Outlaw Road (A MC Romance)

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Outlaw Road (A MC Romance) Page 2

by Flite, Nora

  I shook my head and appealed to Wrex and the others. “Is he always so temperamental?” They still had their guns trained on me. “First he wants to fuck me, then he wants to kill me. How bout this?” I slowly placed my gun on the table, removing my leather jacket. Finally, I revealed my vest that had been hidden up to this point.

  A series of resigned groans went around the table as each biker read the patches sewn into the leather, seeing the colors I was flying. They began to lower their guns.

  “How about I take my money, and a rain check on you sucking my fat cock?” I winked at Jerry, who scowled at me. The joviality bled from my demeanor as I turned to face each other man in turn. “And maybe I don't tell my club, one of the biggest MCs in the country, that the Road Devils are getting a little long in the tooth and might just need to be put down. Yeah?”

  Wrex and the others holstered their pistols. “Just get the fuck out of here,” he said, looking away. He knew my threat wasn't an idle one. They'd lost, I won. That was the end of it.

  Well, almost the end of it.

  I still had one win left.

  “When I'm good and ready.” I drained the rest of my beer, stuffed the pile of cash into my pocket, and grabbed my jacket as I left the table. “Something I gotta take care of first.”

  The bar's only bathroom was a small one, the door in a far corner. I pushed it open, peering inside. Tash leaned over the freestanding metal sink, applying lipstick and eyeshadow in the remaining mounted triangle of glass that hadn't been broken off. It served as the room's only mirror.

  The checkered, black and white pattern that ran up the walls was a continuation of the same cracked tiles that covered most of the floor. It would've had an old-timey carnival look to it if everything wasn't discolored from age, graffiti and blood stains.

  “That was fucking incredible back there.” Tash batted her violet rimmed eyes at me over her shoulder, arching her back. The motion pushed her chest and ass out, revealing all of her smooth, milky midriff. She was in the perfect position to be taken from behind. My lower stomach tightened at the sight of it, I could feel my cock starting to bulge.

  I ignored her long enough to lock the door, but when I turned back she was on top of me, her arms draping themselves over my shoulders. I grabbed a fistful of the V-shaped leather below her neckline, thumbing the top button of her halter top open before jerking her toward me into what she thought would be a kiss. I bit her bottom lip instead. She gasped sharply, a thrill of pain shivering through her.

  Just as abruptly, I released her lip and held her in front of me to look into those now vibrant, green eyes. She opened her mouth, but couldn't find any words. Tash had no idea what was about to happen. I could see it in her eyes that she wanted anything and everything I could give her.

  I shoved her backwards into the bathroom's one doorless stall. She clipped the sidewall and flopped onto the toilet seat unceremoniously. Her lips peeled back into a voracious grin, she was too turned on to stay seated for long.

  “Stay,” I demanded, tossing my jacket and vest to hang on either side of the stall wall. Tash leaned back against the cistern and pouted.

  Moving away, I slid out of her view. Blocked by the thin wall between us, I slipped off my boot and shoved most of the money I'd won inside, the rest I kept in my wallet. Living on the razor's edge means preparing for the worst. I'd been called reckless before, but never stupid.

  “Ronin...” Tash whined. I took another second and listened. I loved hearing my name called out in desperation.

  When I rounded the barrier, Tash had a hand working slow circles in her unbuttoned shorts. She grasped me by the waistband and pulled herself toward me. She had my cock out in one quick scoop.

  “Eager girl... I take it you're a virgin?” I chuckled. I was enjoying the sight of my thick cock in her small, stroking hand. In the few remaining, not burnt out florescent lights, her skin was pale enough that I could easily spot the raw pink dots on her arm. One was very recent, she must have shot up right before I walked in. There were only a few others, she must have started using recently.

  It was probably Wrex that had introduced the drugs to her. I should've stayed and fucked with him more, that slimy prick, I thought bitterly. I'd always been good at reading people. Knowing that this girl was on the cusp of a spiral soured my mood.

  In this violent world, drug use was something I came across; not a lot, but frequent enough to make my old needle marks itch.

