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Big Hard Girls

Page 24

by Nikki Crescent

I turned around and felt the colour draining from my face. I forced an awkward smile and said, “How much for the wig?”

  “It’s not for sale,” the female store clerk said with a dull expression on her face.

  “It must be fore sale—everything’s for sale,” I said.

  “Everything is not for sale.” She was looking at me as though I was a lunatic, recently escaped from the psych ward. And I must have looked quite insane, wearing a suit and a blonde wig on my head.

  “You’re telling me if I gave you one-hundred dollars, you wouldn’t give me this wig?” I said.

  “I wouldn’t be able to ring it through—so yes, that’s what I’m telling you.” She still had that dull expression.

  “No, I mean if I gave you one-hundred dollars personally. You can keep the money and tell your boss some psycho ran off with the wig.”

  And now her eyes lit up. One hundred dollars was probably more than she made in a whole day of work. I watched as her tongue moved from one cheek to the other, and then she said, “One-fifty.”

  So I fished the money out from my wallet and then I went home with a long blonde wig in my hands. She didn’t even give me a plastic bag to carry it in.

  I snuck in the back door, worried Rey would see me with the wig and laugh at my terrible idea. I couldn’t let her know about the idea until I had it all figured out. I was certain that I could pull it off with a bit of work, but I knew there were going to be some rough stages while I figured everything out.

  “Honey! I’m home!” I called out before carefully stepping into the kitchen. But Rey wasn’t home. She must have been out running errands—or maybe she was out with an escort, getting the feminine attention that I hadn’t been able to give her. Or maybe I was just being paranoid. Even if my wife was feeling tempted by beautiful escorts, she would never cheat on me. She loved me too much to cheat on me. At least I hoped she did.

  I scurried up the stairs and I went to Rey’s closet. I pulled out my phone and looked up the Sarah character, to see what kind of outfits she wore on the show. In many of the pictures she was wearing a white dress—one that wasn’t too different from a white dress Rey bought for a party a few years back. I found that dress at the back of her closet. And then I grabbed some red lacy lingerie to wear underneath, and a pair of white heels to match the dress. I took everything into the bathroom and I locked myself in, just in case Rey came home while I was getting ready.

  I felt so silly as I stripped down and ran the hot water, so I could shave my legs and armpits and the few hairs I had on my chest. But I was desperate. I needed Rey to love me. I needed her to only want me, and it didn’t matter how silly I felt. If she wanted me to get dolled up every night then I would. If she wanted me to use a stupid girly voice whenever we were in the bedroom, I would do that too. I knew she wasn’t ever going to ask for it, so I just had to gamble. I had to take the chance for the sake of our relationship.

  A cold tingle crept down my spine as I watched my leg hair swirl down the drain. I felt another tingle as I rubbed some moisturizer up my freshly bare legs.

  Next, I wriggled my body into the lacy lingerie. It was tight, but it fit. I used wads of toilet paper to fill the cups, and it took a bit of wrestling to get my cock to stay in place, pushed back between my legs. Once I had the dress on, I got my new wig on, and then I started to experiment with Rey’s makeup. I’d watched her do her makeup enough times to know what everything was and how to put it on. But I wasn’t expecting it to be so hard. How was Rey able to keep her hands so steady? How was she able to draw such straight, smooth lines?

  My lines were far from great, but they still gave me the feminine look I was going for. I made little flicks next to my eyes, just like the character in the show, and then I even experimented with some contouring, trying to make the shape of my face more like the shape of Sarah’s face. And the result wasn’t actually too bad. I managed to make my nose look a bit smaller and I managed to make my cheekbones look a bit higher.

  I didn’t look exactly like her, but I didn’t look bad. I was actually quite convincing as a female, especially once I had some dark mascara on my eyelashes and a bit of hair hanging down to cover the sides of my jawline—not that my jawline had ever been terribly masculine to begin with.

  I was touching up my blush when I heard the door shut downstairs. “I’m home!” I heard Rey’s voice call out.

