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Page 4

by April Winters

  My legs wobbled, and I melted into him. I wrapped my arms around his neck and met him kiss for kiss.

  He pulled his lips away from mine and looked down into my eyes. "You're perfect; you know that?" I almost laughed. Me? Perfect? Not a chance. It felt nice to hear him say it though. His thumb brushed across my lower lip. "You have no idea how long we've waited for you." Staring at me with a wonder—filled gaze, he tightened his arms around my back. "Feels like I've been searching forever, and now you're here. I don't even know where to start with you."

  My throat felt raw, my chest tight. "You can start by telling me what that means." I managed to say. "I'm so confused, Jason. I don't know why I feel the way I do with you, with Devon"—I closed my eyes—"with Eric. It doesn't make any sense to me. Asking you to kiss me minutes after Devon did should feel wrong, but it—"

  "… doesn't." He finished my sentence, cutting me off.

  "It doesn't," I replied, my thumbs grazing over his stubble covered jaw.

  His fingers wrapped around my wrists. After kissing my knuckles, he placed my hands on his chest. "Come home with us." I started to shake my head, but he continued, cutting me off before I could open my mouth to object. "Come home with us. Spend time with us. We won't force you to do anything you don't want too"—he crossed his fingers—"scouts honor." His smile grew. "Let us make you dinner while you take a bath. The master suite has a huge Jacuzzi tub that I know you'll love."

  One side of my mouth quirked up in a smile. "Only under one condition."

  He nuzzled the side of my face with his nose. "Name it."

  "I want bubbles. Lots and lots of bubbles."

  Jason laughed, and it was a beautiful sound. "Done. I'm fairly certain Devon has enough bubble bath to last a year, so I'm sure he'll let you have a bottle or two."

  I arched a brow. "Devon has bubble bath?"

  Again, Jason laughed. "Yeah"—he shook his head back and forth—"don't even ask."

  Playfully poking my finger into his chest, I said, "I won't ask"—I paused—"for now."

  He opened his mouth to reply but snapped it shut when Devon shouted, "Room's packed. Let's go!"

  Jason growled. "Fucking, shithead. His manners are no better than a dogs." Opening the bathroom door, Jason kept his hold on my wrist. Come on, princess. Let Devon pack up the bathroom. It's time to go home."

  "Okay." I hesitantly nodded. "Let's go."

  Chapter Six


  I stood next to the front door, my back leaned against the wall.

  Hands shoved in my pockets, I watched Ava as she took in our house—soon to be her home—for the first time. Gliding her delicate fingers over the back of the leather sectional that sat in the middle of the open living room, she looked around the room, her eyes wide with appreciation. I smiled. I'd never given a shit what anyone else thought about the house that my brothers and I had designed and built ourselves because I wasn't one to care about another person's opinions.

  Ava's though? I cared about hers a hell of a lot.

  Not to mention, we'd built this house for her. We may not have known who she was yet, but we designed the two—story log cabin with her and the family we'd eventually have, in mind.

  Standing across the room, their backs against different walls, Eric and Jason mirrored my stance as they watched Ava intently. Eric's face was pinched, and he looked like he was holding his breath as he waited for her to speak. Jason though? He looked proud as hell. Confident, even. Which he should've been. Our house was beautiful. There was no way she wouldn't love it.

  Ava's sparkling blue eyes met mine over her shoulder. "This place is beautiful."

  Again, I smiled. "I know."

  She rolled her eyes before sinking her teeth into her bottom lip. My cock hardened. It was such a simple move, but it drove me nuts with need. I wanted to bite that lip, wanted to suck on it before devouring every inch of her mouth.

  I inhaled sharply as the memory of Ava's unique taste raced through my mind. I licked my lower lip. Her sweet smell still clung to my skin, and it was driving me crazy, wreaking havoc on my mind.

  I wanted her. Needed her.

  I fucking craved her.

  "Ava, beautiful," Jason said from across the room, pulling her attention from me to him. "What do you want for dinner?" He lifted his chin in the air; his eyes were glued to her plump lips just like mine had been. "We can cook you something, or we can order take—out."

  Ava's eyes widened. She looked shocked; taken aback. "Uh," she replied, hesitantly. "I'm not sure." Crossing her arms over her chest, she dropped her gaze to the floor and fidgeted. My brows furrowed at the move. She seemed nervous, on edge. "It's up to you guys. I'm fine with whatever."

