arms across my chest while leaning back against the opposite wall, content that she was starting to understand what was expected of her.

  Only hints of her body peeked out from behind the diaphanous curtain of steam and images flashed in my head; her hand on the glass with my fingers gripped over hers – her tits pressed up as I took her from behind, or perhaps her ass when I fucked her up against it. The tile in the shower was black and the countertops and floors were a concrete grey. It was a masculine room, dimly lit and so cold it was erotic. When the steam from the shower filled the room, it resembled a medieval dungeon. The atmosphere of the room wasn’t helping the agonizing need I had to dominate her.

  Fuck! I shook off the thoughts again, wondering what fucking drug that woman carried in her hot little holes that made my dick harder than a rock.

  She stepped out of the shower when she’d finished and I walked over to turn off the water. I handed her a towel and walked her back towards her room. We reached the door just before the dark room and I grabbed her arm before she passed it. Pulling a key from my pocket, I unlocked the door, opened it and led her inside.

  A laugh broke free of my lips to see her eyes widen and her body rotate slowly when she took a few hesitant steps into the room. I kept my eyes trained on her expression when she looked over the cream walls, accented with large wood carvings and the dark red murals of ancient and obscure symbols. The bedspread on the large king sized mattress was multi-colored patchwork silk, and small silver and gold objects were placed around the room adding sparks of light wherever the sunlight flooding the open windows touched them. White gossamer curtains blew into the room from the breeze outside and bird song could be heard in the distant gardens.

  She turned away from me, transfixed by the arched ceiling; the dark wood beams that met at the center of the space making the room appear much larger than it really was. I stepped behind her, and slid my hands along the smooth skin of her waist. She jumped, but I didn’t hold it against her. She’d been mesmerized by the opulence of the room – lost to the stark difference between this and the dark space I’d kept her in since she’d arrived.

  “This can be your room. I had is designed specifically for the courtesans I train. Your life doesn’t have to be cold, dark rooms and flimsy beds. Not here at least. When you’ve submitted fully, you’ll sleep in soft beds, covered in the most luxurious of sheets. Your feet will walk on soft carpet and your body will be dressed in clothes intended for a seductress. Do you see what you could have? What I am willing to give you if you please me? Free reign, pet – no chains or restraints…” I leaned in so that my mouth brushed lightly across her ear. “…unless, of course, I want to bind you.”

  She turned her head slightly so that my lips dragged along her cheek. I closed my eyes when the scent of sandalwood floated up from her skin, pushing my thoughts to a dark place – to more thoughts of what I wanted to do to her body. I stepped back, and told her to explore the closet and bureau I’d filled with clothes her size when I’d pursued her.

  She was the impressionable now; a woman whose happiness and bliss had been stripped, whose personality and life before me had been completely abolished. I could finally take the unformed clay and create something beautiful from it – sculpt her to become the epitome of seduction and the embodiment of carnal and raw desire. I would fill her head with the happiness I provided her – I would make her believe that she would only be allowed passion and joy if I was the one who gave it to her.

  “You’ll be treated well, kept as a treasured jewel – a rare and expensive collectible that will excite and inspire the man who owns you. Luxury is at your fingertips, pet – all you have to do is accept the pain and pleasure, to accept that you are owned by a powerful and strong man.”

  Following her through the room as she explored, I lifted my hand to run the tip of my finger along her ear. She shivered and I watch
ed her perfect mouth fall open from her sudden inhalation of air. Sound was vacant in this moment between us except for the soft brush of wind against the curtains. It blew over her body and I saw her knees tremble slightly. I needed to taste her and I ran my lips along her jaw, breathing heated breath across her skin.

  My eyes watched the tips of her breasts pebble. She arched forward and I smoothed my hand down her stomach, playfully sneaking down until the tips of my fingers rubbed over her clit, pinching it into a swollen nub aching for more stimulation. A small moan escaped her lips and I caught her when she would have fallen to the ground.

  Fuck, I shouldn’t be doing this but I had to bury myself inside her. My cock throbbed painfully against my slacks and my mouth watered in anticipation of the taste of her body. Her mind was finally opening up and the personality that had at first rejected my flavor of pain; was now open and receptive to every dirty fucking thing I wanted to do to her.

  I steadied her where she stood and demanded, “Get on the bed - on your back and spread those long legs wide apart so that I can admire everything you have to offer. I’m going to taste you again – sink my teeth and tongue into the sweet honey I know waits for me between your thighs.”


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