  I slipped out from the bathroom and then a cold tension filled my body. I found myself standing frozen in the hallway, terrified of what Rey would think. What if she laughed when she saw me? What if I was about to ruin the way she would look at me forever? Would she see me as a weak, beta sissy from now on? Or would she understand that I was just trying to satisfy her sexual desires?

  “Honey? Are you here?” she called out. I heard her approaching the stairs.

  I took a deep breath and then I scurried into the bedroom, to buy myself a little bit more time, so I could figure out the best thing to say, so that she wouldn’t be quite so ashamed of me. Was I making a huge mistake? Should I slip into the closet and hide until I could make a run for the bathroom? I could tell her that I wasn’t feeling well—or hell, I could tell her that I was masturbating. At least that didn’t seem as embarrassing as the reality.

  I heard her coming up the stairs. I looked around and then I ran to the closet. But the closet was full. So I scurried over to the bed and I hopped onto it, though I wasn’t sure why. I looked in the mirror and I fixed my hair and straightened my skirt, and then I took a deep breath. My plan was now to play it off as a joke. So I tried to think of a good opening line—something silly, so she would get that it was a joke. But I couldn’t think of anything. I had to think of something or she would think—

  The door opened suddenly and I froze. My lips parted slightly, but no words came out from my mouth—not even a stupid joke to diffuse the tension. Rey froze, her face suddenly pale. She stared at me and muttered, “Oh my God.” She looked around the room with that frozen terror on her face and then she shouted, “Nick! Where are you? Who the hell is this in our bed?!”

  I tried to swallow the thick lump in my throat, but it wouldn’t go down. “Babe, it’s me,” I managed to say. But the words came out in an attempted female voice—though I’m not sure why. I’m not sure how I managed to muster up any words at all, never mind a voice to go along with them.

  Then Rey looked at me with wide eyes. “N—Nick?” she said.

  I managed to force a smile. Cold sweat was teasing the back of my neck. “Surprise,” I said. I had no idea how stupid I sounded making that female voice, but I still stuck with it. I’d come this far—it only made sense to commit fully at this point.

  She pressed her hand to her lips and gasped slightly. “Why are you wearing that makeup? And that wig… And is that my dress?”

  “Why don’t you come over here and we’ll have some fun,” I said. My heart was pounding.

  She let a little laugh slip, and that little laugh was enough to make my heart plunge down into my stomach. “I’m sorry,” she said. “I didn’t mean to laugh. It’s just that you look… You look like a girl. I actually thought you were a girl. I thought you were cheating on me with a little blonde bimbo.”

  I did my best to force a smile. My body was filled with cold regret. I felt so stupid, and I knew this was a sight that Rey would never be able to forget.

  “Do you want to mess around or not?” I asked, awkwardly teasing my bare thigh with the tip of my finger.

  She giggled again as she came and sat down next to me. She reached out carefully and ran her fingers up and down my legs. “You even shaved,” she said. And that’s when I noticed her hands were trembling slightly. Maybe she was still shocked from the moment she saw me, the moment she assumed her husband was cheating on her.

  “That’s not all I shaved,” I said with a grin. That cold sweat was starting to creep down my back now. I bit down hard on my tongue and took a deep breath. Rey reached up the skirt of my dress and her
fingers slid across my lingerie bottoms. She felt my bare pelvis.

  “It’s so smooth,” she said, biting the corner of her bottom lip. She looked into my eyes. “You did this for me?”

  I nodded my head. Now the lump in my throat was too thick. I couldn’t respond—not that I had any words to respond with.

  “You look cute. And you really look like a girl.” She looked down at me again, and then she let another laugh slip, making my stomach turn. She didn’t seem turned on at all. She just seemed embarrassed—for herself and for me. This was what our relationship had devolved into. I may as well have been dressed up like a clown.

  Then she took my by surprised. She put her hand on the side of my face and pressed her lips against mine. The kiss lasted longer than our usual kisses—much longer. She even slipped a bit of tongue into my mouth, which she hadn’t done in years. When she finally pulled back for a breath of air, she said, “Thank you.” Her cheeks were dark red. “Your lips are so soft.”