  That answer wasn't going to work for me. Ava may not know a lot about me or the dynamic she was about to find herself in, but there were one or two things she needed to learn quickly. "Ava, darlin'," I said as I walked toward her, closing the gap between us. Reaching her, I cupped her jaw in my hands and tilted her face up to meet mine. The fiery intensity I'd glimpsed earlier in my office was gone. In its place was a look of unsureness. I didn't like it. Not a single bit. "When Jason says that it's up to you, he literally means it's up to you." I paused, letting my words sink in. "Now tell us, what do you want to eat?" Again, she hesitated, so I tightened my hold on her. I'd never hurt her, but she needed to know that I wouldn't back down. If this dynamic between all three of us was going to work, we needed to be able to communicate. If Ava couldn't tell us what she wanted to eat, I feared she wouldn't tell us other, more important stuff. "Tell me." My voice was firm.

  It was the exact push she needed. Internally, I smiled when I realized that she responded well to my domineering ass.

  More proof that she's perfect.

  I loosened my hold on her jaw, making my touch softer. She leaned into it. Her eyes slid closed. "I really don't care, Devon." Hearing her speak my name sent chills racing down my spine. "As long as I'm here with you guys, I don't care."

  I believed her. Not wanting her to push her more than I already had, I looked at Jason. "You want to order pizza."

  He nodded. "Yeah, I'll call them." His eyes found Ava's. "Any special requests?"

  Smiling, he shook her head. "I'm not picky. As long as it isn't covered in anchovies, I'll eat it."

  Eric chuckled, and Jason winked at her. "No anchovies. Got it." Pulling his phone out of his pocket, he tapped on the screen and put it to his ear before walking out of the room.

  Ava placed her hands on my stomach. My abs contracted at the touch. Again, she bit her bottom lip. "Jason lured me here with the promise of a bubble bath." She arched a brow. "Are you going to deliver?"

  Teasing little shit.

  Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Eric fidgeting. He was the only one who hadn't gotten to spend a moment or two alone with Ava yet; well, except for the brief moment that he glimpsed her in the parking lot, and I knew he was about to come out of his skin to spend some one—on—one time with her.

  I turned my head and looked at him. "You want to take Ava upstairs? Show her to the master suite?"

  I didn't want to send her away with him, but if this was going to work, I had to learn to compromise. Like Jason said earlier, Ava was theirs too. Like me, they'd known it the moment they first saw her. Much as I wanted too, I couldn't hog all her time.

  Eric immediately crossed the room. He didn't even bother to reply to my question. Taking Ava's hand in his, he pulled her toward him. "Come on, baby. I'll take you upstairs."

  Ava blushed at his words. Then, she nodded. "Okay."

  Before he could pull her away from me, I slid my index finger under her chin and lifted her face to meet mine. I swiped my lips across hers once before pressing my face into the side of her neck. Inhaling, I pulled her scent into my lungs. She trembled against me. "I'll see you when you're done."

  Her hands slid back to my abs where she traced her fingertips along my heated skin. "Okay," she replied again. "See you when
I'm done." She took a step back, pulling away from me. Her tilted to the side and she stared up at me with curious eyes. A small smile played on her lips. Before I realized what she was doing, she raised up on her tiptoes and pressed a light kiss to my jaw.

  So sweet.

  Touching me one last time, she turned to the side and looked at Eric. He wasted no time in pulling her toward the stairs. "Take care of her, shithead," I barked at him.

  Without looking back, he flipped me off over his shoulder.

  I couldn't do anything but laugh.

  Fucking dick.

  Chapter Seven


  I was sitting chin deep in a hot bath full of silky bubbles when Eric tapped on the bathroom door. "Ava, baby, I'm gonna go get your stuff out of the truck. I'll leave it on the bed so you can get dressed if you ever come out."

  Smiling at the amusement in his tone, I replied, "Thanks, Eric."

  The sound of his retreating footsteps was the only reply I received.

  Lifting my hands out of the water, I stared down at my pruned hands and fingers. I frowned. Realizing it was probably time for me to get out, I sat up straight, unplugged the top and stood up. Turning on the faucet, I rinsed the bubbles free from my skin and grabbed a towel from the heated towel rack next to the tub.

