Chloe Cook Cozy Mystery Bundle

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Chloe Cook Cozy Mystery Bundle Page 10

by Kayla Michelle

  Meanwhile, onstage, the climactic scene played out.

  Just before the police detective was ready to haul Paige’s character away to jail, he delivered a one-liner.

  “I don’t know how you ever thought you’d get away with this,” the actor playing the police detective said.

  Paige’s character remained unrepentant--indignant even.

  “I didn’t do this to get away with it. I did it to get vengeance at all costs. My husband had to be stopped. The man thought he could get away with anything, that his actions didn’t have consequences, and that his sordid past would never catch up with him. The way I see it, he was due for a comeuppance. Keith was absolute scum. So not only did I kill him, I don’t regret my actions, not even for a second,” Paige said.

  The actor playing the police detective then dragged Paige’s character offstage, and the curtains closed. The play was over, but Chloe’s mind was just beginning to race.

  Chloe couldn’t get over how convincing her friend was in her role. Paige really took on a whole different persona. She truly embodied the malicious nature of her character. It was pretty amazing. Not to mention, very powerful.

  There were times during the play that Paige was so good; it almost felt like she wasn’t acting. Then again, that was the sign of a great actress, when the line between the real person and her character was imperceptible. Chloe had seen Paige act before, but she’d never seen her deliver a performance like that.

  It turned out to be a night that was full of surprises. That was especially strange for her, as it wasn’t like Chloe not to be able to spot the killer in a mystery.

  She was convinced that was because she was blinded by her Paige’s performance. Chloe didn’t want to believe her friend could be playing a killer. Because of that, she let her personal emotions keep her from seeing the truth of the character Paige was playing.

  After the curtains closed, Chloe had to catch her breath for a moment and get her bearings back. Then she and Dylan headed backstage to meet up with Paige.

  Chapter Two

  When Chloe and Dylan arrived, Paige was talking and laughing with a group of people Chloe didn’t recognize.

  “Paige, you did an amazing job,” Chloe said.

  Paige turned around, spotted Chloe, and headed right towards her with a smile on her face. She gave her friend a big hug.

  It was at that moment that Dylan realized how good of an actress Paige was. Onstage, Paige had played a vengeful, sour character with an off-putting disposition. With the play over, Paige was back to her usual self. Even though she was the same thirty-four-year-old, athletic woman with curly red hair and blue eyes as the character she played, Paige’s offstage personality was completely different. The real Paige was bubbly, all smiles, and as pleasant as could be. It was a striking thing for Dylan to see, considering this was the first time he’d ever met her.

  “You really liked it?” Paige asked.

  “Oh yeah. You were amazing,” Chloe insisted.

  “I’m so glad you came,” Paige said.

  “Are you kidding? I wouldn’t miss this for the world. You finally got your big break, and you did great,” Chloe replied.

  “You’re just saying that because you’re my friend.”

  Dylan chimed in. “Chloe’s right. You were great.”

  Chloe and Paige were so busy catching up that Dylan had faded into the background until that moment. After that compliment, Paige turned her attention to Dylan.

  Chloe introduced him. “Paige, this is my boyfriend.”

  “Dylan Robertson. It’s a pleasure to meet you,” he said.

  “He left out the doctor part,” Chloe insisted.

  “But that’s the most important part,” Paige replied.

  “I know, right?” Chloe joked.

  “I’m more than just a man with a medical degree,” Dylan said.

  “You’re right. You’re a serious hunk too,” Chloe replied.

  Dylan started to blush. “Why don’t we move on to another topic?”

  Paige couldn’t help but be a little surprised. “A humble doctor? Now there’s a keeper for you.”

  This time, Dylan did change the subject. “So, how long have you two known each other?”

  “All our lives,” Chloe answered.

  “Almost,” Paige clarified.

  “Although, I didn’t know you had that kind of dark side to you,” Chloe said.

  “I don’t. There’s a reason it’s called acting.”

  “You fooled me.”

