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Future, Betrayed

Page 4

by Jacey Holbrand

  She turned, stomping back to the elevators, and he wasn’t sure if he was to follow or not. Cara Mia might have her own agenda that she used to justify the means, but in his mind, she was still a bitch. He’d say the same if a man had done the same thing. She threw him a nasty look over her shoulder, and he took that to mean he was supposed to stay with her. Reluctantly, he left Ben behind in the medical center.

  She didn’t say another word to him as they continued their travel up the Sector skyscraper. It was the tallest building in Las Vegas, and being this high up he got to really see the dirtiness of the world that Earth had turned into. The collapse of world governments had almost brought an end to civilization, evident in pockets strewn across the city where the burned pits of rebellion had been squashed.

  Finally, the elevator came to a halt, opened, and Cara Mia stormed off. He followed at a more sedate pace, wanting to take his time. It was another diversion to upset her carefully balanced emotions. He had to admit to himself he was doing a pretty great job of messing with her equilibrium since she couldn’t seem to rein back her anger. She came to a halt next to another door, only this one had a name painted on the outside.

  “Doctor Rafael Trask,” he read out loud. “Is this my medical examination?”

  “Just go,” she snapped. “My work with you is done.”

  “God, I fucking hope so.”

  She didn’t even thrust a piece of paper in his face like she had with Ben. Instead, she opened the door and glared at him until he entered. It slammed shut behind him. Amused, he looked around the office, seeing all sorts of historical archeological artifacts from Earth’s long history. Everything from sculptures to pieces of jewelry rested on shelves.

  A side door opened, and a man wearing a white lab coat entered. He held an electronic tablet in his hand.

  “I’m sorry to keep you waiting,” he greeted. “I’m Doctor Trask. You must be Dain Cardile.”

  “Mustn’t I?”

  The man’s eyes narrowed a bit. “I certainly hope so since I’m holding your DNA analysis. Come have a seat.”

  He gestured to the chair resting in front of his desk. Doctor Trask sat down then looked at him, waiting expectantly.

  Dain took a deep breath and acquiesced. “I came today to actually refuse going to Mars, if that’s possible.”

  Doctor Trask frowned. “Why on Earth would you want to do that? If you didn’t want to go to Mars, then why did you enter the lottery?”

  “I didn’t. Your little DNA thief did all the dirty work. So, how many other poor fools down there in the lobby think this whole thing is legit?”

  “If you’re trying to accuse Sector of hiring people to go out and deliberately acquire DNA, then I’m afraid your conspiracy theory is greatly exaggerated.” He pushed a button on his tablet, and a vidscreen behind him turned on to show the people in the lobby. “See? These people had enough credits to pay for their trip outright. There’s so much DNA in that lobby there’s no need for us to go out and manipulate people. This meeting is simply to wish you congratulations. You’ve passed all the tests. Welcome to Mars.”

  “I passed? I haven’t taken one fucking exam, so how did I pass?” Dain tapped Trask’s desk with his index finger. “No, you know what I think this is? Your scout, Cara Mia, said my DNA was encoded, so you know I used to work for Sector, that I’ve been to Mars. And once a Sector employee, always one, right?”

  Trask tented his fingers as he studied Dain. “Someone with your elite background and security clearance shouldn’t have been decommissioned. Imagine my surprise when your DNA came across our scans in this fucking wasteland of a city with the word ‘Retired’ flashing next to your name.”

  “I was perfectly content to work in the casino, keep my head down, and my mouth shut. Away from the main Sector zone. Forgetting my time in DC. So how about you throw away my DNA and forget all about me?”

  “I’m afraid I can’t do that,” Trask said. “I’ve come up with a proposition for you. One I think you’d be agreeable with.”

  “I doubt that.”

  “Hear me out first. Although superior, your genetic blueprints—”

  “My genetic blueprints?” Dain chuckled, although he felt no amusement. “You guys do know I have a husband, right? Pussy and tits don’t really do it for me.”

  “Being an androphile has nothing to do with reviving the healthy birth rate.”

  “So, basically, jerk off in a cup? Sure, show me the porn.”

