Trellis II (The Lone Colony Book 1)

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Trellis II (The Lone Colony Book 1) Page 6

by David Byrd

  “What do we do after that?” asked Jean looking around the room.

  “I believe our first order of business for the new ruling council of Trellis II is to elect a leader,” Max said. “And I nominate my friend Noel for that position. All in favor say aye.”

  “Aye,” said the group in unison.

  “Wait…just a second?” Noel said. “What are you talking about?”

  “Capital idea and Mr. Barlow is quite right,” Hollis said. “We are not mere researchers anymore. We are the first colonists or settlers if you prefer on a new planet. This planet will become much more crowded in a few years. While we can all be the council, we need a leader to speak for us and to lead the new settlers when they arrive. We will have a great deal to do to get ready for that eventuality. So it’s settled then, now what should we call ourselves…Trellisites, Trellians, T2’s?” The group burst out laughing at this, stress relief and a welcome break from the somber events that occurred in the last week.

  Over the next several days the colonists learned all they could from Hollis about the new devices, and they all installed the DNA encased implants. They received word from Earth that their proposals had been accepted and Noel sent a message back to Brellman detailing the failed attack and also assuring them that nothing could penetrate the energy shield. They decided to go back to their individual habitats with new projects for the future. In addition to establishing a sense of normalcy, they all had goals to accomplish before the colony ships arrived.

  Three weeks following the attack, Hollis concentrated on building new reactors. These were of the same design as the one powering the energy shield. All three habitats had been retrofitted with the new reactors fearing some future destruct code from Kinsdale could complete the mission that the destroyer had failed to do. Max established a close working relationship with Hollis to construct the machinery that they would need to continue. Jean focused on synthesizing new proteins (animal farming had long ago been discontinued) for consumption and worked closely with Faye who began developing new strains of crops for planting. The new implants were incredibly helpful as they could all share and participate if they wished, and all of the new machinery could be accessed and monitored through the link. Noel worked with the group as needed but being the “De-Facto” leader, his responsibility was more in planning for the colony ships and the initial organization structure.

  “The north quadrant looks like a perfect spot for the hydro and open air farms,” Noel said to the group on the link channel. He had been performing a detailed survey of the 20 kilometer zone inside the energy shield to map out the plans for the colony. “I’ve used the new geo scanner and the soil readings are perfect for the Trellis II modified crops. I think we should build a test plot here for Faye’s new strains.”

  “Excellent my friend,” Max said. “But we must have a grain developed soon please. I’m feeling very deprived of my beloved Vodka.” This elicited several laughs from the group knowing well Max’s fondness for an alcoholic drink now and again.

  “Of course Max, I’m already working on barley, will that do for you?” Faye asked sweetly.

  “Ah…Perfect. And I will be forever in your debt,” he said.

  With that the conference ended on an amusing note. Noel sighed and took a moment to view his surroundings. The morning was cool and beautiful. Trellis I was climbing in the sky and the sun peering out from behind the planet lit the rings perfectly. The sky glowed with a yellow hue flowing to orange at the horizon. Noel’s happiness was shared among all the colonists. With a renewed purpose they were all quite happy for the first time in many years. Time to move to the western grid he thought and with that he started out in the rover.

  Noel arrived at the western grid and began scanning. Most of this area and continuing to the west started a series of small ravines. In the distance, rocky cliff faces could be seen climbing higher into the sky. The mix of native rock and KT gave them a slightly golden color. With the sun shining just right they seemed to…glow.

  “Well, I hereby name this the golden mountain range.” Noel said aloud. With that declaration he completed his survey and headed for home.

  Chapter 13

  Earth – 1 month until departure

  “My mind is made up ladies and gentlemen,” A.J. said to the gathered world leaders via vid conference. “I have decided to leave my corporation in your capable hands to continue in my stead here on Earth. I will be joining the colony ships as a settler on Trellis II. You will be the governing board overseeing all Earth operations. I will coordinate with you from Trellis to send ore and technology as it is available and you will deliver the advances to the people.

  Mutterings and side conversations could be heard from the different channels but it made no difference to Alison. The messages from Trellis II about the attack and the discoveries had been broadcast to all Earth and Mars media outlets. The Kinsdale Corporation started folding soon after. First in value and then with defections. Subsidiary companies, contractors, and all levels of employees. Effectively deposed from his massive empire, Tobias Kinsdale had disappeared before the world council could bring him to trial on charges of attempted murder.

  Naldo Zel had not been idle in the last 11 months. He chose to withhold the information from Tobias Kinsdale regarding the shield technology and that was his undoing. When Tobias learned that his attack on the colony was unsuccessful and his company started going downhill he was looking for someone to blame. There had already been several attempts on his life and he was not safe on Earth or Mars. Wherever Tobias had gone he still had a vast network of spies and influence. Naldo was a survivor and he would survive this situation as well. Using his own resources, he managed to have all records of his DNA profile and identity changed. Records would show that he had been working in security for several companies for the last 10 years and had an exemplary service record. He then had cosmetic procedures to alter his facial structure, hair and profile. He had his skin darkened and green eye lens implants. Nothing could, of course change his extremely tall and thin shape, so he wore layers of clothing in the current style that made him appear as nothing more than a very tall some would say handsome man.