  “I guess that really does mean I did a good job then.”

  Chloe nodded. “How’s it feel, nailing your first big role?”

  Paige got a magical look in her eyes. “It’s a dream come true.”

  “I want to hear all the details. I mean here you are, traveling the country. I’m sure you have some great stories.”

  “I do have some interesting nuggets,” Paige replied.

  “I knew it. So, what do you say we take you out for a nightcap? We have so much to catch up on.”

  “Actually, I’m headed over to this party with some of my friends from my old college acting troupe,” Paige replied.

  Chloe became deflated. “Oh.”

  “You can come, of course. They’re a great bunch of guys.”

  “Are you sure they’d be ok with that?” Chloe asked.

  Paige turned around and addressed Adam Foster, who was part of the group Paige was talking to before Chloe came backstage.

  “Adam, you don’t mind if I bring some friends to the party, do you?” Paige asked.

  Adam was a tall, muscular man in his early thirties with short black hair, brown eyes, and an angular face. In acting terms, he had the look of a leading man.

  “Of course I don’t mind. Friends of yours are friends of mine,” Adam said.

  Paige then turned back to Chloe. “See. They’re good people.”

  Chloe was on board. She just wanted to make sure if Dylan was game as well.

  “What do you say?” Chloe asked.

  Dylan grimaced. “You know I hate to turn down a party, but I have surgery in the morning.”

  “Rats,” Chloe replied.

  “That doesn’t mean you can’t go to the party,” Dylan insisted.

  “Are you sure you don’t mind?” Chloe asked.

  “Your old friend is in town that you haven’t seen in a few years. Go enjoy yourself,” Dylan said.

  Paige chimed in. “I guess that’s settled then.”

  Chloe then gave Dylan a quick kiss goodbye. “You’re the best.”

  “Have fun,” Dylan said.

  “Of course,” Chloe grinned. “It’s a party.”

  Chapter Three

  It was the best of both worlds scenario for Paige. Chloe was one of Paige’s oldest friends from her youth while the acting troupe was comprised of Paige’s best friends from college. That made for an interesting and nostalgic mix for her.

  Chloe soon found herself in a different situation. Other than Paige, she didn’t know anyone at the party. That soon changed. Paige made the rounds with Chloe, introducing her to everyone.

  One thing became immediately clear. Even though these people were all part of the same acting troupe in college, Paige was the only one who was still a thespian. Everyone else was doing something else with their lives. Some people had careers that were on a completely different end of the vocational spectrum than acting.

  Take Adam Foster, the guy that looked like a former leading man. He was now the general manager of a posh, beachfront hotel in Hyannis.

  Adam’s wife, Lily Foster, had put her thespian days behind her as well. Although with her trim body, long blond hair, blue eyes, and striking face, she looked like she could land a role if she ever decided to get back into acting. Instead, she was a housewife.

  Chloe couldn’t tell if she was happy in that role or not, but she could tell that Lily was uneasy about something. Lily was the only person at the party not having a drink. She was al
so the only one shoveling food into her mouth like there was no tomorrow.

  Even though Chloe was having a gut instinct that something was off with Lily, she tried to kick back, and just enjoy the festivities.

  “Thanks for inviting me to the party,” Chloe said.

  “Of course. It’s like I said, a friend of Paige’s, is a friend of ours,” Adam replied.

  “Adam always threw the best parties in college. It’s good to know some things never change,” Paige said.

  “This is actually the first party we’ve thrown in a while. I’ve been so busy at the hotel. Twelve hour work days don’t exactly lend themselves to partying,” Adam joked.

  “They sure don’t,” Lily grumbled.

  That was a strange comment to make, especially in front of a relative stranger like Chloe. Usually, people wanted to put their best face forward when it came to meeting new people. Apparently, Lily was too frustrated to bother doing that.

  Adam countered his wife’s complaint. “Working those long hours pay the bills.”