  Tash beamed obliviously, she lived in the moment. Like countless other hang-arounds, she struck me as a girl bored with normal life, someone looking for an escape; whether that was running off with a biker gang, drugs, or random sex in a bathroom with a complete stranger. She was a girl adrift in the shifting current, completely at the whim of any force that would move her.

  Part of me wanted to help her, but who was I kidding? I was no hero, just another drifter prick looking to get my rocks off until the day that it all blew up in my face.

  “We don't have much time,” she playfully scolded, continuing to stroke me.

  “No one ever does.” My ominous tone tarnished Tash's excitement. She looked up at me cautiously, her hand slowing. I reeled my thoughts into the immediate and forced myself back into control with a shark-toothed grin. I reminded myself that I was transient; just a fun, dirty mistake in the making, that's all. “Did I tell you to stop? We have until I say we have.”

  Her face lit back up. Introspective or not, with a cute girl's warm hand zealously working my dick, it didn't take much to finish hardening. She knew how to squeeze in all the right places. Tash was definitely no virgin. It'd only been a few days since I'd last gotten my cock wet, but standing there before those big, painted lips, it felt like a goddamn eternity.

  Her bare knees dropped to the filthy, wet floor. I didn't know if it was just the drugs, but this girl was wild. She took the full length of my stiff shaft into her mouth. If she hadn't, with the way she was teasing me, I'd probably have rammed it down her throat myself.

  I love blow jobs. Stupidly obvious, of course, but it was something about the tongue creating slick suction, tickling the tip of the head. A girl good with her tongue could make me fucking melt, and Tash certainly knew her way around a cock.

  I ripped myself out of her mouth. Any longer and she'd have milked me like a cow. Every fuck is unique, I didn't want to come until I at least tried out the rest of her.

  I grabbed her by her halter top and dragged her back to her feet. “Aren't you worried?” she asked deviously, loving the danger of where we were.

  Popping open the remaining buttons on her shirt, I jerked her bra downwards. “About what?” I asked, burying my face into her small breasts, sucking and nibbling. She moaned when my other hand grabbed her roughly. My fingertips found their way across her puffy nipple and pinched, pulling it away from her. I freed a condom from my back pocket and placed it in her hand. “Put this on.”

  “For real?” she asked, biting the edge of the package and tearing the side off in one motion. My eyebrows told her I was serious. She spat the packaging on the floor, then clarified. “No, not about the condom. I mean, there's a bar full of angry bikers out there and you're in their bathroom fucking their Pres's old lady. And that's after you fucked them out of a bunch of money. I've seen them do much worse for far less.”

  Tash pulled at the slippery latex enough to pinch the end, then unrolled it down my shaft. When it was firmly on she squeezed my cock, roughly pulling it against her with a smile.

  I pushed my hand into her thong, then slipped two fingers into the soft folds of her smooth, wet pussy. I looked into her widening eyes. With feigned concern I asked her, “Have you now?”

  Tash moaned, letting her head fall on my chest for stability. I slowed my curling fingers just enough to make her body rock slightly. When the subtle rocking turned into bucking, I pulled out and rubbed the nub of her clit.

  “How can you be so calm?” She cooed the words out between breathy moans.
I rubbed her pussy until I could feel that she was close, then I abruptly stopped. Tash immediately started to protest, but with a quick spin and push, I had her bent over the cistern. She had to throw her hands up to keep from face planting into the wall.

  Cock in hand, I rubbed the tip along her inner thighs, threatening to plunge in at any second. Her legs quivered when my thumbs peeled her ass cheeks back. She whined and pushed her hips into me but I held her unmercifully still.

  The lights above us flickered; there was a continuous, low pitched ambient hum that echoed off the walls and the whole room reeked, but it didn't matter. Staring down the barrel of certain death and not blinking, two-grand in my pocket and the radiating heat of tight pussy hovering over my cock... In this moment, I was more alive than most people would ever experience in their entire life.

  This was my win, my happy ending, the reason I got up in the morning.

  I savored every second I could.