  Stepping out of the bath, I wrapped the towel around me and opened the bathroom door. I stepped into the master bedroom right as Eric walked thru the door carrying both of my small suitcases. His brows were furrowed, and the lines of his face were tight. Worry immediately raced thru me at the sight. "You okay?" I asked, crossing the room to stand in front of him.

  He jerked his head down once in a quick nod. "Yeah, baby, I'm fine." The way he called me baby made my heart flutter. "It's just"—he looked down at my worn luggage—"did Devon get everything? Or did he leave some stuff behind at the hotel?"

  Embarrassment flooded my veins. I took a step back. "No," I replied quietly. "That's everything." Forcing a smile, I looked over his shoulder toward the door. I wasn't surprised to find Jason standing there, a look I couldn't read plastered on his face. "I don't have a lot of stuff."

  Jason's jaw clenched, and Eric looked at me with pity—filled eyes. My back immediately straightened. Pressing a hand to his chest, I said, "Please don't do that." Before he could ask what I was talking about, I continued, "Don't pity me. Enough people have already done that. I don't need you to do it too."

  Wrapping an arm around my lower back, he pulled me into him. My chest met his abs. "We're going to talk about that." I opened my mouth to respond, but he kept speaking. "I want to know everything about you, baby. The good, the bad, and the ugly."

  Closing my eyes, I shook my head. "I'm not sure I can tell you everything you want to know." My chest tightened, and a lump formed in the base of my throat. "I came here to start over, to find a fresh start. I don't know how I feel about rehashing the things that I left back in Texas."

  "Ava, baby—"

  "Shut up, shithead," Jason barked, stepping into the room. "She'll tell us when she's ready." He aimed a bright smile my way. "Right, beautiful?"

  I ignored his question—one which I refused to answer.

  My past is my past. Behind me is where it belongs.

  Needing to change the subject fast, I pointed at my luggage. "Can I have those now?" I asked as sweetly as I could.

  Eric nodded before setting my bags on the bed behind me. I expected him to turn around and leave, but he didn't. Instead, he slid his hands into his pockets and continued to stare at me.

  My gaze bounced to Jason, who was still standing ten or so feet away. His eyes dropped to the white towel I had wrapped around my body before meeting mine again. He arched a brow and quirked a smile. "Have mercy on me, beautiful." Licking his lower lip, he took a step forward. "Please," he asked, still moving toward me. "Let me help you."

  He reached for my towel, but I smacked his hand away before he had a chance to latch onto it. "What are you doing?" I shrieked, trying to continue the laughter that threatened to erupt from my lips. "Are you nuts?"

  I probably should've been pissed as his suggestion combined with his attempt to snatch my towel, but I wasn't. For some unknown reason, it amused me. Deep in my heart, I knew he wouldn't do anything I didn't want him too. I mean, if he or his brothers intended me harm they'd had ample opportunity. Clearly, they weren't ax murdering rapists.

  Jason growled. "Nuts for you maybe."

  I rolled my eyes. "Yeah, you're crazy." Spinning around, I unzipped my duffle. "You haven't known me long to be nuts for me." Turning my head, I looked at him over my shoulder. "But give me a week or two." I winked at him. "Then we'll see."

  It was Eric's turn to smile. "Does that mean you plan on staying a week or two?"

  I shrugged. "I don't know." My words were quiet, unsure. I still didn't know what the heck I'd gotten myself into. It was what it was though. The way I looked at it, staying with the Stone brothers was probably safer—and less frustrating—than living out a sleazy, rundown motel.

  Jason shook his head as if reading my mind. "You're not going anywhere." He took another step in my direction. "I'll make sure of that."

  Spinning back around, I gripped the top of the towel in my fist. "Oh yeah? And what are you going to do?" I felt brave, almost cocky as I stared up into his beautiful eyes. The golden flecks scattered throughout his irises were fascinating. "Lock me in a closet?"

  He shook his head slowly before leaning down. His face was mere inches from mine when he said, "Nah, beautiful, I was thinking more along the lines of tying you to the bed."

  My heart stopped beating. I narrowed my eyes. "I ought to smack you right across your pretty face for saying that." I jutted out my chin and tried my best to glare menacingly at him. I'm sure I failed miserably. "Don't you know tying someone to the bed causes injury? You're supposed to use handcuffs. That way there's no rope burn."