  “Come in Sir and please sit,” said the administrator. She was an attractive young lady in her 30’s who watched him with quite a bit of interest as he came in and sat down for the interview. “So your references are excellent and as one of the skills we need, we would like to offer you a position in Security and Enforcement,” she said with a bright smile.

  He was having an odd feeling here. Something he had never experienced. It seemed as if the young lady was actually…flirting with him…

  “Thank you ma’am I accept the position,” he said smiling back.

  Nicholas Zane as he was now known was the latest recruit for the Trellis II colony.

  The colony ships departed on schedule with 500 colonists in each ship. Being built in space, they were massive affairs nearly a kilometer long. Each ship contained enough supplies for five years. The colonists would live in the landing dome during the journey. Basically a round city topped with a massive transparent PlazSteel dome. The city dome was self-sufficient and would land on the surface on massive landing struts. The domed cities would appear to someone in the distance as if standing on massive legs with a glass top. The remaining structure of the colony ships were devoted to the near light speed engines. Each city had manufacturing facilities and all of the necessary machinery and equipment to sustain any small city on Earth.

  Tobias Kinsdale had been scheming since being deposed as leader of humanity. Using his vast resources, he entered into seclusion but not before making plans for his eventual return. He also planted a couple of operatives on colony ship 1 with a special mission.

  Using his link he contacted the commander of his former security force. He still had most of the security force and their ships hidden on Mars.

  “Commander,” said Tobias. “I have another job for you. Since we were unable to des
troy those rebels on Trellis II, I think the only recourse is to destroy the colony ships as they come into orbit. I have special warheads that are being built for your destroyer. It will take five years until they arrive and you will travel through the TGates just before that time and wipe them out.

  “Sir,” said the commander. “I’m at your service and I want to make up for my failure from before…but how can you justify destroying ships with over 1000 people on board?”

  “Leave that to me commander. I have much work to do in the next five years but you can be assured that the full backing of Earth will be behind the decision when the time is right.”

  After ending the conversation, Tobias consulted a screen at his desk. The names of all the Earth leaders who had thrown their support behind A.J. Brellman were listed along with their entire personal histories. Taking the first name, he expanded the data and mentally went over the options. Blackmail…no that threat was not enough for the power play he had in mind. He could not exert enough economic pressures now and using military force was out of the question since he wanted to reemerge as the leader. No…I think what is called for here is to kidnap the extended family…A few of them from each name on this list and detain them on Mars in the secret facility where his forces were stationed. Yes…when I’m finished with this council they will all support anything I wish he thought.

  Chapter 14

  Trellis II – 48 months until arrival

  Hollis busied himself on a new device in his lab. A table in front of him held a small orb around 30 cm in diameter which contained a miniature KT power source. On another table at the other end of the lab was a PlazSteel crate roughly 10 times the size of the orb. Activating the orb’s power unit using a special channel in his link, the unit began to hum and a haze formed around both the orb and crate. Seconds later the haze dissipated and a slight golden shimmer surrounded both. Wonderful he thought. Just a few thousand more of these after the colony ships arrive and they could be launched into geo synchronous orbit. With a few more enhancements they would function as a defensive system that would project and encase any threat in an energy field. Since the entire Trellis solar system was full of KT micro particles, the orbs would not be detectible from the background elements and they also had tiny shields of their own. Hollis and Max had enough material to construct a small rocket and launch two of the orbs into orbit over the habitat areas.

  In the designated landing zones for the two city domes, Max and Noel were scanning the underground strata for abundant groundwater. Before the colony ships departed, plans had been finalized between Noel and Alison Brellman, leader of the colony ships. In addition to scouting the landing sites and planning for the hydro/open air farms, water was the next immediate necessity. Trellis II had open water in other parts of the world and there was a cloud system which brought some rain to this area. But having built in the equatorial region, it was a drier area than elsewhere. Future expansions would probably be built in other regions where open water was prevalent.

  “Noel,” said Max. “This section…grid 23 seems to have a very large reservoir that can be tapped. They will of course have to recycle to prevent full depletion, but we will have all the machinery necessary for that.”

  “Yes this does seem like the best spot for the pumping station,” said Noel. From the figures we received from Alison this will suffice for about 15 years with normal population growth. By then we will have to build a reservoir and pump from the northern forest lakes.”

  “Well my friend, at least we don’t have to worry about sanitation,” Max said laughing and slapping Noel on the back.