  My body throbbed for her warm, wet decadence. I pushed into her, that first glorious thrust, goddamn... her pussy, slick and eager, was the closest to heaven I'd ever get.

  “Yeah, yeah!” she cried out.

  Once I started, I couldn't get enough. From the second her knees hit that filthy tile, I knew that Tash liked it dirty. Bashful is about the only damn thing I've never been called. I fucked that girl so hard and fast that she had to hug the porcelain just to hang on.

  “Fuck!” Tash ripped the tank cover off its cradle. The sheet of porcelain toppled and smashed, sending debris sprawling. She rattled out commands almost incoherently. “More! Harder! Don't Stop!”

  I slapped her ass in rapid succession, I could care less what she was saying. Tash's cunt crushed my cock as her hips twisted and pumped against me. This girl was a fucking hurricane and I loved it.

  Her muffled wailing melted into a series of grunts. I must have pushed in on every part of her. She began rotating her hips with my thrusts, craving more. Tash grabbed at herself and thrummed wildly. Her lower back vibrated as she came, an explosion that rocked her body.

  I was on her heels, the pressure of her warm spasms too much to handle. I hunched over her, filling the condom as I twitched. I wondered if the aftershocks would ever stop.

  Sighing, I pulled out and leaned against the wall; my defiant cock stood triumphantly erect. Tash crumbled, half sitting, half lying on the shut toilet seat. This girl did not give the remotest of fucks, she was all about what felt good in the moment and that was all. I envied her in that regard.

  “Jesus, that was fucking amazing,” Tash exclaimed through heavy breathing. Once she figured out how to use her legs again, she found the ground and stood up. Walking by me, she stopped, squeezing my engorged shaft. “Mmm,” she moaned.

  “If you want more, all you have to do is say please,” I teased, grabbing her ass and pulling her into me.

  “I need to walk out of here, not be carried.” She unhanded me and pushed herself away. You never knew what to expect with junkies. I could tell that Tash was at stage just prior to serious addiction, when every touch felt incredible. A part of me would always miss that. It was like your skin was made of fireworks and nothing was ever wrong.

  That stage is criminally short. Everything else; time, money, connections, all of it is spent on getting it back. That was the cruelest joke of all; the experience you desperately wanted to recreate was gone forever.

  “You should leave first. Don't want your old man to catch you crawling out of here.” Besides, I wanted a minute alone to clean up for the ride.

  “Sure thing.” Tash finished wiping herself down and pulled her top back up, buttoning it. She slapped her own ass, admired herself in the mirror, then turned back to ask me, “How much did you win?”

  “Enough to know that I probably outstayed my welcome.” I used a bunch of paper towels to clean my cock off, then flushed it all with the condom.

  Tash winked and blew me a kiss on her way out. “Thanks for the dick, stranger.”

  I nodded distantly in reply. I couldn't help but catch sight of those damn track marks in the nook of her left arm. In five seconds I'd never see this girl again. Tash wasn't my problem.

  She'd cease to exist the second that door shut behind her.

  “Hey.” I grabbed her arm, stopping her from leaving. I ran a thumb over her fresh pink needle dots, letting the bravado that I wore like armor lower for just a moment. “From one junkie to another... Don't go down that rabbit hole. The further you go, the harder it is to climb back out. There's only empty darkness at the bottom, trust me on that.”

  Tash's eyes lowered. “Yeah...” She pulled her arm away and covered the marks with her other hand. “Thanks.”

  She shouldered the door open, then was gone.

  I sighed, zipping and buttoning my pants. I threw my coat on and splashed some water on my face to clear my head. I looked up, catching my wet, tired face in the sliver of a mirror. I was only twenty-eight, but goddamn, did I feel a hell of a lot older at that moment.

  “Life goes on,” I said to my reflection. “Until it doesn’t,” it replied back.

  It took me another minute to tear myself away from my own demons. Eventually I collected myself enough to push the bathroom door open. The bar had mostly cleared out by then, save the Road Devils who were probably the ones to do the actual clearing. They stopped talking amongst themselves once they saw me.