  I tried to say something back, but my heart was racing too fast. I felt like I could hear it pounding like a war drum against my ribcage. Rey kissed me again, this time slipping both of her hands onto my torso. She slid her hands up and down my sides, and she cautiously felt my breasts with her thumbs. Her body shuddered and a whimper escaped her lips. I put my hands on her body and started to caress up and down.

  So maybe my last second plan wasn’t so crazy. Maybe I wasn’t such a lunatic for getting dolled up. Maybe I was a step closer towards saving our relationship.

  Rey playfully bit my bottom lip as her hands travelled down towards my crotch. She passed over my smooth pelvis and then she slipped her fingers over the bulge in my panties. Then she kept going, reached between my legs until her fingertips were over my asshole. Then she started to rub in circles as if she was rubbing my clit. It felt kind of strange, but I didn’t stop her. I didn’t have a pussy for her to play with, so my asshole was the next best thing. I wasn’t doing all of this for my own pleasure, after all. This was all for her.

  I reached down and up her skirt. I fished out her cock and was shocked to discover that she was as hard as stone. I grabbed her rod and I slipped my fingers up her length. She was warm and throbbing and bigger than ever. I had the sudden urge to sink down and suck her off, so that’s what I did. I got down under her skirt and I got her throbbing shaft into my mouth, and I started sucking and bobbing my head. She moaned and held my head down with both hands. I loved the sound of her elated moans. She was really enjoying this.

  Then she suddenly pulled me up and pushed me down. I laughed, thinking she was just getting into the spirit of our little role-play, and then I noticed that her face was dark red and her eyes were glowing with intense desire. Her cock was throbbing, holding her skirt up with no effort. She looked into my eyes for a moment and then she grabbed me and flipped me over. She was surprisingly strong—stronger than ever before. Maybe that was from her new testosterone?

  And it dawned on me that she was about to fuck me in the ass. My heart skipped a beat and my skin became cold. I’d never been fucked in the ass before. I’d never even been penetrated. I tried to take a deep breath, but nothing could calm down my pounding heart.

  “Be gentle,” I managed to say, a second before she slapped her hard cock down between my butt cheeks. She didn’t respond, as if she wasn’t able to agree to my plea. She rubbed her saliva-covered dick up and down between my plump cheeks. Then she reached down and gave my panties a single swift tug, pulling them down to my knees. She didn’t pull them any further, as if she wanted to keep them there to hold my legs in place, like a hogtied pig.

  She lined her tip up with my hole, so I bit down on a pillow. I had a feeling it was going to hurt. I just hoped that she would come quickly.

  She let another whimper slip before pushing her cock into me. She penetrated surprisingly easily. I tried clenching but her will was too strong. She sunk in deep and I let out a loud gasp. She put a single hand on my lower back, as if to hold me down and stop me from squirming. I bit harder on that pillow, and then she sunk in deeper.

  I had a cock in my ass: a real cock, deep in my asshole. It wasn’t something I ever wanted. It wasn’t even something I ever thought would happen—yet there I was, trying to control my breathing as my wife sunk in every last inch. “You’re so tight,” she said, rubbing my butt cheek with her free hand.

  It didn’t hurt, though it felt like it should have hurt. I could feel my hole stretching and I could feel her rod sinking deeper and deeper, nearly touching my sternum—but it still didn’t hurt. Once my wife was inside of me completely, she stopped for a moment, as if to admire the view from up above. I heard her let a deep sigh of relief out and then she started to thrust in and out. And that’s when I felt something I’d never felt before: a tingling between my legs that was strong and getting stronger with every thrust. She was pegging my sweet spot, making my legs tremble, and making my heart pound faster and faster.

  I started squirming, and then I started moaning. I dug my fingernails into the bed sheets and then I felt a pool of drool forming at the side of my mouth on my pillow. “Oh God,” I heard myself mutter.

  She was breathing heavily, moaning slightly, squeezing and slapping my ass while she did so. At one point I even felt her spreading my butt cheeks wide, probably so she could get a better view of my sissy asshole being stuffed.