  Noel laughed and thought with a slight shudder how long humanity had worked on that particular issue with human biology. Sanitation and elimination had been conquered in the last century. No longer would human waste have to be channeled to underground storage tanks or treated in massive industrial plants. Elimination pods contained the usual apparatus for the elimination human of waste but the waste itself whether liquid or solid were effectively disintegrated and vaporized. Abundant power from KT made that possible. Sanitation stations worked on the same principle preventing massive mountains of garbage to be disposed of underground.

  Colony Ship 1 – shipboard clock T minus 18 months until arrival

  “Of course we’ll see each other again…I promise,” Nick said smiling as he made his way out of the room and into the hallway. Nicholas Zale or Nick as everyone called him was a respected member of the security team onboard colony ship 1. In the last year he also had quite the reputation among the young ladies aboard. Never staying with anyone for too long, he still feared that someone would learn of his old identity of Naldo Zel. With his body and face reconstruction he was quite the handsome catch on the ship but something else unexpected had happened to Nick…respectability. Nick had learned what it was like to live and work with people as equals. No longer the freak from Mars station, he was a valued member of the crew. Nick also found that his former skills gave him a unique edge in keeping order and solving the minor issues that came his way.

  Nick made his way to the city center where the security office was located. After checking in and talking to some of his buddies, he received a new order on his pad. Implants would have been helpful but all colonists had their implants removed for the modified Adaptogen treatments. They would receive the new DNA implants on arrival. The complaint was anonymous but said in effect that someone was trying to sabotage the ships engines! Nick logged his report and headed out to check the complaint. This was interesting for a change he thought. Usually only petty theft or domestic disturbances but this had potential. He didn’t for a moment think it was true but it would break up the normal boring routine.

  Gaining access to the lower half of the ship that contained the near light speed drives was no small feat. The city dome in the upper section rotated for artificial gravity. The only egress to the lower spaces was at the bottom center of the city through the central connecting tunnel. At the end was a secure airlock into the engine section.

  Nick floated down the connecting tunnel and approached the airlock. Being at the bottom center of the dome this tunnel was stationary with zero gravity. That’s odd, he thought. There was a black smudge next to the access panel. The panel seemed to be offline. He tried his palm on the panel but it failed to activate. Using his pad he accessed ship security systems and navigated down to this security door. Running diagnostics he found the door and panel to be active and online but clearly it was not. Pulling out some specialized tools he unlocked the panel and removed the palm screen. Inside he found several scorched components and a new module spliced in. Nick’s senses were heightened as this panel had obviously been hacked. Disconnecting the foreign module, his pad now displayed the status as offline. He used his security overrides to shunt power from another subsystem to this one. The airlock clicked loudly and began to swing open.

  Nick entered, closed the door and cycled the interior door into the engine spaces open. Once through, he proceeded for the main engineering control room. The entire back half of the ship was zero gravity but he found it quite enjoyable having grown up on a low-g station. As he came closer to engineering he could hear two voices in the control room.

  “I don’t care what he promised,” the voice said. “It’s crazy! Blowing the compensator might cause a cascade and blow the ship…not just drop us out of near light speed.”

  “Look we have two missions and then we are free forever with all the credit we can ever want,” another deeper voice said. “We just have to delay the ship long enough for plans on Earth to take shape and then dispose of this Naldo Zel he says is somewhere on board.”

  Nick froze in the corridor at the mention of his former name. These two were assassins obviously sent by Kinsdale. He wished he had something more powerful than a security issue stun gun but it would have to do. He gathered himself and launched toward the door. The control room was square and had large horizontal windows on both sides. Nick was committed
since his mass in zero gravity was taking him toward the open doorway like a missile.

  “What was that?” Deeper voice said as something flashed outside the window.

  At that moment Nick entered the doorway and fired his stun gun in the direction the two men were standing grazing one man’s arm that now hung lifeless at his side. Both had their backs to the door but immediately started firing plasma bolts in his direction. Nick couldn’t see their faces but continued firing in their general direction as he took cover behind a console.

  “Come out with your hands up,” Nick shouted into the room. A hail of bolts hit the console he was crouching behind. He leaped straight up into the air as hard as he could. With his unusually long legs and body he shot upwards towards the ceiling surprising the men and at the same time firing continuously. Two things happened next. One man leapt for the other door to the room while firing into the console Nick had just been behind. The console exploded and the force of the explosion smashed both Nick and the other man into the back wall with a sickening thud. Nick blacked out.

  Sometime later Nick came to with a raging headache. It took a few moments for him to remember what had happened. He was still struggling to clear his head and realized he must have a concussion or worse. His left arm was broken and he had cuts and bruises but didn’t see any more debilitating injuries. There was no sign of the other man who must have escaped back to the dome. A few feet away, there was a man in much worse shape. He had a large piece of metal sticking out from his chest and a lot of blood floating in the air around him. In zero g the blood had formed large blobs of red drifting around the room. Nick made his way over and checked his pulse…very weak and this far from medical he knew the man’s chances of surviving were nil. At that moment his eyes opened and with an effort he seemed to see Nick standing over him.


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