  I was hoping to catch another glimpse of Tash on the way out, just to see if it looked like what I'd said had sunk in or not. She wasn't anywhere that I could see. I guess it doesn't matter though. In the end, she'll just do whatever hurts less, I thought somberly. And why not? Hell, that's how I've lived.

  I'd been off that shit for years but really, I'd just traded one addiction for another.

  I tapped my forehead in a casual salute to the pissed off bikers, thanking them for a fun night. As a final fuck you, I threw on my vest, this time over the outside of my jacket. After that, all they could do was fume and watch me walk out.

  I had a lot on my mind when I hit the pavement outside, but the crisp Massachusetts' air didn't care. It brushed me, catching me off guard with how chilly it had become since I'd arrived a few hours earlier. The early fall evening enveloped me, hugging me like an angry old friend. The scent of recent rainfall, decaying foliage and spilled motor oil filled my nose. The dark sky was clouded over.

  I walked toward my bike, catching a flash of hidden lightning in the distance. It touched down somewhere a few miles out, lazily followed by booming thunder. I slowed to light a cigarette, knowing I wouldn't be able to enjoy it for long before the rain came back with a vengeance. I could feel it through the bullet fragment lodged in my shoulder. The healed-over bones always ached when a storm was coming.

  In a way, what happened next was my own damn fault. I'd spent so much time worrying about my enemies that I foolishly hadn't been worrying about my friends.

  The brick to the back of my head brought me to my knees. I still had a buzz on from all the booze, which was probably the only thing that kept me conscious.

  “Give me the fucking money!”

  Even dazed, I immediately put it together that it was Tash's voice. She was waiting for me outside, that's why I didn't see her at the table with the other bikers. Smart girl.

  I turned to see if she was alone. She was. Then, in my stupor, I searched for my fallen cigarette. I couldn't find it. A hard rain was coming, and all I wanted was one last smoke before it crashed down.

  “Give it to me or I swear to god, I'll bash your fucking brains in!” She thrust forward just to pull away again; keeping the brick raised, ready for another strike.

  Through my fog, I couldn't help but notice that it was such a beautiful night out. Brisk and clean. I turned over so my ass was more firmly seated on the blacktop. The world still spun around me, but I d been thrown from my bike enough to know that the feeling would eventually fade.

  “Do it!” she screamed, dropping the brick and pulling out a gun
. It was a tiny thing, maybe a twenty-two caliber pistol. Not much stopping power, but it would certainly ruin my day. Why was she in such a rush? It wasn't like I was going anywhere.

  My head finally started to clear, I realized that she wasn't sent by Wrex for some sort of indirect revenge. This was all Tash, and she didn't want to get caught. All junkies were opportunists. Well, who was I to delay her? I pulled out my wallet, folding all the cash as I held it up. “This is a bad idea, Tash.”

  “I'm the one with the fucking gun! Put the money on the ground. What? You think that because we fucked and shared some happy junkie moment, that we're friends?”

  Being reckless, stealing, arson, murder; all that shit I could handle. It was shit like this, letting my guard down and giving a damn...

  That's what really got me into trouble.

  “If you take this money, it'll kill you.”

  “Are you fucking serious? You're going to threaten me?” Tash racked her pistol. A perfectly good, live round popped out of the ejection port on the top of the gun. She probably saw on TV that cocking a gun is what you do when you want to raise the tension, or show that you mean business. All it does in real life is just waste a round and make you look foolish. She'd obviously never fired a gun before.

  Tash looked worried for a moment, like she wasn't sure if it would spontaneously fire, but she soldiered through and re-aimed the gun back at me. I lightly shook my throbbing head in amused disbelief, damn near laughing out loud at how absurd it would be if this was how I went out; accidentally gunned down by a junkie in a parking lot.

  I tossed the wad of money on the ground by her feet, confident that, as stressed and hurried as he was, she wouldn't take the time to count it. Then I laid back on the cold pavement and looked up at the night sky.

  Tash snatched up the cash, got in her car and disappeared from my world. She had no parting words for me. She'd thought I'd been threatening her. Funny thing is, it was a warning.


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