  Paige seemed to be in no hurry to let that topic die. Instead, she blurted out her own question on the subject. “Twelve hour work days? How do you make your marriage work when you’re gone that much?”

  Chloe was so relieved that Paige asked that question instead of her. To be fair, Chloe was thinking that exact thing, but having just met Adam and Lily, it seemed rude to blurt out such a question. Paige meanwhile felt comfortable enough to fire away.

  Adam and Lily were slow to answer. They both looked uncomfortable in their skin. Who knew that question would tie their tongues so much?

  Finally, Adam tried to put a good face on the situation. “You find a way.”

  “Although it’s not always easy,” Lily replied.

  “But it’s worth it in the end. Right dear?” Adam added.

  Lily smiled. “Of course.”

  That was one of the most forced smiles Chloe had ever seen. Chloe had no idea what kind of troubles they were having in their marriage, but they were having a hard time hiding them.

  The awkward tension returned, much to everyone’s chagrin.

  This time, it was Lily who broke the silence. “It’s funny that you brought up the parties Adam used to throw because this will be the last one for a while.”

  Chloe and Paige were both curious as to why, but secretly Chloe worried the reason was because the couple was on the verge of breaking up. She hoped she was wrong of course, but the feeling in her gut was only getting stronger.

  Once again, Paige’s curiosity got the best of her. “Why is that?”

  Lily put her hand on her belly. “Because we’ll be too busy being parents to throw parties.”

  Now it was abundantly clear why Lily didn’t have a drink in her hand, yet was chowing down like crazy. She was pregnant. That should have been cause for celebration.

  Adam appeared anything but thrilled at that moment. He leaned over and whispered to his wife. “I thought we weren’t going to tell anyone yet?”

  She whispered back. “That’s what you decided.”

  While Adam and Lily did their awkward verbal tango, Paige and Chloe were more focused on the fact that there was a baby on the way.

  “Congratulations,” Chloe said.

  “Yeah. Although I have to admit, I’m really surprised. You’re not showing at all,” Paige said.

  “I know what you mean. You’re in better shape than I am, and I’m not even the least bit pregnant,” Chloe joked.

  “We just found out yesterday,” Lily revealed.

  “You must be thrilled,” Paige said.

  Suddenly, Lily and Adam’s moods changed. This time, Lily was the one with excitement in her voice while Adam looked tense.

  Lily nodded. “It’s been a long time coming.”

  “But it finally happened,” Adam added.

  “What a relief too. I was worried this moment would never come, and now here it is,” Lily beamed.

  Adam looked eager to deflect. “There’s plenty to celebrate all around. Speaking of, you did a wonderful job tonight Paige. You should be really proud.”

  Paige was taken aback at such an abrupt change in the subject. It seemed to come completely out of left field.

  Just as Paige opened her mouth to answer, Adam’s attention shifted across the room to a new party guest that Chloe had not seen before.

  “You’ve got to be kidding me,” Adam groused.

  Paige turned around, curious as to what Adam was so upset about.

  Chloe apparently was the only one in the dark. “What’s the matter?”

  Adam groaned. “My no-good brother is here.”

  Chapter Four

  The name of Adam’s brother was Ryan Foster, and he had bad boy written all over him. Other than the similarities in their faces, everything else was different about the brothers. While Adam was clean cut and on the straight and narrow, Ryan looked like a rock star. His arms were covered in tattoos, which complimented his long, shaggy hair, and a full beard.

  Ryan didn’t just have a show-stopping look. The minute the party guests noticed him, Ryan became the center of attention. It appeared to be for all the wrong reasons. Warm smiles and welcoming glances were non-existent. Everyone just glared and looked uneasy. Chloe didn’t know why everyone hated him, but it was clear they did.

  Even Paige wasn’t immune to that. Chloe’s friend was cheery and well-mannered ninety-nine percent of the time. Ryan was apparently the exception to the rule.

  Chloe couldn’t help but be curious what Ryan had done to earn some widespread disdain. She’d have to wait until later to find that out. Right now, Ryan appeared determined to make a new enemy.