  She made sure to pull out almost completely, so her tip was teasing my rim, and then she would plunge down until her pelvis was slapping my tush. I could feel that my ass was turning dark red, but it still didn’t hurt. “I’m going to come in you,” she said. And I wanted her to come. I wanted to feel her hot load inside of me so badly.

  My own cock was rock hard, pressed firmly against the bed, throbbing and stretching as long as it could go. I squirmed, trying not to let my body succumb to the strong elation that was pulsing between my legs, but the more I tried to resist, the more intense that throbbing became. “Oh fuck,” Rey cried. “I’m coming. It’s coming. I’m so sorry.”

  I felt her cock bloating up against my anal walls, and then I felt her hot load gushing deep inside of me. It felt good—too good. I ended up crying aloud and moaning and squirming, and then I felt a pool of warm goo forming around my cock as I unloaded my own climax onto the bed.

  She rolled over and began catching her breath. She had a giant smile on her pink-cheeked face. She looked at me with glowing eyes and said, “I love you.”

  “I love you too,” I said. We kissed and then we both laughed. We both knew how absurd this all was, but we didn’t care because we were having fun and we were in love.

  The next night, after our daughter went to sleep, Rey had me put on the wig again. This time she wanted me to wear the Playboy Bunny costume that had been in the back of the closet for almost a decade. I put it on, along with some fishnet stockings, and then we took turns sucking each other’s cocks, and then we took turns stuffing each other in the ass.

  And after two weeks, we were still going strong, still looking forward to that time of night when our daughter was asleep so that we could be naughty adults in the privacy of our own bedroom. It was after two weeks that I checked Rey’s phone history and saw that she hadn’t been looking into escorts or even watching porn. I was finally satisfying her sexual needs all by myself, with a little help from a blonde wig and some makeup.

  Then it was three weeks later when Rey got a call from one of her many doctors. “We just got a new product you might be interested in testing,” he said. “It’s made by the same company that makes Gendypnol. It’s called Femypnol, and the chemical makeup of the drug is almost the same.” He went on to explain that the drug was made for male to female transgenders who want to turn their cocks into real, working pussies.

  Rey told me about the call, but she seemed strangely sad while she was telling me about it. “So I would have my regular body back, and all of my regular hormones,” she said with a pained smile.

  “Is that
not what you want?” I asked.

  She shrugged her shoulders. “I guess I’ll just miss this,” she said. “It’s been kind of fun. But it’s the right thing to do. I want to be able to wear a bikini and I want to maybe have another kid one day. So we should do this.”

  I took her to the doctor to get the pill. He warned us that the symptoms would be the same as before: nausea, headaches, tiredness, and probably a few surprises. We took the pill home and had one last hard fuck before Rey took the pill into the bathroom to swallow it down with some water.

  I had to go in after her, to see that the pill was really gone. I wasn’t sure she was really going to take it. She seemed so sad before when she was staring at the bottle, knowing that it meant the end of our gender swapping fun. But she was right: it needed to be done.

  I was half-convinced that she’d secretly flushed the pill down the toilet, and that she was going to lie and tell me that it didn’t work. But then the next day came and the fever started. And then came the nausea, and then her cock was tiny and looking more like a big clit than a cock at all. She really took the pill, and we were really going to get our lives back.

  And it was a week later when she finally asked if I wanted to fool around in the bedroom with her. We made out for a bit and then I sunk down and carefully pulled down her panties. A part of me was hoping that cock would still be there, so I could suck it and get it hard and make up come all over my face. But her pussy was back, looking exactly the way it looked before. I shouldn’t have been disappointed. I managed to force a smile. I went in and ate her out and I even managed to make her squirt just a little bit on my nose.

  Then I mounted her and fucked a pussy for the first time in almost half a year. It felt good—nice and warm and wet and tight. But it just wasn’t the same. The sex was missing that flare of excitement. “Is everything okay?” she asked.

  I nodded my head. “It’s great,” I said.

  “You can stick it in my ass if you want,” she said with a big cute smile.


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