  “Your vulgarity notwithstanding, if it was that easy, Mister Cardile, we wouldn’t be having this conversation. The current sterility situation has nothing to do with sperm meeting an egg. But it has everything to do with superior sperm surviving inside a modified uterus.”

  Dain frowned. Having a scientist of Sector reveal a small bit of what he assumed had to be classified information didn’t bode well for his release. “I don’t think I want to know any more.”

  “I’m sorry, but this is bigger than your desire to live in anonymity. Besides, that’s not the job I’m recruiting you for. As I was saying, going through your work history, I realized you’re unique. An elite soldier in the NFOP, and Sector needs that right now to terminate a group of raiders on Mars, who are endangering the life of the colonists.”

  Dain arched a brow in confusion. “I’m supposed to believe that?”

  “Why would I lie to you?”

  “I think that may be the stupidest thing you’ve said yet. I’m sure you have many who could take down these raiders, if they exist.”

  “Yes, but you’ve had training and experience, and can be dispatched immediately.”

  “And what makes you think I won’t go out and expose all your secrets?”

  Trask’s pleasant demeanor dropped. “Because if you don’t care about preserving your own life, perhaps you’ll care about the man who came with you.” He pushed a few more buttons on his tablet, and the vidscreen image changed to show Ben, seated in a chair, hooked up to some machine. “Your partner is failing all his tests right now. Average IQ, average height. Average looks. And an androphile to boot. He has scarring in his lungs from bronchitis he suffered from as a child, no doubt from growing up in the poisoned atmosphere on Earth. His life expectancy, however, isn’t very long if he doesn’t get treatment for Polluted World Pneumoconiosis.”

  Dain’s heart stuttered. PWP was a horrible disease with a slow, painful death. “He’s infected?”

  “Oh yes,” Trask said. “Ten years maximum, but more than likely his prognosis is only about five years. However, there’s plenty enough time for him to make a full recovery if he receives treatment today.”

  Satisfaction blazed in Trask’s eyes because he knew, without Dain saying a word, that there wasn’t much he wouldn’t do for the man he loved more than his own life.

  “You could save him?”

  Trask nodded. “Yes. Scientific nanotech can repair his lungs, getting rid of the scar tissue while stimulating new growth. Full recovery should only be a couple of weeks.”

  Dain felt an imaginary rope tightening around his wrists. “What do I have to do?”

  Trask laid a folder down on the table in front of him. “I’m not wanting you to jerk off in a cup, Mister Cardile. I know who you are. A man with your background as well as a foothold in the poor section can reach places Sector cannot.”

  A sinking feeling hit Dain. He was afraid he knew what was coming.

  “Your responsibility, once you reach Mars, will be finding a man by the name of Tarak Dev and ending his hostility.”

  Chapter Five

  Dain waited in a white room for Ben. Trask promised the nantotech would cure him, but he hadn’t figured how long it would take the little robots to fix what was broken inside Ben. Hours had passed since he’d signed that fucking contract, and doubts swirled around in his brain, assaulting him with questions if there weren’t something else he could’ve, should’ve, done. The logical side assured him there’d been no other choice. Sector held al
l the medical technology to save Ben’s life, so he supposed it didn’t much matter now. All he could do was go forward with Ben’s treatments until the PWP had been eradicated from his lungs, and then once he was cured, figure out how the hell to get from under Sector’s thumb.

  Time trickled by slowly, and it was hard to keep his impatience in check. Finally, after what felt like an eternity, the door slid open, and Ben stepped inside. Dain jumped to his feet and pulled him close for a tight hug.

  “What happened?” Ben asked, the question slightly muffled since his face was pressed into Dain’s shoulder. “I was told I have PWP and then was taken in for treatment. They zapped the chip in my wrist. Did you do something?”

  “Not here,” Dain muttered. He pulled back and stared at Ben. “How are you feeling?”

  “I’m feeling fine,” Ben replied, frowning. “But you’re freaking me the hell out.”

  Dain took hold of his hand, linking their fingers. “Come on. We have a lot to talk about.”