  Since arriving at the party, Ryan made a beeline for Sasha Irwin. Chloe recognized Sasha as the host of a popular children’s television show called “ABC’s, Yes Please.” Sasha had a family-friendly, girl next door quality about her that made her the perfect choice to host a children’s show. With shoulder-length brown hair, hazel eyes, lean figure, and a pleasing smile, she was very approachable. However, Sasha looked in no mood to be approached by Ryan.

  They were having a heated discussion, one that Chloe was too far away to hear the details of. Judging by body language alone, Sasha wanted to say some very family unfriendly things to Ryan.

  Adam Foster looked eager to break up their conversation and kick his brother out.

  “Excuse me for a second,” he said.

  Adam then left Lily, Paige and Chloe behind as he darted towards his brother. The ladies couldn’t resist drawing nearer to listen in on the confrontation.


  When Adam reached his brother, he immediately began chewing him out.

  “Get out of here,” Adam barked.

  Ryan turned to his brother and didn’t back down. He went toe to toe with Adam, looking ready to brawl.

  “This is none of your business,” Ryan said.

  “This is my house. I warned you never to come back here.”

  “You don’t scare me, Adam.”

  Adam glared. “I should.”

  “I’m here on business.”

  “You’re business is done. Now get out of here.”

  Ryan ignored his brother and stared Sasha down.

  “You have until the morning,” Ryan threatened.

  “I heard you the first time,” Sasha snapped.

  “Don’t think for a second that I won’t release those pictures to the press. I’ll ruin you if I have to,” Ryan insisted.

  Sasha looked like she was on the verge of having a meltdown.

  “You’re evil.” She ran off as tears started to form in her eyes.

  Adam gave his brother a shove. “Up to your old tricks again, huh? You never learn. Now for the last time, get out of here.”

  Ryan clenched his fists like he was about to take a swing at Adam.

  Just then, Ryan heard a familiar voice.

  “Ryan, we need to leave now!” Olivia Ellerby declared.

turned and looked surprised to see Olivia. She was in her early thirties with a full-figured body. Her black hair was pulled back into a ponytail as panic came to her face.

  Olivia wasn’t the only who was distressed. Lily Foster couldn’t stop looking at Olivia, although Lily’s stare was full of frustration. After a moment, Lily left Chloe and Paige’s side and approached Olivia.

  Meanwhile, on the other side of the room, Ryan got upset with Olivia.

  “I told you to stay in the car,” he barked.

  Olivia tried to explain herself. “I saw Eric’s car parked down the street. I think he followed us over here.”

  Ryan’s face went white.

  By that point, Lily Foster had reached the group.

  “Olivia, so you’re back together with Ryan then, huh?” Lily asked.

  Olivia shot Lily a glare. “No thanks to you.”

  Adam turned to his wife with anger in his eyes. “Why do you care if they’re back together?”

  “I don’t,” Lily said.

  Adam didn’t believe that for a second.

  As Lily turned her attention to Ryan Foster, it became clear to everyone just how much she was lying.

  Olivia pulled Ryan in close, then glared at Olivia.

  “Ryan and I are very happy together,” Olivia insisted.

  Olivia had her arm around Ryan, but her boyfriend’s eyes were squarely on Lily.

  That made Adam Foster blow his top. “For the last time, get out of here.”

  Adam shoved his brother again. Ryan pushed Adam right back.

  With Lily standing right beside Adam, Ryan’s shove not only put Adam on his heels but Lily as well.

  In a moment of panic, Adam saw his wife almost knocked over. Adam grabbed Lily before she fell backward. He then immediately teed off on Ryan.

  “How dare you almost knock over my pregnant wife?” Adam scowled.

  Both Ryan and Olivia’s faces went white. There were almost at a loss for words.

  Ryan managed to get out just one word. “Pregnant?”

  Adam nodded. “That’s right. Now I’m saying this for the last time—get out of here.”


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