  Jason's jaw dropped, and a bark of laughter erupted from Eric's chest. "Holy fuck," the latter yelled. "I can't believe she just said that."

  I can't believe it either.

  Jason looked impressed. "Handcuffs got it." He stood straight before running his fingertip down the side of my face. "Wouldn't want to hurt you." His face dipped, and his lips found mine. I moaned against his mouth as he kissed me softly. My eyes slid shut. Jason broke the kiss, and I whimpered in protest. "Never going to hurt you, princess. And no one else will either."

  He took a step back, and I immediately regretted the loss of his body heat. "Want us to leave you alone? Let you get dressed?"

  Did I want them to leave me alone? No, I didn't.

  I wasn't sure what that said about me, but I didn't care either. I'd only know the Stone brothers a short time, but they made me feel things that I'd never felt before.

  Lust. Passion. Comfort.

  "Don't go." My eyes were still closed, so I didn't see either of their reactions. "I mean, you don't have to…"

  The room fell silent.

  "Well," Eric said. "Are you going to get dressed, baby? Or are you going to wear a towel to dinner? I'm fine with either one." His teasing tone didn't go unnoticed.

  Feeling brave for once, I grabbed the top of the towel in my hand. "Maybe I'll just go naked." I didn't give either of them a chance to speak before ripping the soft cotton away from my body and dropping it to the floor.

  Eric sucked in a breath and Jason groaned—again. After tossing a smile in both of their directions, I turned on my heel and started to rummage through my duffle bag.

  I can't believe I just did that!

  My skin flushed as heat radiated through my body—starting at the top of my head and radiating to the tips of my toes. I'd just grabbed a pair of panties and a bra when a gruff voice said, "Turn around, Ava."

  Unable to ignore the command, I turned around. My eyes found Devon's who was standing in the doorway. I expected him to look at my chest at the very least, but he didn't. Instead, his eyes held mine as he demanded, "drop t
he panties and bra." I dropped them immediately. "Now get on the bed."

  My mouth parted slightly, and I took a quick breath.

  Ignoring his brothers, he moved into the room. "Remember what I told you back at the hotel?" I nodded as he crossed his strong arms over his chest. "Then move, darlin'."

  Before I could stop myself, I turned around and climbed onto the bed.

  "Get in the middle and lay on your back." I did. "Good girl. Now put your hands above your head."

  "Oh God," I whispered to myself as I positioned my arms above my head.

  Wide—eyed, I watched as Jason moved to the far left side of the bed. Eric moved to the right side next and Devon slowly walked to the end of the bed. His gaze never once left mine. From his position, he looked at me through half—lidded eyes. "Spread your legs." When I didn't move fast enough, he barked, "Now." His tone probably should've scared me, but it didn't. Instead, it turned me on, causing heat to pool between my legs.

  Jason's calloused hand landed on my lower belly. "You're so fucking beautiful, Ava."

  Eric's hand landed on my upper thigh. His long fingers were dangerously close to my center. "You've got that right." Moving his thumb, he gently caressed my skin.

  "Ava," Devon said, "look at me, baby."

  Lifting my head, I did as he asked. "Do you want this?" Momentarily pausing, he wrapped a single hand around my right ankle. "Do you want us?" His hold was firm yet gentle. "Because if you let us have you, we won't let you leave." Jason's hand slid up my belly before stopping right below my breast. My nipple hardened to the point of my pain. "Once we claim you, you are ours. From now until we all die."

  "I don't…" I swallowed around the lump in my throat as my chest rose and fell in rapid succession. "I don't know what you mean." And I didn't. "What do you mean, claim me?"

  Devon nodded once before placing a knee on the mattress and climbing onto the bed. His big body hovered over mine. Moving his elbows to the sides of my head, he dropped his chest, caging me in. "From the moment we first saw you, all three of us knew that you were ours." He dropped his head and pressed a kiss to my collarbone. "And deep down, you know it too." Another kiss. "That's why you didn't hesitate to bare your body to all three of us." Despite the position Devon and I were in, Jason's hand slid higher until he was cupping my breast. I shuddered at the feel of him touching me so intimately. "Say the words, darlin'. Say you want us. All of us."


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