  It didn’t take them long to leave Sector, although Dain felt them being watched as they donned their breathers before making their way out of the glass building, quickly getting on a train that would take them back to their home. Through the entire trip, he refused to let go of Ben’s hand, knowing their world was about to change.

  When they got home, he was relieved that Nate and Ranger weren’t around. He and Ben had things to talk over and decide before family came into the picture. Once inside, Dain grabbed two beers and handed one to Ben.

  “So why would Sector give me such an expensive treatment?” Ben asked, taking the beer and sitting down on the couch. “They don’t help people like me, so I’m thinking you must have passed their tests.”

  “I didn’t take their tests,” Dain replied grimly. “I didn’t have to. Like I thought, they engineered finding the right DNA, and I happened to be the unlucky schmuck Cara Mia found.”

  “What … do you have to jack into a cup or something?”

  “That’s exactly what I asked.” Dain shook his head. “But no. It’s a little more complicated than that.”

  “You don’t have to screw women or anything, do you? Because hell no!”

  “No, nothing like that,” he said, sitting next to him. “Ben, listen, Doctor Trask said they would cure you of PWP if I agreed to go to Mars. So, I had to sign the contract. I had to make sure you were going to be okay.”

  “Wait, wait. What does that mean? What contract?”

  Dain took a deep breath. “There’s a lot of unrest on Mars. More than even I thought. There’s a resistance that’s taken hold there, and Trask wants me to find the leader and kill him.”

  “No, you can’t! That’s … that’s murder.”

  “And what am I supposed to do? Let you die? Don’t ask me to do that. I will do the shittiest, most godawful thing in the world to make sure you are okay.”

  “What if I don’t want you to do that for me? Your soul is not worth mine.”

  Dain ran a finger down Ben’s cheek. “The deal’s already done.”

  “Damn you,” Ben muttered softly. “The fucking nanotech is inside me. I was told they would die off once their job was finished. For Sector to invest that much in a nobody, they must really trust you.”

  “I’m not sure if that’s the case or the fact I left Sector with secrets they don’t want anyone to know.”

  “If you go to Mars, will I go with you?”

  “I don’t think that’s in their plans,” Dain replied. “I get you healthy, and they get me.”

  “No,” Ben said firmly. “I won’t let them have you. So, let’s figure out what we’re going to do.”

  “The only thing you have to do is get completely well. That’s paramount.”

  “That might take a couple of weeks,” Ben reminded him. “I’m supposed to go back to get my clean bill of health.”

  “Good,” Dain said. “Which is why we keep up the pretense of me going to Mars for a great job or something, and you stay here.”

  Ben grabbed his hand. “I’m not leaving you.”

  “Of course not,” Dain assured, squeezing back. “We have to play this smart. The most important thing is your health, so as soon as the nanotech do their job, I’ll figure out some way to get back to Earth. I don’t care about going back on my agreement with them once you’re cured.”

  “I don’t trust Sector.”

  “I don’t either,” Dain said. “That’s why, while you’re here waiting for a clean bill of health, you can fly under the radar and find others who don’t trust Sector. There’s a resistance on Mars and a resistance on Earth. The more we know, the more we can protect ourselves.”


  “So, where’s Nate?” Ben asked Ranger as they ate the bland, rehydrated food. May not taste good but it gave them all the nutrients their bodies needed. He’d only tasted sugar once, and the sweeting goodness still lingered in his taste-buds’ memory.

  “He’s still at Sector, being tested,” Ranger replied quietly, not looking up at them.

  “Not you?”

  Ranger shook his head. “I have no desire to leave Earth.”

  “What about leaving him?” Ben asked, keeping his tone neutral. He didn’t want Ranger getting defensive. “If Nate passes, then he has to go, right?”

  Ranger pushed some food around on his plate. “I don’t want to talk about it.”

  “Okay,” Ben agreed. His gaze caught Dain’s, who shrugged hopelessly. “Dain went to get tested today. He passed.”

  Ranger jerked his eyes up to look at Dain. “What? You passed? That was quick.”

  “I know!” he said enthusiastically. “They said they’d never seen such perfect DNA. Can you imagine? Me? Looks like I’m headed to Mars.”

  “Stop it, Dain,” Ben muttered. “You don’t need to brag so much, for God’s sake.”

  Ranger looked back and forth between them. “When are you guys leaving?”

  Ben shook his head. “Not me. Apparently, just him.”

  Ranger dropped his fork and held up his hands. “Wait a minute, what do you mean just him? What about you, Ben?”

  “Didn’t you hear?” Ben asked sarcastically. “He has perfect DNA.”

  “I don’t even know what that means,” Ranger admitted. “What the hell? Dain, you’re not seriously considering going to Mars and leaving Ben here.”

  “Not forever,” Dain said defensively. “Look, I’ve been given this great opportunity on Mars, doing security. The money alone could set us up somewhere else besides this hellhole of a city.”

  “And what does that leave you with, a long-distance relationship?” Ranger shook his head. “Those things never work out.”

  “Thank you!” Ben cried, turning toward Dain. “See? Ranger gets it.”

  “You never know,” Dain said. “We’ll have vidscreen time. I’m sure I could come back on vacation. I don’t understand how you don’t see this is good for us, Ben.”

  “Because you won’t be here!” He ran a hand through his hair and stood. “I’m not hungry, and I have a headache. I’m going to bed.”

  He put his utensils in the auto washer before heading to their bedroom.

  “Dain,” Ranger said worriedly. “What’s going on? The tension between you two is so thick I can cut it with a knife.”

  “It’s nothing, Ranger.” He gave up on trying to eat and stood, the chair scraping a little as it scooted back. “It’ll all work out.”

  “I don’t think it will, Dain. I’ve got the same thing going on with Nate, and all I can think about is what if he’s chosen? What if I have to decide between him and this planet? I don’t want to leave, but I want to lose him even less.”

  Dain stared at him. “I know you don’t understand, but what I’m doing is for the best. G’night, Ranger.”

  Ranger grunted his reply.


  Once their bedroom door closed behind him, Dain pulled Ben in for a tight hug.

  “I’m so sorry,” Dain sai
d quietly. “I didn’t mean any of it, you know. Thanks for playing along.”

  Ben nodded. He knew everything they did at this point was to preserve not only each other, but Ranger and Nate. Whatever those two were going through, Nate obviously wasn’t thinking clearly.

  “How much longer do we have together?” Ben asked.

  “I don’t know,” Dain replied. He took a deep sigh. “Not long, I’m guessing.”

  Ben lifted his head. “Then kiss me. And don’t stop.”

  “Gladly,” Dain murmured.

  Their lips met, tongues sliding together. The kiss took his breath away, in more than one way. Yet just as he went to wrap his arms around Dain’s neck, his lover surprised him, pulling back far enough to spin him around.

  Dain bent his head and sucked on the back of Ben’s neck, using his teeth to nip the skin to leave his mark. Sliding his hands down, Dain cupped his dick, caressing the hardness through his pants. God, there wasn’t anything better than Dain’s hands touching him, igniting his blood. Just the thought of where his cock was going to end up had pre-cum leaking from his tip. Then the zipper went down, and Dain slid his hands in, taking hold of his cock and stroking it up and down.

  "You like that?" he murmured against his skin.

  “You know I do.”

  “And I know what you want.”

  Ben wiggled his ass. “Then give it to me.”

  Dain pulled back a little to slap his ass. “Get on that bed. On all fours.”

  He gave Ben enough room to take off his clothes, smiling as he did the same. Anticipation made his heart pound with excitement. Sometimes he wanted sex to be slow and intimate, but all he wanted now was hard and fast. He crawled on his hands and knees across the mattress and looked over his shoulder. Dain finished undressing then reached into the nightstand to pull out some lube.

  Dain kneeled on the bed, and the mattress dipped from his weight. His breath brushed across Ben’s backside, and a shudder of excitement shot through his body. Teeth brushed over his skin and bit, gently, hard enough to know he was about to dominate his ass. Hands palmed the fleshy mounds. Fingers dug in, spreading the cheeks.


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